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Send Click on the Button not having a Button info

Go to solution Solved by ioa747,

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Hi Experts,

I am new to AutoIt. I have automated few easy application. Thanks, to auto info utility. Currently, I am working on application where I am not getting button info. I just need to click the button and login. Below is the sample code i tried so far.

1) With the below code I have highlighted the button which I need to click.


WinWaitActive("[CLASS:GlassWindowClass-2]", "", 20) ;focus on Confirmation window
Send ( "password" )

MouseClick("left") <Not Working>


2) I tried to send ENTER and this is also not working. But in manual it require click only to move to next screen.


WinWaitActive("[CLASS:GlassWindowClass-2]", "", 20) ;focus on Confirmation window
Send ( "password" )

Send("{ENTER}") <Not Working>


Below is the info which i got it from Auto info utility.


>>>> Window <<<<
Title:    SMS Admin
Class:    GlassWindowClass-2
Position:    385, 12
Size:    511, 987
Style:    0x96090000
ExStyle:    0x00000000
Handle:    0x002612A8

>>>> Control <<<<
Advanced (Class):    
ControlClick Coords:    

>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position:    857, 490
Cursor ID:    2
Color:    0xFFFFFF

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<

>>>> Hidden Text <<<<



Posted (edited)

welcome to the forum.

yes, in the beginning it is like that until you get a little older.

As for your topic, it seems to be the web browser window, which makes things difficult.
take a walk with the info tool, again from the controls, buttons, input boxes, etc..
does it give you information on ClassnameNN ?

Or try doing a test without a mouse. when you open the window, where is the focus?
is it in the user's name?



; Pauses the script until the requested window exists
Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:GlassWindowClass-2]")

; check
ConsoleWrite("$hWnd=" & $hWnd & @CRLF)

; Activates (gives focus to) a window
If WinActivate($hWnd) Then
    ; if ok then send


Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing


Hi ioa747,

Thanks for the reply.

As you have mentioned, I have thoroughly walked through the info utility. I could not found any value there in ClassnameNN. This form is not from the Web. Actually, This is a java based application.

Answering to the second question. When this form open the curser is by default placed on password where i can successfully can pass the password using 



  • Solution

try manually first.
after giving the password ,  how do you go to the next one  with tab? ,  with enter? ,  with L (Login)? , with ctrl L (Login)?
and after you find it,  then you will go with the script

I know that I know nothing

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