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_WinAPI_ShellFileOperation ( $sFrom, $sTo, $iFunc, $iFlags [, $sTitle = '' [, $hParent = 0]] ) uses $tagSHFILEOPSTRUCT = 'hwnd hWnd;uint Func;ptr From;ptr To;dword Flags;int fAnyOperationsAborted;ptr hNameMappings;ptr ProgressTitle'  but there's no pointer just DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'ProgressTitle', $sTitle) and should be something like DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'ProgressTitle', DllStructGetPtr($tTitle)) because that is what the tag calls for.

The title part is not working in Win10 or XP ( hence this post ) and I don't know how to fix it, other than the hint that it calls for a ptr and not a string. Help :baby:

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Not sure if title is deprecated in Win10, does this do anything with the dialog title under XP?

#include <WinAPIShellEx.au3>

$s_File_In = @ScriptDir & "\large_test_file_in.mp4"
$s_File_Out = @ScriptDir & "\out.mp4"

_WinAPI_ShellFileOperation_Ex($s_File_In, $s_File_Out, $FO_COPY, $FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS, "Test")

Func _WinAPI_ShellFileOperation_Ex($sFrom, $sTo, $iFunc, $iFlags, $sTitle = '', $hParent = 0)
    Local $iData
    If Not IsArray($sFrom) Then
        $iData = $sFrom
        Dim $sFrom[1] = [$iData]
    Local $tFrom = _WinAPI_ArrayToStruct($sFrom)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 20, @extended, 0)

    If Not IsArray($sTo) Then
        $iData = $sTo
        Dim $sTo[1] = [$iData]
    Local $tTo = _WinAPI_ArrayToStruct($sTo)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 30, @extended, 0)

    Local $tTtitle
    If $sTitle Then
        If Not IsArray($sTitle) Then
            $iData = $sTitle
            Dim $sTitle[1] = [$iData]
        $tTtitle = _WinAPI_ArrayToStruct($sTitle)
        If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 40, @extended, 0)

    Local $tSHFILEOPSTRUCT = DllStructCreate($tagSHFILEOPSTRUCT)
    DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'hWnd', $hParent)
    DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'Func', $iFunc)
    DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'From', DllStructGetPtr($tFrom))
    DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'To', DllStructGetPtr($tTo))
    DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'Flags', $iFlags)

    If IsArray($sTitle) Then DllStructSetData($tSHFILEOPSTRUCT, 'ProgressTitle', DllStructGetPtr($tTtitle))

    Local $aCall = DllCall('shell32.dll', 'int', 'SHFileOperationW', 'struct*', $tSHFILEOPSTRUCT)
    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)
    If $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(10, $aCall[0], 0)

EndFunc   ;==>_WinAPI_ShellFileOperation_Ex


Edit: Found a remark, that FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS shows a dialog without file locations, But under Win10 I see a dialog with locations, so maybe the whole SIMPLEPROGRESS dialog concept has been dropped (since Vista)?

Edited by KaFu
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from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shellapi/ns-shellapi-shfileopstructa
A pointer to the title of a progress dialog box. This is a null-terminated string. This member is used only if fFlags includes the FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS flag.

So it needs a ptr to a string/pcstr ?

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Hello. Pointer to CWSTR. 

So struct of wchar then get ptr of struct wchar.



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29 minutes ago, Danyfirex said:

So struct of wchar then get ptr of struct wchar

could you say that in code ? ( as to create the wchar that I can call with DllStructGetPtr() )
I don't know how to do that basic thing :(

Edited by argumentum

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Func example()

    Local $tTitleBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar title[256];")

    ;Populate title buffer
    $tTitleBuffer.title = "This is a title"

    ;Display title & pointer to title
    ConsoleWrite("Title         = " & $tTitleBuffer.title & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("Title Pointer = " & DllStructGetPtr($tTitleBuffer) & @CRLF)


Console output:

Title         = This is a title
Title Pointer = 0x00000000005D8070


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I've tried both of these:

;~  Local $pTitle, $tTitle = DllStructCreate("wchar ProgressTitle[" & StringLen($sTitle) + 2 & "]")
;~  DllStructSetData($tTitle, "ProgressTitle", $sTitle)
;~  $pTitle = DllStructGetPtr($tTitle)

    Local $pTitle, $tTitle = DllStructCreate("wchar ProgressTitle[256];")
    $tTitle.ProgressTitle = "This is a title"
    $pTitle = DllStructGetPtr($tTitle)

and no dice. This code is been around since forever and the title aspect never worked ( or shown any visual difference ).
I just now discovered it an I'm like, is this function never been debugged or is it that it just plain don't work ( by way of M$ bug/idea never implemented/depreciated/etc.) 

Edited by argumentum

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Interesting. I think It does not work. at least in Windows 10 I don't get title changed. 



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18 minutes ago, Danyfirex said:

Interesting. I think It does not work

reading on the net, it seems that is code from Win 3.1, with it's long pointer to a 16 bit failed/dropped Unicode implementation and, long story short, it's a mess.
Tried on WinXP because win32 is Win2000 onwards ( I guess ), so if it works on XP, it did work at some point in time.
Is likely that either A, it was never used and miscoded or B, does not matter as it would not work as advertised in any case.

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