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Distributed Computing in AutoIt (Kind of...)

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Yes, there are more efficient ways of accomplishing this, but what fun would that be. There is a lot of work to still be done here, but this is a rough draft or more of a outline towards building and implementing a distributed computing framework in AutoIt. This is all highly untested, if you have any suggestions, feel free to give your feedback.

Current Functionality:

Data Serialization and Deserialization

  1. Serialization Functions:

    • SerializeData($data): Serializes data into a string format based on its type (String, Array, Binary, etc.).
    • DeserializeData($serializedData): Deserializes serialized data back into its original format.
  2. Task Management Functions:

    • AddTask($id, $priority): Adds a task with specified ID and priority to the task list.
    • RemoveTask($id): Removes a task with the specified ID from the task list.
    • ScheduleTasks(): Sorts tasks by priority and assigns them to worker nodes based on priority.
  3. Task Priority Management Functions:

    • SetTaskPriority($task, $priority): Sets the priority of a task to the specified value.
    • IsTaskValid($task): Checks if a task is valid and has required properties.
    • _TaskHasRequiredProperties($task): Checks if a task has the required properties.
  4. Configuration Management Functions:

    • UpdateConfiguration($config): Updates application configuration settings based on provided configuration data.
    • LoadConfiguration($configFile): Loads configuration settings from a file and validates them.
    • SaveConfiguration($config, $configFile): Saves configuration settings to a file.

Security Incident Handling and Analysis

  1. Security Incident Response Functions:

    • LogResponse($incident, $level = "INFO"): Logs security incident responses with support for different logging levels, log rotation, email notifications, and SIEM integration.
    • TakeActions($incident): Generates and executes action plans based on incident severity level.
    • GenerateActionPlan($incident): Generates an action plan based on incident severity level.
    • ExecuteActionPlan($actionPlan): Executes the generated action plan.
  2. Security Incident Analysis Functions:

    • AnalyzeIncident($incident): Analyzes security incidents and assigns severity levels based on predefined patterns.
  3. Configuration File Handling Functions:

    • CheckConfigFile(): Checks if the configuration file has been modified and reloads the configuration if necessary.
    • ReloadConfig(): Reloads the updated configuration from the file.
    • ResetConfigSettings(): Resets previous configuration settings.
    • ProcessConfigLine($line): Processes each line of the configuration file and updates application settings accordingly.

Resource Management Based on CPU Utilization

  1. Resource Scaling Functions:
    • CheckCPUUtilizationLoop(): Continuously monitors CPU utilization and scales resources up or down accordingly.
    • GetCPUUtilization(): Retrieves CPU utilization information.
    • ScaleUp(): Scales up resources (e.g., launches new worker nodes) if CPU utilization is high.
    • ScaleDown(): Scales down resources (e.g., terminates excess worker nodes) if CPU utilization is low.


  • The script aims to provide a comprehensive solution for data management, task scheduling, configuration management, security incident handling, and resource optimization in a system.
  • It offers functionalities ranging from basic data serialization to advanced security incident analysis and resource scaling based on real-time CPU utilization.
  • The script ensures efficient system operation, effective response to security incidents, and optimal resource utilization to maintain system performance and security.


#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Http.au3>
#include <Process.au3>
#include <Timers.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>

Global $barrierSemaphore = _Semaphore_Create(0, 1) ; Initialize semaphore with initial count 0 and maximum count 1

Global Const $SEM_INITIAL_COUNT = 0
Global Const $SEM_MAX_COUNT = 1
Global Const $CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "config.ini"
Global Const $CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000    ; Check every 1 second
Global Const $CPU_THRESHOLD_HIGH = 80  ; High CPU utilization threshold (%)
Global Const $CPU_THRESHOLD_LOW = 20   ; Low CPU utilization threshold (%)
Global Const $MAX_WORKER_NODES = 10    ; Maximum number of worker nodes
Global Const $MIN_WORKER_NODES = 1     ; Minimum number of worker nodes
Global Const $TASK_PRIORITY_LOW = 1
Global Const $TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH = 3



; Define configuration profiles for different roles
Global $adminProfile[3] = ["MaxConnections", "MaxThreads", "LogLevel"]
Global $userProfile[2] = ["MaxConnections", "LogLevel"]

; Default configuration values
Global $defaultConfigValues[3] = [10, 5, "INFO"]

; Current configuration values
Global $currentConfigValues[3] = $defaultConfigValues

Global $tasks[0][3] ; Task structure: [Task ID, Priority, Status]

; Main loop to continuously check for changes in the configuration file
Func CheckConfigLoop()
While True

; Main loop to continuosly check CPU Utilization
Func CheckCPUUtilizationLoop()
    While True
        $cpuUtilization = GetCPUUtilization()

        If $cpuUtilization > $CPU_THRESHOLD_HIGH Then
        ElseIf $cpuUtilization < $CPU_THRESHOLD_LOW Then

        Sleep(5000)  ; Wait for 5 seconds before checking again

; Function to allocate resources to a node
Func AllocateResources($node, $resources)
    ; Check if the node is valid
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for resource allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Check if the specified resources are available
    If Not AreResourcesAvailable($resources) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Insufficient resources available for allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Update the node's resource allocation status
    For $i = 0 To UBound($resources) - 1
        $node[$resources[$i]] = True
    ConsoleWrite("Resources allocated successfully to node " & $node["ID"] & "." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to check if a node is valid
Func IsValidNode($node)
    ; Check if the node is not empty
    If Not IsArray($node) Or UBound($node) = 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified. Node is empty or not recognized." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Check if the node has required properties
    If Not _NodeHasRequiredProperties($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified. Node does not have required properties." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Check if the node ID is unique
    If Not _IsNodeIDUnique($node["ID"]) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified. Node ID is not unique." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Add more validation logic as needed
    Return True

; Function to check if the node has required properties
Func _NodeHasRequiredProperties($node)
    ; Define an array of required properties
    Local $requiredProperties[2] = ["ID", "IPAddress"]

    ; Iterate through the array of required properties
    For $property In $requiredProperties
        ; Check if the node has the current required property
        If Not _ArraySearch($node, $property, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) >= 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified. Node is missing the '" & $property & "' property." & @CRLF)
            Return False

    ; All required properties are present
    Return True

; Function to check if specified resources are available
Func AreResourcesAvailable($resources)
    ; Define an array of available resources and their capacities
    Local $availableResources[3] = ["CPU" => 100, "Memory" => 2048, "DiskSpace" => 500]

    ; Iterate through the specified resources
    For $resource In $resources
        ; Check if the specified resource exists in the list of available resources
        If Not _ArraySearch($availableResources, $resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) >= 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Resource '" & $resource & "' is not recognized." & @CRLF)
            Return False

        ; Check if the available capacity of the resource is sufficient
        If $resources[$resource] > $availableResources[$resource] Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Insufficient capacity for resource '" & $resource & "'." & @CRLF)
            Return False

    ; All specified resources are available
    Return True

; Function to deallocate resources from a node
Func DeallocateResources($node, $resources)
    ; Validate the node
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for resource deallocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Validate the specified resources
    If Not AreResourcesValid($resources) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resources specified for deallocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Perform deallocation of resources
    For $resource In $resources
        If Not DeallocateResource($node, $resource) Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to deallocate resource '" & $resource & "' from the node." & @CRLF)
            Return False

    ; Deallocation successful
    Return True

; Function to validate the specified resources for deallocation
Func AreResourcesValid($resources)
    ; Define an array of valid resource types
    Local $validResourceTypes[3] = ["CPU", "Memory", "DiskSpace"]

    ; Iterate through the specified resources
    For $resource In $resources
        ; Check if the specified resource type is valid
        If Not _ArraySearch($validResourceTypes, $resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) >= 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource type '" & $resource & "' specified for deallocation." & @CRLF)
            Return False

        ; Additional validation logic can be added here as needed

    ; All specified resources are valid
    Return True

; Function to deallocate a specific resource from a node
Func DeallocateResource($node, $resource)
    ; Validate the node
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for resource deallocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for deallocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Perform deallocation of the resource from the node
    If Not _RemoveResourceFromNode($node, $resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to deallocate resource '" & $resource & "' from the node." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Deallocation successful
    Return True

; Function to remove a resource from a node's allocation
Func _RemoveResourceFromNode($node, $resource)
    ; Validate the node
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for removing resource." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for removal." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the resource is currently allocated to the node
    If Not IsResourceAllocated($node, $resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Resource '" & $resource & "' is not allocated to the specified node." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Remove the resource from the node's allocation
    If Not _UpdateNodeResourceAllocation($node, $resource, False) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to update node's resource allocation status." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Resource removal successful
    Return True

; Function to check if a resource is currently allocated to a node
Func IsResourceAllocated($node, $resource)
    ; Validate the node
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for checking resource allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for checking allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the resource is in the node's list of allocated resources
    For $i = 0 To UBound($node["AllocatedResources"]) - 1
        If $node["AllocatedResources"][$i] = $resource Then
            Return True

    ; If resource is not found in the allocated resources list, it's not allocated to the node
    Return False

; Function to update node's resource allocation status
Func _UpdateNodeResourceAllocation($node, $resource, $allocated)
    ; Validate the node
    If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node specified for updating resource allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for updating allocation." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Update node's resource allocation status based on the allocated parameter
    If $allocated Then
        ; Allocate the resource if not already allocated
        If Not IsResourceAllocated($node, $resource) Then
            $node["AllocatedResources"] &= $resource
        ; Deallocate the resource if allocated
        If IsResourceAllocated($node, $resource) Then
            _RemoveResourceFromNode($node, $resource)

    ; Log the resource allocation status update
    If $allocated Then
        ConsoleWrite("Resource '" & $resource & "' allocated to node." & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Resource '" & $resource & "' deallocated from node." & @CRLF)

    ; For demonstration purposes, assume resource allocation status is updated successfully
    Return True

; Function to monitor resource usage across nodes
Func MonitorResourceUsage()
    ; Define an array to store aggregated resource usage data
    Local $resourceUsageData[0]

    ; Loop through each node to query resource usage metrics
    For $i = 0 To UBound($Nodes) - 1
        Local $node = $Nodes[$i]
        ; Validate the node
        If Not IsValidNode($node) Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid node encountered while monitoring resource usage." & @CRLF)

        ; Query resource usage metrics for the node (replace with actual logic)
        Local $usageMetrics = _QueryResourceUsageMetrics($node)

        ; If resource usage metrics are obtained successfully, add them to the aggregated data
        If IsArray($usageMetrics) Then
            $resourceUsageData &= $usageMetrics
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to query resource usage metrics for node '" & $node["ID"] & "'." & @CRLF)

    ; Analyze the aggregated resource usage data (replace with actual analysis logic)

    ; For demonstration purposes, assume resource usage monitoring is completed successfully
    Return True

; Function to acquire a lock on a resource
Func LockResource($resource)
    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for locking." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Implement logic to acquire a lock on the resource
    ; For demonstration purposes, assume the lock is acquired successfully
    ; You should replace this with your actual locking mechanism

    ; Example: Check if the resource is already locked
    If $resource["Locked"] Then
        ConsoleWrite("Warning: Resource '" & $resource["Name"] & "' is already locked." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Set the lock status of the resource to true
    $resource["Locked"] = True

    ConsoleWrite("Resource '" & $resource["Name"] & "' locked successfully." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to release a lock on a resource
Func UnlockResource($resource)
    ; Validate the resource
    If Not IsResourceValid($resource) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid resource specified for unlocking." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Implement logic to release the lock on the resource
    ; For demonstration purposes, assume the lock is released successfully
    ; You should replace this with your actual unlocking mechanism

    ; Example: Check if the resource is locked
    If Not $resource["Locked"] Then
        ConsoleWrite("Warning: Resource '" & $resource["Name"] & "' is not locked." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Set the lock status of the resource to false
    $resource["Locked"] = False

    ConsoleWrite("Resource '" & $resource["Name"] & "' unlocked successfully." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to synchronize nodes at a barrier point
Func BarrierSync($numNodes)
    ; Validate the number of nodes
    If $numNodes <= 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid number of nodes specified for barrier synchronization." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Synchronize nodes at the barrier point
    For $i = 1 To $numNodes
        _Semaphore_Wait($barrierSemaphore) ; Decrement semaphore count

    ; Release the semaphore to allow other threads to proceed
    For $i = 1 To $numNodes
        _Semaphore_Signal($barrierSemaphore) ; Increment semaphore count

    ConsoleWrite("Barrier synchronization point reached. All " & $numNodes & " nodes synchronized." & @CRLF)
    Return True

Func _Semaphore_Create($initialCount = $SEM_INITIAL_COUNT, $maxCount = $SEM_MAX_COUNT)
    Local $hMutex = _WinAPI_CreateMutex()
    If @error Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error creating mutex: " & @error & @CRLF)
        Return 0
    Local $aSemaphore[2] = [$hMutex, $initialCount]
    Return $aSemaphore

; Function to decrement the semaphore count and wait until it becomes greater than zero
Func _Semaphore_Wait($hSemaphore)
    Local $dwMilliseconds = _WinAPI_Infinite

    ; Wait for the semaphore with an infinite timeout
    Local $result = _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject($hSemaphore, $dwMilliseconds)

    ; Check if the wait operation was successful
    If $result = 0 Then
        Return True ; Semaphore was successfully acquired
    ElseIf $result = 0x00000102 Then
        Return False ; Semaphore was abandoned
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Semaphore wait failed with error code " & @error & "." & @CRLF)
        Return False ; Semaphore wait failed

; Function to increment the semaphore count
Func _Semaphore_Signal($hSemaphore)
    ; Release the semaphore
    Local $lPrevCount
    Local $bResult = _WinAPI_ReleaseSemaphore($hSemaphore, 1, $lPrevCount)

    ; Check if the semaphore was released successfully
    If $bResult Then
        Return True ; Semaphore was successfully signaled
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Semaphore signal failed." & @CRLF)
        Return False ; Semaphore signal failed

; Function to serialize data
Func SerializeData($data)
    Local $serializedData = ""

    ; Check the type of data and serialize accordingly
    Switch VarGetType($data)
        Case "String"
            ; Serialize string data
            $serializedData = $data & @CRLF ; Add a delimiter for string data

        Case "Array"
            ; Serialize array data
            For $i = 0 To UBound($data) - 1
                $serializedData &= SerializeData($data[$i]) & @CRLF ; Recursive call for each array element

        Case "Binary"
            ; Serialize binary data
            $serializedData = BinaryToString($data) & @CRLF ; Convert binary to string and add a delimiter

        ; Add cases for other data types as needed

        Case Else
            ; Unsupported data type
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Unsupported data type for serialization." & @CRLF)
            Return ""

    Return $serializedData

; Function to deserialize data
Func DeserializeData($serializedData)
    Local $deserializedData = ""
    Local $lines = StringSplit($serializedData, @CRLF, 3) ; Split serialized data into lines

    ; Check if serialized data is empty
    If UBound($lines) = 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Serialized data is empty." & @CRLF)
        Return ""

    ; Iterate through each line and deserialize accordingly
    For $i = 0 To UBound($lines) - 1
        Local $line = $lines[$i]

        ; Check if the line is not empty
        If StringLen($line) > 0 Then
            ; Check the type of data and deserialize accordingly
            Switch VarGetType($deserializedData)
                Case "String"
                    ; Deserialize string data
                    $deserializedData &= $line

                Case "Array"
                    ; Deserialize array data
                    Local $deserializedElement = DeserializeData($line) ; Recursive call for each element
                    If $deserializedElement <> "" Then
                        _ArrayAdd($deserializedData, $deserializedElement)

                Case "Binary"
                    ; Deserialize binary data
                    $deserializedData &= StringToBinary($line)

                ; Add cases for other data types as needed

                Case Else
                    ; Unsupported data type
                    ConsoleWrite("Error: Unsupported data type for deserialization." & @CRLF)
                    Return ""

    Return $deserializedData

; Function to add a task
Func AddTask($id, $priority)
    Global $tasks[UBound($tasks) + 1][3]
    $tasks[UBound($tasks) - 1][0] = $id
    $tasks[UBound($tasks) - 1][1] = $priority
    $tasks[UBound($tasks) - 1][2] = $TASK_STATUS_WAITING

; Function to remove a task
Func RemoveTask($id)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($tasks) - 1
        If $tasks[$i][0] = $id Then
            _ArrayDelete($tasks, $i)

; Function to schedule tasks based on priority
Func ScheduleTasks()
    ; Sort tasks by priority (higher priority first)
    _ArraySort($tasks, 0, 1, 0, $TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH)

    ; Assign tasks to worker nodes based on priority
    For $i = 0 To UBound($tasks) - 1
        If $tasks[$i][2] = $TASK_STATUS_WAITING Then
            ; Assign task to a worker node
            $tasks[$i][2] = $TASK_STATUS_RUNNING

; Function to simulate assigning task to a worker node
Func AssignTaskToNode($taskId)
    ConsoleWrite("Task " & $taskId & " assigned to a worker node." & @CRLF)
    ; Implement actual assignment logic here

Func SetTaskPriority($task, $priority)
    ; Validate task and priority
    If Not IsTaskValid($task) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid task specified." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    If Not IsPriorityValid($priority) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid priority specified." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Set task priority
    $task["Priority"] = $priority
    ConsoleWrite("Task priority set successfully." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to check if a task is valid
Func IsTaskValid($task)
    ; Check if the task is not empty
    If Not IsArray($task) Or UBound($task) = 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid task specified. Task is empty or not recognized." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the task has required properties
    If Not _TaskHasRequiredProperties($task) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid task specified. Task does not have required properties." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Add more validation logic as needed

    Return True

; Function to check if the task has required properties
Func _TaskHasRequiredProperties($task)
    ; Implement logic to check if the task has required properties
    ; For demonstration purposes, assume tasks must have a "Name" property
    If Not IsArray($task) Or Not _ArraySearch($task, "Name", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) >= 0 Then
        Return False
    Return True

; Function to check if a priority is valid
Func IsPriorityValid($priority)
    ; Check if the priority is a numeric value
    If Not IsNumber($priority) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid priority specified. Priority must be a numeric value." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the priority is within a valid range
    If $priority < 0 Or $priority > 10 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid priority specified. Priority must be between 0 and 10." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the priority is an integer
    If Floor($priority) <> $priority Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid priority specified. Priority must be an integer." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Add more validation logic as needed

    Return True

; Function to get the task with the highest priority
Func GetHighestPriorityTask($tasks)
    ; Initialize variables to store the highest priority and the corresponding task
    Local $highestPriority = -1
    Local $highestPriorityTask = ""

    ; Iterate through the tasks
    For $task In $tasks
        ; Validate the task
        If Not IsTaskValid($task) Then ContinueLoop

        ; Retrieve the priority of the current task
        Local $priority = $task["Priority"]

        ; Check if the priority is higher than the current highest priority
        If $priority > $highestPriority Then
            ; Update the highest priority and corresponding task
            $highestPriority = $priority
            $highestPriorityTask = $task

    ; Return the task with the highest priority
    Return $highestPriorityTask

Func UpdateConfiguration($config)
    ; Validate the configuration data
    If Not IsArray($config) Or UBound($config) = 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid configuration data." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Validate individual configuration settings
    If Not _IsValidConfiguration($config) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid configuration settings." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Write the configuration data to the configuration file
    Local $configFile = @ScriptDir & "\config.ini"
    Local $fileHandle = FileOpen($configFile, 2)
    If $fileHandle = -1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Unable to open configuration file for writing." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    FileWrite($fileHandle, IniWriteSection($configFile, "Settings", $config))

    ; Log successful configuration update
    ConsoleWrite("Configuration settings updated successfully." & @CRLF)

    Return True

; Function to validate configuration settings
Func _IsValidConfiguration($config)
    ; Check if the configuration array is empty
    If UBound($config) = 0 Then
        Return False
    ; Check for required settings
    If Not _HasRequiredSettings($config) Then
        Return False
    ; Check data types and ranges for specific settings
    If Not _ValidateSettingDataType($config["Setting1"], "integer", 0, 100) Then
        Return False
    If Not _ValidateSettingDataType($config["Setting2"], "string") Then
        Return False
    ; Add more validation checks for other settings as needed
    ; If all checks pass, return true
    Return True

; Function to check if the configuration array has required settings
Func _HasRequiredSettings($config)
    ; Implement logic to check for required settings
    If Not IsArray($config) Or Not $config["Setting1"] Or Not $config["Setting2"] Then
        Return False
    Return True

; Function to validate data type and range for a specific setting
Func _ValidateSettingDataType($value, $type, $min = "", $max = "")
    ; Implement logic to validate data type and range
    Switch $type
        Case "integer"
            If Not IsInt($value) Then
                Return False
            If $min <> "" And $value < $min Then
                Return False
            If $max <> "" And $value > $max Then
                Return False
        Case "string"
            If Not IsString($value) Then
                Return False
        ; Add cases for other data types if needed
    Return True

; Function to load configuration settings from a file
Func LoadConfiguration($configFile)
    Local $config = IniReadSection($configFile, "Settings")
    If @error Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Unable to load configuration settings from file." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Validate the loaded configuration
    If Not _IsValidConfiguration($config) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Loaded configuration settings are invalid." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Configuration settings are valid, return the loaded configuration
    Return $config

; Function to save configuration settings to a file
Func SaveConfiguration($config, $configFile)
    ; Validate the configuration
    If Not IsArray($config) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Invalid configuration settings." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Write configuration settings to the specified INI file section
    For $i = 1 To $config[0][0]
        IniWrite($configFile, "Settings", $config[$i][0], $config[$i][1])
    ; Check for errors during writing
    If @error Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Unable to save configuration settings to file." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Configuration settings saved successfully
    Return True

; Function to log security incident response with support for different logging levels
Func LogResponse($incident, $level = "INFO")
    Local $logFile = @ScriptDir & "\security_log.txt"
    Local $timestamp = _FormatTimestamp(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY, @HOUR, @MIN, $SEC)
    Local $response = _FormatLogMessage($incident, $level, $timestamp)

    Local $fileHandle = FileOpen($logFile, 1)
    If $fileHandle = -1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Unable to open log file for writing." & @CRLF)
        Return False

    ; Check if the log level is allowed based on configured settings
    If Not _IsLogLevelAllowed($level) Then
        Return False

    FileWriteLine($fileHandle, $response)

    ; Implement log rotation if log file size exceeds a certain threshold

    ; Implement email notifications for critical incidents
    If $level = "CRITICAL" Then

    ; Integrate with SIEM tools for centralized logging and analysis

    Return True

; Function to check if the log level is allowed based on configured settings
Func _IsLogLevelAllowed($level)
    ; List of allowed log levels configured by the user
    Local $allowedLevels[5] = ["INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "DEBUG", "CRITICAL"]

    ; Check if the specified log level is in the list of allowed levels
    If _ArraySearch($allowedLevels, $level) <> -1 Then
        Return True
        Return False

; Function to perform log rotation if log file size exceeds a certain threshold
Func _PerformLogRotation($logFile)
    ; Maximum size threshold for log file in bytes (e.g., 10 MB)
    Local Const $maxFileSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024  ; 10 MB

    ; Check if the log file exists
    If Not FileExists($logFile) Then Return False

    ; Get the size of the log file
    Local $fileSize = FileGetSize($logFile)

    ; Check if the log file size exceeds the maximum threshold
    If $fileSize > $maxFileSize Then
        ; Generate a timestamp to append to the rotated log file name
        Local $timestamp = _FormatTimestamp(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY, @HOUR, @MIN, @SEC)
        Local $rotatedLogFile = StringReplace($logFile, ".txt", "_" & $timestamp & ".txt")

        ; Rename the current log file to the rotated log file
        If FileMove($logFile, $rotatedLogFile, 1) Then
            ; Create a new empty log file
            FileOpen($logFile, 2)
            Return True
            ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to rotate log file." & @CRLF)
            Return False

    Return False  ; Log rotation not required

; Function to send email notifications for critical incidents
Func _SendEmailNotification($incident)
    ; Email configuration
    Local $recipient = "admin@example.com"  ; Recipient email address
    Local $subject = "Critical Incident Alert"  ; Email subject
    Local $message = "A critical incident has occurred: " & $incident  ; Email message

    ; Send email using the built-in AutoIt function 'InetMail'
    Local $result = InetMail($recipient, $subject, $message)

    ; Check if the email was sent successfully
    If $result = 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Email notification sent successfully." & @CRLF)
        Return True
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to send email notification." & @CRLF)
        Return False

; Function to send log data to SIEM tools
Func _SendToSIEM($data)
    ; SIEM server configuration
    Local $siemServer = "siem.example.com"  ; SIEM server address
    Local $siemPort = 514  ; SIEM server port (typically 514 for syslog)
    ; Open a UDP socket to connect to the SIEM server
    Local $socket = UDPStartup()
    If $socket = 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to initialize UDP socket." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Convert log data to syslog format
    Local $syslogData = "<14>" & @MON & " " & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & @ComputerName & " AutoIt: " & $data
    ; Send syslog data to the SIEM server
    Local $result = UDPSend($socket, $siemServer, $siemPort, $syslogData)
    If $result = -1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Failed to send log data to SIEM server." & @CRLF)
        Return False
    ; Close the UDP socket
    ConsoleWrite("Log data sent to SIEM server successfully." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to format the timestamp
Func _FormatTimestamp($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second)
    ; Customize timestamp format as needed
    Return StringFormat("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second)

; Function to format the log message
Func _FormatLogMessage($incident, $level, $timestamp)
    ; Customize log message format as needed
    Return StringFormat("[%s] [%s] %s: %s%s", $timestamp, $level, @ScriptName, $incident, @CRLF)

; Function to take actions based on security incidents
Func TakeActions($incident)
    ; Generate action plan based on incident severity level
    Local $actionPlan = GenerateActionPlan($incident)

    ; Implement actions based on the generated action plan
    If ExecuteActionPlan($actionPlan) Then
        ConsoleWrite("Actions executed successfully." & @CRLF)
        Return True
        ConsoleWrite("Failed to execute actions." & @CRLF)
        Return False

; Function to generate action plan based on incident severity level
Func GenerateActionPlan($incident)
    ; Implement logic to generate action plan based on incident severity level
    Switch $incident
        Case "CRITICAL"
            Return "Immediate action required: isolate affected systems, contain the attack, and notify security team."
        Case "WARNING"
            Return "Investigate suspicious activity, gather evidence, and escalate if necessary."
        Case Else
            Return "No immediate action required. Monitor for any further developments."

; Function to execute action plan
Func ExecuteActionPlan($actionPlan)
    ; Implement logic to execute action plan
    ConsoleWrite("Executing action plan:" & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite($actionPlan & @CRLF)

    ; For demonstration purposes, assume all actions are executed successfully
    ConsoleWrite("Action plan executed successfully." & @CRLF)
    Return True

; Function to analyze security incidents
Func AnalyzeIncident($incident)
    ; Implement more sophisticated analysis techniques
    ; For demonstration purposes, let's use pattern matching for detecting critical incidents
    If StringRegExp($incident, "(\battack\b|\bintrusion\b|\bmalware\b|\bexploit\b)", 0) Then
        Return "CRITICAL"
    ElseIf StringRegExp($incident, "(\bsuspicious\b|\banomaly\b)", 0) Then
        Return "WARNING"
        Return "INFO"

; Function to check if the configuration file has been modified
Func CheckConfigFile()
    Local Static $lastModifiedTime = FileGetTime($CONFIG_FILE_PATH, $FT_MODIFIED)
    Local $currentModifiedTime = FileGetTime($CONFIG_FILE_PATH, $FT_MODIFIED)
    If $currentModifiedTime <> $lastModifiedTime Then
        $lastModifiedTime = $currentModifiedTime

; Function to reload the updated configuration
Func ReloadConfig()
    ConsoleWrite("Reloading configuration..." & @CRLF)
    ; Read the updated configuration from the file
    Local $configFile = FileOpen($CONFIG_FILE_PATH, $FO_READ)
    If $configFile = -1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Error: Unable to open configuration file." & @CRLF)
    ; Reset previous configuration settings
    ; Replace this section with your own code to reset previous configuration settings
    ; Read new configuration settings and update application
    While Not FileEOF($configFile)
        Local $line = FileReadLine($configFile)
        ; Process each line of the configuration file
        ; Example: Parse and apply settings from each line
    ; Close the configuration file
    ConsoleWrite("Configuration reloaded successfully." & @CRLF)

; Function to reset previous configuration settings
Func ResetConfigSettings()
    ; Define default configuration values
    Local $defaultSetting1 = "default_value1"
    Local $defaultSetting2 = 100
    Local $defaultSetting3 = True
    ; Reset configuration settings
    Global $setting1 = $defaultSetting1
    Global $setting2 = $defaultSetting2
    Global $setting3 = $defaultSetting3
    ; Optionally, you can add error handling or validation here
    ConsoleWrite("Resetting previous configuration settings..." & @CRLF)
    ; Optionally, you can return a success/failure status
    Return True ; Assuming reset is successful

; Function to process each line of the configuration file
Func ProcessConfigLine($line)
    ; Implement your logic to parse and apply settings from each line
    ConsoleWrite("Processing config line: " & $line & @CRLF)
    ; Example: Split the line and update application settings accordingly
    Local $splitLine = StringSplit($line, "=")
    If $splitLine[0] = "Setting1" Then
        ; Update Setting1 with $splitLine[1]
        ConsoleWrite("Setting1 updated to: " & $splitLine[1] & @CRLF)
    ElseIf $splitLine[0] = "Setting2" Then
        ; Update Setting2 with $splitLine[1]
        ConsoleWrite("Setting2 updated to: " & $splitLine[1] & @CRLF)
    ; Add more conditions as needed for each setting

Func CheckCPUUtilizationLoop()
    While True
        $cpuUtilization = GetCPUUtilization()

        If $cpuUtilization > $CPU_THRESHOLD_HIGH Then
        ElseIf $cpuUtilization < $CPU_THRESHOLD_LOW Then

        Sleep(5000)  ; Wait for 5 seconds before checking again

Func GetCPUUtilization()
    Local $cpuInfo = _ProcessGetStatistics()
    Local $cpuUsage = 0

    For $i = 1 To UBound($cpuInfo) - 1
        $cpuUsage += $cpuInfo[$i][1]

    Return $cpuUsage

Func ScaleUp()
    If $numWorkerNodes < $MAX_WORKER_NODES Then
        ; Add logic to scale up (e.g., launch new worker nodes)
        $numWorkerNodes += 1
        ConsoleWrite("Scaled up: " & $numWorkerNodes & " worker nodes" & @CRLF)

Func ScaleDown()
    If $numWorkerNodes > $MIN_WORKER_NODES Then
        ; Add logic to scale down (e.g., terminate excess worker nodes)
        $numWorkerNodes -= 1
        ConsoleWrite("Scaled down: " & $numWorkerNodes & " worker nodes" & @CRLF)


Edited by LAteNightSpecial
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2 hours ago, LAteNightSpecial said:

It offers functionalities ranging from basic data serialization to advanced security incident analysis and resource scaling based on real-time CPU utilization.

_ProcessGetStatistics() is nowhere to be found.  I guess that is why you said "This is all highly untested".
In the tread True AutoIt multi-threading!, you posted something that just plain crashes if you add at the end of the 1st example Sleep(5000).

So you are looking for help or collaboration on this thread ? The code won't run as is. The idea looks nice.

PS: I like your new avatar image :)

Edited by argumentum

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

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2 hours ago, argumentum said:

_ProcessGetStatistics() is nowhere to be found.  I guess that is why you said "This is all highly untested".
In the tread True AutoIt multi-threading!, you posted something that just plain crashes if you add at the end of the 1st example Sleep(5000).

So you are looking for help or collaboration on this thread ? The code won't run as is. The idea looks nice.

PS: I like your new avatar image :)

Thank you for responding, and for pointing out my spelling errors. "So you are looking for help or collaboration on this thread ? " Indeed, which is why I came here. ChatGPT will not be putting anyone out of a job yet, but AI/AGI/ASI Machine learning our getting there or perhaps they are already there. "The idea looks nice. " This is why I thought it would be best to go seek the advice of professionals among the AutoIt community. This is a learning exercise for me. I have always liked AutoIt, and wanted to contribute some useful tools to show my appreciation.

"PS: I like your new avatar image :)" Why thank you! I quite like yours as well. 😜

What guidance and suggestions might you have in mind for a project such as this?

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#include <Constants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <ProcessConstants.au3>

Func _ProcessGetStatistics()
    Local $aProcesses = ProcessList()
    Local $aStatistics[$aProcesses[0] + 1][2]

    For $i = 1 To $aProcesses[0]
        $aStatistics[$i][0] = $aProcesses[$i]
        $aStatistics[$i][1] = _GetProcessCpuUsage($aProcesses[$i])

    _ArraySort($aStatistics, 1, 1, 0, $SORT_DESCENDING)

    Return $aStatistics

Func _GetProcessCpuUsage($iPID)
    Local $iUsage = 0
    Local $aiCPULoad = _WinAPI_GetProcessTimes($iPID)
    If @error Then Return $iUsage

    Local $iKernelTime = $aiCPULoad[2]
    Local $iUserTime = $aiCPULoad[3]
    Local $iKernelTimePrev = $aiCPULoad[0]
    Local $iUserTimePrev = $aiCPULoad[1]


    $aiCPULoad = _WinAPI_GetProcessTimes($iPID)
    If @error Then Return $iUsage

    $iKernelTime = $aiCPULoad[2] - $iKernelTime
    $iUserTime = $aiCPULoad[3] - $iUserTime
    $iKernelTimePrev = $aiCPULoad[0] - $iKernelTimePrev
    $iUserTimePrev = $aiCPULoad[1] - $iUserTimePrev

    If $iKernelTime + $iUserTime > 0 Then
        $iUsage = Round((($iKernelTime + $iUserTime) / ($iKernelTime + $iUserTime + $iKernelTimePrev + $iUserTimePrev)) * 100, 2)

    Return $iUsage

Again, thank you for any and all assistance. It is very much appreciated!

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7 minutes ago, LAteNightSpecial said:

ChatGPT will not be putting anyone out of a job yet,


Be careful with that LLM thing. It can copy'n'paste faster than me for sure but it may very well not be thorough enough.


7 minutes ago, LAteNightSpecial said:

might you have in mind for a project such as this?

Right now, am without time. I'd search the forum for you to copy'n'paste the code you'd like to have. But again, I'm without time :(

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

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6 minutes ago, argumentum said:

I could not agree more

9 minutes ago, argumentum said:

Right now, am without time.

"I'd search the forum for you to copy'n'paste the code you'd like to have." - Perhaps I will take a look around the hallways to see what I can dig up


But again, I'm without time :(

"In the grand theater of life, time waits for no one, yet it remains our most precious possession. Embrace its fleeting nature, for within its passage lies the essence of our existence."

#include <Array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinHttp.au3>

Func GetTopStories($limit = 10)
    Local $url = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json"
    Local $oHTTP = _WinHttpOpen()
    Local $oConnect = _WinHttpConnect($oHTTP, $url)
    Local $oRequest = _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest($oConnect)
    Local $sRead = _WinHttpSimpleReadData($oRequest)
    Local $top_story_ids = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sRead, 1), ",")

    If UBound($top_story_ids) < $limit Then $limit = UBound($top_story_ids)

    Local $top_stories[$limit][4]
    For $i = 0 To $limit - 1
        Local $story_url = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/" & $top_story_ids[$i] & ".json"
        Local $story_response = _WinHttpSimpleRequest($story_url)
        Local $story_data = Json_decode($story_response, 1)
        $top_stories[$i][0] = $story_data["title"]
        $top_stories[$i][1] = $story_data["url"]
        $top_stories[$i][2] = $story_data["score"]
        $top_stories[$i][3] = $story_data["by"]

    Return $top_stories

Func Main()
    Local $limit = 10
    If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then
        If $CmdLine[1] = "-n" Or $CmdLine[1] = "--limit" Then
            $limit = $CmdLine[2]

    Local $top_stories = GetTopStories($limit)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($top_stories) - 1
        ConsoleWrite($i + 1 & ". Title: " & $top_stories[$i][0] & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("   URL: " & $top_stories[$i][1] & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("   Score: " & $top_stories[$i][2] & " by " & $top_stories[$i][3] & @CRLF & @CRLF)



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8 minutes ago, LAteNightSpecial said:

Embrace its fleeting nature, for within its passage lies the essence of our existence.

Very poetic.
Also like "Geniuses talk to themselves but real people see themselves in others", I like that.

In regards to my time management, ... is a matter of money/food. Self imposed obligations, I know. But it was my wisest of choices in regards to those I have around. Is not just my reality. I chose to not make it so.

Nonetheless my current status remains. Short of time for this.


Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

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3 minutes ago, argumentum said:

In regards to my time management, ... is a matter of money/food. Self imposed obligations

Our bodies start dying the day that we are born. We get our energy from dead plants and animals only to prolong the inevitable. We go to the gym, only to realize gravity is playing a cruel joke on us. Money, a mere convenience coupon to support all of those fruitless ventures. The lessons that we learn here, and the memories that we have made, shall be the only true currency. Technologies have always been silly to those whom know we only travel in souls, but it passes the time.

7 minutes ago, argumentum said:

Nonetheless my current status remains. Short of time for this.

I understand, and I thank you for taking a little bit of your time to respond.

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  • Moderators

This is the 2nd topic I've had to move to the right forum from you.

Thank you for your contribution, but there's an example script forum for things like this 😉.

--> moving

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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7 hours ago, SmOke_N said:

This is the 2nd topic I've had to move to the right forum from you.

Thank you for your contribution, but there's an example script forum for things like this 😉.

--> moving

My apologies SmOke_N, I was a little confused as to where to post because the scripts were all incomplete and error prone. So, I was more looking for guidance and asking questions regarding what I was working on. Thank you for your understanding, and clarification.

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  • LAteNightSpecial changed the title to Distributed Computing in AutoIt (Kind of...)

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