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This is what I am doing, so please suggest me easy scenario and how to apply autoit to help me achieve my tasks.

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We have a some how huge archive that has been used since 90s.

Many documents archived but it is not viewable on regular viewer but a special viewer that has been developed for this purpose.

By accident I've found the viewer titled Thorium can view the file, but can not export it or do anything except view it.

So in order to export these documents I load the document into this Thorium viewer, and use a vertical monitor that is set to be used as a Portrait, and when the document loaded, I use the keeyboard PageUP and PageDOWN to navigate the document.

The other thing I do is after trying many tools I've found the tool titled PicPick to do the screenshot or print screen, and I set its output to be a file.

Also, set the keyboard shortcut for the PicPick to be R to do the last action or repeat last capture.

So now O load the document, and start to work as a robot.

Hit PageDown to navigate the document, and after that hit the key R, and it saves each screen shot in a separated file.

I set file names to be date and time stamps so everything is arranged.

Last step is to load everything into acrobat and safe it as a one .pdf file.

So does there is any way to use AutoIT to hit the PageDOWN or PageUP and wait 1 or 2 second till page fully loaded and viewed in the thorium viewer and then hit the shortcut (R) I set to get the print screen file.

The reason for the wait is when I hit manually quickly page up or page down followed by the r key I get a blank page, so i have to wait till it loaded.

So is there any easy way to do it?






I am soy for adding a new reply, but I did not found an edit option.

I did tried to play with autoit, but was not able to know where to start.

I asked chat gpt but also did not helped enough.

i am sorry if it is a dummy request.




This is the script suggested by the gpt but do not know what to do with it or how to appply it

#include <Date.au3>

Global $sViewerPath = "C:\Path\To\Thorium.exe"
Global $sDocumentPath = "C:\Path\To\Your\Document.ext" ; Replace with the document extension
Global $iWaitTime = 2000 ; 2 seconds wait time
Global $iRepeatTimes = 100 ; Number of times to repeat the capture process, adjust as needed

Run($sViewerPath & " " & $sDocumentPath)

For $i = 1 To $iRepeatTimes
    Send("{PGDN}") ; Page Down
    Send("{R}") ; Shortcut for screenshot with PicPick

MsgBox(0, "Completed", "The process of capturing screenshots is completed.")





It does seem very easy to do with AutoIt based on the explanation given in the OP.

But since we do not own Thorium viewer nor PicPick tool, it is hard to give you code that would really help you.

I understand that you have zero experience in programming and you do not know where to start, right ?

If it is the case, I would strongly recommend that you start one step at a time, do not try to put too much code in each step, just make sure that every step is performing well with the appropriate error handling.

So based on your first post, I suppose that all your archived files are located somewhere over the network or on a special support.  I would start there : get a list (at least partial) of those files.  To help us, could you show us how you access them (via Windows Explorer ?).

For your reading FileListToArrayRec

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