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What causes an AutoIt app to "beep"

Go to solution Solved by Dan_555,

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I have developed a GUI that allows me to navigate through small icon-like images on the screen using arrow keys. The "current" selected image is indicated by a transparent square graphic that I move according to the arrows pressed and is used to "frame" the image.  It behaves as I expect but... on some moves of the square graphic a sound is emitted suggesting an error, notification or some other windows event but it's clearly being caused by my app.

Under what circumstances is such a sound emitted please and how can I avoid it? I have a loop that executes when any arrow key is pressed to prevent it triggering multiple unintended moves and I have a feeling it has something to do with that - perhaps the app is being deemed to be "busy" in some context.

Any help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.


  • Solution
Posted (edited)

I had that problem while programming the chip 8 emulator.

Basically whenever a button has focus and you press a key that does do nothing, a warning sound is played.

If you open the windows 10 sound settings at the top right hand side there will be a related setting: "Sound Control Panel"

There click on sounds and in program events search the default beep. It is this sound that plays.

(or open the commandline or press Win R and launch mmsys.cpl )


Edited by Dan_555

Some of my script sourcecode


Thank you both.

Dan 555 - you have hit the nail on the head thank you very much. It is indeed connected with focus so, in that knowledge, I can now find a solution or, at worst, change the default beep to silent.

Werty - I learned something thank you. Having read the help, I think I have to avoid the suggested EventMode route because I need the app to loop in order to trigger  timer based events but thank you nevertheless.

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