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Posted (edited)


; -----------------------------------------------
;Path                       Status      Error
;F:\Audio\                  Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_1\           Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_1\Test       Not Passed  See Image_1
;F:\Audio\Type_1\Test\wav   Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
; -----------------------------------------------

All is "working" as it now should, with the exception of the text file and the wave data should both be placed in the \wav folder.



Edited by mr-es335
Updated image


; -----------------------------------------------
; For Type_1
;Path                       Status      Error
;F:\Audio\                  Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_1\           Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_1\Test       Passed      None!
;F:\Audio\Type_1\Test\wav   Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
; -----------------------------------------------
; For Type_2
;Path                           Status      Error
;F:\Audio\                      Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_2\               Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_2\Test           Passed      None!
;F:\Audio\Type_2\Test\wav       Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_2\A\Test\wav     Not Passed  "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."[1]
; -----------------------------------------------

[1] As noted here...

b) F:\Audio\Type_2\E\ [The "Key" of the song]
• The Sub folder ["Key'] is fixed...

Interestingly,. the previous script that I provided, DOES WORK!
• That script is provided below...



Posted (edited)

a) F:\Audio\Type_2\E [The "Key" of the song]

with this
b) F:\Audio\Type_2\E\ [The "Key" of the song]

is not the same, in b is one level deeper

Do you want it to 'grab' even deeper?

Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

Posted (edited)


The following function does this at present:

; -----------------------------------------------
Func _MoveSourceAudioData($g_SetName)
    While 1
            Case StringMid($g_SetName, 10, 6) = "Type_1"
                FileMove($g_sSourceAudioPath & "\*.*", $g_SetName & "\wav", $FC_OVERWRITE)
                $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName & "\wav"
            Case StringMid($g_SetName, 10, 6) = "Type_2"
                FileMove($g_sSourceAudioPath & "\*.*", $g_SetName & "\wav", $FC_OVERWRITE)
                $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName & "\wav"
            Case StringMid($g_SetName, 10, 6) = "Type_3"
                FileMove($g_sSourceAudioPath & "\*.*", $g_SetName & "\wav", $FC_OVERWRITE)
                $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName & "\wav"
            Case StringMid($g_SetName, 10, 6) = "Type_4"
                FileMove($g_sSourceAudioPath & "\*.*", $g_SetName & "\wav", $FC_OVERWRITE)
                $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName & "\wav"
EndFunc   ;==>_MoveSourceAudioData
; -----------------------------------------------


Edited by mr-es335
Posted (edited)

with which _BrowseForFolder()
made a script run by itself as I did above
so I can test it

As I mentioned above, this can be replaced with

; -----------------------------------------------
Func _MoveSourceAudioData($g_SetName)
    FileMove($g_sSourceAudioPath & "\*.*", $g_SetName, $FC_OVERWRITE)
    $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName
EndFunc   ;==>_MoveSourceAudioData
; -----------------------------------------------


Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

Posted (edited)


; -----------------------------------------------
; For Type_2, 3rd Test
;Path                           Status      Error
;F:\Audio\                      Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_2\               Passed      "You must to select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder..."
;F:\Audio\Type_2\A              Passed      None!
; -----------------------------------------------

Got it!

Now, if I am able to understand what was required to "fix" the various anomalies!?!

I will follow-up tomorrow...you must be exhausted!!! I know that I am!!!

Edited by mr-es335
Posted (edited)

I was left with the question, how deep does it go into folders, even if they are like this?
F:\Audio\Type_2\New folder\Elvis\song1
can $g_SetName be the song1 ?


The root folder is always: F:\Audio\
The first sub-folder must be a: $_sTypeFolder variable  For Type_1, Type_2
The second sub-folder must be the $g_SetName

Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing



You stated, "The root folder is always: F:\Audio\...The first sub-folder must be a: $_sTypeFolder variable  For Type_1, Type_2...The second sub-folder must be the $g_SetName"

Yes! That is correct1 [Click_Me]

The above states:

The root folder is always: F:\Audio\
The first sub-folder must be a: $_sTypeFolder variable
• For Type_1, Type_2
The second sub-folder must be a: $g_SetName variable
• This name could be anything that defines the name of the set, for example:
a) F:\Audio\Type_1\TheRighteousBrothers [The name of the group or artist]
b) F:\Audio\Type_2\E [The "Key" of the song]

As noted, within the above F:\Audio\$_sTypeFolder\$g_SetName paths are two folders entitled: "\edl" and "\wav".

In this regard, the " F:\Audio\Type_2\E" path, ...or, [The "Key" of the song], would be akin to "F:\Audio\Type_1\TheRighteousBrothers".

Hope this helps?

Posted (edited)

The root folder is always: F:\Audio\
The first sub-folder must be a: $_sTypeFolder variable
• For Type_1, Type_2
The second sub-folder must be a: $g_SetName variable
• This name could be anything that defines the name of the set, for example:
a) F:\Audio\Type_1\TheRighteousBrothers [The name of the group or artist]
b) F:\Audio\Type_2\E [The "Key" of the song]

As noted, within the above F:\Audio\$_sTypeFolder\$g_SetName paths are two folders entitled: "\edl" and "\wav".

This is how i would solve that particular problem:

Global $root = "r:\audio\"
Global $sTypeFolder = "Type_1" ;or "Type_2"
Global $g_SetName = "TheRighteousBrothers"

$test = _CheckPath()
ConsoleWrite("error message was =" & $test & @CRLF)

Func _CheckPath()
;Error messages 0 = all ok, 1= Root folder does not exists
;2 = $sTypeFolder does not exists, 3= $g_SetName does not exists
;4 = "Edl folder is missing" , 5 = "wav folder is missing"
;6 = "edl and wav folders are missing", 7 = "$sTypeFolder incorrect name (not Type_1 or Type_2)

    Local $createpath = "", $err = 0
    If FileExists($root) Then
        ConsoleWrite($root & " exists " & @CRLF)
        If $sTypeFolder = "Type_1" Or $sTypeFolder = "Type_2" Then
            If FileExists($root & $sTypeFolder) Then
                $createpath = $root & $sTypeFolder & "\"
                ConsoleWrite($createpath & " exist " & @CRLF)
                ConsoleWrite($root & $sTypeFolder & " does not exists " & @CRLF)
                $err = 2

            If $err = 0 Then
                If FileExists($createpath & $g_SetName) Then
                    $createpath = $createpath & $g_SetName & "\"
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & " exists " & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & $g_SetName & " does not exists " & @CRLF)
                    $err = 3

            If $err = 0 Then
                If FileExists($createpath & "edl\") Then
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & "edl exists" & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & "edl does not exists" & @CRLF)
                    $err = 4

                If FileExists($createpath & "wav\") Then
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & "wav exists" & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite($createpath & "wav does not exists" & @CRLF)
                    If $err = 4 Then
                        $err = 6
                        $err = 5
            ConsoleWrite($sTypeFolder & " has not a correct name" & @CRLF)
        $err = 1

    Return $err

EndFunc   ;==>_CheckPath


Edited by Dan_555
Corrected wrongly placed if statement

Some of my script sourcecode



After an evening rest, I tested out the provided script again. All work as it should, with the exceptions of Type_ and Type_4. Neither of these Types, did require a $g_SetName variable.

However, to keep "things" consistent with Type_1 and Type_2, I simply decided to create SetName folder for each of these types.

For Type_3, there are three SetName folders:
• F:\Audio\Type_3\Emcee
• F:\Audio\Type_3\NStrungGuitar
• G:\Audio\Type_3\SStrungGuitar

For Type_4, there is only a single SetName folder:
• F:\Audio\Type_4\EndOfShow

With the above now implemented, all is working as it should!!

So, ioa747, you did it again! Many, many thanks for your efforts!

PS: A "Thank You" to the rest who provided assistance as well! All are appreciated!



May I ask what is the purpose|reason for the comments here...there are two:

Local $SetName = FileSelectFolder("Please select a valid Type_#\Set_Name folder...", "F:\Audio\")  ; "F:\Audio\"

$g_TypeFolder = $_aType[1] & "\" & $_aType[2] & "\" & $_aType[3]  ; F:\Audio\$_aType[3]\$_aType[4]


1) ; "F:\Audio\"
2) ; F:\Audio\$_aType[3]\$_aType[4]



it's because I'm changing the path for me and these are the notes to remember where the original is
you didn't need them

I know that I know nothing

Posted (edited)


You had noted,

Func _CreateTextListing($SetNameWave)
    Local $MyT1List = ''
    ; Assign $MyPath to $MyT1List and create the array
    $MyT1List = _FileListToArray($SetNameWave) ; ⚠ there is no file mask , cach all file ??
    If Not @error Then
        ; Create the data file
        _FileCreate($SetNameWave & "\FileListing.txt")
        ; Write the array to the data file
        _FileWriteFromArray($SetNameWave & "\FileListing.txt", $MyT1List)
EndFunc   ;==>_CreateTextListing
; -----------------------------------------------

Would this be an acceptable "fix"?

$MyT1List = _FileListToArray($SetNameWave & "*.wav")
Edited by mr-es335
Posted (edited)

Good day,

So, I remove the "Solution" status on this posting, due to the fact that, as I was perusing the text, I came across what I refer to "discrepancies"

UPDATE!!: After some 6+ hours, I have re-examined ioa747's script and having now understand - at least in principle, some of the various nuances o that offering, I am again ready to acknowledge that this offering is a viable solution!

I know not whether such discrepancies are due to a lack of knowledge on my part [most likely], or an error in the script, I simply cannot say.

All that I DO know, is that I am more confused now...than I have ever been!

Thus, I am presently revisiting the previous suggestions to see if I will be able to ascertain where the errors lie and how I can go about resolving such errors.

For those that are at all interested, I will keep you apprised of my progress!

Edited by mr-es335

Good day,

The following is incomplete, but for simplicity-sake, I do believe that the following snippet will suffice?

Case $_sCol3Row3
_LaunchWavFolder($g_SetNameWave) ; This is a GLOBAL VARIABLE!!!
; -----------------------------------------------
Func _MoveSourceAudioData($g_SetName)
    $g_SetNameWave = $g_SetName ; The $g_SetNameWave variable is a global one here!!
EndFunc   ;==>_MoveSourceAudioData
; -----------------------------------------------
Func _LaunchWavFolder($SetNameWave) ; However, this variable s a LOCAL VARIABLE!!!
    If Not WinExists($SetNameWave) Then ShellExecute($SetNameWave)
    WinWaitActive($SetNameWave, "", 3)
    WinMove($SetNameWave, "", 970, 100, 550, 650)
EndFunc   ;==>_LaunchWavFolder
; -----------------------------------------------

Notes and Questions
1) The function _LaunchWavFolder($g_SetNameWave)  is called employing, as noted, a global variable!
2) However, the actual function is employing a local variable!! How is this so?

Func _LaunchWavFolder($SetNameWave) ; This is a LOCAL VARIABLE!!!

3) The variable "$SetNameWave" is first deployed in this function!! How is this also so?
• This same variable is also deployed in tow other functions!!
4) Where is this "$SetNameWave" variable derived from?

Man! This scenario is very, very confusing!!

PS: I am really,..really trying to understand what is going on here! Please be patient with me!!



So, I did this, and it worked!!!

Func _LaunchWavFolder($WhoCares)
    If Not WinExists($WhoCares) Then ShellExecute($WhoCares)
    WinWaitActive($WhoCares, "", 3)
    WinMove($WhoCares, "", 970, 100, 550, 650)
EndFunc   ;==>_LaunchWavFolder

I guess I really need to understand what "arguments" are!!! I thought that did have some kind of understanding....but apparently NOT!!



Would the following be a correct assertion?


Parameters consist of arguments
Arguments are to be passed to the function being invoked

If I understand things correctly then, when arguments are passed to the function being invoked, the arguments being sent and the arguments being received are not required to be one-and-the-same!


Func _Me()
    Call("_You", "Take me To lunch!")
EndFunc   ;==>_Me

Func _You($Msg)
    MsgBox(0, "You", $Msg)
EndFunc   ;==>_You


Would this be correct?

  • Moderators


Although the snippet above works, I wonder why you find it necessary to use Call - you can call the function directly as follows:


Func _Me()
    _You("Take me To lunch!")
EndFunc   ;==>_Me

Func _You($Msg)
    MsgBox(0, "You", $Msg)
EndFunc   ;==>_You


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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