Thatsgreat2345 Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 it takes a lil while because it has to wait for it to light up and everything , idk why people complain when it gives them only a 1% chance of ban where the others are like 80%, but if its to slow for you why dont you just open like 10 of them?
ReapeR890 Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 oh yeah good idea thanks the only reason it annoyed me was because it did 28 clicks in 1hr 20
JoshDB Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Nice bot. Good job on the script Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite
Mulawin Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 woah thanks for this newly made thing i like it New Owner of this AU account
Brahma Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Sorry but when i execute the recruiter i receive this error Line 97(File "C:\Autorecuiter\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3"): $IEFormObj= _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObjecty,1) $IEFormObj = ^ERROR Error: Unknown function name. The IE.au3 is in the same directory and the autit is: autoit-v3.2.1.2 Can anyone help me. I am a niubby
cppman Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Nice one (have'nt tried it, but i believe you it works lol). If only this were available to me when i played dt a long time ago. Miva OS Project
Brahma Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Nice one (have'nt tried it, but i believe you it works lol).If only this were available to me when i played dt a long time ago. any suggestion?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted September 11, 2006 Moderators Posted September 11, 2006 (edited) any suggestion? Copy the output pane at the bottom of SciTe when you run it (the entire thing) then paste it here. Edited September 11, 2006 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Brahma Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 Copy the output pane at the bottom of SciTe when you run it (the entire thing) then paste it here. this is the error that i have when i press f5 in scitech >"C:\Autorecruiter\SciTe\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Autorecruiter\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3" C:\Autorecruiter\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3 (97) : ==> Unknown function name.: $IEFormObj = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $IEFormObj = ^ ERROR >Exit code: 0 Time: 37.462 And this is the script : ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: : DarkThrone AutoRecruiter ; Parameter(s): : Options: "bank" or "armory" ; Requirement: : IE.au3 library and beta ; Author(s): : Michael Guynn (greenmachine) ; Note(s): : © Michael Guynn, February 2006 ; ;=============================================================================== ; Also deposits gold into the bank, and buys defensive weaponry and miners ; Offense weapons (best deals of all items): ; long sword base price: 300000 (+1500 offense) => 200 gold:off ratio quantity[5] ; great sword base price: 350000 (+1800 off.) => 194.4444 gold:off ratio quantity[6] ; Defense weapons (best deals of all items): ; long bow base price: 300000 (+1500 defense) => 200 gold:def ratio quantity[19] ; great bow base price: 350000 (+1800 defense) => 194.4444 gold:def ratio quantity[20] ; Each Citizen -> base guard = +6 def., costs 1500 gold => 250 gold:def ratio ; Each base guard -> trained guard = +54 def., costs 10000 gold => 185.185 gold:def ratio ; Each Citizen -> base guard -> trained guard = +60 def, costs 11500 => 191.6666 gold:def ratio ; ; "levels" for use with above calculations: all %s are added/subtracted from base price/number ; search source for <td class="box_content" align="center"> -> number % is immediately after ; ; Find per-turn and daily income. ; your gold per turn is xxx,xxx,xxx.<br> ; Your daily income is xxx,xxx,xxx.<br> ;~ What are the race and subclass bonuses? ;~ Humans: +5% offense bonus, Great Sword (unique offense weapon) ;~ Elves: +5% intelligence bonus (spy offense/spy defense), Elite Archer (unique defense unit) ;~ Goblins: +5% defense bonus, Great Bow (unique defense weapon) ;~ Undead: casualty bonus (more information below), Berserker (unique offense unit) ;~ Fighter: +5% offense bonus ;~ Cleric: +5% defense bonus ;~ Thief: +5% intelligence bonus (spy defense and spy offense) ;~ Assassin: +5% income bonus ; pass decrypt _StringEncrypt (0, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2) HotKeySet ("{ESC}", "pauseme") HotKeySet ("!s", "WriteSource") HotKeySet ("!q", "quitme") #include <string.au3> #include <ie.au3> Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Global $Cursor, $Pause = 0, $Option = "", $AccountUserNumber = 0 Global $DarkThroneRecruiterINI = "DarkThroneRecruiter.ini" If Not FileExists ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI) Then $AccountEmail = InputBox ("Create INI 1 of 3", "Account Email Address") $AccountPassword = InputBox ("Create INI 2 of 3", "Account Password") $AccountMainClass = InputBox ("Create INI 3 of 3", "Main Class (race) - Human, Elf, Goblin, Undead") $AccountPassword = _StringEncrypt (1, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "[Account Info]") FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Email=" & $AccountEmail) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Password=" & $AccountPassword) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "MainClass=" & StringUpper ($AccountMainClass)) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "UserNumber=") Else $AccountEmail = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "Email", "") $AccountPassword = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "Password", "") $AccountMainClass = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "MainClass", "") $AccountUserNumber = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "UserNumber", 0) EndIf If $AccountEmail = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Email Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit ElseIf $AccountPassword = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Password Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit ElseIf $AccountMainClass = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Main Class Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit EndIf $IEObject = _IECreate (1) ;~ WinSetState ("Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MINIMIZE) ;~ TrayTip ("Dark Throne Recruiter Running", "The window flash you just saw is perfectly normal." & @CRLF & _ ;~ "The Recruiter has to open and minimize a window." & @CRLF & "There is no need to be alarmed.", 1) If $CmdLine[0] >= 1 Then $Option = $CmdLine[1] EndIf _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) Sleep (500) _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) Sleep (500) $IEFormObj = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $IEFormElementEmail = _IEFormElementGetObjByIndex ($IEFormObj, 1) $IEFormElementPassword = _IEFormElementGetObjByIndex ($IEFormObj, 2) _IEFormElementSetValue ($IEFormElementEmail, $AccountEmail) _IEFormElementSetValue ($IEFormElementPassword, _StringEncrypt (0, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2)) $SubmitButtonSource = "templates/notloggedin/images/buttons/submit.gif" $oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection (_IEDocumentGetObj ($IEObject), "input") For $oInput In $oInputs If $oInput.src <> "" And StringInStr ($oInput.src, $SubmitButtonSource, 0) Then $ ExitLoop EndIf Next _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) If $AccountUserNumber = 0 Then $AccountUserNumber = GetUserNumber() IniWrite ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "UserNumber", $AccountUserNumber) EndIf If $Option = "" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) Sleep (500) _IEClickImg ($IEObject, "Start Recruiting", "alt") _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) Sleep (500) While 1 If _IEFormGetCount ($IEObject) > 0 Then _IEFormSubmit (_IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 0)) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) Else $BodyHTML = _IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject) If StringInStr ($BodyHTML, "You have already clicked the maximum number of members for today", 0) Then ExitLoop Else If _IEClickLinkByText ($IEObject, "here") = 0 Then _IEAction ($IEObject, "refresh") EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd EndIf If $Option = "armory" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $GoldAmount = GetGold() $IEFormObjectArmory = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) If $AccountMainClass = "GOBLIN" Then $QuantityXXObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectArmory, "quantity[20]") _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityXXObj, Int ($GoldAmount/350000)) ; using base price for now Else $QuantityXXObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectArmory, "quantity[19]") _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityXXObj, Int ($GoldAmount/300000)) ; using base price for now EndIf _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjectArmory) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $GoldAmount = GetGold() If $GoldAmount >= 100000 Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $IEFormObjectTraining = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $QuantityMinersObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectTraining, "quantity[2]") ; miners at 2000 a pop If $GoldAmount >= 200000 Then _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityMinersObj, 100) Else _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityMinersObj, 50) EndIf _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjectTraining) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) EndIf ElseIf $Option = "bank" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $IEFormObjDeposit = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) If _IEFormElementGetValue (_IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjDeposit, "deposit")) > 0 Then _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjDeposit) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) EndIf EndIf _IENavigate ($IEObject, "" & $AccountUserNumber, 1) WinClose ("Internet Explorer") Exit Func GetGold() $GoldSplit = StringSplit (_IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject), "Gold: ", 1) $GoldSplit = StringSplit ($GoldSplit[2], "<br>", 1) Return StringReplace ($GoldSplit[1], ",", "") EndFunc Func GetUserNumber() $UserNumberSplit = StringSplit (_IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject), '<a href="/logout.dt?session=&user=', 1) $UserNumberSplit = StringSplit ($UserNumberSplit[2], '">', 1) Return $UserNumberSplit[1] EndFunc Func WriteSource() FileWrite ("RecruiterSource" & @MIN & @SEC & ".txt", _IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject)) EndFunc While 1 Sleep (1000) WEnd Func pauseme() If $Pause = 0 Then $Pause = 1 While 1 TrayTip ("Paused", "The Recruiter is Paused." & @CRLF & "Press ESC to unpause or Alt+q to quit.", 1) Sleep (5000) If $Pause = 0 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ElseIf $Pause = 1 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) $Pause = 0 Return EndIf EndFunc Func quitme() Exit EndFunc
Thatsgreat2345 Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 when this code was written it was using the old IE.au3 v1.0 , since then the function _IEFormGetObjByIndex has been removed , ill rewrite the code later this is the error that i have when i press f5 in scitech >"C:\Autorecruiter\SciTe\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Autorecruiter\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3" C:\Autorecruiter\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3 (97) : ==> Unknown function name.: $IEFormObj = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $IEFormObj = ^ ERROR >Exit code: 0 Time: 37.462 And this is the script : ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: : DarkThrone AutoRecruiter ; Parameter(s): : Options: "bank" or "armory" ; Requirement: : IE.au3 library and beta ; Author(s): : Michael Guynn (greenmachine) ; Note(s): : © Michael Guynn, February 2006 ; ;=============================================================================== ; Also deposits gold into the bank, and buys defensive weaponry and miners ; Offense weapons (best deals of all items): ; long sword base price: 300000 (+1500 offense) => 200 gold:off ratio quantity[5] ; great sword base price: 350000 (+1800 off.) => 194.4444 gold:off ratio quantity[6] ; Defense weapons (best deals of all items): ; long bow base price: 300000 (+1500 defense) => 200 gold:def ratio quantity[19] ; great bow base price: 350000 (+1800 defense) => 194.4444 gold:def ratio quantity[20] ; Each Citizen -> base guard = +6 def., costs 1500 gold => 250 gold:def ratio ; Each base guard -> trained guard = +54 def., costs 10000 gold => 185.185 gold:def ratio ; Each Citizen -> base guard -> trained guard = +60 def, costs 11500 => 191.6666 gold:def ratio ; ; "levels" for use with above calculations: all %s are added/subtracted from base price/number ; search source for <td class="box_content" align="center"> -> number % is immediately after ; ; Find per-turn and daily income. ; your gold per turn is xxx,xxx,xxx.<br> ; Your daily income is xxx,xxx,xxx.<br> ;~ What are the race and subclass bonuses? ;~ Humans: +5% offense bonus, Great Sword (unique offense weapon) ;~ Elves: +5% intelligence bonus (spy offense/spy defense), Elite Archer (unique defense unit) ;~ Goblins: +5% defense bonus, Great Bow (unique defense weapon) ;~ Undead: casualty bonus (more information below), Berserker (unique offense unit) ;~ Fighter: +5% offense bonus ;~ Cleric: +5% defense bonus ;~ Thief: +5% intelligence bonus (spy defense and spy offense) ;~ Assassin: +5% income bonus ; pass decrypt _StringEncrypt (0, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2) HotKeySet ("{ESC}", "pauseme") HotKeySet ("!s", "WriteSource") HotKeySet ("!q", "quitme") #include <string.au3> #include <ie.au3> Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Global $Cursor, $Pause = 0, $Option = "", $AccountUserNumber = 0 Global $DarkThroneRecruiterINI = "DarkThroneRecruiter.ini" If Not FileExists ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI) Then $AccountEmail = InputBox ("Create INI 1 of 3", "Account Email Address") $AccountPassword = InputBox ("Create INI 2 of 3", "Account Password") $AccountMainClass = InputBox ("Create INI 3 of 3", "Main Class (race) - Human, Elf, Goblin, Undead") $AccountPassword = _StringEncrypt (1, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "[Account Info]") FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Email=" & $AccountEmail) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Password=" & $AccountPassword) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "MainClass=" & StringUpper ($AccountMainClass)) FileWriteLine ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "UserNumber=") Else $AccountEmail = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "Email", "") $AccountPassword = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "Password", "") $AccountMainClass = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "MainClass", "") $AccountUserNumber = IniRead ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "UserNumber", 0) EndIf If $AccountEmail = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Email Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit ElseIf $AccountPassword = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Password Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit ElseIf $AccountMainClass = "" Then MsgBox (0, "Error", "No Main Class Specified. Please Fix INI") Exit EndIf $IEObject = _IECreate (1) ;~ WinSetState ("Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MINIMIZE) ;~ TrayTip ("Dark Throne Recruiter Running", "The window flash you just saw is perfectly normal." & @CRLF & _ ;~ "The Recruiter has to open and minimize a window." & @CRLF & "There is no need to be alarmed.", 1) If $CmdLine[0] >= 1 Then $Option = $CmdLine[1] EndIf _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) Sleep (500) _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) Sleep (500) $IEFormObj = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $IEFormElementEmail = _IEFormElementGetObjByIndex ($IEFormObj, 1) $IEFormElementPassword = _IEFormElementGetObjByIndex ($IEFormObj, 2) _IEFormElementSetValue ($IEFormElementEmail, $AccountEmail) _IEFormElementSetValue ($IEFormElementPassword, _StringEncrypt (0, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail), 2)) $SubmitButtonSource = "templates/notloggedin/images/buttons/submit.gif" $oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection (_IEDocumentGetObj ($IEObject), "input") For $oInput In $oInputs If $oInput.src <> "" And StringInStr ($oInput.src, $SubmitButtonSource, 0) Then $ ExitLoop EndIf Next _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) If $AccountUserNumber = 0 Then $AccountUserNumber = GetUserNumber() IniWrite ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "UserNumber", $AccountUserNumber) EndIf If $Option = "" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) Sleep (500) _IEClickImg ($IEObject, "Start Recruiting", "alt") _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) Sleep (500) While 1 If _IEFormGetCount ($IEObject) > 0 Then _IEFormSubmit (_IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 0)) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) Else $BodyHTML = _IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject) If StringInStr ($BodyHTML, "You have already clicked the maximum number of members for today", 0) Then ExitLoop Else If _IEClickLinkByText ($IEObject, "here") = 0 Then _IEAction ($IEObject, "refresh") EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd EndIf If $Option = "armory" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $GoldAmount = GetGold() $IEFormObjectArmory = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) If $AccountMainClass = "GOBLIN" Then $QuantityXXObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectArmory, "quantity[20]") _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityXXObj, Int ($GoldAmount/350000)) ; using base price for now Else $QuantityXXObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectArmory, "quantity[19]") _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityXXObj, Int ($GoldAmount/300000)) ; using base price for now EndIf _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjectArmory) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $GoldAmount = GetGold() If $GoldAmount >= 100000 Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $IEFormObjectTraining = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $QuantityMinersObj = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjectTraining, "quantity[2]") ; miners at 2000 a pop If $GoldAmount >= 200000 Then _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityMinersObj, 100) Else _IEFormElementSetValue ($QuantityMinersObj, 50) EndIf _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjectTraining) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) EndIf ElseIf $Option = "bank" Then _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) $IEFormObjDeposit = _IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) If _IEFormElementGetValue (_IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObjDeposit, "deposit")) > 0 Then _IEFormSubmit ($IEFormObjDeposit) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) EndIf EndIf _IENavigate ($IEObject, "" & $AccountUserNumber, 1) WinClose ("Internet Explorer") Exit Func GetGold() $GoldSplit = StringSplit (_IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject), "Gold: ", 1) $GoldSplit = StringSplit ($GoldSplit[2], "<br>", 1) Return StringReplace ($GoldSplit[1], ",", "") EndFunc Func GetUserNumber() $UserNumberSplit = StringSplit (_IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject), '<a href="/logout.dt?session=&user=', 1) $UserNumberSplit = StringSplit ($UserNumberSplit[2], '">', 1) Return $UserNumberSplit[1] EndFunc Func WriteSource() FileWrite ("RecruiterSource" & @MIN & @SEC & ".txt", _IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject)) EndFunc While 1 Sleep (1000) WEnd Func pauseme() If $Pause = 0 Then $Pause = 1 While 1 TrayTip ("Paused", "The Recruiter is Paused." & @CRLF & "Press ESC to unpause or Alt+q to quit.", 1) Sleep (5000) If $Pause = 0 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ElseIf $Pause = 1 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) $Pause = 0 Return EndIf EndFunc Func quitme() Exit EndFunc
Brahma Posted September 13, 2006 Posted September 13, 2006 (edited) when this code was written it was using the old IE.au3 v1.0 , since then the function _IEFormGetObjByIndex has been removed , ill rewrite the code laterthank you for the answer. Where i can found the new code version? I am not a programmer Edited September 13, 2006 by Brahma
bobrianto Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 ie.au3 has gone through many modification lately. this script wont work properly anymore. one more thing, _IEFormSumit won't probably work. since the page contain js that responce to on event click (if i'm not mistaken). i've been working on the script last nite, but.... /me n00bie not time to test the script
exhaust Posted September 29, 2006 Posted September 29, 2006 hey guyz ... they introduced a damn AD now ... called DragonFable.. and because of that, the page doesn't load succesfully ,the status bar showing .. "(1 item remaining) Opening page http://pagead2.googlesyndication......." could you make the script to continue clicking ? plsss thanks in advance.
rafnex Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 hi newbie here....i've been able to modify the script to work using the new version of IE.au3...pardon me tho coz its my first time to use AutoIt...tried it and works fine but this just for the AUTOCLICKER... below is just a modification of the threadstarter's work: ;~ auto-login $IEFormObj = _IEFormGetCollection ($IEObject, 1) $decPass = _StringEncrypt (0, $AccountPassword, _StringReverse ($AccountEmail),2) $email = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObj,"email") $email.value = $AccountEmail $pass = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($IEFormObj,"password") $pass.value = $decPass _IEFormImageClick ($IEObject, "submit.gif", "src") _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) ;~ end auto-login ;~ ========================================================================================== If $AccountUserNumber = 0 Then $AccountUserNumber = GetUserNumber() IniWrite ($DarkThroneRecruiterINI, "Account Info", "UserNumber", $AccountUserNumber) EndIf _IENavigate ($IEObject, "", 1) Sleep (500) _IEImgClick ($IEObject, "Start Recruiting", "alt") _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 50) Sleep (500) While 1 If _IEFormGetCollection ($IEObject) > 0 Then _IEFormSubmit (_IEFormGetCollection ($IEObject, 0)) _IELoadWait ($IEObject, 100) Sleep (500) Else $BodyHTML = _IEBodyReadHTML ($IEObject) If StringInStr ($BodyHTML, "You have already clicked the maximum number of members for today", 0) Then MsgBox(0,"done","Autoclicker finished!") ExitLoop Else If _IELinkClickByText ($IEObject, "here") = 0 Then _IEAction ($IEObject, "refresh") EndIf EndIf EndIf WEndDTautoclick.au3
exhaust Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 could somebody please tell me how can i make the other options of the program work? (the armory and the bank) Tnx in advance!
jjman Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 how do i use it in darkthrone becasue i really want to use it I noticed many posts recently about the game DarkThrone, and every time the user wanted an AutoRecruiter script. Well, it seemed like a fun idea, and so I signed up for the game and made one. I started off with pixel searching and checking and actual mouse clicking, but I really don't like that method. I had a little bit of IE stuff in it in the first place, but not nearly enough. So I started converting the whole thing to using IE functions so it would be more reliable. Here is the result. A solid DarkThrone AutoRecruiter. Features: - Uses IE.au3, so "clicks" are accurate, and basically it just makes the whole job easier. - Logs in automatically, goes to the recruit portion, recruits, and then logs out. - Minimal user interaction required (only for the first run - three input boxes to create the INI) Special: - Start the program with the command parameter "bank" (no quotes) to store money in the bank after the recruit. - Start the program with the command parameter "armory" (no quotes) to buy defensive weapons and, with the change, buy quantities of 50 miners (50 or 100). Future Plans: - Logging useful data (Income (per turn and total), Total cash, quantities of trained citizens in each category, etc) - Buying other weapons/armor, including spy equipment - Training citizens to become something other than miners (with options) - Buy upgrades? - Attack? (If so, it's going to be incredibly tough to work out) - Clicking your own link (with that crazy image to process)? Caution: - There might be something a little weird with my recruiting, I think clicking the link "here" by text (on the error page) might be unreliable. Please let me know what you think, and especially if anything unexpected happens. DarkThroneRecruiter.au3
jjman Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 how does it work dude i wanna USE IT NOW LOL I noticed many posts recently about the game DarkThrone, and every time the user wanted an AutoRecruiter script. Well, it seemed like a fun idea, and so I signed up for the game and made one. I started off with pixel searching and checking and actual mouse clicking, but I really don't like that method. I had a little bit of IE stuff in it in the first place, but not nearly enough. So I started converting the whole thing to using IE functions so it would be more reliable. Here is the result. A solid DarkThrone AutoRecruiter. Features: - Uses IE.au3, so "clicks" are accurate, and basically it just makes the whole job easier. - Logs in automatically, goes to the recruit portion, recruits, and then logs out. - Minimal user interaction required (only for the first run - three input boxes to create the INI) Special: - Start the program with the command parameter "bank" (no quotes) to store money in the bank after the recruit. - Start the program with the command parameter "armory" (no quotes) to buy defensive weapons and, with the change, buy quantities of 50 miners (50 or 100). Future Plans: - Logging useful data (Income (per turn and total), Total cash, quantities of trained citizens in each category, etc) - Buying other weapons/armor, including spy equipment - Training citizens to become something other than miners (with options) - Buy upgrades? - Attack? (If so, it's going to be incredibly tough to work out) - Clicking your own link (with that crazy image to process)? Caution: - There might be something a little weird with my recruiting, I think clicking the link "here" by text (on the error page) might be unreliable. Please let me know what you think, and especially if anything unexpected happens. DarkThroneRecruiter.au3
BladeRo Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 please explain me how to use this how to make this to work ...please help me :-s
WBMouu Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I got this error when i try use this: AutoIt Error Line 97 (File "E:\Program Files\AutoIt3\DarkThroneRecruiter.au3") $IEFormObj = IEFormGetObjByIndex ($IEObject, 1) $IEFormObj = ^ERROR Error: Unknown function name.
PencilPusher Posted December 19, 2008 Posted December 19, 2008 I do relize that this topic died, but i decided to make my own auto recruiter thats takes a little more effort. I used Green Machines script as a guide and this is what i came up with.. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $pic $pos = MouseGetPos() $Wait = Random(800,817) $start = 0 $quitme = 0 $color = PixelGetColor($pos[0], $pos[1]) $Pause = 0 $automater = GUICreate("DarkThrone Automater", 368, 217, -1, -1) GUISetIcon("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Icons\filetype-blank.ico") $GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 1, 265, 209, -1, $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) $New = GUICtrlCreateTab(8, 8, 257, 193) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) $helptab = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Help") $Help = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 40, 225, 145) GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringFormat("Help:\r\n\r\nHot Keys__\r\nPress F1 To Start Recruiting. \r\n - ( Make Sure your on the button! )\r\n\r\nPress F2 To Pause and Unpause.")) $abouttab = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("About") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Darkthrone Automater", 154, 42, 108, 17, $WS_GROUP) $version = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version 1.0b", 154, 66, 63, 17, $WS_GROUP) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Comments", 18, 114, 53, 17, $WS_GROUP) $coments = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 136, 225, 49) GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringFormat("This was made because I was tired of \r\nclicking that stupid recruit button.")) $Image1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("./head.jpg", 31, 35, 73, 73) $futuretabe = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Future") $FF = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Future Features", 24, 40, 78, 17) $Futurefeatures = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 32, 64, 217, 113) GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringFormat(": Auto Login\r\n: XP Calcuator\r\n: Money Calculator")) $caltab = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Calander") $MonthCal1 = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal("2008/05/18", 16, 32, 241, 161) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Info", 280, 8, 81, 97) $coordlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Cordinants", 288, 25, 54, 17) $position = GUICtrlCreateLabel("" & $pos[0] & ", " & $pos[1], 296, 48, 165, 17) $colorlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Color", 288, 64, 28, 17) $colorhex = GUICtrlCreateLabel("" & Hex($color,6), 296, 80, 114, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) HotKeySet("{F1}","Recruit") HotKeySet("{ESC}","quitme") HotKeySet("{F2}","pauseme") main();this runs main function. func main() Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() get_data() Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() endfunc ;a function to update the data if the new data is different. Func get_data() $pos2 = MouseGetPos() $color2 = PixelGetColor($pos2[0], $pos2[1]) If($pos[0] <> $pos2[0] or $pos[1] <> $pos2[1]) Then $pos = $pos2 GUICtrlSetData($position, "" & $pos[0] & ", " & $pos[1]) EndIf If($color <> $color2) Then $color = $color2 GUICtrlSetData($colorhex, "" & Hex($color,6)) EndIf EndFunc Func Recruit() If $start = 0 Then $start = 1 While 1 do Sleep( $Wait ) MouseClick("left", $pos[0],$pos[1], 2);recruiting until $quitme = 1 WEnd EndIf EndFunc Func pauseme() If $Pause = 0 Then $Pause = 1 While 1 TrayTip ("Paused", "The Recruiter is Paused." & @CRLF & "Press ESC to Quit or F2 to Unpause.", 1) Sleep (5000) If $Pause = 0 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ElseIf $Pause = 1 Then TrayTip ("", "", 1) $Pause = 0 Return EndIf EndFunc Func quitme() If $quitme = 0 Then $quitme = 1 While 1 MsgBox (0, "Quit", "You are now quiting the Companion, Thank you for using it.") Exit WEnd EndIf EndFunc [center]Visit My bit of web space.[/center]
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