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Posted (edited)

Hello, so I'm writing this script that is taking the user's input and I'm trying to add the number that's put in to define what variable to use. 

So for example let's say I have 3 Variables:

Quad1X1, Quad2X1, and Quad3X1, and I want to use a Input box to put a number in to decide which Quad I use.

(So if 1 is put in the InputBox, I want the variable that's used to be Quad1X1, if I put 2 in it, then Quad2X1, etc.)

Currently where I sit is the number I put in the box gets converted to what variable I want, but the problem being it's seen as text, not an actual variable. So if I put in 1, then I end up with "$Quad1X1", not the value of Quad1X1. The end result I'm looking for is making the variable "$QuadC1X1" equal 223 (If I put in a 1 in the Input Box as defined at the top via the variable "$Quad1X1") Where am I going wrong here?

Also sorry for the debug text, I've been throwing things at a wall for five hours

Edit: Just realized I didn't have a Comma in my ToolTip, but it's not what's causing the frustration I don't think.

#include <array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Global $iLoop = True
Global $Quad1X1 = 223 ; Top Left
Global $Quad1Y1 = 224 ; Top Left
Global $Quad1X2 = 324 ; Top Right 
Global $Quad1Y2 = 224 ; Top Right
Global $Quad1X3 = 224 ; Bottom Left
Global $Quad1Y3 = 325 ; Bottom Left
Global $Quad1X4 = 324 ; Bottom Right
Global $Quad1Y4 = 325 ; Bottom Right

HotKeySet("{PGDN}", "GetOutaHere")
HotKeySet("{PGUP}", "Begin")
HotKeySet("{INS}{DEL}", "Kill")
HotKeySet("{HOME}", "InputVariable")

$QuadShowVariable = InputBox("Input Box", "Which quadrant to show? Number only.")
$QuadC1X1 = "Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "X1"
$QuadC1X1 = "$Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "X1"
$QuadC1X2 = "Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "X2"
$QuadC1Y1 = "Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "Y1"
$QuadC1Y2 = "Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "Y2"

;Local $QuadC1X1[3]
;$QuadTestVariable = $"Quad" & $QuadShowVariable & "X1"
;$Quad1X1 = 

While 1 
ToolTip("Ready" & @CRLF & "PGUP - Begin" & @CRLF & "PGDN - Pause" & @CRLF & "INS + DEL - Close" & @CRLF & "HOME - Change quadrants" & @CRLF & "QuadC1X1 = " & $QuadC1X1 & @CRLF & "$Quad1X1 = " & $Quad1X1 400, 10)

Func Begin()
    $iLoop = True
    While $iLoop = True
        If $iLoop = False Then ExitLoop
        If $iLoop = False Then ExitLoop
        If $iLoop = False Then ExitLoop
        If $iLoop = False Then ExitLoop
    $iLoop = False
EndFunc ;First

Func TheLoop1()
ToolTip("X1/Y1 of quadrant " & $QuadC1X1 & " " & $QuadC1Y1, 900, 10)
MouseMove($QuadC1X1, $QuadC1Y1, 0)

Func TheLoop2()
ToolTip("X2/Y2 of quadrant " & $QuadShowVariable, 900, 10)
MouseMove($Quad1X2, $Quad1Y2, 0)

Func TheLoop3()
ToolTip("X3/Y3 of quadrant " & $QuadShowVariable, 900, 10)
MouseMove($Quad1X3, $Quad1Y3, 0)

Func TheLoop4()
ToolTip("X4/Y4 of quadrant " & $QuadShowVariable, 900, 10)
MouseMove($Quad1X4, $Quad1Y4, 0)

Func GetOutaHere()
    $iLoop = False

Func Kill()
    Exit 0


Edited by JustCallMeAlec
Just realized I didn't have a comma in my ToolTip, but that wasn't the issue.
  • Solution

I agree with the array  approach


; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $aQuad[][] = [ _
        ["X", "Y", "W", "H"], _
        [100, 100, 200, 200], _
        [200, 100, 300, 300], _
        [500, 200, 800, 600], _
        [300, 300, 1000, 700]]

;~ _ArrayDisplay($aQuad)

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
        Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
            ConsoleWrite("$sInputBoxAnswer=" & $sInputBoxAnswer & @CRLF)
            $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
            If $id > 0 And $id <= UBound($aQuad) - 1 Then
                ConsoleWrite("X=" & $aQuad[$id][0] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("Y=" & $aQuad[$id][1] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("W=" & $aQuad[$id][2] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("H=" & $aQuad[$id][3] & @CRLF)

                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], "MouseMove XY")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], "MouseMoveWH")


        Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed

    ConsoleWrite("" & @CRLF)


I know that I know nothing

14 hours ago, ioa747 said:

I agree with the array  approach


; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $aQuad[][] = [ _
        ["X", "Y", "W", "H"], _
        [100, 100, 200, 200], _
        [200, 100, 300, 300], _
        [500, 200, 800, 600], _
        [300, 300, 1000, 700]]

;~ _ArrayDisplay($aQuad)

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
        Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
            ConsoleWrite("$sInputBoxAnswer=" & $sInputBoxAnswer & @CRLF)
            $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
            If $id > 0 And $id <= UBound($aQuad) - 1 Then
                ConsoleWrite("X=" & $aQuad[$id][0] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("Y=" & $aQuad[$id][1] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("W=" & $aQuad[$id][2] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("H=" & $aQuad[$id][3] & @CRLF)

                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], "MouseMove XY")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], "MouseMoveWH")


        Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed

    ConsoleWrite("" & @CRLF)


I've been specifically avoiding Array's because I've spent the last month or so, at roughly 4 hours a day trying to understand them, and I still don't, so I don't think this is going to work for me. I appreciate the time you spent to write that, though.


Maybe you should start a thread asking about arrays to get someone to explain what it is that you don't understand about them. I usually find arrays easier to understand when you think about them just as a list, like $aArray[3] would just be:

  • [0] - first item
  • [1] - second item
  • [2] - third item

Or a 2d array would just be a list... of lists. So $aArray[3][3] would be:

  • [0][#]
    • [0][0] - first item, first sub
    • [0][1] - first item, second sub
    • [0][2] - first item, third sub
  • [1][#]
    • [1][0] - second item, first sub
    • etc....
  • [2][#]
    • [2][0] - third item, first sub
    • etc...

This type of layout basically it just repeated as you add more dimensions, so quickly $aArray[3][3][3] would look like:

  • [0][#][#]
    • [0][0][#]
      • [0][0][0] - first item, first sub, first tertiary(?)

Obviously arrays can start to get out of hand when you start adding a lot of dimensions, which is why a good way to keep track of things is to use variables with names that hold the indexes. For example using @ioa747s example:

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
; $E_QUAD_X = 0, $E_QUAD_Y = 1, etc.
Global $aQuad[][$E_QUAD_MAX] = [ _
        ["X", "Y", "W", "H"], _
        [100, 100, 200, 200], _
        [200, 100, 300, 300], _
        [500, 200, 800, 600], _
        [300, 300, 1000, 700]]

;~ _ArrayDisplay($aQuad)

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
        Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
            ConsoleWrite("$sInputBoxAnswer=" & $sInputBoxAnswer & @CRLF)
            $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
            If $id > 0 And $id <= UBound($aQuad) - 1 Then
                ConsoleWrite("X=" & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_X] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("Y=" & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_Y] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("W=" & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_WIDTH] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("H=" & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_HEIGHT] & @CRLF)

                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_X], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_Y])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_X] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_Y], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_X], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_Y], "MouseMove XY")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_WIDTH], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_HEIGHT])
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_WIDTH] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_HEIGHT], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_WIDTH], $aQuad[$id][$E_QUAD_HEIGHT], "MouseMoveWH")


        Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed

    ConsoleWrite("" & @CRLF)

Now instead of just having indexes and not remembering that [0] is X and [3] is Height, you can just use the more descriptive variable names.

Also, did you even try @Andreik's suggestion? Eval is exactly what you're looking for in your original question, if you don't want to use Arrays. However I would definitely recommend an Array over Eval.


If neither of those options work, another option for you is Maps, in the latest version of AutoIt. Maps (or a Scripting Dictionary) are just like the example I gave with using the variables for the Array indexes, except you can use strings directly. So ioa747's example again, but with Maps (maybe not used very efficiently):

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $sInputBoxAnswer
Global $id = 0 ; active selection
; $E_QUAD_X = 0, $E_QUAD_Y = 1, etc.
Global $mQuad[] ; Just like an Array declaration, except no size is given, signaling it's a map
Global $mDimensions[] ; Another map that we'll put in our map

$mQuad[1] = $mDimensions
$mQuad[1]['X1'] = 100
$mQuad[1]['Y1'] = 100
$mQuad[1]['X2'] = 200
$mQuad[1]['Y2'] = 200
$mQuad[2] = $mDimensions
$mQuad[2]['X1'] = 200
$mQuad[2]['Y1'] = 100
$mQuad[2]['X2'] = 300
$mQuad[2]['Y2'] = 300
$mQuad[3] = $mDimensions
$mQuad[3]['X1'] = 500
$mQuad[3]['Y1'] = 200
$mQuad[3]['X2'] = 800
$mQuad[3]['Y2'] = 600
$mQuad[4] = $mDimensions
$mQuad[4]['X1'] = 300
$mQuad[4]['Y1'] = 300
$mQuad[4]['X2'] = 1000
$mQuad[4]['Y2'] = 700
;~ Global $aQuad[][$E_QUAD_MAX] = [ _
;~         ["X", "Y", "W", "H"], _
;~         [100, 100, 200, 200], _
;~         [200, 100, 300, 300], _
;~         [500, 200, 800, 600], _
;~         [300, 300, 1000, 700]]

;~ _ArrayDisplay($aQuad)

While 1
    $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
        Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
            ConsoleWrite("$sInputBoxAnswer=" & $sInputBoxAnswer & @CRLF)
            $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
            If MapExists($mQuad, $id) Then
                ConsoleWrite("X=" & $mQuad[$id]['X1'] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("Y=" & $mQuad[$id]['Y1'] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("W=" & $mQuad[$id]['X2'] & ", ")
                ConsoleWrite("H=" & $mQuad[$id]['Y2'] & @CRLF)

                MouseMove($mQuad[$id]['X1'], $mQuad[$id]['Y1'])
                ToolTip($mQuad[$id]['X1'] & ", " & $mQuad[$id]['Y1'], $mQuad[$id]['X1'], $mQuad[$id]['Y1'], "MouseMove XY")
                MouseMove($mQuad[$id]['X2'], $mQuad[$id]['Y2'])
                ToolTip($mQuad[$id]['X2'] & ", " & $mQuad[$id]['Y2'], $mQuad[$id]['X2'], $mQuad[$id]['Y2'], "MouseMoveWH")


        Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed

    ConsoleWrite("" & @CRLF)


I think that the main answer here for what you're looking to do is that Arrays are your best option, most likely. Of course personal preference will play a part, and someone else may say that SQLite is a better option (though you'll still have to go through Arrays a little bit as a middleman). Arrays are very important for the functionality of a lot of things, I definitely recommend spending some time writing some just test scripts using them, to understand them a little more.

We ought not to misbehave, but we should look as though we could.


After a couple additional days of working at this, I may have finally figured it out. I appreciate all the suggestions. 

I think I've gone with the Array suggestion, even though the initial one was technically a solution, too. I'm about 25% of the way through the typing, but this is what I have thus far... 

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $aQuad[][] = [ _
        ["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "X3", "Y3", "X4", "Y4"], _
        [223, 223, 325, 223, 223, 325, 325, 325], _ ;1
        [325, 223, 450, 223, 325, 325, 450, 325], _ ;2
        [450, 223, 550, 223, 450, 325, 550, 325], _ ;3
        [550, 223, 650, 223, 550, 325, 650, 325], _ ;4
        [650, 223, 750, 223, 650, 325, 750, 325], _ ;5
        [750, 223, 850, 223, 750, 325, 850, 325], _ ;6
        [850, 223, 950, 223, 850, 325, 950, 325], _ ;7 
        [950, 223, 1050, 223, 950, 325, 1050, 325], _ ;8
        [1050, 223, 1150, 223, 1050, 325, 1150, 325], _ ;9
        [1150, 223, 1250, 223, 1150, 325, 1250, 325], _ ;10
        [223, 325, 325, 325, 223, 425, 325, 425], _ ;11
        [325, 325, 450, 325, 325, 425, 450, 425], _ ;12
        [450, 325, 550, 325, 450, 425, 550, 425], _ ;13
        [550, 325, 650, 325, 550, 425, 650, 425], _ ;14
        [650, 325, 750, 325, 650, 425, 750, 425], _ ;15
        [750, 325, 850, 325, 750, 425, 850, 425], _ ;16
        [850, 325, 950, 325, 850, 425, 950, 425], _ ;17
        [950, 325, 1050, 325, 950, 425, 1050, 425], _ ;18
        [1050, 325, 1150, 325, 1050, 425, 1150, 425], _ ;19
        [1150, 325, 1250, 325, 1150, 425, 1250, 425], _ ;20
        [223, 425, 325, 425, 223, 525, 325, 525], _ ;21
        [325, 425, 450, 425, 325, 525, 450, 525], _ ;22
        [450, 425, 550, 425, 450, 525, 550, 525], _ ;23
        [550, 425, 650, 425, 550, 525, 650, 525], _ ;24
        [650, 425, 750, 425, 650, 525, 750, 525], _ ;25
        [750, 425, 850, 425, 750, 525, 850, 525], _ ;26
        [850, 425, 950, 425, 850, 525, 950, 525], _ ;27
        [950, 425, 1050, 425, 950, 525, 1050, 525], _ ;28
        [1050, 425, 1150, 425, 1050, 525, 1150, 525], _ ;29
        [1150, 425, 1250, 425, 1150, 525, 1250, 525], _  ;30
        [223, 525, 325, 525, 223, 625, 325, 625], _ ;31
        [325, 525, 450, 525, 325, 625, 450, 625], _ ;32
        [450, 525, 550, 525, 450, 625, 550, 625], _ ;33
        [550, 525, 650, 525, 550, 625, 650, 625], _ ;34
        [650, 525, 750, 525, 650, 625, 750, 625], _ ;35
        [750, 525, 850, 525, 750, 625, 850, 625], _ ;36
        [850, 525, 950, 525, 850, 625, 950, 625], _ ;37 
        [950, 525, 1050, 525, 950, 625, 1050, 625], _ ;38
        [1050, 525, 1150, 525, 1050, 625, 1150, 625], _ ;39
        [1150, 525, 1250, 525, 1150, 625, 1250, 625]] ;40

;[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, 625, x4, 625], _ 
;[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]
;~ _ArrayDisplay($aQuad)

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
        Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
            $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
            If $id > 0 And $id <= UBound($aQuad) Then
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], 1)
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], "Mouse X1 Y1")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], 1)
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], "Mouse X2 Y2")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][4], $aQuad[$id][5], 1)
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][4] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][5], $aQuad[$id][4], $aQuad[$id][5], "Mouse X3 625")
                MouseMove($aQuad[$id][6], $aQuad[$id][7], 1)
                ToolTip($aQuad[$id][6] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][7], $aQuad[$id][6], $aQuad[$id][7], "Mouse X4 625")
        Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed

As an FYI, the comments on each line counting from 1 to currently 40 are the box quadrants I need to map. I've got about 30 to go!

Wish me luck, and again, I appreciate the replies.


If you're on a roll then you're on a roll. Sometimes just completing the task is better than finding the most optimal way. However that being said, you are definitely doing more typing/work than needed for your X1-Y4 pairs. You're providing each corner of a rectangle, even though you only need opposing corners (like top left and bottom right).

For example:

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $aQuad[][] = [ _ ; Provide coordinates in groups, [Top Left] and [Bottom Right]
        ["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"], _
        [223, 223, 325, 325], _ ;1
        [750, 425, 850, 525] _ ;26

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only, 0 - " & UBound($aQuad) - 1, $id + 1)
    If @error Then Exit

    $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
    If $id < 0 Or $id >= UBound($aQuad) Then
        ConsoleWrite('Invalid number' & @CRLF)

    For $iY = 1 To 3 Step 2
        For $iX = 0 To 2 Step 2
            MouseMove($aQuad[$id][$iX], $aQuad[$id][$iY], 1)
            ToolTip($aQuad[$id][$iX] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][$iY], _
            $aQuad[$id][$iX] + 20, _ ; offset so we can see the whole tooltip without the mouse in the way
            $aQuad[$id][$iY], _
            'X' & ($iX + 2) / 2  & ', Y' & ($iY + 1) / 2)


Here, we're only using X1,Y1 and X2,Y2. These points are the Top Left and Bottom Right coordinates, that's all we need to make a rectangle. That'll save you half the typing for coordinates.

I also simplified the main loop, and swapped having 4 mouse moves to a couple of loops. If you wanted to keep that part expanded though, here's what that would look like:

MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], "Top left")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][1], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][1], "Top right")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][3], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][3], "Bottom left")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], "Bottom right")

The nice part with not having each one as its own thing is that if you want to change a part of it, instead of changing it 4 places it's only 1.

Also I noticed that your coordinates are almost a pattern, at least besides the first 1 or 2 points of the pattern. But, would something like this work?

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $sInputBoxAnswer
Global $aiCoords[2]

While 1
    $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
    If @error Then Exit

    $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
    If $id <= 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite('Invalid number' & @CRLF)

    For $iY = 0 To 1
        $aiCoords[1] = 225 + (100 * (Floor($id / 10) + $iY))
        For $iX = 0 To 1
            $aiCoords[0] = 250 + (100 * Mod(($id - 1) + $iX, 10))

            MouseMove($aiCoords[0], $aiCoords[1], 1)
            ToolTip(String($aiCoords[0]) & ", " & String($aiCoords[1]), _
                    $aiCoords[0] + 20, _ ; offset so we can see the whole tooltip without the mouse in the way
                    $aiCoords[1], _
                    'X' & ($iX + 1) & ', Y' & ($iY + 1))
            If $iX = $iY Then ConsoleWrite('id: ' & $id & ' X' & $iX & ',Y' & $iY & ': ' & _
                    String($aiCoords[0]) & ", " & String($aiCoords[1]) & @CRLF)


This assumes that you start at 250 instead of 223, and also hit 350 instead of 335. Everything else just seems to be multiples of 100, with 10 points in X before moving to a new Y and repeating.

I think I had some other stuff to say, but then took a work meeting and forgot. Let me know if you have questions.

We ought not to misbehave, but we should look as though we could.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/2/2023 at 1:50 PM, mistersquirrle said:

If you're on a roll then you're on a roll. Sometimes just completing the task is better than finding the most optimal way. However that being said, you are definitely doing more typing/work than needed for your X1-Y4 pairs. You're providing each corner of a rectangle, even though you only need opposing corners (like top left and bottom right).

For example:

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $aQuad[][] = [ _ ; Provide coordinates in groups, [Top Left] and [Bottom Right]
        ["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"], _
        [223, 223, 325, 325], _ ;1
        [750, 425, 850, 525] _ ;26

While 1
    Global $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only, 0 - " & UBound($aQuad) - 1, $id + 1)
    If @error Then Exit

    $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
    If $id < 0 Or $id >= UBound($aQuad) Then
        ConsoleWrite('Invalid number' & @CRLF)

    For $iY = 1 To 3 Step 2
        For $iX = 0 To 2 Step 2
            MouseMove($aQuad[$id][$iX], $aQuad[$id][$iY], 1)
            ToolTip($aQuad[$id][$iX] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][$iY], _
            $aQuad[$id][$iX] + 20, _ ; offset so we can see the whole tooltip without the mouse in the way
            $aQuad[$id][$iY], _
            'X' & ($iX + 2) / 2  & ', Y' & ($iY + 1) / 2)


Here, we're only using X1,Y1 and X2,Y2. These points are the Top Left and Bottom Right coordinates, that's all we need to make a rectangle. That'll save you half the typing for coordinates.

I also simplified the main loop, and swapped having 4 mouse moves to a couple of loops. If you wanted to keep that part expanded though, here's what that would look like:

MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][1], "Top left")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][1], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][1], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][1], "Top right")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][3], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][0] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][0], $aQuad[$id][3], "Bottom left")
    MouseMove($aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], 1)
    ToolTip($aQuad[$id][2] & ", " & $aQuad[$id][3], $aQuad[$id][2], $aQuad[$id][3], "Bottom right")

The nice part with not having each one as its own thing is that if you want to change a part of it, instead of changing it 4 places it's only 1.

Also I noticed that your coordinates are almost a pattern, at least besides the first 1 or 2 points of the pattern. But, would something like this work?

; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210615-converting-string-into-a-variable-name/?do=findComment&comment=1521771
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#include <array.au3>

Global $id = 0 ; active selection
Global $sInputBoxAnswer
Global $aiCoords[2]

While 1
    $sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Which quadrant to show?", @CRLF & "Number only", $id + 1)
    If @error Then Exit

    $id = Int($sInputBoxAnswer)
    If $id <= 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite('Invalid number' & @CRLF)

    For $iY = 0 To 1
        $aiCoords[1] = 225 + (100 * (Floor($id / 10) + $iY))
        For $iX = 0 To 1
            $aiCoords[0] = 250 + (100 * Mod(($id - 1) + $iX, 10))

            MouseMove($aiCoords[0], $aiCoords[1], 1)
            ToolTip(String($aiCoords[0]) & ", " & String($aiCoords[1]), _
                    $aiCoords[0] + 20, _ ; offset so we can see the whole tooltip without the mouse in the way
                    $aiCoords[1], _
                    'X' & ($iX + 1) & ', Y' & ($iY + 1))
            If $iX = $iY Then ConsoleWrite('id: ' & $id & ' X' & $iX & ',Y' & $iY & ': ' & _
                    String($aiCoords[0]) & ", " & String($aiCoords[1]) & @CRLF)


This assumes that you start at 250 instead of 223, and also hit 350 instead of 335. Everything else just seems to be multiples of 100, with 10 points in X before moving to a new Y and repeating.

I think I had some other stuff to say, but then took a work meeting and forgot. Let me know if you have questions.

Will do. I think I've got it working the way I had intended, I'm now working on prioritizing certain loops over other loops, and then making some loops used in certain situations, but I'll make a new post as it'll be a whole different ball game by that point. I again really appreciate the replies. 

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