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The Experimental Autoit RPGenerator (IRC MOPRG Project) Python - Autoit - mIRC


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4-15-2024 Been a while with progress unreported! Unfortunately, this RPGenerator hiatus will continue until fall 2024 as progress is being made on the background with RPGenerator. I've severely pumped the brakes on the project and have returned to the drawing board on many aspects of RPGenerator, including, foremost, the graphics as well as the over all code used. The autoit concept demo that's currently available here is being discontinued due to many reasons that have led to this decision, based on various difficulties or my own dissatisfaction/frustrations with aspects of the project and where it stands. 

What's in the plans? Right now I'm developing a scriptable and modular IRC core software with Python, with this core software I plan to make the RPGenerator hub IRC bot (as mentioned previously, this part is still happening, but instead will be developed purely in python.) Autoit comes in with client programs for windows users which will be a user side chat client that features some completely redesigned graphics and is built to connect and interact with game hubs being hosted by the python bot. As far as the autoit side of this project is concerned, it has been scrapped and slated for a complete start over. Official production continuation of RPGenerator is TBD/TBA.

I'm also migrating stuff and remodeling my 'brand' thru GitHub and Patreon, which will include software, other digital products/media, and maybe one day merch. Who knows. Do not worry, RPGenerator will be back and better than ever!

Mode60 Official Website (m0de-60.github.io)

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  • coderusa changed the title to The Experimental Autoit RPGenerator (CONCEPT DEMO AVAILABLE) [CREATIVE HIATUS]
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Information Update 7-16-2024

I'm nearly finished with zCore, the python IRC bot software I've been developing. This is one of the corner stones for the restart of the RPGenerator project as the RPGenerator hub bot will built on this platform. It's close to being a releasable piece of software, currently working on documentation and formation/finalization of the scriptable plugin system that zCore has.

Check it out!

zCore Source Code: m0de-60/zcore: zCore Multi-threaded, asynchronous and scriptable IRC bot software (github.com)

There is also Trivia-Master, a generic trivia plugin I've made for testing/developing this zCore platform. 
Trivia Master Source Code: m0de-60/trivia-master: Trivia Master IRC Bot 1.00 (zCore Plugin Module) (github.com)

There are also detailed articles about zCore and the Trivia-Master plugin on my main webpage https://m0de-60.github.io/web

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  • 2 weeks later...

Information Update 7-25-2024

Good news everyone! It's official! The RPGenerator hiatus is slated to END October 2024!

🎉 New development and production will start Fall 2024. 

The zCore IRC bot software, that I've designed in Python, is now in a stable and operational state, the software is not 100% finished (what software is truly finished?), but the features and workings currently are complete, functional and stable. This will be used for the RPGenerator hub bot.

Additional features and what not for this software will be updated over time and will not hinder the production of new RPGenerator stuff. (In fact, I'm anticipating that RPGenerator development will lead to some new features/additions in the IRC software!)

 The IRC Software being used (GitHub repo): http://github.com/m0de-60/zcore

Approximated RPGenerator project build chart:

▶️ Create basic game flow and game/story content (already started but official development won't begin until October)

▶️ Create a basic Game Hub Bot with zCore IRC software (already started but official development won't begin until October)

▶️ Create an IRC Core in AutoIt  (this will be far simpler than zCore, and be used for the main IRC control of Autoit programs.)

▶️ Develop a universal communication protocol and game protocol for all RPGenerator programs (Python, mIRC and Autoit) to communicate with each other via IRC and DCC

▶️ Completely recode animation/gfx system for RPGenerator in Autoit (start fresh)

▶️ Create GUI based user client for windows users in Autoit

▶️ Create a mIRC script that is loosely based off the Autoit client

▶️ Create RPGStudio, a Autoit program that will allow for users to create and edit game content (characters, items, etc)



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  • coderusa changed the title to The Experimental Autoit RPGenerator (IRC MOPRG Project) Python - Autoit - mIRC


UPDATE OCTOBER 15 2024 - Production Restart

Work on the Python zCore IRC hub bot has been progressing, I've started a new plugin module for the RPG and
started building some basic code structure for the hub. This will lead to designing a protocol system that will be used
between the Python hub bot and Autoit user client for background communication and relaying game data, which will
be implemented into the Autoit IRC design for the user client. 

The project has been greatly reformed and the wheels are now rolling!

Updates on development to come throughout the 2024 holiday season.


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1 minute ago, TheDcoder said:

Python - AutoIt - mIRC is a wild combo :lol:

Python for the IRC bot, and Autoit or mIRC for user client stuff. mIRC's ability to make GUIs and other IRC things make it a great alternate platform for players to use, and also where RPGenerator originally started, as a mIRC script. 

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3 hours ago, coderusa said:

Autoit or mIRC for user client stuff. mIRC's ability to make GUIs and other IRC things make it a great alternate platform for players to use, and also where RPGenerator originally started, as a mIRC script. 

Wow, mIRC can do GUIs too? And what part does AutoIt play exactly if mIRC is already doing everything? :think:

3 hours ago, coderusa said:

Python for the IRC bot

Bad luck, you missed out on this:

(Made by yours truly :muttley:)

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

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