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How to autofill GUICtrlCreateInput Based on another GUICtrlCreateInput and SQLite Database?


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How to autofill GUICtrlCreateInput Based on another GUICtrlCreateInput and SQLite Database?

If I have two GUICtrlCreateInput box for example: transfer name and chatting name

How can I autofill the chat name based on transfer name I type

so what I want is, when I type "transfer name", it will search the sqlite database.
If found, it will autofill the chatting name.


If my question is difficult to understand, I will update this post and include some image.

If it is too complicated, please at least, just give some clues or function name

so I can Google or Read and learn by myself

Thank You

Edited by HezzelQuartz
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35 minutes ago, HezzelQuartz said:

How to autofill GUICtrlCreateInput Based on another GUICtrlCreateInput and SQLite Database?

Those are 2 different things. One is the database query that you sanitize before making the query.
The other is GUICtrlRead($idCtrlInput) that you'd make sure can not brake the query ( sanitize )

38 minutes ago, HezzelQuartz said:

If it is too complicated, please at least, just give some clues or function name
so I can Google or Read and learn by myself

 is not complicated. But you don't try the examples in the help file because to you knowledge is something, magical ?, I guess ?

Copy the help file's examples of GUICtrlCreateInput() and you'll know how to use the control.
Copy the help file's examples of SQLite and you'll know hoe to do that to.

Then, start coding ;)

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

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