Davidyese Posted Wednesday at 08:39 AM Posted Wednesday at 08:39 AM (edited) Please i want to correct my code to be able to save spesific languages in download links without repetition and in a correct easy way here is my code : #NoTrayIcon #include <Array.au3> Global $aGoodLatestx64 $x64SAPValue = "301" $aTarget = "sap-x64-301.exe|sap-x64-301ar.exe|sap-x64-301am.exe|sap-x64-301az.exe|sap-x64-301bg.exe|sap-x64-301ca.exe|sap-x64-301sc.exe|sap-x64-301tc.exe|sap-x64-301cro.exe|sap-x64-301cz.exe|sap-x64-301dk.exe|sap-x64-301nl.exe|sap-x64-301eu.exe|sap-x64-301fi.exe|sap-x64-301fr.exe|sap-x64-301gl.exe|sap-x64-301d.exe|sap-x64-301el.exe|sap-x64-301he.exe|sap-x64-301hu.exe|sap-x64-301id.exe|sap-x64-301it.exe|sap-x64-301jp.exe|sap-x64-301kr.exe|sap-x64-301lt.exe|sap-x64-301mn.exe|sap-x64-301no.exe|sap-x64-301pl.exe|sap-x64-301pt.exe|sap-x64-301br.exe|sap-x64-301ro.exe|sap-x64-301ru.exe|sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe|sap-x64-301sk.exe|sap-x64-301slv.exe|sap-x64-301es.exe|sap-x64-301sw.exe|sap-x64-301th.exe|sap-x64-301tr.exe|sap-x64-301uk.exe|sap-x64-301vn.exe" $afiles = StringSplit($aTarget, "|", 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($afiles) - 1 $aSAPLocals = "ar|en|fr|d|ru|es|it|tr" ; >>> I want to Save links with those Languages only without repitition and accurately $Langfiles = StringSplit($aSAPLocals, "|", 2) For $ix = 0 To UBound($Langfiles) - 1 $aSAPLngs = $Langfiles[$ix] If StringInStr($afiles[$i], $aSAPLngs) Then $aGoodLatestx64 &= 'https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-' & $x64SAPValue & $aSAPLngs & '.exe' & @CRLF EndIf Next Next Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & '\Down_Links.txt', 2) FileWrite($hFileOpen, "SAP x64" & @CRLF) FileWrite($hFileOpen, $aGoodLatestx64) FileClose($hFileOpen) Problems : 1- my code save links with spesific languages but there is repetion 2- my code didn't save the first one >>> sap-x64-301.exe which represent the english languages (there is no letter en to represent english ... only empty before .exe) Requirements : 1- correction to save all links in spesific languages only without repitition 2- save the english one if could be Thanks in advance to all contributers and big masters Edited Wednesday at 08:48 AM by Davidyese
SOLVE-SMART Posted Wednesday at 12:46 PM Posted Wednesday at 12:46 PM (edited) Hi @Davidyese 👋 , the following is definitely not my best code, but I did not want to change your approach too much. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=y #include-once #include <Array.au3> _Main() Func _Main() Local Const $sSAPLocals = "ar|en|fr|d|ru|es|it|tr" Local Const $aLangfiles = StringSplit($sSAPLocals, "|", 2) Local Const $sTarget = "sap-x64-301.exe|sap-x64-301ar.exe|sap-x64-301am.exe|sap-x64-301az.exe|sap-x64-301bg.exe|sap-x64-301ca.exe|sap-x64-301sc.exe|sap-x64-301tc.exe|sap-x64-301cro.exe|sap-x64-301cz.exe|sap-x64-301dk.exe|sap-x64-301nl.exe|sap-x64-301eu.exe|sap-x64-301fi.exe|sap-x64-301fr.exe|sap-x64-301gl.exe|sap-x64-301d.exe|sap-x64-301el.exe|sap-x64-301he.exe|sap-x64-301hu.exe|sap-x64-301id.exe|sap-x64-301it.exe|sap-x64-301jp.exe|sap-x64-301kr.exe|sap-x64-301lt.exe|sap-x64-301mn.exe|sap-x64-301no.exe|sap-x64-301pl.exe|sap-x64-301pt.exe|sap-x64-301br.exe|sap-x64-301ro.exe|sap-x64-301ru.exe|sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe|sap-x64-301sk.exe|sap-x64-301slv.exe|sap-x64-301es.exe|sap-x64-301sw.exe|sap-x64-301th.exe|sap-x64-301tr.exe|sap-x64-301uk.exe|sap-x64-301vn.exe" Local Const $aFiles = StringSplit($sTarget, "|", 2) Local Const $sX64SAPValue = "301" Local $sSAPLngs Local $sGoodLatestx64 For $i = 0 To UBound($aFiles) - 1 For $ix = 0 To UBound($aLangfiles) - 1 $sSAPLngs = $aLangfiles[$ix] If StringInStr($aFiles[$i], $sX64SAPValue & '.exe') Then $sGoodLatestx64 &= 'https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-' & $sX64SAPValue & '.exe' & @CRLF EndIf If StringInStr($aFiles[$i], $sSAPLngs & '.exe') Then $sGoodLatestx64 &= 'https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-' & $sX64SAPValue & $sSAPLngs & '.exe' & @CRLF EndIf Next Next Local $sGoodLatestx64WithoutLastCRLF = StringTrimRight($sGoodLatestx64, 2) Local Const $aGoodLatestX64 = StringSplit($sGoodLatestx64WithoutLastCRLF, @CRLF, BitOr(1, 2)) Local $aUniqueList = _ArrayUnique($aGoodLatestX64) _ArraySort($aUniqueList) _ArrayDelete($aUniqueList, 0) $sGoodLatestx64 = _ArrayToString($aUniqueList, @CRLF) _WriteFile($sGoodLatestx64) EndFunc Func _WriteFile($sData) Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & '\Down_Links.txt', 2) FileWrite($hFileOpen, "SAP x64" & @CRLF) FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sData) FileClose($hFileOpen) EndFunc Output: SAP x64 https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301ar.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301d.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301es.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301fr.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301it.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301ru.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301tr.exe In case you want to avoid the long unreadable files string: Spoiler expandcollapse popupLocal Const $aFiles[] = _ [ _ 'sap-x64-301.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301am.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ar.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301az.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301bg.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301br.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ca.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301cro.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301cz.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301d.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301dk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301el.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301es.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301eu.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301fi.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301fr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301gl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301he.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301hu.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301id.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301it.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301jp.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301kr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301lt.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301mn.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301nl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301no.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301pl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301pt.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ro.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ru.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sc.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301slv.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sw.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301tc.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301th.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301tr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301uk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301vn.exe' _ ] It works, but it's not very flexible and also without error handling. If it's still okay for your goal, fine 🤝 . Best regards Sven Edited Wednesday at 01:35 PM by SOLVE-SMART Davidyese 1 Stay innovative! Spoiler 🌍 Au3Forums 🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet 📊 AutoIt limits/defaults 💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon) 🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects 🐞 False-Positives 🔮 Me on GitHub 💬 Opinion about new forum sub category 📑 UDF wiki list ✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets 📑 WebDriver FAQs 👨🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)
Solution Nine Posted Wednesday at 01:16 PM Solution Posted Wednesday at 01:16 PM (edited) Here my take with SRE : #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Local $sTarget = "sap-x64-301.exe|sap-x64-301ar.exe|sap-x64-301am.exe|sap-x64-301az.exe|sap-x64-301bg.exe|sap-x64-301ca.exe|sap-x64-301sc.exe|sap-x64-301tc.exe|sap-x64-301cro.exe|sap-x64-301cz.exe|sap-x64-301dk.exe|sap-x64-301nl.exe|sap-x64-301eu.exe|sap-x64-301fi.exe|sap-x64-301fr.exe|sap-x64-301gl.exe|sap-x64-301d.exe|sap-x64-301el.exe|sap-x64-301he.exe|sap-x64-301hu.exe|sap-x64-301id.exe|sap-x64-301it.exe|sap-x64-301jp.exe|sap-x64-301kr.exe|sap-x64-301lt.exe|sap-x64-301mn.exe|sap-x64-301no.exe|sap-x64-301pl.exe|sap-x64-301pt.exe|sap-x64-301br.exe|sap-x64-301ro.exe|sap-x64-301ru.exe|sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe|sap-x64-301sk.exe|sap-x64-301slv.exe|sap-x64-301es.exe|sap-x64-301sw.exe|sap-x64-301th.exe|sap-x64-301tr.exe|sap-x64-301uk.exe|sap-x64-301vn.exe" Local $aList = StringRegExp($sTarget, "sap-x64-301(?||ar|en|fr|d|ru|es|it|tr)\.exe", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) $aList = _ArrayUnique($aList, Default, Default, Default, $ARRAYUNIQUE_NOCOUNT) Local $hFile = FileOpen("Down_Links.txt", $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine($hFile, "SAP x64") For $sLink In $aList FileWriteLine($hFile, "https://www.sap.com/sap/" & $sLink) Next FileClose($hFile) I get also EN link. SAP x64 https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301ar.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301fr.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301d.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301it.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301ru.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301es.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301tr.exe Edited Wednesday at 01:31 PM by Nine better code SOLVE-SMART and Davidyese 2 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Debug Messages Monitor UDF Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
SOLVE-SMART Posted Wednesday at 01:41 PM Posted Wednesday at 01:41 PM 18 minutes ago, Nine said: I get also EN link. Thanks @Nine, I missed that one. I like your approach - it's basically the one I also had chosen. One little thing: Your URLs are not named like Davidyese want it to. @Davidyese: I adjusted my "solution". But let us know, are the created URLs valid? https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301fr.exe ==> can only be downloaded when you're signed in, right? Best regards Sven Davidyese 1 Stay innovative! Spoiler 🌍 Au3Forums 🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet 📊 AutoIt limits/defaults 💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon) 🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects 🐞 False-Positives 🔮 Me on GitHub 💬 Opinion about new forum sub category 📑 UDF wiki list ✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets 📑 WebDriver FAQs 👨🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)
Nine Posted Wednesday at 01:51 PM Posted Wednesday at 01:51 PM (edited) I did not think it was important, but if it is, OP can simply StringUpper the first 3 chars... Edited Wednesday at 01:51 PM by Nine “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Debug Messages Monitor UDF Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
SOLVE-SMART Posted Wednesday at 01:59 PM Posted Wednesday at 01:59 PM No, I mean this difference @Nine: My link: https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301fr.exe Your linK: https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301fr.exe I cannot test any of these, because I am not logged in (I will not create an account). I believe your link should be the right one, but the OP created the link differently (so I took this over). Whatever, who knows 😂 . Best regards Sven Davidyese 1 Stay innovative! Spoiler 🌍 Au3Forums 🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet 📊 AutoIt limits/defaults 💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon) 🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects 🐞 False-Positives 🔮 Me on GitHub 💬 Opinion about new forum sub category 📑 UDF wiki list ✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets 📑 WebDriver FAQs 👨🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)
Nine Posted Wednesday at 02:03 PM Posted Wednesday at 02:03 PM I see now. I believe OP can manage to change the links in the loop the way he wants it to. I know it is a very difficult task but it is feasible Davidyese and SOLVE-SMART 1 1 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Debug Messages Monitor UDF Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
Davidyese Posted Wednesday at 08:56 PM Author Posted Wednesday at 08:56 PM 8 hours ago, SOLVE-SMART said: Hi @Davidyese 👋 , the following is definitely not my best code, but I did not want to change your approach too much. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=y #include-once #include <Array.au3> _Main() Func _Main() Local Const $sSAPLocals = "ar|en|fr|d|ru|es|it|tr" Local Const $aLangfiles = StringSplit($sSAPLocals, "|", 2) Local Const $sTarget = "sap-x64-301.exe|sap-x64-301ar.exe|sap-x64-301am.exe|sap-x64-301az.exe|sap-x64-301bg.exe|sap-x64-301ca.exe|sap-x64-301sc.exe|sap-x64-301tc.exe|sap-x64-301cro.exe|sap-x64-301cz.exe|sap-x64-301dk.exe|sap-x64-301nl.exe|sap-x64-301eu.exe|sap-x64-301fi.exe|sap-x64-301fr.exe|sap-x64-301gl.exe|sap-x64-301d.exe|sap-x64-301el.exe|sap-x64-301he.exe|sap-x64-301hu.exe|sap-x64-301id.exe|sap-x64-301it.exe|sap-x64-301jp.exe|sap-x64-301kr.exe|sap-x64-301lt.exe|sap-x64-301mn.exe|sap-x64-301no.exe|sap-x64-301pl.exe|sap-x64-301pt.exe|sap-x64-301br.exe|sap-x64-301ro.exe|sap-x64-301ru.exe|sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe|sap-x64-301sk.exe|sap-x64-301slv.exe|sap-x64-301es.exe|sap-x64-301sw.exe|sap-x64-301th.exe|sap-x64-301tr.exe|sap-x64-301uk.exe|sap-x64-301vn.exe" Local Const $aFiles = StringSplit($sTarget, "|", 2) Local Const $sX64SAPValue = "301" Local $sSAPLngs Local $sGoodLatestx64 For $i = 0 To UBound($aFiles) - 1 For $ix = 0 To UBound($aLangfiles) - 1 $sSAPLngs = $aLangfiles[$ix] If StringInStr($aFiles[$i], $sX64SAPValue & '.exe') Then $sGoodLatestx64 &= 'https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-' & $sX64SAPValue & '.exe' & @CRLF EndIf If StringInStr($aFiles[$i], $sSAPLngs & '.exe') Then $sGoodLatestx64 &= 'https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-' & $sX64SAPValue & $sSAPLngs & '.exe' & @CRLF EndIf Next Next Local $sGoodLatestx64WithoutLastCRLF = StringTrimRight($sGoodLatestx64, 2) Local Const $aGoodLatestX64 = StringSplit($sGoodLatestx64WithoutLastCRLF, @CRLF, BitOr(1, 2)) Local $aUniqueList = _ArrayUnique($aGoodLatestX64) _ArraySort($aUniqueList) _ArrayDelete($aUniqueList, 0) $sGoodLatestx64 = _ArrayToString($aUniqueList, @CRLF) _WriteFile($sGoodLatestx64) EndFunc Func _WriteFile($sData) Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & '\Down_Links.txt', 2) FileWrite($hFileOpen, "SAP x64" & @CRLF) FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sData) FileClose($hFileOpen) EndFunc Output: SAP x64 https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301ar.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301d.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301es.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301fr.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301it.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301ru.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301tr.exe In case you want to avoid the long unreadable files string: Reveal hidden contents expandcollapse popupLocal Const $aFiles[] = _ [ _ 'sap-x64-301.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301am.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ar.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301az.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301bg.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301br.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ca.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301cro.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301cz.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301d.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301dk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301el.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301es.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301eu.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301fi.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301fr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301gl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301he.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301hu.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301id.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301it.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301jp.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301kr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301lt.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301mn.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301nl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301no.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301pl.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301pt.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ro.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301ru.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sc.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301slv.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301sw.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301tc.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301th.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301tr.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301uk.exe', _ 'sap-x64-301vn.exe' _ ] It works, but it's not very flexible and also without error handling. If it's still okay for your goal, fine 🤝 . Best regards Sven Thanks for your code but the code is not flexible and the code is something long, but usable for me and working
Davidyese Posted Wednesday at 09:02 PM Author Posted Wednesday at 09:02 PM 7 hours ago, Nine said: Here my take with SRE : #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Local $sTarget = "sap-x64-301.exe|sap-x64-301ar.exe|sap-x64-301am.exe|sap-x64-301az.exe|sap-x64-301bg.exe|sap-x64-301ca.exe|sap-x64-301sc.exe|sap-x64-301tc.exe|sap-x64-301cro.exe|sap-x64-301cz.exe|sap-x64-301dk.exe|sap-x64-301nl.exe|sap-x64-301eu.exe|sap-x64-301fi.exe|sap-x64-301fr.exe|sap-x64-301gl.exe|sap-x64-301d.exe|sap-x64-301el.exe|sap-x64-301he.exe|sap-x64-301hu.exe|sap-x64-301id.exe|sap-x64-301it.exe|sap-x64-301jp.exe|sap-x64-301kr.exe|sap-x64-301lt.exe|sap-x64-301mn.exe|sap-x64-301no.exe|sap-x64-301pl.exe|sap-x64-301pt.exe|sap-x64-301br.exe|sap-x64-301ro.exe|sap-x64-301ru.exe|sap-x64-301srbcyr.exe|sap-x64-301sk.exe|sap-x64-301slv.exe|sap-x64-301es.exe|sap-x64-301sw.exe|sap-x64-301th.exe|sap-x64-301tr.exe|sap-x64-301uk.exe|sap-x64-301vn.exe" Local $aList = StringRegExp($sTarget, "sap-x64-301(?||ar|en|fr|d|ru|es|it|tr)\.exe", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) $aList = _ArrayUnique($aList, Default, Default, Default, $ARRAYUNIQUE_NOCOUNT) Local $hFile = FileOpen("Down_Links.txt", $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine($hFile, "SAP x64") For $sLink In $aList FileWriteLine($hFile, "https://www.sap.com/sap/" & $sLink) Next FileClose($hFile) I get also EN link. SAP x64 https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301ar.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301fr.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301d.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301it.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301ru.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301es.exe https://www.sap.com/sap/sap-x64-301tr.exe Working , easy code and suitable for me. Thanks a lot for your help and this a good solution for me. By the way the links are imaginary links just to understand the code Nine 1
Davidyese Posted Thursday at 08:21 AM Author Posted Thursday at 08:21 AM 18 hours ago, SOLVE-SMART said: Thanks @Nine, I missed that one. I like your approach - it's basically the one I also had chosen. One little thing: Your URLs are not named like Davidyese want it to. @Davidyese: I adjusted my "solution". But let us know, are the created URLs valid? https://www.sap.com/sap/SAP-301fr.exe ==> can only be downloaded when you're signed in, right? Best regards Sven All links are imaginary to just understand the real code, your code is good and working nice and as you said it's not far from my code You added some parts which make the code working Thanks my dear SOLVE-SMART 1
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