MojoeB Posted January 3, 2024 Posted January 3, 2024 Hello dear forum, I am working on a project where I aim to make all browsers operable with WebDriver. For this, I have created a GUI that will later be implemented in the settings, allowing both the IT department and users to conduct tests in case of issues with the browser being used. So far, my setup works with Edge, Google Chrome, and Chromelegacy, but I am encountering difficulties with Opera, Firefox, and the Edge IE Mode. Although I have managed to open the Firefox browser with the Geckodriver, I have not yet been successful in running it in headless mode. I plan to continue working on correctly implementing the other browsers once I get Firefox running as desired. Here is my code. Below are several attempts to get Firefox running: expandcollapse popup#include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <GuiButton.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <nWebdriver\wd_capabilities.au3> #include <nWebdriver\wd_helper.au3> Func _guisetupweb() Local $setupWEB[] $gui = GUICreate("webdrivertestgui",582,524,-1,-1,-1,-1) $setupWEB.gui = $gui GUICtrlCreateGroup("web_driver",4,0,571,153,$BS_RIGHT,-1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("debug Level",353,16,81,61,-1,-1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("browser",15,16,316,61,$BS_CENTER,-1) $browser = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",30,43,290,21,-1,-1) $setupWEB.browser = $browser GUICtrlSetData($setupWEB.browser,"edge|chrome|chrome_legecy|opera|firefox|msedgeie", "edge") $idebug = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",359,43,66,21,-1,-1) $setupWEB.idebug = $idebug GUICtrlSetData($setupWEB.idebug ,"0|1|2", "0") GUICtrlCreateGroup("browser window",439,90,130,55,-1,-1) $WindowON = GUICtrlCreateRadio("ON",454,114,46,20,-1,-1) $setupWEB.WindowON = $WindowON $WindowOFF = GUICtrlCreateRadio("OFF",514,114,41,20,-1,-1) $setupWEB.WindowOFF = $WindowOFF GUICtrlCreateGroup("logpath",15,80,316,65,$BS_CENTER,-1) $saveLOG = GUICtrlCreateInput("",30,104,290,20,-1,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $setupWEB.saveLOG = $saveLOG $save = GUICtrlCreateButton("save",357,104,58,30,-1,-1) $ = $save GUICtrlCreateGroup("test browser",4,163,571,348,-1,-1) $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("",10,220,559,281,-1,-1) $setupWEB.edit = $edit $btntest = GUICtrlCreateButton("TEST",434,180,119,30,-1,-1) $setupWEB.btntest = $btntest $url = GUICtrlCreateInput("http://",107,187,308,20,-1,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $setupWEB.url = $url GUICtrlCreateLabel("URL",30,192,50,15,-1,-1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,"-2") return $setupWEB EndFunc Global $msetupWeb, $capa, $iWebDriver_PID, $sSession $msetupWeb = _guisetupweb() GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If $iWebDriver_PID <> '' Then _WD_DeleteSession($sSession) $sSession = '' _WD_Shutdown($iWebDriver_PID,Default) $capa = '' EndIf Exit Case $msetupWeb.btntest first_test() EndSwitch WEnd func SetupWebdriver($sBrowser = 'edge', $ilvl = 0, $window = 0, $sLogPath = '') Local $headless = True local $log = true IF $ilvl = 0 Then $_WD_DEBUG = $_WD_DEBUG_None ElseIf $ilvl = 1 Then $_WD_DEBUG = $_WD_DEBUG_Full ElseIf $ilvl = 2 Then $_WD_DEBUG = $_WD_DEBUG_Info EndIf IF $window = 1 Then $headless = False EndIf IF $sLogPath = '' Then $log = False EndIf IF $sBrowser = 'edge' Then $capa = SetupEdge($headless,$log,$sLogPath) Elseif $sBrowser = 'chrome' Then $capa = SetupChrome($headless,$log,$sLogPath) Elseif $sBrowser = 'chrome_legecy' Then $capa = SetupChromelegacy($headless,$log,$sLogPath) ElseIf $sBrowser = 'opera' Then $capa = SetupOpera($headless,$log,$sLogPath) ElseIf $sBrowser = 'firefox' Then $capa = SetupFireFox($headless,$log,$sLogPath) ElseIf $sBrowser = 'msedgeie' Then $capa = SetupEdgeIE($headless,$log,$sLogPath) EndIf EndFunc func first_test() Local $window = 0 $sbrowser = GUICtrlRead($msetupWeb.browser,1) $sidebug = GUICtrlRead($msetupWeb.idebug,1) $ssaveLOG = GUICtrlRead($msetupWeb.saveLOG,1) $sWindowON = GUICtrlRead($msetupWeb.WindowON) If $sWindowON = 1 Then $window = 1 EndIf If $iWebDriver_PID <> '' Then _WD_DeleteSession($sSession) $sSession = '' _WD_Shutdown($iWebDriver_PID,Default) $capa = '' EndIf SetupWebdriver($sbrowser, $sidebug, $window, $ssaveLOG) $sSession = _WD_CreateSession($capa) IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CreateSession_fehler', @Error) _WD_Navigate($sSession, '') IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_Navigatefehler', @Error) ConsoleWrite('test:'& _WD_GetSession($sSession) & @CRLF) EndFunc ;edge is tested, logpath not working. Func SetupEdge($headless, $log, $sLogPath) _WD_UpdateDriver('msedge', @Tempdir & '\msedge\') _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\msedge\msedgedriver.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) IF $log Then _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--verbose --log-path=' & $sLogPath) EndIf $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'msedge') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'headless') ; Headless-Modus _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'disable-gpu') ; Manchmal notwendig für Headless EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') _WD_CapabilitiesDump(@ScriptLineNumber) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;chrome is not tested, logpath not working. Func SetupChrome($headless,$log, $sLogPath) Consolewrite('func start : chromedriver.exe' & @CRLF) _WD_UpdateDriver('chrome', @Tempdir & '\chrome\') _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\chrome\chromedriver.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'chrome') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') IF $log Then _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--verbose --log-path=' & $sLogPath) EndIf If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'headless') ; Headless-Modus _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'disable-gpu') ; Manchmal notwendig für Headless EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') _WD_CapabilitiesDump(@ScriptLineNumber) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupChrome ;chrome legacy is tested, logpath not working. Func SetupChromelegacy($headless,$log,$sLogPath) Consolewrite('func start : chromedriver.exe' & @CRLF) _WD_UpdateDriver('chrome_legacy', @Tempdir & '\chromely\') _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\chromely\chromedriver.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'chrome') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') IF $log Then _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--verbose --log-path=' & $sLogPath) EndIf If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'headless') ; Headless-Modus _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'disable-gpu') ; Manchmal notwendig für Headless EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') _WD_CapabilitiesDump(@ScriptLineNumber) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupChromelegacy ;opera is not tested. Func SetupOpera($headless, $log,$sLogPath) _WD_UpdateDriver('opera', @Tempdir & '\opera\') _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\opera\operadriver.exe') ConsoleWrite( @Tempdir & '\opera\operadriver.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() ;Startparameter sammeln _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'chrome') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') IF $log Then _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--verbose --log-path=' & $sLogPath) EndIf If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'headless') ; Headless-Modus _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'disable-gpu') ; Manchmal notwendig für Headless EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') _WD_CapabilitiesDump(@ScriptLineNumber) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupOpera ;IEmode - Edge is not tested. Func SetupEdgeIE($headless,$log, $sLogPath) _WD_UpdateDriver('msedgeie', @Tempdir & '\msedgeie\') _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\msedgeie\IEDriverServer.exe') ConsoleWrite( @Tempdir & '\msedgeie\IEDriverServer.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() ;Startparameter sammeln _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'opera') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') IF $log Then _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--verbose --log-path=' & $sLogPath) EndIf If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'headless') ; Headless-Modus ;~ _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'disable-gpu') ; Manchmal notwendig für Headless EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') _WD_CapabilitiesDump(@ScriptLineNumber) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupEdgeIE ;not headless :( Func SetupFireFox($headless, $log, $sLogPath) local $sDriver = 'geckodriver.exe' _WD_UpdateDriver('firefox') IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_UpdateDriverfehler', @Error) _WD_Option('Driver', $sDriver) IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_Optionfehler driver', @Error) _WD_Option('Port', 4444) IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_Optionfehler port', @Error) If $headless Then $sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["-headless"]}}}}' ;_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ==> Browser or feature not supported [21] : Not supported KEY parameter ( must be defined in $_WD_KEYS__*** ). $key = moz:firefoxOptions $value1 = {"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["-headless"]}}}} $value2 = Else $sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": []}}}}' EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesStartup ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'firefox') IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('browserName', 'firefox') IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('acceptInsecureCerts', True) IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('binary', "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('moz:firefoxOptions', $sDesiredCapabilities) IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesAdd ', @Error) _WD_CapabilitiesDump() IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesDump ', @Error) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() IF @error Then MsgBox(0, '_WD_CapabilitiesDump ', @Error) Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupFireFox Func SetupFireFox1($headless, $log, $sLogPath) local $sDriver = 'geckodriver.exe' _WD_UpdateDriver('firefox') _WD_Option('Driver', $sDriver) _WD_Option('Port', 4444) _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'firefox') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('browserName', 'firefox') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('acceptInsecureCerts', True) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('binary', "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") If $headless Then Local $aArgs = ['headless'] _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('moz:firefoxOptions', 'args', $aArgs) EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesDump() $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc func SetupFireFox2($bHeadless, $log, $sLogPath) local $sDriver = 'geckodriver.exe' _WD_UpdateDriver('firefox') _WD_Option('Driver', $sDriver) _WD_Option('Port', 4444) _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'firefox') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('browserName', 'firefox') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('acceptInsecureCerts', True) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('binary', "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") _WD_CapabilitiesDump() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("window.resizeTo(1920,1080)") _WD_Startup() Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc Func SetupFireFox4($bHeadless, $log, $sLogPath) _WD_UpdateDriver('firefox', @Tempdir & '\firefox\', True, True) _WD_Option('Driver', @Tempdir & '\firefox\geckodriver.exe') _WD_Option('Port', 9515) $iWebDriver_PID = _WD_Startup() _WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('alwaysMatch', 'firefox') _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('excludeSwitches', 'enable-automation') If $log Then $firefoxOptions = '{"log": {"level": "trace"}}' _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('moz:firefoxOptions', $firefoxOptions) If $sLogPath <> '' Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('moz:firefoxOptions', '{"logPath": "' & $sLogPath & '"}') EndIf EndIf If $bHeadless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('moz:firefoxOptions', '{"args":["-headless"]}') EndIf _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', 'guest') Local $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities EndFunc ;==>SetupFireFox I hope you can help me further. Best regards, mojoe
Danp2 Posted January 3, 2024 Posted January 3, 2024 Have you looked at the SetupGecko function in wd_demo? It shows the proper way to configure a headless Firefox using _WD_CapabilitiesAdd. Latest Webdriver UDF Release Webdriver Wiki FAQs
MojoeB Posted January 3, 2024 Author Posted January 3, 2024 I even once copied over and adapted the demo start script because my own driver could not be operated. And to see if it runs for me. I have now added this, deleting my condition:  If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', '--headless') EndIf It always shows me this as an error: _WD_CapabilitiesAdd ==> Browser or feature not supported [21] : Capability name are case sensitive ( check proper case in $_WD_KEYS__*** for "args").    $key = args   $value1 = --headless   $value2 = Â
Solution Danp2 Posted January 3, 2024 Solution Posted January 3, 2024 Something is wrong with your setup, but it's difficult to identify the issue without more details. I would suggest making sure that you are running the latest release of the Webdriver UDF library (see link in my sig), and also check to make sure that there isn't an older version on disk that is accidentally being accessed. Latest Webdriver UDF Release Webdriver Wiki FAQs
MojoeB Posted January 3, 2024 Author Posted January 3, 2024 (edited) I apologize, I was testing in the wrong script window. :/^^ sry Now it works I have now placed If $headless Then _WD_CapabilitiesAdd('args', '--headless') EndIf directly above $sCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet() Return $sCapabilities tested it, and now headless works too. Thanks for the prompt! Danp2 I am using all the latest updates specifically for this project, everything is updated. Â Â Edited January 3, 2024 by MojoeB
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