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Do I need Elgen_autoit or is there a more Basic AutoIT?

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i was an avid Autoit programmer several years back and wondered if I should download Elgen_Autoit of is there a more basic that would work better for me.

I only need the features of the Auto it from 5-6 years ago. I downloaded and installed the Elgen but should i remove that and install the basic AutoIt.. 

or is there even a basic Autoit anymore?

Thanks for your advice.


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That was a great awnser.. It may or may not work.. I was hoping to get a professional answer to such a simple question. 

Surely some of the smarter folks know what operating system it can be used on.  It did not place an icon on my screen and that is when I referred to the notes and saw that it is not listed as an operating system that qualifies.. So therefore the logical answer is NO it will not work.. Not looking for a smart answer like "Try it it may work>"


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3 hours ago, tommytx123 said:

So therefore the logical answer is NO it will not work..

If that is the logical answer then, is no need to post the question. But you post, so I answered. If I say yes it does then I'll have to prove it to you ?
Again, try it and kindly share your findings.

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19 hours ago, Danp2 said:

Auto It runs just fine on Win10/11. I'm not sure which software you actually installed. I've personally never heard of "Elgen_Autoit". Can you provide a link to the installer you downloaded? I cannot even find the link i used.. it was not the one someone showed.. but I hope its not a virus.. Really appreciate the help.

Thank you so much Danp2 for your response.  Finally someone who knows what is going on.
Here is the autoloader i used to load autoit version 3.  http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getfile.pl?autoit3/autoit-v3-setup.exe|
The Elgen one out there was way more bytes than the Auto it is.. its huge.. As soon as  I realized it was not the real one i removed it..

Hopefully its not a virus.. So far all seems well but have done a lot of checking to see if anyone is spying on me..

The reason I am wondering if it works is that no icon was sent to the desktop.. Its been a lot of years since i used it but I thought it used to put an icon on the desktop.

Since no start icon on desktop and start button not helping. I looked in the Program directory for the exe file and none of the execs start it.. thought a couple did actual programs that i  recognize as normal programs in auto it.  Can you tell me which file will run it directly. I used the start button and typed Auto but nothing came up that would start Autoit.

It looked like a perfectly normal install as i remember years ago.. but NO desktop icon.. not sure if it does that or not..

So if you  can tell me how to start it manually I will ad a desktop.  Again super thanks for your help as i hope there aren't too many folks on here that give you bad advice like Try it and see if itworks.. if it works then fine if it don't then it don't that kind of crap just wastes every bodys time.. I don't remember seeing that stuff here before. Thank goodness.

Any any suggestions i am all ears..




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The only AutoIt download we can say for sure is valid is the one you get from the links at the top of this site - all others could, quite frankly, contain anything. When you install that version you get a new folder created (where you tell the installer to put it) and the various tools, libraries, etc are within it. There are, as far as I remember, no icons created anywhere, but you will see some start menu shortcuts. You then open an editor (a basic SciTE editor is included in the download) so you can write your scripts - you can run them from within the SciTE editor itself or from the command line - we recommend downloading the SciTE4AutoIt3 package from this site as well as it offers a whole bunch of additional tools to make your scripting easier.

As to Eigen4AutoIt - this is a library, or UDF (user defined function), written by a very experienced programmer to offer all sorts of additional matrix maths functions to your scripts. It is written in AutoIt and is just a script which requires AutoIt to run. Unless you need to use matrix maths in your scripts, there is no need to use it at all.

I hope that clears ups the misapprehensions under whch you appear to be labouring.

As to AutoIt compatibility - I am running it on Win10 with no problems and no-one has reported problems with Win11 to my knowledge. It seems we forgot to amend the Help file to show this - thanks for letting us know.

As to being given "bad advice" I see no evidence of that, merely a suggestion to "try it and see" - which is exactly what we have to do with every new Windows release!


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ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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Thanks DanP and Melba.. Just letting me know that you had not seen major problems with win10 is fantastic news.

Also everything seems to be going well now with the helpful advice from you two.

It just threw me off when I got no icon on desktop and also  when i dumped an empty txt with .au3 extension and doubleclicked it the editor did not load even though during install i ticked the "Let double click load the editor.. So it must not be in my global link so I should be able to add it to the mode to find the editor no matter what directory I am in.  If anyone knows a simple way to load the scite editor to my global link let me know.. If i remember the last time I added a directory to the global link it took several clicks.. Don't remember the process now but i can figure it out again.


So I should be fine now... as most of the stuff i need todo I have done before and so no super upgraded version will be needed... Thank you so much again.

I do not plan to use Elgen.. have no idea what it is.. as i just assumed it was the latest version of Autoit.. but it was not.. When i searched for Autoit it just p0pped up



Edited by tommytx123
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