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Set ARM Compatibility options?


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I have a script that runs the vDos.exe DOS emulator. This works perfectly on Intel machines, but on ARM systems, vDos.exe needs to have "Strict compatibility" set in its Compatibility options, available from the Properties dialog. 

Is there a way to set the compatibility options from an AutoIt script? I've searched the forums without finding anything.

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How does the command line look that shells vDos?

Edited by Jos

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Like this:

FileInstall("d:\dropbox\vdosinst\AutoItScripts\vdosbase.exe", $temp & "\vdos.exe", 1)
If @error = 1 Then ShowError(51)
$vDosTmp = ($temp & "\vdos.exe")
RunWait($vDosTmp, $temp, @SW_MINIMIZE)

$temp is  a folder in the user's %TEMP% folder. ShowError() is a function that displays the error number.

Edited by emendelson
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Did you tried this?

FileInstall("d:\dropbox\vdosinst\AutoItScripts\vdosbase.exe", $temp & "\vdos.exe", 1)
If @error = 1 Then ShowError(51)
$vDosTmp = ($temp & "\vdos.exe")


Edited by Andreik

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Thank you for this. I didn't know it was even possible.

It didn't work, possibly because RunWait doesn't seem to use parameters. So I tried:

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /C " & $vDosTmp & ' ~ ARM64VERYSTRICTEXECUTION', $temp, @SW_MINIMIZE)

But that didn't work either. 

The least bad thing I can think of is to write the registry entry and then delete it after running the command, in order not to clutter up the registry, but your method would be better if I could figure out how to make it work.

EDIT: As far as I can tell from online sources, the command-line parameter won't have any effect. The only way to make this work seems to be through the Registry. Of course I could be wrong about this, and any information will be welcome.

Edited by emendelson
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