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ControlClick on 3rd party form control not working


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Hi Community,

I have written many small scripts so far which are all used to control a 3rd party software - I would say that I am an average experienced user.

Now I have got the situation that I am not able to start a job (i.e. click on a button of a form) in any way.

Usually it should work using the lines below - but as described it doesn't.

WinWait("Spezielle Installation", "")
ControlFocus("Spezielle Installation", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")
ControlClick("Spezielle Installation", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")

The form itself is rather simple:



Window Info lists the following things:




All I want to do is to click the button with the text "Erstellen".

I also tried to move the mouse to the button and send a click:

AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 1)

MouseMove(Number($X), Number($Y), 20)

WinActivate("Spezielle Installation", "")



I noticed that even moving the mouse does not work when i activate the window before moving the mouse ... it seems as if there is a kind of protection.

Does anyone have any advise on that?


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That's how I would try it

Local $hWnd =  WinWait("[CLASS:#32770; TITLE:Spezielle Installation]", "", 10)

If WinExists($hWnd) Then
    ConsoleWrite("$hWnd=" & $hWnd & @CRLF)
    Local $hCtrl = ControlGetHandle ($hWnd, "", "Button2")
    ConsoleWrite("$hCtrl=" & $hCtrl & @CRLF)
    Local $iMsg = ControlClick ($hWnd, "", $hCtrl)
    ConsoleWrite("$iMsg=" & $iMsg & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("! $hWnd NOT Exist" & @CRLF)

so that through ConsoleWrite I can understand where it is failing

Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

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2 hours ago, ioa747 said:

That's how I would try it

Local $hWnd =  WinWait("[CLASS:#32770; TITLE:Spezielle Installation]", "", 10)

If WinExists($hWnd) Then
    ConsoleWrite("$hWnd=" & $hWnd & @CRLF)
    Local $hCtrl = ControlGetHandle ($hWnd, "", "Button2")
    ConsoleWrite("$hCtrl=" & $hCtrl & @CRLF)
    Local $iMsg = ControlClick ($hWnd, "", $hCtrl)
    ConsoleWrite("$iMsg=" & $iMsg & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("! $hWnd NOT Exist" & @CRLF)

so that through ConsoleWrite I can understand where it is failing

this is the outcome:


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