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Posted (edited)

Saves the position of the icons, from the desktop, with the ability of restoring

With command line parameters  -save , it save the icons setting,   with  -restore , it restore the icons setting.
Without  command line parameters display a GUI with  save , restore buttons


; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210688-desktop-icons-save-and-restore/
; Title...........: DesktopIconSet.au3
; Description.....: Saves the position of the icons, from the desktop, with the ability of restoring 
; AutoIt Version..:   Author: ioa747
; Notes ..........: Tested on Windows 10 Version 22H2
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7

#include <GuiListView.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Global Const $g_sIniPath = @ScriptDir & "\Setting.ini"
Global $g_hDesktop = _WinGetDesktopHandle()
Global $g_hDeskCtrlListView = ControlGetHandle($g_hDesktop, "", "[CLASS:SysListView32;INSTANCE:1]")

ConsoleWrite("$g_sIniPath=" & $g_sIniPath & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("$g_hDesktop=" & $g_hDesktop & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("$g_hDeskCtrlListView=" & $g_hDeskCtrlListView & @CRLF)

Global $iParams = $CmdLine[0]
;Check if $CmdLine parameters
If Not $iParams Then
    $iParams = $CmdLine

Switch $iParams[1]
    Case "-save"

    Case "-restore"



;_SetShortcutPos("Recycle Bin", 0, 0)

Func _CallGUI()
    GUICreate("   DeskTop shortcuts", 170, 90, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST))
    Local $ButtonSave = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save Setting", 10, 10, 150, 30)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
    Local $ButtonRestore = GUICtrlCreateButton("Restore Setting", 10, 50, 150, 30)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif")

    Local $nMsg

    While 1
        $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        Switch $nMsg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

            Case $ButtonSave

            Case $ButtonRestore


EndFunc   ;==>_CallGUI
Func _SetShortcutPos($Name = "", $X = 0, $Y = 0)
    Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_FindInText($g_hDeskCtrlListView, $Name)
    If $iIndex == -1 Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, "! Could not find icon: " & $Name)
    _GUICtrlListView_SetItemPosition($g_hDeskCtrlListView, $iIndex, $X, $Y)
    Return "- " & $Name & "=" & $X & "," & $Y
EndFunc   ;==>_SetShortcutPos
Func _SaveSetting()
    Local $iItemCount, $sTxt, $aPos
    $iItemCount = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($g_hDeskCtrlListView)
    ConsoleWrite("> Save Setting:" & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("- Item Count:" & $iItemCount & @CRLF)

    $sTxt = "[Setting]" & @CRLF

    For $i = 0 To $iItemCount - 1
        $sTxt &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($g_hDeskCtrlListView, $i)
        $aPos = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemPosition($g_hDeskCtrlListView, $i)
        $sTxt &= "=" & $aPos[0] & "," & $aPos[1] & @CRLF

    ConsoleWrite($sTxt & @CRLF)

    Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($g_sIniPath, $FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_CREATEPATH + $FO_UTF8_NOBOM)
    If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
        MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred whilst writing the txt file.")
        Return False

    FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sTxt)

EndFunc   ;==>_SaveSetting
Func _RestoreSetting()
    ConsoleWrite("> Restore Setting:" & @CRLF)
    Local $aPos

    ; Read the INI section labelled 'Setting'. This will return a 2 dimensional array.
    Local $aArray = IniReadSection($g_sIniPath, "Setting")

    If Not @error Then
        ; Enumerate through the array displaying the keys and their respective values.
        For $i = 1 To $aArray[0][0]
            $aPos = StringSplit($aArray[$i][1], ",")
            If $aPos[0] = 2 Then
                ConsoleWrite(_SetShortcutPos($aArray[$i][0], $aPos[1], $aPos[2]) & @CRLF)

EndFunc   ;==>_RestoreSetting
;  https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/119783-desktop-class-workerw/#comment-903081
; <_WinGetDesktopHandle.au3>
; Function to get the Windows' Desktop Handle.
;   Since this is no longer a simple '[CLASS:Progman]' on Aero-enabled desktops, this method uses a slightly
;   more involved method to find the correct Desktop Handle.
; Author: Ascend4nt, credits to Valik for pointing out the Parent->Child relationship: Desktop->'SHELLDLL_DefView'
Func _WinGetDesktopHandle()
    Local $i, $hDeskWin, $hSHELLDLL_DefView, $h_Listview_Configs, $aWinList
    ; The traditional Windows Classname for the Desktop, not always so on newer O/S's
    $hDeskWin = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Progman]")
    ; Parent->Child relationship: Desktop->SHELLDLL_DefView
    $hSHELLDLL_DefView = ControlGetHandle($hDeskWin, '', '[CLASS:SHELLDLL_DefView; INSTANCE:1]')
    ; No luck with finding the Desktop and/or child?
    If $hDeskWin = '' Or $hSHELLDLL_DefView = '' Then
        ; Look through a list of WorkerW windows - one will be the Desktop on Windows 7+ O/S's
        $aWinList = WinList("[CLASS:WorkerW]")
        For $i = 1 To $aWinList[0][0]
            $hSHELLDLL_DefView = ControlGetHandle($aWinList[$i][1], '', '[CLASS:SHELLDLL_DefView; INSTANCE:1]')
            If $hSHELLDLL_DefView <> '' Then
                $hDeskWin = $aWinList[$i][1]
    ; Parent->Child relationship: Desktop->SHELDLL_DefView->SysListView32
    $h_Listview_Configs = ControlGetHandle($hSHELLDLL_DefView, '', '[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]')
    If $h_Listview_Configs = '' Then Return SetError(-1, 0, '')
    Return SetExtended($h_Listview_Configs, $hDeskWin)
EndFunc   ;==>_WinGetDesktopHandle


:) Please, leave your comments and experiences here.

thank you very much !

Edited by ioa747
plus info

I know that I know nothing

Posted (edited)

Looks simple/clear/good.


Few tips:

1) instead of Setting.ini use @ScriptName with .ini extension (here DesktopIconSet.ini)

;Global $g_sIniPath = @ScriptDir & "\Setting.ini"
Global $g_sIniPath

Global $ext = StringRight(@ScriptName, 4) ; .exe / .au3
Global $ini = StringReplace(@ScriptName,$ext,'.ini',1,1)
$g_sIniPath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $ini

2) instead of ConsoleWrite use helper function Debug()

;ConsoleWrite("$g_sIniPath=" & $g_sIniPath & @CRLF)
;ConsoleWrite("$g_hDesktop=" & $g_hDesktop & @CRLF)
;ConsoleWrite("$g_hDeskCtrlListView=" & $g_hDeskCtrlListView & @CRLF)

Debug("$g_sIniPath=" & $g_sIniPath)
Debug("$g_hDesktop=" & $g_hDesktop)
Debug("$g_hDeskCtrlListView=" & $g_hDeskCtrlListView)

Func Debug($text)
    If Not @Compiled Then ConsoleWrite($text & @CRLF)

3) probably there may be position conflicts when you may try to set position of icon to other with the same position ...

so maybe some simple test for that scenario and try to automatically change conflicting position to right or down ...

Edited by Zedna

Thank you @Zedna  for the comments and tips


  • 1) instead of Setting.ini use @ScriptName with .ini extension (here DesktopIconSet.ini)
    I prefer it too ,  I fixed it already
    Global Const $g_sIniPath = StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath, 4) & ".ini"
  • 2) instead of ConsoleWrite use helper function Debug()
    what is it intended for?
    To gain time from something that is useless?  ( as long as it's  compiled, and you don't see the console out )
    or is it some other case?
  • 3) probably there may be position conflicts when you may try to set position of icon to other with the same position ...
    this is the complicated part, and it takes more time to test it
    ( I tried it but didn't go deeper, e.g. in case of restoring a different icon size than the backup. It is, so to speak, a first approach )
    And the bad thing is that the more it need, the more it will be lost, how did you say it? simple/clear  :)


Again thank you very much

I know that I know nothing

  • 1 year later...

Looking for a similar program but with an additional feature: not only shortcuts, but also files and folders on the desktop were restored (such functionality is found in programs). But one more feature is required (which I haven't found anywhere) - if new shortcuts, files and folders have been added to the desktop (after saving the configuration), they should be moved to a separate folder named, for example, "Storage".



The program should clean the desktop only when the PC starts and be controlled via the command line - an interface is basically not needed, as the program given in this topic and the ICU program by Melba23 & KaFu do - this restores the location of folders and files.
That is, there must be a configuration file in which the initial state of the desktop is saved. The PC starts, the “restore” command is executed and all shortcuts, files and folders are returned to their original coordinates, and those that were added to the work session are moved to a specific folder on the desktop.
The ICU by Melba23 & KaFu program has functionality that moves all new objects to the specified coordinates on the desktop...

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