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msgbox does not show up

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I just intalled v. (I need the recorder) and associated .au3 with autoit3.exe

saved this 1-line script: msgbox (1,"x","y).

It works fine if I run it via a doubleclick in explorer, or call via CMD, but If I load and run it in scite (with "F5")... nothing shows up. ... what am I missing? appreciate it

(other commands like winwaitactive or mousecick run fine in scite)

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1 hour ago, mescwb said:

(I need the recorder)

Typically, it means you want to cheat on game automation which is prohibited on this forum.  If not, then there is multiple ways to achieve strong automation without MouseClick and Send.  Either way, you need to provide better information on what you want to accomplish.  Finally install latest version of AutoIt and full version SciTE if you want further help.

Edited by Nine
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