tac7 Posted 18 hours ago Share Posted 18 hours ago (edited) Hi, Sorry by advance for my bad english, I'm french !! I'm trying to open an Edge window in the same User profile and navigate to an intranet web page. This work fine when user has not yet open another Edge brother. __WD_Post ==> Success [0] : HTTP status = 200 _WD_Navigate ==> Success [0] : Parameters: URL=http://seria.sso.francetelecom.fr/seria/welcome.do? >> OK But if user has already an Edge window/page Opened, I have only a New page opened and no navigation to the intranet site. Here my Console Logs: _WD_CapabilitiesDump: JSON structure ends above. _WD_GetFreePort ==> Success [0 / 9516] : Parameters: MinPort=9516 MaxPort=Default _WD_IsLatestRelease ==> Success [0] : True _WD_Startup: OS: WIN_11 X64 22621 _WD_Startup: AutoIt: _WD_Startup: Webdriver UDF: 1.4.0 (Up to date) _WD_Startup: WinHTTP: _WD_Startup: Driver: msedgedriver.exe (32 Bit) _WD_Startup: Params: --port=9516 --verbose --log-path="C:\Travail\Travail_Autoit\AutoSERIA_a_modifier_en_SERIA AUTOMATION_2DG\msedge.log" _WD_Startup: Port: 9516 _WD_Startup: Command: "msedgedriver.exe" --port=9516 --verbose --log-path="C:\Travail\Travail_Autoit\AutoSERIA_a_modifier_en_SERIA AUTOMATION_2DG\msedge.log" _WD_Startup ==> Success [0] > wd_demo.au3: _WD_CreateSession > $sCapabilities juste avant le _WD_CreateSession{ "capabilities":{ "alwaysMatch":{ "ms:edgeOptions":{ "excludeSwitches":[ "enable-automation" ], "args":[ "--user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\TUKA7260\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data", "--profile-directory=Default" ] } } } } __WD_Post ==> Session not created [15] : HTTP status = 500 _WD_CreateSession ==> Session not created [15] : session not created: Microsoft Edge failed to start: exited normally. (session not created: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist) (The process started from msedge location C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe is no longer running, so msedgedriver is assuming that msedge has crashed.) > @extended::0 > $sSession = __WD_Post ==> Invalid session ID [16] : HTTP status = 404 _WD_Navigate ==> Invalid session ID [16] : Parameters: URL=http://seria.sso.francetelecom.fr/seria/welcome.do? I saw a lot of another posts before and tryed to add other "capabilities" but no result Tanks a lot for your help Edited 16 hours ago by tac7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nine Posted 16 hours ago Share Posted 16 hours ago You need to add this flag in your Edge shortcut --remote-debugging-port=9222 Then have that capability in your script "debuggerAddress": "localhost:9222" “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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