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WebDriver UDF _WD_ElementActionEx() reports errors when trying to use command "MODIFIERCLICK"

Go to solution Solved by Danp2,

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Running AutoIt v3.3.16.1.  au3WebDriver v1.3.1 downloaded from https://github.com/Danp2/au3WebDriver about a week or two ago.  Before posting this question, I went back there  and noticed that three files have been updated (wd_core.au3, wd_demo.au3, wd_helper.au3).  I have updated those three files, but the problem persists.  Using Firefox with geckodriver.

I am trying to click on a search button on a specific web page.  By default, this forces a new window to open with the content.  However, I want the content to open in a new tab, not in a new window.  If I hold down CONTROL key and then mouse click on the button, then it opens in a tab.  So I am trying to reproduce this in au3WebDriver code with _WD_ElementActionEx() using command "MODIFIERCLICK".  I tried a number of different things but I kept getting Invalid argument.  Here is an example:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "modifierclick", Default, Default, Default, Default, "\ue009")

And here is the error message:

_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Invalid argument [5] : Parameters:    Element=ab689017-29ea-4441-943e-621e3bb7d7e5    Command=modifierclick    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=\ue009    ScrollView=Default


For awhile I was not sure if I was specifying the WebDriver key for CONTROL correctly.  So then I went back and decided to use command "click" just to make sure I had everything else specified correctly.  And that opens a new window as expected without errors.

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "click", Default, Default, Default, Default, Default)
_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Success [0] : Parameters:    Element=ce6b46bf-431c-4de9-8602-f199a27881f1    Command=click    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=Default    ScrollView=Default

I started thinking maybe you just cannot send CONTROL to the button using command "modifierclick".  So then I went and tried to use _WD_ElementActionEx() with command "modifierclick" using only defaults (according to the UDF, Default for $sModifier is "\uE008" (shift key).  SHIFT is not what I wanted, but I wanted to verify it would at least complete without an error, but it did not.  Here is what I tried:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "modifierclick", Default, Default, Default, Default, Default)

That gives a similar error message.

_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Invalid argument [5] : Parameters:    Element=9913ac04-2eed-4f20-871e-17efb09ca417    Command=modifierclick    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=Default    ScrollView=Default


Anyone have any idea what is going on?


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Test case 1:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "click", Default, Default, Default, Default, Default)

still works as expected:

_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Success [0] : Parameters:    Element=5dcf7067-6c2f-4c1e-9d02-f00f85a7878e    Command=click    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=Default    ScrollView=Default


Test case 2:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "modifierclick", Default, Default, Default, Default, Default)

now works as expected (before it gave _WD_ElementActionEx ==> Invalid argument [5] :):

_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Success [0] : Parameters:    Element=30faff28-a81d-4493-b8ac-0b6723b99cbd    Command=modifierclick    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=Default    ScrollView=Default


Test case 3:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "modifierclick", Default, Default, Default, Default, "\ue009")

now works as expected (before it gave _WD_ElementActionEx ==> Invalid argument [5] :):

_WD_ElementActionEx ==> Success [0] : Parameters:    Element=f191c5d2-d6dd-492f-8023-8fd25dd4ae4d    Command=MODIFIERCLICK    XOffset=Default    YOffset=Default    Button=Default    HoldDelay=Default    Modifier=\ue009    ScrollView=Default


Additionally, I can confirm that using:

_WD_ElementActionEx($sSession, $sElement_btnAssetLookup, "modifierclick", Default, Default, Default, Default, "\ue009")

to CONTROL-CLICK the search button on that page causes the resulting page to be displayed in a new tab rather than the default behavior of opening in a new window.  So, this appears to have fixed the problem for me.

Thank you Danp2 for maintaining au3WebDriver in general and for correcting this.  Much appreciated!!

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