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TBitBtn in Delphi executable can not be clicked

Go to solution Solved by MathiasRolf,

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Hello Folks!

we try to automate test cases via the UI of a Windows application implemented with Embarcadero Delphi.

We are able to click on a tool button on a toolbar of the main form. This creates a new frame instance on the main form inside a page control. Part of that frame is a TBitBtn on a panel in the left lower corner of the frame. AutoIt Info shows it as "[CLASS:TBitBtn; INSTANCE:4]".

We have tried to click on that TBitBtn via

ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:TBitBtn; INSTANCE:4]", "left", 1, 54, 15)

where 54,15 is the relative position on the bit button.

But the click never happens.

TBitBtn = class(TCustomButton)
-> TCustomButton = class(TButtonControl)
    -> TButtonControl = class(TWinControl)
is derived from TWinControls and has a Windows handle.

Here is the part of the script:

Func _DoTask()
  ; Run Easy Dairy
  Run("D:\EasyDairy.exe", "")
  ; Wait for the Easy Dairy to become active. The classname TfrmEDMain is monitored instead of the window title
  Local $hWnd = WinWaitActive("[CLASS:TfrmEDMain]", "", 2)
  ; select Cow toolbar button
  ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:TToolBar; INSTANCE:1]", "left", 1, 160, 34)
  ; click Add Cow
  ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:TBitBtn; INSTANCE:4]", "left", 1, 54, 15)
  ; this is where the script can not click the button

How can I get past this hump?


EasyDairy Add Cow Bit Button.png

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22 minutes ago, argumentum said:

Maybe you can just add it to the database "Master.mdb"

ControlClick("Easy Dairy Desktop 2024", "", "[CLASS:TBitBtn; INSTANCE:3]")

worked just fine.

Hello Argumentum,

Thanks for your reply.

We want to run test cases against the current release version using MS Access and a version we are working on, which is a migration to SQLite. We had the idea of doing the same scenarios in both versions with the help of AutoIt and then check that both DBs (at least the changed DB tables) are still identical (the MS Access as well as the SQLite).

I experimented on this script a little more and it seems I need to give the control clicks some time to complete before doing the next script action.

This code starts the application and fills out the add new cow dialogue:

; start Easy Dairy
Run("C:\Easy Dairy Automation Systems\Easy Dairy\EasyDairy.exe", "")
; wait for the main form to show up
Local $hWnd = WinWaitActive("[CLASS:TfrmEDMain]", "", 2)
; select Cow toolbar button
ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:TToolBar; INSTANCE:1]", "left", 1, 160, 34)
; click Add Cow
ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:TBitBtn; INSTANCE:4]", "left", 1, 54, 15)
; enter Cow ID
; enter Name
Send("Test Cow")
; enter Date of Birth
; enter move to Purchase Date
; enter Purchase Date

One step at the time. But that is definitely progress. 🙂


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