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adding a variable inside a PowerShell command

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First of all i'm new and not that good at coding in general, i'm trying to create a simple gui that will achieve a simple goal :

* one input (username) 

* one button (start a powershell with the inputT used) 

So far I have this going : 

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

;Creating GUI
GUICreate("search last logon",150,110)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Entrer un Snumber",30,20,200,30)
$inputSnumber = GUICtrlCreateInput("",25,35,100,20)
$config = GUICtrlCreateButton("Lancer recherche", 25, 60, 100, 20)
$snumber = GUICtrlRead($inputSnumber)

$sPSCmd = "Get-ADUser -Identity" & $snumber &  "-Properties 'LastLogon'| Select-Object Name, @{N='LastLogon'; E {[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}"

;affichage de la fenêtre

While 1
        $idMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        Switch $idMsg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $config 
                RunWait(@comspec & ' /c powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -noprofile -command "&' & $sPSCmd & '"')
                ;trying to find why this does not work ;(
                MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,"", GUICtrlRead($inputSnumber))               


I tried this thingy : $sPSCmd = "Get-ADUser -Identity" & $snumber &  "-Properties 'LastLogon'| Select-Object Name, @{N='LastLogon'; E {[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}"


with & $snumber & or directly GUICtrlRead($inputSnumber) but, when outputting the command ($sPSCmd) the variable does not shows up.


Would someone be kind enough to give this a try and guide me ?


Thanks again from a baguette technician 


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without knowing
Here is the pattern from

$sPSCmd = "Get-ADUser -Identity" & $snumber &  "-Properties 'LastLogon'|
$sPSCmd = "Get-ADUser -Identity " & $snumber &  " -Properties 'LastLogon'|

I know that I know nothing

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Ok thanks guys, I just had to get the input read from inside the while .. my mistake. Now it's working fine.

Just have to find how to get the response from powershell which seems to be an other problem haha

I naively tried to set the command as a variable et print what's inside but no luck of course :

 $response = RunWait(@comspec & ' /c ' & 'powershell.exe -command "&' & $sPSCmd & '"')
but of course that does not do the trick.
If you still have an idea on this, I will keep locking if someone had the same problem I had
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27 minutes ago, Nine said:

Here one way :

#include <Constants.au3>

Local $iPID = Run(@comspec & ' /c powershell.exe Get-ChildItem -path c:\apps', "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED)

ConsoleWrite(StdoutRead($iPID) & @CRLF)


Thanks for this solution, but when trying to consolowrite or msgbox it, it's not showing anything.


Basically what i'm trying to do is to get the returned last logon and show it in the GUI.

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Just added the -noexit to the command and it's working fine, the command is successful.


for the horrible while I have so far, it looks like this : 


While 1
        $idMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        $snumber = GUICtrlRead($inputSnumber)
        $sPSCmd = "Get-ADUser -Identity" & " '" & $snumber & "' " &  "-Properties 'LastLogonDate'| Select-Object Name, LastLogonDate"
        Switch $idMsg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $config
                $pwCMD = Run(@comspec & ' /c powershell.exe -NoExit -command  "&' & $sPSCmd)
                msgbox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL,"",StdoutRead($pwCMD) & @CRLF)
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Thank you for your time, 


Just tried you solution but the same extact problem occurs, the msgbox opens empty


The GUICtrlRead is working fine and the command also, but when it reaches the msgbox it's empty 😕

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