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How Can AutoIt Help Detect My Current Location Using IP Data? - (Moved)

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I've been exploring various ways to accurately determine my current location based on my IP address. I came across different approaches, but I'm particularly interested in understanding how AutoIt can assist in this process. Specifically, I'm looking to detect what county I am in using the data retrieved from my IP.

I know that AutoIt has powerful scripting capabilities, and I'm curious about how I can leverage its functions to achieve this. Is there a way to integrate an IP geolocation API with AutoIt to extract the necessary details? For instance, can I script AutoIt to automatically retrieve the IP, call the API, and then parse the response to display my county?

Furthermore, I'd like to understand the best practices for handling the returned data. Should I be concerned about inaccuracies in the geolocation data, and are there specific techniques in AutoIt to mitigate these issues? Also, are there any built-in functions or libraries in AutoIt that could simplify this process?

Finally, if anyone has experience with navigational tools in AutoIt, I'd be interested to know if there are any existing scripts or methods that could be repurposed or adapted for this use case. Any tips or insights on achieving accurate location detection would be greatly appreciated!

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Moved to the appropriate forum.

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That website seems to use the device information...   When you want the Country based on the current IP address then something simple like this should do it:

#include <Inet.au3>
Local $sUrl = "http://ip-api.com/json"
Local $sData = _INetGetSource($sUrl,2)
ConsoleWrite('!Country = ' & $Country & '     >Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console


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