AutoXenon Posted March 28, 2023 Posted March 28, 2023 local $a=pack(948) local $b=map(sumSelfAndSquare,$a) msgbox(0,'',unpack($a)) msgbox(0,'',unpack($b)) func map($f,$xs) return IsArray($xs[0]) ? __mapContinue($f,$xs) : __mapLast($f,$xs) endfunc func __mapContinue($f,$xs) local $arr = [ map($f,$xs[0]) , $f($xs[1]) ] return $arr endfunc func __mapLast($f,$xs) local $arr = [$f($xs[0])] return $arr endfunc func unpack($arr) return IsArray($arr[0]) ? $arr[1] & ' , ' & unpack($arr[0]) : $arr[0] endfunc func pack($n) if $n<1 then local $a = [ $n ] else local $a = [ pack($n-1) , $n ] endif return $a endfunc func sumSelfAndSquare($x) return $x*$x + $x endfunc mistersquirrle 1
mistersquirrle Posted March 29, 2023 Posted March 29, 2023 I think this is pretty cool, took me a while to get my head around it, and I assume that you meant to post it in the example scripts section, unless you have a question? I also changed the names of some params to better understand it personally, and while it's neat, I don't see a use for it myself. Here's my updates, and comparison to a 'normal' way of doing it in AutoIt: expandcollapse popupGlobal $hTimer = TimerInit() #Region Haskell-like Global $a = pack(948) ConsoleWrite('pack(948): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() Global $b = map(sumSelfAndSquare, $a) ConsoleWrite('map(sumSelfAndSquare, $a): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() ConsoleWrite('unpack($a): ' & unpack($a) & ': ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() ConsoleWrite('unpack($b): ' & unpack($b) & ': ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) #EndRegion Haskell-like #Region Normal array and loop $hTimer = TimerInit() Global $aPack[948] ConsoleWrite('$aPack[948]: ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aPack) - 1 $aPack[$iIndex] = sumSelfAndSquare($iIndex) Next ConsoleWrite('$aPack = sumSelfAndSquare: ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aPack) - 1 ConsoleWrite($aPack[$iIndex] & (($iIndex = UBound($aPack) - 1) ? '' : ' , ')) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('$aPack logging: ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF) #EndRegion Normal array and loop Func map($sFunc, $aPackedData) Return IsArray($aPackedData[0]) ? __mapContinue($sFunc, $aPackedData) : __mapLast($sFunc, $aPackedData) EndFunc ;==>map Func __mapContinue($sFunc, $aPackedData) Local $aArray = [map($sFunc, $aPackedData[0]), $sFunc($aPackedData[1])] Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>__mapContinue Func __mapLast($sFunc, $aPackedData) Local $aArray = [$sFunc($aPackedData[0])] Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>__mapLast Func unpack($aArray) Return IsArray($aArray[0]) ? $aArray[1] & ' , ' & unpack($aArray[0]) : $aArray[0] EndFunc ;==>unpack Func pack($iIndex) If $iIndex > 0 Then Local $a = [pack($iIndex - 1), $iIndex] ElseIf $iIndex = 0 Then Local $a = [$iIndex] Else Local $a = [1] Return SetError(1, $iIndex, $a) EndIf Return $a EndFunc ;==>pack Func sumSelfAndSquare($x) Return $x * $x + $x EndFunc ;==>sumSelfAndSquare For me it took around ~30ms for the Haskell like code (excluding unpacking $a), and ~6.7ms for the normal array approach. I can't personally see any use for implementing this, considering that it took me a while to understand what's happening, it just wouldn't be worth it to me to add this complexity for no benefit that I can see. Please let me know if I'm missing some awesome use-case for this. Otherwise again I do think this is neat. And kudos to you for implementing it with AutoIt. SOLVE-SMART and AutoXenon 2 We ought not to misbehave, but we should look as though we could.
mistersquirrle Posted March 29, 2023 Posted March 29, 2023 I'm finding whatever I can to procrastinate finishing and releasing my own project, so here's a method very very close to what you've provided, but doing it in a much more (in my opinion) straight-forward way: expandcollapse popupGlobal $hTimer = TimerInit() Global $a = Pack(948) ConsoleWrite('- Pack(948): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() Global $b = Map("sumSelfAndSquare", $a) ConsoleWrite('- Map("sumSelfAndSquare", $a): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() Global $b = Map(sumSelfAndSquare, $a) ConsoleWrite('- Map(sumSelfAndSquare, $a): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() ConsoleWrite(Unpack($a) & @CRLF & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('- Unpack($a): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hTimer = TimerInit() ConsoleWrite(Unpack($b) & @CRLF & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('- Unpack($b): ' & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer), 2) & ' ms' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Func Map($sFunction, $aArray) Local $sResult[UBound($aArray)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If IsFunc($sFunction) Then $sResult[$i] = $sFunction($aArray[$i]) Else $sResult[$i] = Call($sFunction, $aArray[$i]) EndIf Next Return $sResult EndFunc ;==>Map Func Unpack($aArray) Local $sResult = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $sResult &= $aArray[$i] If $i < UBound($aArray) - 1 Then $sResult &= " , " Next Return $sResult EndFunc ;==>Unpack Func Pack($iIndex) Local $aArray[$iIndex] For $i = 0 To $iIndex - 1 $aArray[$i] = $i Next Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>Pack Func sumSelfAndSquare($x) Return $x * $x + $x EndFunc ;==>sumSelfAndSquare No recursion with a nest of arrays, otherwise I think that it adopts to what you were showcasing. This just breaks my brain less. AutoXenon 1 We ought not to misbehave, but we should look as though we could.
AspirinJunkie Posted March 29, 2023 Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) I'm trying to figure out why the data is structured just this way. You create an incredibly nested structure (948 nested levels!). But I don't know why it wouldn't be enough to create a simple array with the values and apply the mapping function to each of these elements. The result would be the same, but much easier to understand and better performing. Can you give me a hint if I am missing something important? I have also dealt with this topic before. The result are some functions, which then are included in my ArrayPlus-UDF. In order to produce the same result as yours, a single line of code would suffice with the UDF: #include "ArrayPlus.au3" ; create Array with initial values 948..0 and map a user defined function to these values: $a = _ArrayCreate("948:0:-1", "$A*$A + $A") ; display the result: _ArrayDisplay($a, "result") Or if it should be more like your setup with an explicit map function then like this: #include "ArrayPlus.au3" ; create array with values 948..0 $a = _ArrayCreate("0:948") ; map a function to every element of the array _ArrayMap($a, sumSelfAndSquare) ; display the result _ArrayDisplay($a, "result") func sumSelfAndSquare($x) return $x*$x + $x endfunc Edited March 29, 2023 by AspirinJunkie AutoXenon 1
AutoXenon Posted March 30, 2023 Author Posted March 30, 2023 (edited) Actually, map isn't a very interesting use case for this since, as you've said, it is inherently a "flat" operation more naturally described by arrays rather than lists What a really interesting use case for this is being able to elegantly write foldl and foldr in AutoIt, i.e. foldl( f , init , list ) = f( f( f( ... f( f( f( init , list[0]) , list[1] ) , list[2] ) , ... ) , list[n-1] ) , list[n] ) foldr( f , list , init ) = f( list[0] , f( list[1] , f( ... , f( list[n-2] , f( list[n-1] , f( list[n] , init ) ) ) ... ) ) ) Note the main difference between the two folds is that one have the head being the innermost element while the other have it as the outermost. Working example (sum of odd numbers makes perfect squares, useful when drawing circles in Minecraft) expandcollapse popuplocal $a = enumerate(1569) ; 1570 crashes the interpreter without triggering recursion limit warning, memory bug maybe? local $b = packLeft($a) local $c = packRight($a) msgbox(0,'packLeft',unpack($b)) msgbox(0,'packRight',unpack($c)) msgbox(0,'foldl',foldl(addOddLeft,0,$b)) msgbox(0,'foldr',foldr(addOddRight,$c,0)) for $i=1 to 10 local $a = enumerate($i) local $b=foldl_FromFlatArray(addOddLeft,0,$a) local $c=foldr_FromFlatArray(addOddRight,$a,0) msgbox(0,$i & ' squared','foldl result: ' & $b & @CRLF & 'foldr result: ' & $c) next func addOddLeft($left, $right) return $left + ($right*2 - 1) endfunc func addOddRight($left, $right) return ($left*2 - 1) + $right endfunc func foldl($f, $x0, $xs) return IsArray($xs[0]) ? $f( foldl($f,$x0,$xs[0]) , $xs[1] ) : $f($x0,$xs[0]) endfunc func foldr($f, $xs, $x0) return IsArray($xs[0]) ? $f( $xs[1] , foldr($f,$xs[0],$x0) ) : $f($xs[0],$x0) endfunc func foldl_FromFlatArray($f, $ini, $arr) return foldl($f,$ini,packLeft($arr)) endfunc func foldr_FromFlatArray($f, $arr, $ini) return foldr($f,packRight($arr),$ini) endfunc func packLeft($arr) return __packL($arr,UBound($arr)-1) endfunc func packRight($arr) return __packR($arr,0) endfunc func unpack($arr) return IsArray($arr[0]) ? $arr[1] & ' , ' & unpack($arr[0]) : $arr[0] endfunc ; === Boring Internal Implementation === func __packL($arr, $index) if $index>0 Then local $a = [ __packL($arr,$index-1) , $arr[$index]] else local $a = [ $arr[0] ] endif return $a endfunc func __packR($arr, $index) if $index<UBound($arr)-1 Then local $a = [ __packR($arr,$index+1) , $arr[$index] ] else local $a = [ $arr[UBound($arr)-1] ] endif return $a endfunc func enumerate($n) local $arr[$n] for $i=0 to $n-1 $arr[$i] = $i+1 next return $arr endfunc This is just a fun exercise in pushing what's possible with AutoIt, obviously this is totally impractical for AutoIt since it's not optimized for recursion. It seems that AutoIt's built-in recursion limit is 1898, in the original post it's halved since there's an extra __map call at each layer. This Fold example doesn't trigger the interpreter's recursion limit, however, instead it just crashes immediately once it reaches 1570 (1569 is fine and calculates instantly on my laptop, with AutoIt version -- haven't tested the newer release since it keeps triggering the antivirus) Edited March 30, 2023 by AutoXenon
AspirinJunkie Posted April 2, 2023 Posted April 2, 2023 I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding the intent of the code. Probably mainly because it comes completely uncommented or without any other explanation. However, as I see it, the example simply calculates a certain cumulative sum over a series of numbers. I don't see the necessity of a recursion anywhere. As an example, you can calculate the whole thing over a normal flat 1D array - then you don't care about the recursion depth: #include "ArrayPlus.au3" ; create Array with values from 1 to 1569 Global $aArray = _ArrayCreate("1:1569") ; calculate user defined cumulated sum over whole array: $iOddSum = _ArrayReduce($aArray, addOdd) ; print the result MsgBox(0, "addOdd", $iOddSum) ; the user defined cumulation function Func addOdd(ByRef $sum, $val) $sum += $val*2 - 1 EndFunc Or to clarify once again that this is really only a cumulative sum: #include "ArrayPlus.au3" ; create a array and set the values to Global $aArray = _ArrayCreate("1:1569", "$A + $A - 1") For $i = 0 To 9 $nResult = _ArraySum($aArray, 0, $i) msgbox(0,$i + 1 & ' squared','result: ' & $nResult) Next ; calculate the sum over a array Func _ArraySum(ByRef $aArr, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = UBound($aArr) - 1) Local Const $nEls = UBound($aArr) If $nEls < 1 Then Return SetError(1, $nEls, Null) If UBound($aArr, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, UBound($aArr, 0), Null) If $iStart < 0 Or ($iStart >= $nEls) Then Return SetError(3, $iStart, Null) If $iEnd < 0 Or ($iEnd >= $nEls) Then Return SetError(4, $iEnd, Null) If $iEnd < $iStart Then Return SetError(5, $iEnd, Null) Local $nSum = 0 For $i = $iStart To $iEnd $nSum += $aArr[$i] Next Return $nSum EndFunc
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