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How to get the name of an PID/ProcessID

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I have a List of PID, for which I need the Name. I don't kown the Name of what I want, so I make some examples:

I want the Name "Spotify" from the Spotify App, and I have the ProcessID of the instance.

Is this possible?

Greetings Flo

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Sry, I try to explain ist.

I have some Code, which gets the PIDs and the Processnames of all Processes/Programms, which have an AudioSession.

My Problem is, that this Proccesname kann look like this: "msedgewebview2.exe". But the Name I need, what hides behind this ist "Microsoft Teams".

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Not even a crystal ball can do this. WebView2 is not used just by Teams but Widgets, Office, Outlook, Weather and many other applications. What you can try it's to find the window(s) associated with your process that are not owned and based on the window title you might figure out what kind of application it is. Anyway this is an inconsistent way to kinda solve what you want.

When the words fail... music speaks.

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  • Solution

Is this of any help?

#include <array.au3>
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>

Local $aProcessList = ProcessList()

Global $aProcessList_Enhanced[UBound($aProcessList)][6]
$aProcessList_Enhanced[0][0] = $aProcessList[0][0]

For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][0] = $aProcessList[$i][0]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][1] = $aProcessList[$i][1]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2] = _WinAPI_GetProcessFileName($aProcessList[$i][1])
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][3] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "FileDescription")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][4] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "InternalName")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][5] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "ProductName")



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You're welcome 🙂. Maybe querying for the parent process and including elevated process is of any further help?


#include <array.au3>
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>

Local $aProcessList = ProcessList()

Global $aProcessList_Enhanced[UBound($aProcessList)][11]
$aProcessList_Enhanced[0][0] = $aProcessList[0][0]

For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][0] = $aProcessList[$i][0]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][1] = $aProcessList[$i][1]
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2] = _WinAPI_GetProcessFileName($aProcessList[$i][1])
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][3] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "FileDescription")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][4] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "InternalName")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][5] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][2], "ProductName")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][6] =_WinAPI_GetParentProcess($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][1])
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][7] = _WinAPI_GetProcessFileName($aProcessList[$i][1])
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][8] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][7], "FileDescription")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][9] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][7], "InternalName")
    $aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][10] = FileGetVersion($aProcessList_Enhanced[$i][7], "ProductName")



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