ioa747 Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 (edited) GUI assistant to pin shortcuts to the taskbar The first time you run the script TaskPin.au3 , it will create a executable shortcut in the script directory, with the name TaskPin.Pin Right-click on the shortcut and select 'pin to taskbar' For each pin you need an ini file, which you call as a parameter in TaskPin.au3, with a help of a shortcut The script automatically creates the shortcut, which we either pin to the taskbar, or assign to a button on another taskpin More info: Spoiler The format of the .ini file [GUI_Settings] ; The first section is about the GUI Settings AutoSort=False ; if true the commands are listed in alphabetical order GuiIcon=imageres.dll, 288 ; the shortcut icon GuiDarkMode=1 ; Enable DarkMode GuiWidth=200 ; the GUI width GuiMargin=3 ; the margin around the GUI BtnHeight=28 ; the button height BtnMargin=1 ; the space betwwen buttons BtnIconSize=1 ; the size of button icon 0 = small icon, 1 = large icon BtnTxtSpace=" " ; the space getwwen icon and text name in buttons BtnFont=11, 400, 0, "Segoe UI" ; the font of the buttons [ name of the command ] Executable= the executable path can accept [, "parameters"] Icon= can accept iconfile.ico or shell32.dll, -22 or nothing if Executable= .exe ToolTip= the ToolTip of the command I updated the script so that it can accept native macro in the .ini file with Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ; this option allows you to use variables and macros inside strings, e.g., "The value of var1 is $var1$" , "The value of @AutoItExe is @AutoItExe@" Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ; this option allows you to use %environment% variables inside strings, e.g., "The temp directory is: %temp%". Tip Add some useful global macro as a variable so you can also use variables for macros in the .ini file like I did with $AutoItDir and so #include <StringConstants.au3> ; With Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand ; And Local $AutoIt3Dir = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC, -1) - 1) ; The ; "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe", /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3" ; is expressed as Local $Txt = '"@AutoItExe@", /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "$AutoIt3Dir$\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3"' ConsoleWrite("$Txt=" & $Txt & @CRLF) Useful links for building commands TaskPin.au3 expandcollapse popup; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title...........: TaskPin.au3 ; Description.....: GUI assistant to pin shortcuts to the taskbar ; AutoIt Version..: Author: ioa747 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=TaskPin.au3 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=GUI assistant to pin shortcuts to the taskbar #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 6 -w 7 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #NoTrayIcon #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> ; for _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx() #include <GDIPlus.au3> Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand ; Add some usefull global Macro as variable Global $AutoIt3Dir = FileGetShortName(StringTrimRight(@AutoItExe, 12)) Global $AutoItExe = FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) Global $ScriptName = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) Global $MyIni = ($CmdLine[0] ? $CmdLine[1] : FileGetShortName(StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath, 4) & ".ini")) ConsoleWrite("$MyIni=" & $MyIni & @CRLF) ; Read the INI file for the value of 'Elements' Global $aElements = Elements_ReadIni() Global $MyLnk = StringTrimRight($MyIni, 4) & ".Pin.lnk" ConsoleWrite("$MyLnk=" & $MyLnk & @CRLF) If Not FileExists($MyLnk) Then ConsoleWrite("MakeExecuteShortcut=" & MakeExecuteShortcut($MyIni) & @CRLF) EndIf If _IsPressed("11") Then ;11 CTRL key TaskPin_Editor() Else TaskPin_GUI() EndIf ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func GoToExit() Exit EndFunc ;==>GoToExit ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func TaskPin_Editor() Local $TaskPinEditor = FileGetShortName(@ScriptDir & "\TaskPinEditor.au3") Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ' & $TaskPinEditor & ' "' & $MyIni & '"') EndFunc ;==>TaskPin_Editor ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func TaskPin_GUI() Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Local $iDarkMode = IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "GuiDarkMode", 0) Local $bDarkMode = ($iDarkMode = 1 ? True : False) Local $iGuiWidth = Int(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "GuiWidth", 200)) Local $iGuiMargin = Int(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "GuiMargin", 3)) Local $iBtnMargin = Int(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "BtnMargin", 2)) Local $iBtnIconSize = Int(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "BtnIconSize", 0)) Local $iBtnHeight = Int(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "BtnHeight", 28)) Local $sBtnTxtSpace = IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "BtnTxtSpace", " ") Local $sBtnFont = IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "BtnFont", "") If $iGuiMargin < 0 Then $iGuiMargin = 0 If $iGuiMargin > 50 Then $iGuiMargin = 50 If $iBtnMargin < 0 Then $iBtnMargin = 0 If $iBtnMargin > 10 Then $iBtnMargin = 10 If $iBtnIconSize < 0 Then $iBtnIconSize = 0 If $iBtnIconSize > 1 Then $iBtnIconSize = 1 Local $iStep = $iBtnHeight + $iBtnMargin Local $iBtnWidth = $iGuiWidth - ($iGuiMargin * 2) Local $aPos = MouseGetPos() Local $TaskPin_GUI = GUICreate("TaskPin GUI", $iGuiWidth, ($aElements[0][0] * $iStep) + ($iGuiMargin * 2), _ $aPos[0] - ($iGuiWidth / 2), $aPos[1] - ($aElements[0][0] * $iStep) - $iGuiMargin + ($iStep / 2), _ $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) ; $aPos[1] - ($aElements[0][0] * $iStep) + $iGuiMargin GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GoToExit") Local $aSplit, $sIcon For $i = 1 To $aElements[0][0] $aElements[$i][4] = GUICtrlCreateButton($sBtnTxtSpace & $aElements[$i][0], $iGuiMargin, ($i * $iStep) + $iGuiMargin - $iStep, _ $iBtnWidth, $iBtnHeight, BitOR($BS_LEFT, $BS_VCENTER, $BS_FLAT)) Execute('GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $sBtnFont$)') GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $aElements[$i][3]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Elements_Click") ; check for the icon $aSplit = StringSplit($aElements[$i][2], ", ", 1) $sIcon = $aSplit[1] If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $sIcon, Int($aSplit[2]), $iBtnIconSize) Else If StringLen($aSplit[1]) = 0 Then $sIcon = $aElements[$i][1] GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $sIcon, 0, $iBtnIconSize) Else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $sIcon, "", $iBtnIconSize) EndIf EndIf Next ;_ArrayDisplay($aElements, "$aElements") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) DarkMode($TaskPin_GUI, $bDarkMode) ; Loop until mouse not over GUI ;****************************** While 1 If Not IsMouseOverWin($TaskPin_GUI, 50) Then ExitLoop Sleep(100) WEnd ;****************************** EndFunc ;==>TaskPin_GUI ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func IsMouseOverWin($hWnd, $iOffSet = 0) Local $aMPos = MouseGetPos() Local $aWPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) If $aMPos[0] > $aWPos[0] - $iOffSet _ And $aMPos[1] > $aWPos[1] - $iOffSet _ And $aMPos[0] < $aWPos[0] + $aWPos[2] + $iOffSet _ And $aMPos[1] < $aWPos[1] + $aWPos[3] + $iOffSet Then Return True EndIf Return False EndFunc ;==>IsMouseOverWin ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Elements_Click() Local $aSplit For $i = 0 To $aElements[0][0] If $aElements[$i][4] = @GUI_CtrlId Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) $aSplit = StringSplit($aElements[$i][1], ", ", 1) ;ConsoleWrite("$aSplit[1]=" & $aSplit[1] & @CRLF) If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then ShellExecute($aSplit[1], $aSplit[2]) ;ConsoleWrite("$aSplit[2]=" & $aSplit[2] & @CRLF) Else ShellExecute($aSplit[1]) EndIf GoToExit() EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>Elements_Click ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Elements_ReadIni() Local $aArray[1][5] $aArray[0][0] = 0 ;index $aArray[0][1] = "Executable" $aArray[0][2] = "Icon" $aArray[0][3] = "ToolTip" $aArray[0][4] = "ID" ;Checks if TaskPin.ini not exists then make one. If $MyIni = FileGetShortName(StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath, 4) & ".ini") Then Local $iniFileExists = FileExists($MyIni) If Not $iniFileExists Then Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand ;Open the file for writing (append to the end of a file) and store the handle to a variable. Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($MyIni, $FO_APPEND + $FO_UNICODE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred while writing the " & $MyIni) Exit EndIf ;Write Example data to the ini file Local $sTxt = "" $sTxt &= "[GUI_Settings]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "AutoSort=False" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiIcon=imageres.dll, 288" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiDarkMode=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiWidth=200" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiMargin=3" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnHeight=28" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnMargin=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnIconSize=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnTxtSpace="" """ & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnFont=11, 400, 0, ""Segoe UI""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[TaskPinEditor]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""@ScriptDir@\TaskPinEditor.au3"" ""$MyIni$""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=wmploc.dll, -18" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Editor for the TaskPin" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Edit INI]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=""$MyIni$""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -70" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Edit This INI" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Sleep]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteLine ""Send('#1')""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -28" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Send Computer to Sleep" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Control Panel]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=explorer.exe, shell:ControlPanelFolder" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -22" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Display the Control Panel" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Calculator]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@WindowsDir@\System32\calc.exe" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Calculator" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[StringRegExpGUI]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""$AutoIt3Dir$\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -247" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=GUI for testing various StringRegExp() patterns" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -136" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Desktop]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=explorer.exe, shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -175" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Show Desktop" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Folders...]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""@ScriptDir@\TaskPin.au3"" ""@ScriptDir@\Folders.ini""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -265" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Favorite Folders" & @CRLF FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sTxt) ;Close the handle returned by FileOpen. FileClose($hFileOpen) ;Check for the MyFolders.ini also $iniFileExists = FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Folders.ini") If Not $iniFileExists Then $hFileOpen = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Folders.ini", $FO_APPEND + $FO_UNICODE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred while writing the Folders.ini") Exit EndIf $sTxt = "" $sTxt &= "[GUI_Settings]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "AutoSort=False" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiIcon=imageres.dll, 264" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiDarkMode=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiWidth=200" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "GuiMargin=3" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnHeight=28" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnMargin=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnIconSize=1" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnTxtSpace="" """ & @CRLF $sTxt &= "BtnFont=11, 400, 0, ""Segoe UI""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[TaskPinEditor]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""@ScriptDir@\TaskPinEditor.au3"" ""$MyIni$""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=wmploc.dll, -18" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Editor for the TaskPin" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[ScriptDir]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@ScriptDir@" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -68" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=ScriptDir" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[HomePath]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@HomeDrive@@HomePath@" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -118" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=HomePath" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[AutoIt3 Dir]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=$AutoIt3Dir$" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=$AutoIt3Dir$\Icons\au3.ico" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=AutoIt3Dir" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[SCITE_USERHOME]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=%SCITE_USERHOME%" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=$AutoIt3Dir$\scite\SciTE.exe" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=SCITE_USERHOME" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[AppDataDir]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@LocalAppDataDir@" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -158" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=AppDataDir" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Downloads]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=explorer.exe, shell:Downloads" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -176" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Downloads" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[Documents]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=explorer.exe, shell:Documents" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=shell32.dll, -127" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Documents" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[This PC]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=explorer.exe, shell:MyComputerFolder" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -105" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=This PC" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "[TaskPin...]" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Executable=@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript ""@ScriptDir@\TaskPin.au3"" ""@ScriptDir@\TaskPin.ini""" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "Icon=imageres.dll, -289" & @CRLF $sTxt &= "ToolTip=Favorite" & @CRLF FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sTxt) ;Close the handle returned by FileOpen. FileClose($hFileOpen) EndIf Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Sleep(100) EndIf EndIf Local $iSort = Execute(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "AutoSort", False)) ; Read the INI section names. This will return a 1 dimensional array. Local $aSection = IniReadSectionNames($MyIni) If Not @error Then _ArrayDelete($aSection, _ArraySearch($aSection, "GUI_Settings")) ; Removed section named [Main Settings] from the array $aSection[0] = UBound($aSection) - 1 ; Adjust the amount of row in the array If $iSort Then _ArraySort($aSection) For $i = 1 To $aSection[0] ReDim $aArray[UBound($aArray) + 1][5] $aArray[0][0] = $i $aArray[$i][0] = $aSection[$i] ;"Name" $aArray[$i][1] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "Executable", "<>") ;"Executable" $aArray[$i][2] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "Icon", "<>") ;"Icon" $aArray[$i][3] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "ToolTip", "<>") ;"ToolTip" Next EndIf Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>Elements_ReadIni ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func MakeExecuteShortcut($IniPath, $Suffix = ".Pin") ; Make Execute Shortcut .execute.lnk Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension _PathSplit($IniPath, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) ; Create a constant variable in Local scope of the $Suffixcut filepath. Local Const $ShortFilePath = $sDrive & $sDir & $sFileName & $Suffix & ".lnk" Local $sArgs = ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" "' & $IniPath & '"' ; Create a shortcut Local $aSplit = IniRead($IniPath, "GUI_Settings", "GuiIcon", "") If $aSplit = "" Then $aSplit = "@SystemDir@\imageres.dll, 288" $aSplit = StringSplit($aSplit, ", ", 1) Local $aIcon[3] $aIcon[0] = ($aSplit[1]) ? ($aSplit[1]) : ("") ;icon $aIcon[1] = "" ;hotkey $aIcon[2] = ($aSplit[2]) ? ($aSplit[2]) : ("") ;icon number Local $iResult = FileCreateShortcut(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe), _ ;file $ShortFilePath, _ ;lnk $sDrive & $sDir, _ ;workdir $sArgs, _ ;args "Execute: " & $sFileName & $sExtension, _ ;desc $aIcon[0], $aIcon[1], $aIcon[2]) ;icon Return $iResult EndFunc ;==>MakeExecuteShortcut ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func DarkMode($hGui, $bDarkMode = True) ; DarkMode Local Enum $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = (@OSBuild <= 18985) ? 19 : 20 ;ConsoleWrite("$DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE=" & $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE & @CRLF) ; DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE ; ; Use with DwmSetWindowAttribute. Allows the window frame for this window to be drawn in dark mode colors when the dark mode system setting is enabled. ; For compatibility reasons, all windows default to light mode regardless of the system setting. ; The pvAttribute parameter points to a value of type BOOL. TRUE to honor dark mode for the window, FALSE to always use light mode. ; This value is supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000. Local $iRet = _WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr($hGui, $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, $bDarkMode) If Not $iRet Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) For $i = 1 To $aElements[0][0] _SetCtrlColorMode($aElements[$i][4], $bDarkMode) Next If $bDarkMode Then ; $hGUI GUISetBkColor(0x1B1B1B, $hGui) ;0x1B1B1B Black Else ; $hGUI GUISetBkColor(0xF0F0F0, $hGui) ;0xF0F0F0 Honeydew EndIf _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hGui, 0, 0, $RDW_UPDATENOW) ;WinActivate("[CLASS:Progman;]") ; To refresh the frame. ;WinActivate($hGui) ; Only needed for the constant back and forth in this demo. EndFunc ;==>DarkMode ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _SetCtrlColorMode($hWnd, $bDarkMode = True, $sName = Default) If $sName = Default Then $sName = $bDarkMode ? 'DarkMode_Explorer' : 'Explorer' $bDarkMode = Not Not $bDarkMode ; If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) Local Enum $eDefault, $eAllowDark, $eForceDark, $eForceLight, $eMax ; enum PreferredAppMode DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'bool', 133, 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'bool', $bDarkMode) ; fnAllowDarkModeForWindow = 133 DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'int', 135, 'int', ($bDarkMode ? $eForceDark : $eForceLight)) ; fnAllowDarkModeForApp = 135 _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr($hWnd, $sName) ; DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'none', 104) ; fnRefreshImmersiveColorPolicyState = 104 ; not needed ? _SendMessage($hWnd, $WM_THEMECHANGED, 0, 0) ; not needed ? EndFunc ;==>_SetCtrlColorMode ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr($hWnd, $sName = Null, $sList = Null) ;Causes a window to use a different set of visual style information than its class normally uses Local $sResult = DllCall('UxTheme.dll', 'long', 'SetWindowTheme', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'wstr', $sName, 'wstr', $sList) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If $sResult[0] Then Return SetError(10, $sResult[0], 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr($hWnd, $iAttribute, $iData) ;Sets the value of the specified attributes for non-client rendering to apply to the window Local $aCall = DllCall('dwmapi.dll', 'long', 'DwmSetWindowAttribute', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'dword', $iAttribute, _ 'dword*', $iData, 'dword', 4) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(10, $aCall[0], 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also added an Editor optionally, for easy alignment and management of commands To enter edit mode, hold down the control key while clicking on the shortcut we pinned to the taskbar or hit the TaskPinEditor button in version I added the ability to the executable field to accept icons with drag & drop and adjust them accordingly if it's a script to open it with AutoIT, if it's a shortcut to move it to @ScriptDir & "\lnkBackUp\" TaskPinEditor.au3 expandcollapse popup; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title...........: TaskPinEditor.au3 ; Description.....: Editor for the TaskPin ; AutoIt Version..: Author: ioa747 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=TaskPinEditor.au3 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Editor for the TaskPin #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIDlg.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> ; for _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx() #include <GDIPlus.au3> ; Add some usefull global Macro as variable Global $AutoIt3Dir = FileGetShortName(StringTrimRight(@AutoItExe, 12)) Global $AutoItExe = FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) Global $hGuiEdit, $Input_Name, $Input_Exec, $Input_icon, $Input_ToolTip Global $aCtrl[11] = [10], $aBtn[10] = [9] Global $MyIni = $CmdLine[0] If Not $MyIni Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL + $MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "I did not find command line parameters", 10) GoToExit() Else $MyIni = $CmdLine[1] EndIf ; Read the INI file for the value of 'Elements' Global $aElements = Elements_ReadIni() Editor_GUI() ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func GoToExit() Exit EndFunc ;==>GoToExit ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Editor_GUI() Local $idListBox, $Label_Exec, $Button_GetExec, $Button_TestRun, $Button_ExecInsert Local $Button_GetIcon, $Button_IconInsert, $Button_Add, $Button_Remove, $Button_Up, $Button_Down #Region === TaskPin Editor GUI === $hGuiEdit = GUICreate($MyIni, 498, 610, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)) $idListBox = GUICtrlCreateList("", 5, 0, 484, 310) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11) $aCtrl[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name:", 5, 328) $Input_Name = GUICtrlCreateInput("Name", 5, 345, 405, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 300, 0, "Consolas") $aCtrl[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Executable:", 5, 377) $Input_Exec = GUICtrlCreateInput("Executable", 5, 395, 460, 60, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 300, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Drag and drop Executable file here" & @CRLF & "or select with ... button") $Label_Exec = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 5, 460, 485, 54) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 300, 0, "Consolas") $Button_GetExec = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 470, 395, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "FileOpenDialog to get Executable") $Button_TestRun = GUICtrlCreateButton("▶", 470, 415, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Test Run") $Button_ExecInsert = GUICtrlCreateButton("|+", 470, 435, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "First place the cursor in Executable" & @CRLF & "where the text will be inserted") $aCtrl[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Icon:", 45, 520) $Input_icon = GUICtrlCreateInput("icon", 45, 537, 400, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Drag and drop Icon file here" & @CRLF & "or select with ... button") $Button_GetIcon = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 448, 537, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Icon Open Dialog to get Icon") $Button_IconInsert = GUICtrlCreateButton("|+", 470, 537, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Insert Window .dll to get Icon") $aCtrl[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ToolTip:", 5, 565) $Input_ToolTip = GUICtrlCreateInput("ToolTip", 5, 583, 484, 21) $Button_Add = GUICtrlCreateButton("➕", 422, 323, 32, 32, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 600, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Add Item") $Button_Remove = GUICtrlCreateButton("➖", 422, 356, 32, 32, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 600, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Remove Item") $Button_Up = GUICtrlCreateButton("▲", 457, 323, 32, 32, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 600, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Move UP") $Button_Down = GUICtrlCreateButton("▼", 457, 356, 32, 32, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 600, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Move DOWN") Local $Icon1 = GUICtrlCreateIcon("", -1, 5, 525, 32, 32) Local $Dummy_Exit = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Local $iDarkMode = IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "GuiDarkMode", 0) Local $bDarkMode = ($iDarkMode = 1 ? True : False) ;Need for DarkMode $aCtrl[5] = $Input_Name $aCtrl[6] = $Input_Exec $aCtrl[7] = $Input_icon $aCtrl[8] = $Input_ToolTip $aCtrl[9] = $idListBox $aCtrl[10] = $Label_Exec $aBtn[1] = $Button_GetExec $aBtn[2] = $Button_TestRun $aBtn[3] = $Button_ExecInsert $aBtn[4] = $Button_GetIcon $aBtn[5] = $Button_IconInsert $aBtn[6] = $Button_Add $aBtn[7] = $Button_Remove $aBtn[8] = $Button_Up $aBtn[9] = $Button_Down GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion === TaskPin Editor GUI === DarkMode($hGuiEdit, $bDarkMode) #Region === ContextMenu $idListBox === Local $hBoxMenu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($idListBox) Local $Menu_Add = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add Item ", $hBoxMenu) Local $Menu_Remove = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove Item ", $hBoxMenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $hBoxMenu) ; separator ------------------------------------- Local $Menu_Up = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Move UP" & @TAB & "Shift ▲", $hBoxMenu) Local $Menu_Down = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Move DOWN" & @TAB & "Shift ▼", $hBoxMenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $hBoxMenu) ; separator ------------------------------------- #EndRegion === ContextMenu $idListBox === #Region === ContextMenu $Button_ExecInsert === Local $hMenuExecInsert = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button_ExecInsert) Local $aMenuExecInsert = '$AutoIt3Dir$;$AutoItExe$;@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "Send(''#1'')";' $aMenuExecInsert &= '@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "@ScriptFullPath@" "parameters";explorer.exe, "FileToExecute";;' $aMenuExecInsert &= '@AppDataDir@;@AutoItExe@;@ComputerName@;@DesktopDir@;@FavoritesDir@;@HomeDrive@;@HomePath@;@HomeShare@;' $aMenuExecInsert &= '@LocalAppDataDir@;@LogonDomain@;@MyDocumentsDir@;@ProgramFilesDir@;@ProgramsDir@;@ScriptDir@;@ScriptFullPath@;' $aMenuExecInsert &= '@ScriptName@;@SystemDir@;@TempDir@;@StartMenuDir@;@StartupDir@;@UserName@;@UserProfileDir@;@WindowsDir@;' $aMenuExecInsert &= ';@YEAR@;@MON@;@MDAY@;@WDAY@;@HOUR@;@MIN@;@SEC@;@MSEC@' $aMenuExecInsert = StringSplit($aMenuExecInsert, ";", 1) _ArrayColInsert($aMenuExecInsert, 0) $aMenuExecInsert[0][0] = $aMenuExecInsert[0][1] Local $sLbl For $i = 1 To $aMenuExecInsert[0][0] If StringRight($aMenuExecInsert[$i][1], 1) = "@" Then $sLbl = "@" & $aMenuExecInsert[$i][1] & " - " Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand $sLbl = $sLbl & $aMenuExecInsert[$i][1] Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Else $sLbl = $aMenuExecInsert[$i][1] EndIf $aMenuExecInsert[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sLbl, $hMenuExecInsert) Next #EndRegion === ContextMenu $Button_ExecInsert === #Region === ContextMenu $Button_IconInsert === Local $hMenuIconInsert = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button_IconInsert) Local $aMenuIconInsert = 'imageres.dll, -1;shell32.dll, -1;wmploc.dll, -1;ddores.dll, -1;' $aMenuIconInsert &= 'mmcndmgr.dll, -1;ieframe.dll, -1;compstui.dll, -1;setupapi.dll, -1;netshell.dll, -1' $aMenuIconInsert = StringSplit($aMenuIconInsert, ";", 1) _ArrayColInsert($aMenuIconInsert, 0) $aMenuIconInsert[0][0] = $aMenuIconInsert[0][1] For $i = 1 To $aMenuIconInsert[0][0] $aMenuIconInsert[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($aMenuIconInsert[$i][1], $hMenuIconInsert) Next #EndRegion === ContextMenu $Button_IconInsert === Local $GUI_AccelTable[2][2] = [["+{UP}", $Menu_Up], ["+{DOWN}", $Menu_Down]] GUISetAccelerators($GUI_AccelTable, $hGuiEdit) Local $CurPos, $TmpPos, $AddNew, $mName, $NeedSave, $sFileOpenDialog Local $aIcon, $aTxt[6], $aCtrlRecvMsg = 0 Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") ; Add strings _GUICtrlListBox_BeginUpdate($idListBox) For $i = 1 To $aElements[0][0] _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString($idListBox, $aElements[$i][0]) Next _GUICtrlListBox_EndUpdate($idListBox) _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($idListBox, $aElements[0][0] - 1) $CurPos = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel($idListBox) ; Get currently selected item GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Exec, CheckForLabel_Exec(GUICtrlRead($Input_Exec))) GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3]) CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) Local $ID While 1 If $CurPos <> $TmpPos Then $TmpPos = $CurPos EndIf $ID = GUIGetMsg() Switch $ID Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUICtrlSendToDummy($Dummy_Exit) Case $idListBox ; Get currently selected item $CurPos = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCurSel($idListBox) GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Exec, CheckForLabel_Exec($aElements[$CurPos + 1][1])) GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3]) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_Exec, "") GUICtrlSetTip($Input_icon, "") CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) If $AddNew = True Then $AddNew = False GUICtrlSetTip($Input_Exec, "Drag and drop Executable file here" & @CRLF & "or select with ... button") GUICtrlSetTip($Input_icon, "Drag and drop Icon file here" & @CRLF & "or select with ... button") GUICtrlSetState($Input_Name, $GUI_FOCUS) GUICtrlSendMsg($Input_Name, $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) EndIf Case $Input_Name $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0] = GUICtrlRead($Input_Name) _GUICtrlListBox_ReplaceString($idListBox, $CurPos, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0]) _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos, "left") $NeedSave = True Case $Input_Exec $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = GUICtrlRead($Input_Exec) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Exec, CheckForLabel_Exec($aElements[$CurPos + 1][1])) If GUICtrlRead($Input_ToolTip) = "<Tip>" Then GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, GUICtrlRead($Label_Exec)) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = GUICtrlRead($Label_Exec) EndIf $NeedSave = True Case $Input_icon $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2] = GUICtrlRead($Input_icon) CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) $NeedSave = True Case $Input_ToolTip $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = GUICtrlRead($Input_ToolTip) $NeedSave = True Case $Button_TestRun Elements_Run(GUICtrlRead($Input_Exec)) Case $Button_GetExec GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hGuiEdit) $sFileOpenDialog = FileOpenDialog("Select to add in .ini", @ScriptDir & "\", _ "All (*.*)", BitOR($FD_FILEMUSTEXIST, $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST)) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "Error", "No file was selected.", 3) Else $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = Check_Executable($sFileOpenDialog) GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) $mName = StringSplit($sFileOpenDialog, "\") GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $mName[$mName[0]]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0] = $mName[$mName[0]] GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $mName[$mName[0]]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = $mName[$mName[0]] _GUICtrlListBox_ReplaceString($idListBox, $CurPos, $mName[$mName[0]]) $NeedSave = True EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGuiEdit) _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos, "left") $NeedSave = True Case $Button_GetIcon $aIcon = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Input_icon), ", ", 1) If $aIcon[0] = 1 Then _ArrayAdd($aIcon, "-1", 2) Local $aData = _WinAPI_PickIconDlg($aIcon[1], Abs($aIcon[2]) - 1, $hGuiEdit) If IsArray($aData) Then ;GUICtrlSetImage($idIcon, $aData[0], -(1 + $aData[1])) If StringRight($aData[0], 4) = ".ico" Then GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aData[0]) Else GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aData[0] & ", " & - (1 + $aData[1])) EndIf $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2] = GUICtrlRead($Input_icon) CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) $NeedSave = True ;$aLast = $aData EndIf Case $Button_Add, $Menu_Add Local $sFill = "<Name>|<Path>|<icon>|<Tip>" If $CurPos < $aElements[0][0] - 1 Then _ArrayInsert($aElements, $CurPos + 1, $sFill) _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString($idListBox, "<Name>", $CurPos) _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos, "left") Else _ArrayAdd($aElements, $sFill) _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString($idListBox, "<Name>") _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos + 1, "left") EndIf $aElements[0][0] += 1 $AddNew = True $NeedSave = True Case $Button_Remove, $Menu_Remove _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($idListBox, $CurPos) _ArrayDelete($aElements, $CurPos + 1) $aElements[0][0] -= 1 If $CurPos = $aElements[0][0] - 1 Then $CurPos -= 1 If $CurPos > 0 Then _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos - 1, "left") Else _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, 0, "left") EndIf $NeedSave = True Case $Button_Up, $Menu_Up IniWrite($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "AutoSort", False) If $CurPos > 0 Then _ArraySwap($aElements, $CurPos + 1, $CurPos) _GUICtrlListBox_SwapString($idListBox, $CurPos, $CurPos - 1) $CurPos -= 1 _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($idListBox, $CurPos) $NeedSave = True EndIf Case $Button_Down, $Menu_Down IniWrite($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "AutoSort", False) If $CurPos < $aElements[0][0] - 1 Then _ArraySwap($aElements, $CurPos + 1, $CurPos + 2) _GUICtrlListBox_SwapString($idListBox, $CurPos, $CurPos + 1) $CurPos += 1 _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($idListBox, $CurPos) $NeedSave = True EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED If @GUI_DropId = $Input_Exec Then Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension _PathSplit(@GUI_DragFile, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) Switch $sExtension Case ".au3" $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = '@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & @GUI_DragFile & '"' GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0] = $sFileName GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $sFileName) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = $sFileName GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $sFileName) Case ".lnk" Local $lnkBackUp = @ScriptDir & "\lnkBackUp\" $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0] = $sFileName GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $sFileName) Local $aDetails = FileGetShortcut(@GUI_DragFile) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2] = ($aDetails[4] = '' ? "" : $aDetails[4] & ", " & $aDetails[4]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = ($aDetails[3] = '' ? $sFileName : $aDetails[3]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $aDetails[3]) Local $NewFile $i = 0 Do $NewFile = $lnkBackUp & $sFileName & ($i = 0 ? "" : "_" & $i) & $sExtension $i += 1 Until Not FileExists($NewFile) FileMove(@GUI_DragFile, $NewFile, $FC_CREATEPATH) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = '"' & $aDetails[0] & ($aDetails[2] = '' ? '"' : '" "' & $aDetails[2] & '"') GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) Case Else $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = '"' & @GUI_DragFile & '"' GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][0] = $sFileName GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $sFileName) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][3] = $sFileName GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $sFileName) EndSwitch _GUICtrlListBox_ReplaceString($idListBox, $CurPos, $sFileName) _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem($idListBox, $CurPos, "left") $NeedSave = True ElseIf @GUI_DropId = $Input_icon Then $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2] = @GUI_DragFile GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, @GUI_DragFile) ; check for the icon CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) $NeedSave = True EndIf Case $Button_ExecInsert ControlFocus($hGuiEdit, "", $Input_Exec) MouseClick("right") Case $aMenuExecInsert[1][0] To $aMenuExecInsert[$aMenuExecInsert[0][0]][0] ;ConsoleWrite("$ID = " & $ID & @CRLF) ;ControlFocus($hGuiEdit, "", $Input_Exec) $aCtrlRecvMsg = GUICtrlRecvMsg($Input_Exec, $EM_GETSEL) $aTxt[4] = (IsArray($aCtrlRecvMsg)) ? (True) : (False) $aTxt[0] = GUICtrlRead($Input_Exec) $aTxt[1] = ($aTxt[4]) ? (StringLeft($aTxt[0], $aCtrlRecvMsg[0])) : ("") $aTxt[2] = $aMenuExecInsert[$ID - $aMenuExecInsert[1][0] + 1][1] $aTxt[3] = ($aTxt[4]) ? (StringTrimLeft($aTxt[0], $aCtrlRecvMsg[1])) : ($aTxt[0]) If $aTxt[2] = "&&" Then $aTxt[2] = "&" $aTxt[0] = $aTxt[1] & $aTxt[2] & $aTxt[3] $aTxt[1] = ($aTxt[4]) ? ($aCtrlRecvMsg[0]) : (0) $aTxt[2] = ($aTxt[4]) ? ($aCtrlRecvMsg[0] + StringLen($aTxt[2])) : (StringLen($aTxt[2])) GUICtrlSetData($Input_Exec, $aTxt[0]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][1] = $aTxt[0] GUICtrlSetData($Label_Exec, CheckForLabel_Exec($aElements[$CurPos + 1][1])) GUICtrlSendMsg($Input_Exec, $EM_SETSEL, $aTxt[1], $aTxt[2]) $NeedSave = True Case $Button_IconInsert ; Set focus to the $Input_icon control. GUICtrlSetState($Input_icon, $GUI_FOCUS) ;ControlFocus($hGuiEdit, "", $Input_icon) MouseClick("right") Case $aMenuIconInsert[1][0] To $aMenuIconInsert[$aMenuIconInsert[0][0]][0] ;ConsoleWrite("$ID = " & $ID & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aMenuIconInsert[$ID - $aMenuIconInsert[1][0] + 1][1]) $aElements[$CurPos + 1][2] = GUICtrlRead($Input_icon) CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) $NeedSave = True Case $Dummy_Exit ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete() DllClose($hDLL) If $NeedSave = True Then Elements_SaveIni() EndFunc ;==>Editor_GUI ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Check_Executable($sFile) Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension _PathSplit($sFile, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) Switch $sExtension Case ".au3" Return '@AutoItExe@, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $sFile & '"' Case ".lnk" Local $lnkBackUp = @ScriptDir & "\lnkBackUp\" GUICtrlSetData($Input_Name, $sFileName) Local $aDetails = FileGetShortcut($sFile) GUICtrlSetData($Input_icon, $aDetails[4]) GUICtrlSetData($Input_ToolTip, $aDetails[3]) Local $NewFile, $i = 0 Do $i += 1 $NewFile = $lnkBackUp & $sFileName & ($i = 0) ? ("") : ("_" & $i) & $sExtension Until Not FileExists($NewFile) FileMove($sFile, $NewFile, $FC_CREATEPATH) Return '"' & $aDetails[0] & '"' & ($aDetails[2] = "") ? ('') : (' "' & $aDetails[2] & '"') Case Else Return $sFile EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>Check_Executable ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Elements_Run($sFile) Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Local $aSplit $aSplit = StringSplit($sFile, ", ", 1) If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then ShellExecute($aSplit[1], $aSplit[2]) Else ShellExecute($aSplit[1]) EndIf Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand EndFunc ;==>Elements_Run ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func CheckForLabel_Exec($sFile) Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Local $aSplit, $Result $aSplit = StringSplit($sFile, ", ", 1) If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then $Result = $aSplit[1] & ", " & @LF & $aSplit[2] Else $Result = $aSplit[1] EndIf Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Return $Result EndFunc ;==>CheckForLabel_Exec ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func CheckForTheIcon($Input_icon, $Icon1, $Input_Exec) Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand ; check for the icon Local $aSplit, $sIcon $aSplit = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($Input_icon), ", ", 1) $sIcon = $aSplit[1] If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then GUICtrlSetImage($Icon1, $sIcon, Int($aSplit[2])) Else If StringLen($aSplit[1]) = 0 Then $sIcon = GUICtrlRead($Input_Exec) GUICtrlSetImage($Icon1, $sIcon, 0) Else GUICtrlSetImage($Icon1, $sIcon) EndIf EndIf Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand EndFunc ;==>CheckForTheIcon ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Elements_ReadIni() Local $iniFileExists = FileExists($MyIni) Local $index = 0 Local $aArray[1][5] $aArray[0][0] = $index $aArray[0][1] = "Executable" $aArray[0][2] = "Icon" $aArray[0][3] = "ToolTip" ;$aArray[0][4] = "ID" ;Checks if .ini not GoToExit If Not $iniFileExists Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL + $MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "I did not find command line parameters", 10) GoToExit() EndIf Local $iSort = Execute(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "AutoSort", False)) ; Read the INI section names. This will return a 1 dimensional array. Local $aSection = IniReadSectionNames($MyIni) If Not @error Then _ArrayDelete($aSection, _ArraySearch($aSection, "GUI_Settings")) ; Removed section named [Main Settings] from the array $aSection[0] = UBound($aSection) - 1 ; Adjust the amount of row in the array If $iSort Then _ArraySort($aSection) For $i = 1 To $aSection[0] ReDim $aArray[UBound($aArray) + 1][5] $aArray[0][0] = $i $aArray[$i][0] = $aSection[$i] ;"Name" $aArray[$i][1] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "Executable", "<Executable>") ;"Executable" $aArray[$i][2] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "Icon", "<Icon>") ;"Icon" $aArray[$i][3] = IniRead($MyIni, $aSection[$i], "ToolTip", "<ToolTip>") ;"ToolTip" Next EndIf Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>Elements_ReadIni ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Elements_SaveIni() ;Read the INI section names. This will return a 1 dimensional array. Local $aSection = IniReadSectionNames($MyIni) ;Check if an error occurred. If Not @error Then _ArrayDelete($aSection, _ArraySearch($aSection, "GUI_Settings")) ; Removed section named [Main Settings] from the array $aSection[0] = UBound($aSection) - 1 ; Adjust the amount of row in the array ;Enumerate through the array displaying the section names. For $i = 1 To $aSection[0] ;Delete the sections IniDelete($MyIni, $aSection[$i]) Next EndIf Local $iSort = Execute(IniRead($MyIni, "GUI_Settings", "AutoSort", False)) ;Write to the .ini If Not @error Then _ArrayDelete($aSection, _ArraySearch($aSection, "GUI_Settings")) ; Removed section named [Main Settings] from the array $aSection[0] = UBound($aSection) - 1 ; Adjust the amount of row in the array If $iSort Then _ArraySort($aSection) For $i = 1 To $aElements[0][0] $aSection = $aElements[$i][0] ; Name IniWrite($MyIni, $aSection, "Executable", $aElements[$i][1]) IniWrite($MyIni, $aSection, "Icon", $aElements[$i][2]) IniWrite($MyIni, $aSection, "ToolTip", $aElements[$i][3]) Next ConsoleWrite("Saved the .ini file" & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Elements_SaveIni ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func DarkMode($hGui, $bDarkMode = True) ; DarkMode Local Enum $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = (@OSBuild <= 18985) ? 19 : 20 ;ConsoleWrite("$DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE=" & $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE & @CRLF) ; DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE ; ; Use with DwmSetWindowAttribute. Allows the window frame for this window to be drawn in dark mode colors when the dark mode system setting is enabled. ; For compatibility reasons, all windows default to light mode regardless of the system setting. ; The pvAttribute parameter points to a value of type BOOL. TRUE to honor dark mode for the window, FALSE to always use light mode. ; This value is supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000. Local $iRet = _WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr($hGui, $DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, $bDarkMode) If Not $iRet Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; $idListBox for scrollBar _SetCtrlColorMode($aCtrl[9], $bDarkMode) ; Buttons For $i = 1 To $aBtn[0] _SetCtrlColorMode($aBtn[$i], $bDarkMode) Next ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If $bDarkMode Then ; $hGUI GUISetBkColor(0x1B1B1B, $hGui) ;0x1B1B1B Black ; other controls For $i = 0 To $aCtrl[0] GUICtrlSetBkColor($aCtrl[$i], 0x2B2B2B) ;Dark slate gray GUICtrlSetColor($aCtrl[$i], 0xFBFBFB) ;0xFBFBFB Snow Next Else ; $hGUI GUISetBkColor(0xF0F0F0, $hGui) ;0xF0F0F0 Honeydew ; other controls For $i = 0 To $aCtrl[0] GUICtrlSetBkColor($aCtrl[$i], 0xF0F0F0) ;Dark slate gray GUICtrlSetColor($aCtrl[$i], 0x1B1B1B) ;0xFBFBFB Snow Next EndIf ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hGui, 0, 0, $RDW_UPDATENOW) WinActivate("[CLASS:Progman;]") ; To refresh the frame. WinActivate($hGui) ; Only needed for the constant back and forth in this demo. EndFunc ;==>DarkMode ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _SetCtrlColorMode($hWnd, $bDarkMode = True, $sName = Default) If $sName = Default Then $sName = $bDarkMode ? 'DarkMode_Explorer' : 'Explorer' $bDarkMode = Not Not $bDarkMode ; If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) Local Enum $eDefault, $eAllowDark, $eForceDark, $eForceLight, $eMax ; enum PreferredAppMode DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'bool', 133, 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'bool', $bDarkMode) ; fnAllowDarkModeForWindow = 133 DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'int', 135, 'int', ($bDarkMode ? $eForceDark : $eForceLight)) ; fnAllowDarkModeForApp = 135 _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr($hWnd, $sName) ; DllCall('uxtheme.dll', 'none', 104) ; fnRefreshImmersiveColorPolicyState = 104 ; not needed ? _SendMessage($hWnd, $WM_THEMECHANGED, 0, 0) ; not needed ? EndFunc ;==>_SetCtrlColorMode ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr($hWnd, $sName = Null, $sList = Null) ;Causes a window to use a different set of visual style information than its class normally uses Local $sResult = DllCall('UxTheme.dll', 'long', 'SetWindowTheme', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'wstr', $sName, 'wstr', $sList) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If $sResult[0] Then Return SetError(10, $sResult[0], 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_SetWindowTheme_unr ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr($hWnd, $iAttribute, $iData) ;Sets the value of the specified attributes for non-client rendering to apply to the window Local $aCall = DllCall('dwmapi.dll', 'long', 'DwmSetWindowAttribute', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'dword', $iAttribute, _ 'dword*', $iData, 'dword', 4) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(10, $aCall[0], 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute_unr ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, every comment is appreciated! leave your comments and experiences here! Thank you very much Edited yesterday at 01:46 AM by ioa747 comment ;WinActivate("[CLASS:Progman;]") UEZ 1 I know that I know nothing
bdr529 Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 (edited) I beg your pardon for my very poor english windows 11 enterprise microsoft defender antivirus 1.403.922.0 Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml problem row FileWrite($hFileOpen, "Executable=" & @AutoItExe & ", /AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & _ StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC, -1) - 1) & _ "\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3" & @CRLF) Edited December 23, 2023 by bdr529 To community goes all my regards and thanks
Andreik Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 Windows Defender is the real malware here but why are you typing with bold letters?
argumentum Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 2 hours ago, ioa747 said: Please, every comment is appreciated! Nice tool. I'd like it with @Macros in the INI file so that it can be portable. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
ioa747 Posted December 23, 2023 Author Posted December 23, 2023 4 hours ago, bdr529 said: microsoft defender antivirus 1.403.922.0 I don't understand where this comes from. since I haven't compiled it into an executable, and I haven't suggested it anywhere, it means that the problem (if there is one) is on your side. and why does this occur when he writes the line in the ini file and not when he executes it? I understand that you mean it well, I'm just contrasting (food for thought) I know that I know nothing
ioa747 Posted December 23, 2023 Author Posted December 23, 2023 9 hours ago, argumentum said: I'd like it with @Macros in the INI file so that it can be portable is there a way to read @Macro words from the .ini file? I couldn't find a way other than StringReplace #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $sFilePath = StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath, 4) & ".ini" IniWrite($sFilePath, "1", "Executable", '"' & @WindowsDir & '\System32\calc.exe"') IniWrite($sFilePath, "2", "Executable", "'" & @WindowsDir & "\System32\calc.exe'") IniWrite($sFilePath, "3", "Executable", @WindowsDir & "\System32\calc.exe") IniWrite($sFilePath, "4", "Executable", """@WindowsDir & \System32\calc.exe""") IniWrite($sFilePath, "5", "Executable", "@WindowsDir & '\System32\calc.exe'") IniWrite($sFilePath, "6", "Executable", "@WindowsDir & \System32\calc.exe") Local $sRead = IniRead($sFilePath, "6", "Executable", "Default Value") ConsoleWrite("$sRead=" & $sRead & @CRLF) ShellExecute($sRead) If @error Then Local $sRead2 = StringReplace($sRead, "@WindowsDir & ", @WindowsDir & "") ConsoleWrite("$sRead2=" & $sRead2 & @CRLF) ShellExecute($sRead2) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Example I know that I know nothing
argumentum Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 2 hours ago, ioa747 said: I couldn't find a way other than StringReplace Neither did I. But writing to the ini with macros is better. Even invented ones like @AutoItDir are quite useful for a portable setup. Maybe add another @ at the end like @AutoItDir@ or @WindowsDir@ . That way you would write "@WindowsDir@\System32\calc.exe" to the ini and do the StringReplace() in the script. Since we're at it add the EnvVar() too as in %temp% -thought that would be a bit more difficult to discern in code- but would make it a more flexible tool to have. ioa747 1 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
argumentum Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 13 hours ago, bdr529 said: I beg your pardon for my very poor english ...hmm. Say you write an encrypted string. That would be deceptive and difficult to understand as a user, but the virus-detector would not say "hah !, found a word that say ...". As a coder you either trust your code or abandon this thing of coding. Can't be a scary cat and seem to look like a lion at the same time. The version of windows you're using say you're a lion. Choose. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
argumentum Posted December 23, 2023 Posted December 23, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, ioa747 said: ShellExecute($sRead) If @error Then ..reading the code. The string should be ready to execute with all macro translation beforehand, not after failure. More over: account for multiple possible macros in the string. Edited December 23, 2023 by argumentum Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
ioa747 Posted December 23, 2023 Author Posted December 23, 2023 (edited) 10 hours ago, argumentum said: Neither did I I expected something simple, some trick to strip the macro from the quotes, and convert it from a string back to a macro (something like double quotes or something like that). But I was unlucky I finally made it more flexible like you said I updated the script so that it can accept native macro in the .ini file ; Add some usefull global Macro as variable you can also use variables for macros like I did with $AutoIt3Dir, which I use in section [006] Edited December 23, 2023 by ioa747 argumentum 1 I know that I know nothing
Danny35d Posted December 25, 2023 Posted December 25, 2023 (edited) Quote ; Add some usefull global Macro as variable you can also use variables for macros like I did with $AutoIt3Dir, which I use in section [006] Very nice tool. Section [006] failed because is missing a double quote, fixed by using Chr(34) to add the double quotes. FileWrite($hFileOpen, "Executable=@AutoItExe, '/AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & Chr(34) & "' & $AutoIt3Dir & '\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3" & Chr(34) & "'" & @CRLF) Edited December 25, 2023 by Danny35d AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
ioa747 Posted December 25, 2023 Author Posted December 25, 2023 4 hours ago, Danny35d said: Section [006] failed because is missing a double quote strange because it works for me as it is Don't overlook that the string first split in 2 part (if ', ' exist) and then is passed through the function Execute() the one below works too #include <StringConstants.au3> Local $AutoIt3Dir = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC, -1) - 1) Local $Txt = "@AutoItExe, '/AutoIt3ExecuteScript ' & $AutoIt3Dir & '\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3'" Local $aSplit, $Str1, $Str2 $aSplit = StringSplit($Txt, ", ", 1) $Str1 = Execute($aSplit[1]) If Not $Str1 Then $Str1 = $aSplit[1] ConsoleWrite("$Str1=" & $Str1 & @CRLF) If $aSplit[0] = 2 Then $Str2 = Execute($aSplit[2]) If Not $Str2 Then $Str2 = $aSplit[2] ConsoleWrite("$Str2=" & $Str2 & @CRLF) ShellExecute($Str1, $Str2) Else ShellExecute($Str1) EndIf I know that I know nothing
Danny35d Posted December 25, 2023 Posted December 25, 2023 (edited) The same issue as before didn't work for me, changing to any line code below that includes double quotes after /AutoIt3ExecuteScript works. Local $Txt = '@AutoItExe, /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $AutoIt3Dir & '\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3"' Local $Txt = "@AutoItExe, '/AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & Chr(34) & "' & $AutoIt3Dir & '\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3" & Chr(34) & "'" Edited December 25, 2023 by Danny35d AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
argumentum Posted December 25, 2023 Posted December 25, 2023 $AutoIt3Dir = FileGetShortName($AutoIt3Dir) is an easier solution for a path ioa747 1 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Danny35d Posted December 25, 2023 Posted December 25, 2023 I just want to make you aware of the double quotes especially if you are manually creating the .ini file. This is the perfect tool I needed for the missing toolbar in the Windows 11 taskbar. I found it even better than the Windows 10 toolbar because I don't have to navigate through directories to get to the application. argumentum and ioa747 2 AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
ioa747 Posted December 25, 2023 Author Posted December 25, 2023 @Danny35d I owe you an apology my mind didn't go to the case where there is a space in the path in my case $Str1=E:\AutoIt-v3D\autoit3.exe $Str2=/AutoIt3ExecuteScript E:\AutoIt-v3D\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3 I know that I know nothing
ioa747 Posted December 28, 2023 Author Posted December 28, 2023 UpDate to Version After a bit of study and some meditation, i decided to replacing the Execute() approach, (in some cases he ate the quotes) with the Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) option (for simpler expression in the .ini file) and so #include <StringConstants.au3> ; With Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1) ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand ; And Local $AutoIt3Dir = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC, -1) - 1) ; The ; "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe", /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3" ; is expressed as Local $Txt = '"@AutoItExe@", /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "$AutoIt3Dir$\Examples\Helpfile\StringRegExpGUI.au3"' ConsoleWrite("$Txt=" & $Txt & @CRLF) I also added an Editor as an option, for easy alignment and management of commands I know that I know nothing
ioa747 Posted January 11, 2024 Author Posted January 11, 2024 UpDate to Version I know that I know nothing
UEZ Posted January 11, 2024 Posted January 11, 2024 Nice tool and add-on for the taskbar to access some tools faster. I like the concept - well done. 👍 The d in Folders.ini is missing. 😉 ioa747 1 Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
ioa747 Posted January 12, 2024 Author Posted January 12, 2024 @UEZ Thanks for reporting. I'm glad you liked it . I was late at night, and I missed something with the copy and paste. I already made the correction in the first post I know that I know nothing
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