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AutoIt Library For epub/pdf to TXT file Conversion?

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he's not a UDF but he's doing this job.

instead of .pdf  give .epud  file

Local $pdf = "D:\Documents\_pdf\MX Linux Users Manual.pdf"


; #FUNCTION# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name...........: _PdfToTxt()
; Description ...: Save pdf as text with SumatraPDF
; Syntax.........: _PdfToTxt($pdf [, $Dest])
; Parameters ....: $pdf     - The path of source pdf file
;                  $Dest    - The dir destnation where txt file save
; Notes .........: if no $Dest parameter then destnation = source dir
; https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/download-free-pdf-viewer
Func _PdfToTxt($pdf, $Dest = "")
    Local $Sumatra, $hWnd, $hSvWnd, $txt, $aTmp

    $Sumatra = "D:\i\Pro\SumatraPDF-3.4.6\SumatraPDF-3.4.6-32.exe"

    If $Dest = "" Then
        $txt = StringTrimRight($pdf, 4) & ".txt"
        If StringRight($Dest, 1) = "\" Then
            $Dest = StringTrimRight($Dest, 1)
        $aTmp = StringSplit($pdf, "\", 1)
        $txt = $aTmp[$aTmp[0]]
        $txt = $Dest & "\" & StringTrimRight($txt, 4) & ".txt"

    Run('"' & $Sumatra & '" "' & $pdf & '"', "", @SW_MINIMIZE)

    $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:SUMATRA_PDF_FRAME]")
    ControlSend($hWnd, "", "SUMATRA_PDF_CANVAS1", "^s")

    $hSvWnd = WinWait("Save As")
    ControlSetText($hSvWnd, "", "ComboBox1", $txt)
    ControlCommand($hSvWnd, "", "ComboBox2", "SelectString", 'Text documents')
    ControlSend($hSvWnd, "", "Button2", "{ENTER}")


EndFunc   ;==>_PdfToTxt


Edited by ioa747

I know that I know nothing

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