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Two Questions

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Good day,
I hope that the day finds you well!

I have the following questions:
* I have places for the responses - if any.

Q1: What is the real/sole purpose of the "_WinAPI_Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection()" keyword?

Q2: What is the real/sole purpose of the "#include <>" keyword?

Yes! I HAVE read the Helpfile....but such is of no real, practicable employment to me.

Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time.

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Good day to you too. My day was crap, thank you for asking.:D

A1: first read this. So given you're running in a 64-bit environment, call _WinAPI_Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection with parameter True if you wish to use the legacy 32-bit Windwos system dll's, and False (or don't call it) if you know you can use the newer 64-bit versions that are native to x64 Windows. Basically if you use legacy code yourself that relies on the old 32-bit Windows dll's, you'd want to set this, otherwise leave it be.

A2: the #include keyword followed by a filename (in quotation marks, or between angled brackets if it's a native AutoIt #include) does exactly that (assuming that the file is found, that is): it takes the contents of that file and inserts these as one giant copy-paste into the master script that will be compiled/executed. most include's are function libraries whose functions can thereafter be called by other parts of your code, but you could use it to insert the complete works of Shakespeare if you like (but as a (rather large) comment section, otherwise the compiler will complain, because it hates Shakespeare (as it doesn't really understand it)). Note that the included text (whatever it is) is inserted at the exact point where the #include statement was in your original script, which can be important (if you're #including raw lines of code, for example). So don't place an #include in the middle of another function, unless you know what you're doing.

You can run Au3Stripper (either at the cmdline or from (full) Scite4AutoIt) to produce the single script with all required parts of the #includes added (and the #include statements removed). Compare and contrast with the original source for hours of fun.

Edited by RTFC
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