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Hi, I'm using vpn connection to a remote computer with a login user (idk if that's any important).

I want to loop a process until it's closed completely. I'm just looping until the process is closed (for or while doesn't matter):

Local $aProcessList = ProcessList("cmd.exe")
For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
    ConsoleWrite("PID: " & $aProcessList[$i][1] & @CRLF)
    If @error Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error is: " & @error & @CRLF)

This is my output: 

PID: 5548
Error is: 2
PID: 29488
Error is: 2
PID: 47248
Error is: 2

When I check in the task manager, I can only see one cmd --> 47248:

1. But my script doesn't close this process. I checked the error code 2 (AdjustTokenPrivileges Failed), but couldn't go any further.

2. I cannot see other two cmd.exe (5548 + 29488) in the task manager either even if I click "show process from all users".

3. If I select 47248 manually click on "end process", it works, the process is closed.

I put #RequireAdmin in the beginning (hoping), but that didn't work either.



If there are other processes from other users, I don't want to terminate them. I only want to terminate the process that is under my user. 

If I just type ProcessClose(47248) in my script, then it closes. But I couldn't close it inside the loop. What am I missing? 






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Try this.  In the past, it was killing any resilient process :

Local $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /K")  ; this line is just for test
Local $aProcessList = ProcessList("cmd.exe"), $iRes
For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
  ConsoleWrite("PID: " & $aProcessList[$i][1] & @CRLF)
  $iRes = RunWait("TaskKill /PID " & $aProcessList[$i][1] & " /F", "", @SW_HIDE)
  If @error Or $iRes Then ConsoleWrite(@error & "/" & $iRes & @CRLF)



This is my output: 

PID: 4692
PID: 32896
PID: 54672
PID: 12076

54672 (the third one) = This is the cmd that I manually opened and it's terminated after the script ends.

12076 (the last one) = This is created with your script. It's terminated after the script ends. 

The first two = I don't know them. I can't see in the task manager either. They still exist after the script ends. How do I know? Because when the script again, I got the same PID again. But it doesn't matter. Thanks guys.

PID: 4692
PID: 32896
PID: 20912
PID: 2336



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