Trong Posted September 4, 2024 Posted September 4, 2024 (edited) I had a problem when opening image files downloaded from the internet for editing, it seems that the file extension does not represent the file correctly. For example: MyPic.png but it is a jpg file so I wrote this function to distinguish the correct extension for the files. If you have a better solution or function, please share: expandcollapse popup;~ #include <File.au3> ;~ Global $sPathToFiles = 'C:\_Website_\random-img\img\horizontal' ;~ Local $aArray = _FileListToArrayRec($sPathToFiles, "*.*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) ;~ Local $sFile, $orgTYPE, $curTYPE ;~ For $i = 1 To UBound($aArray) - 1 ;~ $sFile = $aArray[$i] ;~ $orgTYPE = _FileDetectType($sFile) ;~ $curTYPE = __GetEXT($sFile) ;~ If $curTYPE <> $orgTYPE Then ;~ ConsoleWrite('! [' & $i & '] ' & $sFile & ' - [' & $curTYPE & ' > ' & $orgTYPE & ']' & @CRLF) ;~ FileMove($sFile, StringReplace($sFile, $curTYPE, $orgTYPE), 1) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite('- [' & $i & '] ' & $sFile & ' - [' & $curTYPE & ' > ' & $orgTYPE & ']' & @CRLF) ;~ EndIf ;~ Next Func _FileDetectType($sFile) Local $iExt = __GetEXT($sFile) Local $sExt = __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, 16) If $sExt = '' Then $sExt = __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, 256) $sExt = StringLeft($sExt, 16) Local $2String = StringLeft($sExt, 2) If StringInStr($sExt, 'Exif') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'JFIF') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'Adobe_d') Then Return '.jpg' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'avif') Then Return '.avif' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'WEBP') Then Return '.webp' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'GIF') Then Return '.gif' ElseIf $2String == 'BM' Then Return '.bmp' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, '_II') Then Return '.eps' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PDF') Then Return '.pdf' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PNG') Then Return '.png' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'II') Then Return '.tif' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, '8BPS') Then Return '.psd' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'L_F') Or $sExt == 'L' Then Return '.lnk' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'ITSF') Then Return '.chm' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'MSCF') Then Return '.cab' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'ADBE') Then Return '.icc' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'SQLite_f') Then Return '.db' ElseIf $sExt == 'MZ' Or $sExt == 'MZx' Or $sExt == 'MZP' Then If StringInStr($iExt, 'dll') Then Return '.dll' If StringInStr($iExt, 'tlb') Then Return '.tlb' Return '.exe' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PA30') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'TPA30') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'F_B') Or $sExt == 't_B' Or $sExt == 's_B' Or $sExt == 'z_B' Or $sExt == 'B_V' Or $sExt == '00_h' Or $sExt == 'f_h' Or $sExt == 'v' Or $sExt == 'h' Or $sExt == 'B' Then Return '.ico' Else Return $iExt EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileDetectType Func __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, $rCount = Default) Local $hOpen = FileOpen($sFile, 16) Local $Header = FileRead($hOpen, $rCount) FileClose($hOpen) Local $RegExNonStandard = "(?i)([^a-z0-9-_])", $RegExNoUnicode = "(*UCP)\x{2019}" Local $sExt = BinaryToString($Header) $sExt = StringRegExpReplace($sExt, $RegExNonStandard, "_") $sExt = StringRegExpReplace($sExt, $RegExNoUnicode, "_") While StringInStr($sExt, '__') $sExt = StringReplace($sExt, '__', '_') WEnd If StringRight($sExt, 1) == '_' Then $sExt = StringTrimRight($sExt, 1) If StringLeft($sExt, 1) == '_' Then $sExt = StringTrimLeft($sExt, 1) Return $sExt EndFunc ;==>__ExtHeaderProcessing Func __GetEXT($sFile) Local $iExt = StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "^.*\.", "") If ($iExt = '') Then $iExt = StringMid($sFile, StringInStr($sFile, ".", 2, -1)) If StringRight($iExt, 1) == '.' Then $iExt = StringTrimRight($iExt, 1) If StringLeft($iExt, 1) == '.' Then $iExt = StringTrimLeft($iExt, 1) Return '.' & $iExt EndFunc ;==>__GetEXT Edited September 4, 2024 by Trong ioa747 1 Regards,
ioa747 Posted September 4, 2024 Posted September 4, 2024 (edited) I'm using IrfanView as a viewer, which just tells me that the file has been renamed with the correct extension. Since you did it yourself, congratulations. p.s. in your script rename iFile to sFile Edited September 4, 2024 by ioa747 Trong 1 I know that I know nothing
Werty Posted September 4, 2024 Posted September 4, 2024 If you want to add more... ioa747 and Trong 1 1 Some guy's script + some other guy's script = my script!
Andreik Posted September 4, 2024 Posted September 4, 2024 (edited) You can use TrIDLib. It's capable to ID many files based on their signature. Here is a full list with definitions. expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> Global Const $TRID_GET_RES_NUM = 1 ; Get the number of results Global Const $TRID_GET_RES_FILETYPE = 2 ; Filetype descriptions Global Const $TRID_GET_RES_FILEEXT = 3 ; Filetype extension Global Const $TRID_GET_RES_POINTS = 4 ; Matching points Global Const $TRID_GET_VER = 1001 ; TrIDLib version Global Const $TRID_GET_DEFSNUM = 1004 ; Filetypes definitions loaded $aInfo = TrIDLib_AnalyzeFile('<FilePath>') _ArrayDisplay($aInfo) Func TrIDLib_AnalyzeFile($sFile, $DefsPack = '', $bVerbose = False, $LibPath = 'TrIDLib.dll') Local $aRet, $hTrIDLib, $iTotal = 0 $hTrIDLib = DllOpen($LibPath) If $hTrIDLib = -1 Then Return False If $bVerbose Then $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_GetInfo', 'int', $TRID_GET_VER, 'int', 0, 'str', 0) ConsoleWrite(Round($aRet[0] / 100, 2) & @CRLF) EndIf $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_LoadDefsPack', 'str', $DefsPack) If Not $aRet[0] Then DllClose($hTrIDLib) Return Null EndIf If Not FileExists($sFile) Then Return Null $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_SubmitFileA', 'str', $sFile) If Not $aRet[0] Then DllClose($hTrIDLib) Return Null EndIf $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_Analyze') If Not $aRet[0] Then DllClose($hTrIDLib) Return Null EndIf $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_GetInfo', 'int', $TRID_GET_RES_NUM, 'int', 0, 'str', 9) If $aRet[0] < 1 Then DllClose($hTrIDLib) Return Null EndIf Local $aMatches[$aRet[0] + 1][4] $aMatches[0][0] = $aRet[0] For $Index = 1 To $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_GetInfo', 'int', $TRID_GET_RES_FILETYPE, 'int', $Index, 'str', 0) $aMatches[$Index][0] = $aRet[3] $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_GetInfo', 'int', $TRID_GET_RES_FILEEXT, 'int', $Index, 'str', 0) $aMatches[$Index][1] = $aRet[3] $aRet = DllCall($hTrIDLib, 'int', 'TrID_GetInfo', 'int', $TRID_GET_RES_POINTS, 'int', $Index, 'str', 0) $aMatches[$Index][2] = $aRet[0] $iTotal += $aRet[0] Next If $iTotal > 0 Then For $Index = 1 To $aMatches[0][0] $aMatches[$Index][3] = Round($aMatches[$Index][2] * 100 / $iTotal, 2) Next EndIf DllClose($hTrIDLib) Return $aMatches EndFunc Here you can download the required dll. Edited September 4, 2024 by Andreik Trong and ioa747 1 1
locvantienls2 Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 làm thế nào để liên lạc được với bác ạ
Developers Jos Posted September 10, 2024 Developers Posted September 10, 2024 10 minutes ago, locvantienls2 said: làm thế nào để liên lạc được với bác ạ This is an English forum, so please use a translator! SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
locvantienls2 Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 On 9/3/2024 at 5:50 PM, Trong said: I had a problem when opening image files downloaded from the internet for editing, it seems that the file extension does not represent the file correctly. For example: MyPic.png but it is a jpg file so I wrote this function to distinguish the correct extension for the files. If you have a better solution or function, please share: expandcollapse popup;~ #include <File.au3> ;~ Global $sPathToFiles = 'C:\_Website_\random-img\img\horizontal' ;~ Local $aArray = _FileListToArrayRec($sPathToFiles, "*.*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) ;~ Local $sFile, $orgTYPE, $curTYPE ;~ For $i = 1 To UBound($aArray) - 1 ;~ $sFile = $aArray[$i] ;~ $orgTYPE = _FileDetectType($sFile) ;~ $curTYPE = __GetEXT($sFile) ;~ If $curTYPE <> $orgTYPE Then ;~ ConsoleWrite('! [' & $i & '] ' & $sFile & ' - [' & $curTYPE & ' > ' & $orgTYPE & ']' & @CRLF) ;~ FileMove($sFile, StringReplace($sFile, $curTYPE, $orgTYPE), 1) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite('- [' & $i & '] ' & $sFile & ' - [' & $curTYPE & ' > ' & $orgTYPE & ']' & @CRLF) ;~ EndIf ;~ Next Func _FileDetectType($sFile) Local $iExt = __GetEXT($sFile) Local $sExt = __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, 16) If $sExt = '' Then $sExt = __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, 256) $sExt = StringLeft($sExt, 16) Local $2String = StringLeft($sExt, 2) If StringInStr($sExt, 'Exif') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'JFIF') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'Adobe_d') Then Return '.jpg' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'avif') Then Return '.avif' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'WEBP') Then Return '.webp' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'GIF') Then Return '.gif' ElseIf $2String == 'BM' Then Return '.bmp' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, '_II') Then Return '.eps' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PDF') Then Return '.pdf' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PNG') Then Return '.png' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'II') Then Return '.tif' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, '8BPS') Then Return '.psd' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'L_F') Or $sExt == 'L' Then Return '.lnk' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'ITSF') Then Return '.chm' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'MSCF') Then Return '.cab' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'ADBE') Then Return '.icc' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'SQLite_f') Then Return '.db' ElseIf $sExt == 'MZ' Or $sExt == 'MZx' Or $sExt == 'MZP' Then If StringInStr($iExt, 'dll') Then Return '.dll' If StringInStr($iExt, 'tlb') Then Return '.tlb' Return '.exe' ElseIf StringInStr($sExt, 'PA30') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'TPA30') Or StringInStr($sExt, 'F_B') Or $sExt == 't_B' Or $sExt == 's_B' Or $sExt == 'z_B' Or $sExt == 'B_V' Or $sExt == '00_h' Or $sExt == 'f_h' Or $sExt == 'v' Or $sExt == 'h' Or $sExt == 'B' Then Return '.ico' Else Return $iExt EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileDetectType Func __ExtHeaderProcessing($sFile, $rCount = Default) Local $hOpen = FileOpen($sFile, 16) Local $Header = FileRead($hOpen, $rCount) FileClose($hOpen) Local $RegExNonStandard = "(?i)([^a-z0-9-_])", $RegExNoUnicode = "(*UCP)\x{2019}" Local $sExt = BinaryToString($Header) $sExt = StringRegExpReplace($sExt, $RegExNonStandard, "_") $sExt = StringRegExpReplace($sExt, $RegExNoUnicode, "_") While StringInStr($sExt, '__') $sExt = StringReplace($sExt, '__', '_') WEnd If StringRight($sExt, 1) == '_' Then $sExt = StringTrimRight($sExt, 1) If StringLeft($sExt, 1) == '_' Then $sExt = StringTrimLeft($sExt, 1) Return $sExt EndFunc ;==>__ExtHeaderProcessing Func __GetEXT($sFile) Local $iExt = StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "^.*\.", "") If ($iExt = '') Then $iExt = StringMid($sFile, StringInStr($sFile, ".", 2, -1)) If StringRight($iExt, 1) == '.' Then $iExt = StringTrimRight($iExt, 1) If StringLeft($iExt, 1) == '.' Then $iExt = StringTrimLeft($iExt, 1) Return '.' & $iExt EndFunc ;==>__GetEXT
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