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Posted (edited)

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#include "RegisterActiveObject UDF3.au3"

Func __ExampleA()
    Local $s_Clsid
    Local $o_object = __RegisterActiveObject(Default, $s_Clsid)
    If @error Or Not IsObj($o_object) Then Return

    Local $aArray[2] = ["Item A0", "item A1"]
    $o_object.add("String", 'Apple')
    $o_object.add("Number", 12345)
    $o_object.add("Array", $aArray)
    ConsoleWrite('$o_object -> Count item: ' & $o_object.Count & @CRLF)

    RunWait( @AutoItExe & " /AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & '"Client.au3" ' & $s_Clsid)
    ConsoleWrite('$o_object -> Count item: ' & $o_object.Count & @CRLF)



MsgBox( 0, "Client", "Client Started" )

Func __Client($o_Clsid)
    Local $m_object = ObjGet("", $o_Clsid)
    If Not IsObj($m_object) Then Return
    MsgBox(0, "Client", '$m_object -> Count item: ' & $m_object.Count)
    $m_object.add("Double", 567.55)
    MsgBox( 0, "Client", "client End" )


for connect to vbscipt change this line of Main.au3

RunWait( @AutoItExe & " /AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & '"Client.au3" ' & $s_Clsid)


RunWait( 'wscript.exe "Client.vbs" '  & ObjName($o_object, 3))


Dim Arg
Arg = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set M_object = GetObject(, Arg)
msgbox VarType(M_object) & "  " & TypeName(M_object)
msgbox M_object.Count
M_object.Add "Double", 567.55
Set M_object = Nothing


RegisterActiveObject UDF2.au3

RegisterActiveObject UDF3.au3



Edited by jugador
  • 1 month later...

in the effort to understand and take advantage of what  @jugador  simply shares with us.
I try to combine two 
@jugador  works  (Thanks for sharing)


the idea is to make CrossDictionaryUDF as a communication channel,
to share information between multiple scripts

a first approach CrossDictionaryUDF.zip

many things I used them as is.
I hope in time to understand them better and reformulate them

I know that I know nothing


I am not necessarily a COM fan but if I remember right RegisterActiveObject causes an object to be listed in ROT. I am not sure what this script does more or better than existing code on the forum.


That example was nice @ioa747.
{EE09B103-97E0-11CF-978F-00A02463E06F} still the same and my question is: what if I have more than one script with this IPC ?. Can there be a way to "salt it" so to say. Make it unique ?

39 minutes ago, Andreik said:

I am not necessarily a COM fan but if I remember right RegisterActiveObject causes an object to be listed in ROT. I am not sure what this script does more or better than existing code on the forum.

1) Why not a COM fan ( necessarily )
2) What's the good/bad/ugly of ROT ?


Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, argumentum said:

1) Why not a COM fan ( necessarily )
2) What's the good/bad/ugly of ROT ?

I am not a fan of COM programming not because I want to avoid an ugly side or something like that but because I don't usually have to work with COM to achieve my goals. Sometimes I use UDFs that use COM programming, dictionaries or other stuffs like that but in most cases I don't need anything more than native AutoIt. So I am not against COM programming, I just don't have many projects in this area.

Edited by Andreik



Why {EE09B103-97E0-11CF-978F-00A02463E06F}?
As I make Scripting.Dictionary default object due to it's flexibility to support different type of variable.

You will get different Clsid if you have tried registering different object other than Scripting.Dictionary <_<

__RegisterActiveObject('object of your choice', $s_Clsid)


can I run 2 different scripts if they all use the same $s_Clsid ?

if you are asking something like this then yes it work :)

Func __Example_A()
    Local $oObj[5]
    For $i = 0 To UBound($oObj) - 1
        $oObj[$i] = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" )

    Local $s_Clsid
    ;~ other object remain immune as it register only $oObj[3] instance even though there Clsid is same.
    Local $o_object = __RegisterActiveObject($oObj[3], $s_Clsid)    


This will not work. 
Need to tweak this UDF to use dummy Clsid but then ObjGet will not work you have to use __GetActiveObject to get the Register Object.

Func __Example_B()
    Local $oObj[5]
    For $i = 0 To UBound($oObj) - 1
        $oObj[$i] = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" )

    Local $s_ClsidA, $s_ClsidB
    Local $o_objectA = __RegisterActiveObject($oObj[1], $s_ClsidA)      
    Local $o_objectB = __RegisterActiveObject($oObj[3], $s_ClsidB)  



Thanks for posting scripting-dictionary code.
that time was experimenting with scripting-dictionary to avoid using Global while coding :D


Not able to understand AutoHotkey class Object concept but assumption is it's IDispatch Object and can be created using @trancexx  __ObjectFromTag :unsure:.
I will open new thread about AutoHotkey class Object concept for help.

So not able convert the AutoHotkey LresultFromObject code due to this class Object logic.

But succeed using LresultFromObject and ObjectFromLresult on Scripting.Dictionary Object :whistle:

Posted (edited)


just thinking :think: comparison to AutoHotkey class Object 
we can use Windows Script Components(wsc) file to create this class property & method.
and get the object using ObjGet

Local $o_wscObj = ObjGet("script:" & 'wsc file path')


Edited by jugador
1 hour ago, jugador said:

we can use Windows Script Components(wsc) file to create this class property & method.

"Creating a COM object using WSC is long time end of life unfurtunatly. "

Mailsolts is also depreciated and I use it everywhere :(
It may disappear tomorrow, or never. Nonetheless when something is 
depreciated, might as well not exist, as it will brake code in due time and worst of all, we were told.

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.

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