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Read and rename files!

Go to solution Solved by ioa747,

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Good day,

Firstly, I hope that I have titled this post appropriately?

Secondly, I need to navigate to a selected source folder that contains 1 or more wave data files - the source data.
I need to read that data into an array
• Note: I am "assuming" that this is what I need to do?

Thirdly, from that array, I need to take a master .edl data file and rename that master .edl data file to reflect each-and-every one of the previously selected wave data file(s)
I AM able to do this at present, however there are two problems:

1) I have to use cmd scripts
2) I am unable to choose the destination location for the .edl data file(s)

Here is what I have thus far:

The main script:

; -----------------------------------------------
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
; -----------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------
Func _CreateT1Data()
    ; Source data
    Local $_sSrcData = MsgBox(4, "NOTICE!", "Create T1 Data from .wav data?")
    ; -----------------
    ; Destination data
    Local $_sDstData = "G:\Session_Master\Show\Session_Data"
    ; -----------------------------------------------
    If $_sSrcData == 6 Then
        Local $sMessageSrc = "Select Source folder..."
        Local $_Selected_Folder = FileSelectFolder($sMessageSrc, "F:\Audio\Type_1\wav")
        ; -----------------
        Local $_wfpath = $_Selected_Folder
        FileWrite($_sDstData & "\path.txt", $_wfpath)
        ; -----------------
        ShellExecute("D:\Developing Shows\Scripts\create_t1_edls.cmd")
        ; -----------------
    ElseIf $_sSrcData == 7 Then
EndFunc   ;==>_CreateT1Data
; -----------------------------------------------

The .cmd script

@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: -----------------------------------------------
set _spath1=G:\Session_Master\Show
set _dpath=G:\Session_Master\Show\Session_Data
:: ------
set _file1=wave_file_list.txt
set _file2=Type_1.edl
set _word1=.wav
:: -----------------------------------------------
for /f "delims=" %%i in (%_dpath%\path.txt) do set _wfpath=%content% %%i
:: -----------------------------------------------
dir %_wfpath% /b > %_dpath%\%_file1%
:: -----------------------------------------------
type nul > "%_dpath%\%_file1%.tmp"
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('type "%_dpath%\%_file1%"') do (
  set row=%%i
  set row=!row:%_word1%=%_word2%!
) >> "%_dpath%\%_file1%.tmp"
move /y "%_dpath%\%_file1%.tmp" "%_dpath%\%_file1%"
:: -----------------------------------------------
nircmd paramsfile "%_dpath%\%_file1%" "" "" shellcopy "%_dpath%\%_file2%" "%_spath1%\~$fparam.1$.edl" yestoall
:: -----------------------------------------------
del %_dpath%\*.txt /q
del "%_spath1%\*.wpd.edl" /s /q
:: -----------------------------------------------

Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time....appreciated!

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  • Solution

the .cmd script could be replaced with autoit code.

explain to us what nircmd does?

show us Type_1.edl, a .wav file, and the .edl file that nircmd produces for the .wav file
and maybe even nircmd could be bypassed

here is a start

#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>

; ------------------------------------------------------
; Main script to create .edl files from selected .wav files

Func _CreateT1Data()
    ; Ask the user if they want to create T1 data from .wav data
    Local $confirmCreate = MsgBox(4, "NOTICE!", "Create T1 Data from .wav data?")

    If $confirmCreate = 6 Then ; If "Yes" is selected
        ; Prompt the user to select the source folder containing .wav files
        Local $sourceMessage = "Select Source folder..."
        Local $sourceFolder = FileSelectFolder($sourceMessage, "F:\Audio\Type_1\wav")

        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No folder selected. Exiting.")

        ; Prompt the user to select the destination folder for the .edl files
        Local $destMessage = "Select Destination folder for .edl files..."
        Local $destFolder = FileSelectFolder($destMessage, "G:\Session_Master\Show")

        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No destination folder selected. Exiting.")

        ; Store the list of .wav files from the selected source folder
        Local $wavFiles = _FileListToArray($sourceFolder, "*.wav", $FLTA_FILES)

        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No .wav files found in the selected folder.")

        ; Specify the path to the master .edl file
        Local $masterEdlFile = @ScriptDir & "\Type_1.edl" ;"G:\Session_Master\Show\Session_Data\Type_1.edl"

        If Not FileExists($masterEdlFile) Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "Master .edl file not found.")

        ; Process each .wav file and create corresponding .edl file
        For $i = 1 To $wavFiles[0]
            Local $wavFileName = $wavFiles[$i]
            Local $wavBaseName = StringTrimRight($wavFileName, 4) ; Remove the ".wav" extension

            ; Destination .edl file path for each .wav file
            Local $newEdlFile = $destFolder & "\" & $wavBaseName & ".edl"

            ; Copy the master .edl file and rename it for each .wav file
            FileCopy($masterEdlFile, $newEdlFile, $FC_OVERWRITE)

        MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Success", "All .edl files have been created successfully.")
    ElseIf $confirmCreate = 7 Then
        MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Cancelled", "Operation cancelled by the user.")


I know that I know nothing

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As always...I greatly appreciate your efforts!!

About Nircmd [Click_Me]

The "paramsfile" command performs the following:

paramsfile [Parameters File] [Delimiters] [Quote Character] [NirCmd Command] 
This powerfull command allows you to execute NirCmd Command multiple times, by loading one or more parameters from a text file. The text file can be comma-delimited, tab-delimited, semicolon-delimited, or delimited by any char that you specify in [Delimiters] parameter. 
Here's an example... Let's say that you have the following text file, containing user names and passwords, delimited by comma: 

user01, 123456
user02, abcfg
user03, 5fr23
user04, 33333

The following NirCmd commands sequence will create 4 users with the specified user-names and passwords (by using 'net user' command provided by Windows 2000/XP operating system) 
nircmd.exe paramsfile "c:\temp\users.txt" "," "" execmd net user ~$fparam.1$ ~$fparam.2$ /add 

The ~$fparam.1$ specifies the first entry in each line - the user name. The ~$fparam.2$ specifies the second entry in each line - the password. 

paramsfile "c:\temp\folders.txt" "" "" execmd md ~$fparam.1$ 
paramsfile "c:\temp\shortcuts.txt" "," "~q" shortcut ~$fparam.1$ "~$folder.desktop$" ~$fparam.2$

ioa747, you stated, "...the .cmd script could be replaced with autoit code..."... Well, it would appear that such a "replacement" is precisely what you have accomplished here!!

I am not at all such what this means...[If indeed this point makes any sense at all?]"...but I seem to be able to "get me head around" batch commands, whereas, I apparently do not have the same degree of success as with the Autoit commands! Rather frustrating!!

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So, here is the completed script...with minor modifications to the source and destination paths...

; ------------------------------------------------------
; With the assistance of...and the gratitude of...ioa747!
; Date: October 19th, 2024
; ------------------------------------------------------
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
; ------------------------------------------------------
; Main script to create .edl files from selected .wav files
; ------------------------------------------------------
Func _CreateT1Data()
    ; Ask the user if they want to create T1 data from .wav data
    Local $confirmCreate = MsgBox(4, "NOTICE!", "Create T1 Data from .wav data?")
    ; ------------------------------------------------------
    If $confirmCreate = 6 Then ; If "Yes" is selected
        ; Prompt the user to select the source folder containing the .wav file data
        Local $sourceMessage = "Select Source folder..."
        Local $sourceFolder = FileSelectFolder($sourceMessage, "F:\Audio\Type_1")
        ; -----------------
        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No folder selected. Exiting.")
        ; ------------------------------------------------------
        ; Prompt the user to select the destination folder for the .edl file data
        Local $destMessage = "Select Destination folder for the .edl files..."
        Local $destFolder = FileSelectFolder($destMessage, "F:\Audio\Type_1")
        ; -----------------
        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No destination folder selected. Exiting.")
        ; ------------------------------------------------------
        ; Store the list of .wav files from the selected source folder
        Local $wavFiles = _FileListToArray($sourceFolder, "*.wav", $FLTA_FILES)
        ; -----------------
        If @error Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No .wav files found in the selected folder.")
        ; ------------------------------------------------------
        ; Specify the path to the master .edl file
        Local $masterEdlFile = "G:\Session_Master\Show\Session_Data\Type_1.edl" ;"G:\Session_Master\Show\Session_Data\Type_1.edl"
        ; -----------------
        If Not FileExists($masterEdlFile) Then
            MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "The Type_1.edl file was not found.")
        ; ------------------------------------------------------
        ; Process each of the .wav file data and create corresponding .edl data file
        For $i = 1 To $wavFiles[0]
            Local $wavFileName = $wavFiles[$i]
            Local $wavBaseName = StringTrimRight($wavFileName, 4) ; Remove the ".wav" extension
            ; -----------------
            ; Destination .edl file path for each .wav file
            Local $newEdlFile = $destFolder & "\" & $wavBaseName & ".edl"
            ; -----------------
            ; Copy the master .edl file and rename it for each .wav file
            FileCopy($masterEdlFile, $newEdlFile, $FC_OVERWRITE)
        ; -----------------
        MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Success", "All .edl files have been created successfully.")
        ; -----------------
    ElseIf $confirmCreate = 7 Then
        MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Cancelled", "Operation cancelled by the user.")
EndFunc   ;==>_CreateT1Data
; ------------------------------------------------------


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sorry, I didn't understand well.
I have never come across an .edl file before. However, I googled it and saw that it is a .txt file, e.g.:

TITLE: My_Edit_Decision_List

001  AX       V     C        00:00:00:00 00:00:05:00  00:00:00:00 00:00:05:00
* FROM CLIP NAME:  Clip_01.mov

002  AX       V     C        00:00:05:00 00:00:10:00  00:00:05:00 00:00:10:00
* FROM CLIP NAME:  Clip_02.mov

I thought you used Nircmd to modify the original Type_1.edl to match the title and times to the .wav.

that's why I said:
show us Type_1.edl, a .wav file, and the .edl file that nircmd produces for the .wav file
and maybe even nircmd could be bypassed

Now the script is ok?


Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

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