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Posted (edited)


I have the following...first, the AddMe.reg file I am attempting to import:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"Third_Level"="The Third_Level data..."

Second, the script:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

$sResult = Run('REGEDIT /S "C:\Working\AddMe.reg"')
ConsoleWrite($sResult & @CRLF)

If $sResult = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS NOT imported successfully!")
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!")

The result: "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!"

However, this update to the filename also generates the same end result!!

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

$sResult = Run('REGEDIT /S "C:\Working\AddMe1.reg"') ; Changed the filename!
ConsoleWrite($sResult & @CRLF)

If $sResult = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS NOT imported successfully!")
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!")

Removing the /S shows that the import was NOT successful!!

How do I error check the above??

PS: Should I be error checking the result of "Run" [...which is what I thought that I was supported to be doing...] ...or to employ some "other" method?

Edited by mr-es335

An attempt...

; -----------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------
Func AddRegKey()
    RunWait('REGEDIT /S "C:\Working\AddMe.reg"')
EndFunc   ;==>AddRegKey
; -----------------------------------------------
Func DoesRegKeyExist()
    Local $sKeyname = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\First_Level"
    ; -----------------------------------------------
    RegRead($sKeyname, "")
    ; -----------------------------------------------
    If @error = 1 Then
        SplashTextOn("NOTICE!!", "The $sKeyname " & $sKeyname & " DOES NOT exist!", 800, 50, -1, -1)
        SplashTextOn("NOTICE!!", "The $sKeyname " & $sKeyname & " DOES exist!", 800, 50, -1, -1)
EndFunc   ;==>DoesRegKeyExist
; -----------------------------------------------

However, why is it that I am apparently unable to error check the result of the "Run" command?

Posted (edited)

I suggest to use functions provided by AutoIt as long as they do the job. AutoIt returns enough information to debug the script in case of an error.
Implementing external programs into your script is - most of the time - much harder and time consuming.

I had a quick look at your script and will post my reply as a quiz:

  • @error is set to 0 whenever a function is entered.
  • ConsoleWrite is a function
  • Can you find the error in your script?
Edited by water

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23 minutes ago, water said:

I suggest to use functions provided by AutoIt as long as they do the job. AutoIt returns enough information to debug the script in case of an error.
Implementing external programs into your script is - most of the time - much harder and time consuming.

I had a quick look at your script and will post my reply as a quiz:

  • @error is set to 0 whenever a function is entered.
  • ConsoleWrite is a function
  • Can you find the error in your script?

According to the help from ConsoleWrite:

The @error and @extended are not set on return leaving them as they were before calling. Usefull when debugging with the SciTE debugging output.

1 hour ago, mr-es335 said:
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

$sResult = Run('REGEDIT /S "C:\Working\AddMe1.reg"') ; Changed the filename!
ConsoleWrite($sResult & @CRLF)

If $sResult = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS NOT imported successfully!")
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!")

Change Run with RunWait and it will be okay.


Oops, my mistake! Consolewrite seems to be the famous exception to the rule ;)

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Posted (edited)


So, I did as yo suggested, however, when I say that I "Changed the filename!"...I meant that I changed the name in the script only...not the actual filename. The filename is still AddMe.reg.

Changing Run to RunWait still tells me that the import was successful?
• I DID notice however, that changing Run to RunWait does display what I believe to be the actual return code from Run!
• If this IS TRUE, then how do I check the return code from "Regedit"?

Wait a minute...

Return Value
Success: The exit code of the program that was run.

So, the exit code is being displayed as "0" - which infers that Regedit is returning "success"?!?
• I came across this: "regedit doesn't return a status code. Use reg.exe with the import subcommand instead".
• So, where is the "0" coming from?

Edited by mr-es335


Well, I just may have "...fig'urd tis owt fer meslf!"

Apparently regedit.exe does not return error codes...but reg.exe does! [Click_Me1] and [Click_Me2]

So, this is what I came up with:

reg.exe return codes (ERRORLEVEL)
0 = Success, the result is identical
1 = Failed
2 = Success, the result is different

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

;$sResult = RunWait('reg import "C:\Working\AddMe.reg"')    ; Generates a "0"
;$sResult = RunWait('reg import "C:\Working\AddMe1.reg"')   ; Generates a "1"
ConsoleWrite("Error code is: " & $sResult & @CRLF)

If $sResult = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!")
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS NOT imported successfully!")

Note: Simply uncomment the appropriate line to get the appropriate error code.

Question: Is the above a workable solution?

Posted (edited)

Even better:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

$sRegKey = "C:\Working\AddMe.reg"

;$sResult = RunWait('reg import ' & $sRegKey)
$sResult = RunWait('reg import ' & $sRegKey, "", @SW_HIDE)

ConsoleWrite("Error code is: " & $sResult & @CRLF)

If $sResult = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS imported successfully!")
    MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "The RegKey WAS NOT imported successfully!")

So far...all appears to be working as it should!!

Main take-away...I AM beginning to see the importance and|or significance of error checking!!!

Edited by mr-es335

Sorry, when I was testing I was using reg instead of regedit. Didn't see that, when I was commenting.
Make sure to put the filename in quotes, in case you have a whitespace in the filename.

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