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Programming click of a button does not work

Go to solution Solved by ioa747,

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Hello guys,

Could you please help me? I am very new to autoit, and been trying to find a solution for a few days and could not find anything.😐

We have a script which connects through SQL Developer and uses "TAB" to switch between fields and writes the values. There was a new version of the product and it looks the same but the buttons are behaving a bit differently. We have a problem with the last field in the picture "Service name".

  • Before: Jumped to service name and marked it, tabbed and wrote the service name
  • After: Jumps to the grey field and does not write anything (it cant be written when not clicked)

My thoughts:

  • I was trying to use the au3info, but cant see anything useful when hovering over the window.
  • I was thinking of a mouse click with coordinates, though I read when multiple users use this, it can be mis clicking elsewhere
  • I tried to use buttons but they should be visible in the au3info I guess.

I have attached the code that was handling the logic before and the SQL connection window.

Anyone any ideas please?

Thanks a lot.

Screenshot 2024-07-12 161907.png

Screenshot 2024-07-12 163054.png

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Can't add much for help, but you could try Control Viewer, it picks up some things AU3 info misses for buttons etc.


LibreOffice UDF  ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice


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  • Solution

in the photo you sent us, I see an underlined letter in each word. E.G. Username,  Password, SID,  Service name, etc.
This means that with alt and U it goes to the Username,  with alt and P it goes to the password,  etc.
Try to find the keyboard navigation logic first,  and then try it with the script

good luck

I know that I know nothing

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Thanks @ioa747this really worked perfectly. This way I can shorten the whole script:
so this is how the needed part looks now, if anyone after me would be also curious:
    If (StringLen($TargetSID) = 0) Then

@donnyh13 thanks for the recommendation, will be sure useful later on.


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