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MSIEXEC custom multiple parameters

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Am trying to create inatall/upgrade automation during which am facing the problem in running the below command via AutoIT script. Can someone please help on how to pass these arguments to the commandline. 

msiexec.exe /i C:\epagentauto\epagent\indev\twoAgent.msi REGISTRATION_URL=https://r02-login.cybase.com INSTALLATION_KEY=YokjabsdoasJJGssd LOG_LEVEL=Debug

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Maybe try this:


RunWait ( 'msiexec.exe /i C:\epagentauto\epagent\indev\twoAgent.msi REGISTRATION_URL=https://r02-login.cybase.com INSTALLATION_KEY=YokjabsdoasJJGssd LOG_LEVEL=Debug', @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW )

Also, assuming that you didn't post the actual installation key associated with the similarly named parameter, does it contain any special characters?  If so, you will need to properly escape them for the command to run successfully.  Or, you could just surround each parameter in quotes like so:



RunWait ( 'msiexec.exe /i "C:\epagentauto\epagent\indev\twoAgent.msi" "REGISTRATION_URL=https://r02-login.cybase.com" "INSTALLATION_KEY=YokjabsdoasJJGssd" "LOG_LEVEL=Debug"', @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW )


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