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Hello Greetings!

I need some assistance in below code. I am trying to replace all the double quotes with single quotes for a text in a .sql file. I tried using StringReplace & RegReplace but no luck.

#include <Date.au3>
$sip = @IPAddress1
$user = "test-admin"
$FileHandle = FileOpen(@ScriptDir &"\commands.sql", 2) 
FileWrite($FileHandle,"insert into serverAccess values ("""&@UserName&""","""&$sip&""","""&$user&""","""& _Now()&""")")
StringReplace(FileRead($FileHandle), """", "'")


Your assistance will be very helpful. Thanks

  • Solution

In your code, you are using FileOpen to open the commands.sql file and then FileWrite to write the SQL insert statement to the file. However, you are not closing the file before reading its content using FileRead and attempting to replace the double quotes.

try this and  please let me know if it worked :

#include <Date.au3>

$sip = @IPAddress1
$user = "test-admin"

$filePath = @ScriptDir & "\commands.sql"
$FileHandle = FileOpen($filePath, 2)
If $FileHandle = -1 Then
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Failed to open file.")

FileWrite($FileHandle, "insert into serverAccess values ('" & @UserName & "','" & $sip & "','" & $user & "','" & _Now() & "')")

$fileContent = FileRead($filePath)
$fileContent = StringReplace($fileContent, '"', "'")

$FileHandle = FileOpen($filePath, 2)
If $FileHandle = -1 Then
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Failed to open file.")

FileWrite($FileHandle, $fileContent)


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