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Hi, thanks for your great work. I tried to find something to use VS Code, as I am used to it.

For some reason, Damien's extension is highlighting a lot of my code due to unreachable functions, since I'm developing in multiples files at once and calling functions outside their files. As I couldn't find a fix, I tried yours.


I have to say that it fills all my needs. Lack of debug console was a problem for me ; I fixed it by making a task in my tasks.json that runs Au3Check.exe, and a custom launch.json that runs the task and the script. It works like a charm ! I can even ctrl+click on the error in debug console to get on it.


The only trouble I'm struggling to fix is I cannot manage to print special chars in my debug console. My files all are encoded in UTF-8, I've searched in extension settings, tried few parameters in settings.json,... Here's what kind of thing I get :

D�marrage de l'application

Also, is there any quick way to access to the doc while hovering a function ? just like Damien's extension by pressing ctrl+f1 or SciTE by pressing F1 ?
I tried some shortcuts but didn't manage to get it working.


Thanks again for your work @genius257 !

May the force be with you.

Open AutoIt Documentation within VS Code


Hi @ValentinM :D

Many thanks for your kind words and feedback! :)

10 hours ago, ValentinM said:

For some reason, Damien's extension is highlighting a lot of my code due to unreachable functions, since I'm developing in multiples files at once and calling functions outside their files. As I couldn't find a fix, I tried yours.

I have not implemented code for warning against undefined variables or functions yet, so it might become an issue later on, but I'll try to keep in mind adding a way to disable it ;)

10 hours ago, ValentinM said:

Lack of debug console was a problem for me

I provide console support via another extension Name: AutoIt3 Debug

10 hours ago, ValentinM said:

The only trouble I'm struggling to fix is I cannot manage to print special chars in my debug console. My files all are encoded in UTF-8, I've searched in extension settings, tried few parameters in settings.json,... Here's what kind of thing I get :

D�marrage de l'application

My extension currently also have the same issue, but i think i just fixed it, and will release an update today or tomorrow :)

10 hours ago, ValentinM said:

Also, is there any quick way to access to the doc while hovering a function ? just like Damien's extension by pressing ctrl+f1 or SciTE by pressing F1 ?
I tried some shortcuts but didn't manage to get it working.

No i currently do not have added a feature to access AutoIt3 documentation. I do plan to add links for the online version, for native/built-in functions, but have not finished my doc parser support for tags containing the links.

Posted (edited)

Hi genius257,

Thanks for your fast reply !

8 hours ago, genius257 said:

I have not implemented code for warning against undefined variables or functions yet, so it might become an issue later on, but I'll try to keep in mind adding a way to disable it ;)

I don't know much about VS Code Extension, would it be hard (or even possible) to detect variables in other files, especially those who are included (#include) ?

8 hours ago, genius257 said:

I provide console support via another extension Name: AutoIt3 Debug

I did a lot of things yesterday, so I don't remember exactly what was the problem I experienced, but I had an issue with it. I'll try it again by the end of the week.

8 hours ago, genius257 said:

My extension currently also have the same issue, but i think i just fixed it, and will release an update today or tomorrow :)

I'm very happy to read this ! It will be so useful.

8 hours ago, genius257 said:

No i currently do not have added a feature to access AutoIt3 documentation. I do plan to add links for the online version, for native/built-in functions, but have not finished my doc parser support for tags containing the links.

I found an alternative way by installing AutoIt VS Code Extension by crstein, and disable all extension's shortcuts in settings to avoid conflicts with yours, except the one who's opening the doc. The only inconvenience is I need to select the entire function and then press Ctrl+F1, instead of just having my cursor anywhere on the function.

Edited by ValentinM

May the force be with you.

Open AutoIt Documentation within VS Code

3 hours ago, ValentinM said:

I don't know much about VS Code Extension, would it be hard (or even possible) to detect variables in other files, especially those who are included (#include) ?

If the current file contains the include statement, and there are no syntax errors detected, then variable and function definitions will be detected. Currently you can ctrl+click or goto definition via right click context menu for variables and functions, if included like previously mentioned.

Currently i have not made a good implementation for fast lookup, so when my code currently finds the definition it looks through each syntax tree for each relevant file, until the match is found. The issue is not making the lookup part itself, the hard part for me is finding a good way to be able to update the lookup data when files change, without parsing everything from scratch every time.

3 hours ago, ValentinM said:

I did a lot of things yesterday, so I don't remember exactly what was the problem I experienced, but I had an issue with it. I'll try it again by the end of the week.

If you still experience issues, let me know, it might be something that i can fix quickly and give everyone a better experience and setup flow :)

3 hours ago, ValentinM said:

I found an alternative way by installing AutoIt VS Code Extension by crstein, and disable all extension's shortcuts in settings to avoid conflicts with yours, except the one who's opening the doc. The only inconvenience is I need to select the entire function and then press Ctrl+F1, instead of just having my cursor anywhere on the function.

Very cool you found a solution that works for you :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Version 1.6.1 has just been released!

  • The function snippet, now uses "func" instead of "fun" for the string prefix.
  • Variables declared via for loops are now recognized by the extension.
  • include statements that fail to resolve, should no longer have links added to them.

Sorry for the slow release. Personal things, combined with my vscode and docker that keeps crashing due to running out of memory, have delayed this release by at least a month. 😕 

Anyway, i am currently looking into:

  • adding errors for things like include statements that fail to resolve.
  • improving the function signature helper (currently it disappears if the parser fails on that line, like when adding a comma within the parentheses, but there is nothing between the comma and the closing parenthesis)
  • adding setting for omitting included functions and variables with the "__" prefix from the completion suggestions.
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Version 1.7.0 has just been released!

Notable changes:

  • Peek/Goto build-in function declarations now works (will open my mock included file)
  • Include statements that fail to resolve will now be indicated with an error on that line
  • Absolute paths for include statements now resolves
  • New setting (autoit3.ignoreInternalInIncludes). When set to true, internal declarations (vars and funcs) within includes, will be ignored from completion suggestions

I have not picked my goals for 1.8 yet, so please let me know here or on GitHub, if you have any wishes.

The extension got it's first review on the visualstudio marketplace! So many thanks to Valentin for the glowing review! :D

And a personal achivement of making my repository auto publish to the visualstudio marketplace and Open VSX, whenever i create a new release! :D

Edited by genius257
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I just wanted to write about the current WIP release and future extension plans.

For the 1.8 release:

For anyone interested in the new DocBlock format, I've implemented support for @link tags, both as a stand alone tag and inline tag.

I also plan to implement syntax highlighting for both DockBlock format and the legacy UDF format.

I've been busy working on issues with the parser and auto-generated typescript types. This is, and my AutoIt3 parser in AutoIt3 project are the reason for the slow release of 1.8. When i resolve the last issues with type generation, i will finish and release 1.8! 🙂

For future releases:

The function signature helper for parameters in functions is currently too flaky for me, and i will spend time to try and improve the experience.

I will look into partial code AST object updates with the parser. I am not 100% sure how well i will be able to implement it, but i hope to improve performance when working in big script files.

I want to add a static typing to functions and variables. Type hinting or casting will be supported via a new comment syntax. Built-in functions and variables will be supported right away, when typing resolution is released. This should help with general development and allow warnings with for example, when doing implicit variable type casting via operators.

I also want to implement a formatter/linter. For now, the plan is to add it to this extension, but may end up being it's own thing, depending on configuration complexity and performance overhead.

Also, completion suggestions for DllStruct object members. DllStruct's (and maybe some COM objects) will be analyzed and allow completion suggestions and errors for use of non existing members. This MAY also include Map and Array objects, but it is unclear how easy it will be to infer size and members of those.

And finally for now, syntax highlighting and attempted analysis of strings given to Eval, Execute and Assign.


I cannot guarantee all will be implemented. Most will be exploratory implementations when the time comes, but hopefully it will result in the best editor experience i can offer! :D

Edited by genius257

I quite like the addition of the syntax highlighting to the UDF headers. It looks a bit strange right now since it's new, but it makes them much more readable. I haven't noticed any speed or performance issues, so (as my grandma says) it's good enough for who it's for :)

With the addition of UDF comment support, what do you think about collapsing those definitions? They usually start with a single semi-colon and don't collapse as they're a series of single line comments, but IMHO they should collapse. I like documenting my own functions, but I like a script that quickly collapses even more as it helps with finding functions. If you want collapsing with the standard UDF headers, you might consider accepting a leading space before the comment. Currently, any space will cancel the syntax highlighting.

That said, I may have solved my own problem. Since you've added your own format of UDF documentation, I may start using it if you plan to keep it around. I decided to hack extend it a bit and include my error values there as well. By adding a space before the start of each line you can control the comment collapsing as well. I came up with this snippet to add a UDF documentation header (I added it to %AppData%\Code\User\snippets\au3.json)

"A UDF in Genius' format": {
        "prefix": ["udfNew"],
        "body": [
            "#cs ${1:Function Description}",
            " # @param ${2:Parameter Type} $${3:Parameter Name} ${4:Parameter Description}",
            " # @return ${5:Return on Success}",
            " # @return-Failure ${6:Return on failure}",
            " # @error-1 ${7:Possible error values}",
            " #ce"

When it collapses, it leaves the function description outside of the collapsed region and hides the #ce because it's "indented" too.

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types


Thanks for the feedback @seadoggie01! :D

8 hours ago, seadoggie01 said:

I quite like the addition of the syntax highlighting to the UDF headers. It looks a bit strange right now since it's new, but it makes them much more readable.

Glad to hear it :D I did try to assign different syntax types to the word, dots and colon (for different colors), but had issues with limited default colors. Making custom color overrides would not be theme friendly :P

8 hours ago, seadoggie01 said:

With the addition of UDF comment support, what do you think about collapsing those definitions?

I don't plan on making the standard UDF headers collapsible. It is a good idea, don't get me wrong. I just don't want to put too much work in the standard UDF headers.
I also currently have done nothing in regards to code folding. All current code folding is pure vscode based on indentation. I could look into adding additional folding at some point, but won't for now, as the parser is not finished with cases like the with code block, so folding would haft to be re-done then anyway :)

8 hours ago, seadoggie01 said:

That said, I may have solved my own problem. Since you've added your own format of UDF documentation, I may start using it if you plan to keep it around.

That is a cool solution! :D and yes, i plan on supporting and extending the DocBlock format in AutoIt3 ;) 
The DocBlock fields are inspired, if not taken directly from PHPDoc and JSDoc formats. I will need to do something custom for documenting error flags at some point, and do have some ideas in mind.
This is just to give you a heads-up that 
fields like "@return-Failure" and "@error-1" won't be handled by future static analysis for type checking or documentation generation out of the box. If you want to know more i got a draft issue/ticket for the feature here, or i can create a new discussion on GitHub for a longer back and forth on the details? :) 


I have found out that i MAY want to change the go to declaration behavior for this extension, and need to hear what users of the application thinks.

Currently, when choosing go to declaration, for a variable, it will simply go to the top declaration that matches the identifier, taking into account the precedence of scoped variables.
But i am realizing that i can give more than one result in my declaration provider, and other languages like JavaScript does this.

So: would it be preferred that the behavior is like now or that if more than one exists, a collection of declarations will be shown to navigate between?

Thanks in advance, for you feedback! :)

here is a screenshot of the example in JavaScript:



In my opinion it would be great to get a collection listed. You already mentioned: like for javascript 👌 .

Thanks for all your effort and keep your enthusiasm - great  😀 .

Best regards


==> AutoIt related: 🔗 GitHub, 🔗 Discord Server


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🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet

📊 AutoIt limits/defaults

💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon)

🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects

🐞 False-Positives

🔮 Me on GitHub

💬 Opinion about new forum sub category

📑 UDF wiki list

✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets

📑 WebDriver FAQs

👨‍🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)

Posted (edited)

Hi @ValentinM 👋 .

A quick example:

Do you mean CTRL+SHIFT+F (1) to open all occurrences in the search area (2)? I am asking because CTRL+F only search in the current file which would not enough I think.


Versus SHIFT+F12 (3) to see the references inline (4):


I personally like the second approach very much, but first I post this as a question - do I summarize it correctly? Do you mean this?

More comfortable would be like in the second screenshot (more easy navigation with the arrow keys for example and you can have a peek into the occurences instead of opening each file separatly.


Best regards


==> AutoIt related: 🔗 GitHub, 🔗 Discord Server


🌍 Au3Forums

🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet

📊 AutoIt limits/defaults

💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon)

🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects

🐞 False-Positives

🔮 Me on GitHub

💬 Opinion about new forum sub category

📑 UDF wiki list

✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets

📑 WebDriver FAQs

👨‍🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)


Hi Sven, thanks for your detailed explanations, I didn't know about this feature. Yes, I was talking about Ctrl+Shift+F (and Ctrl+F as well depending on context).

Even if this feature is very useful, I still think it shouldn't be the default behaviour (still in my opinion) as when I "Ctrl+Click" a variable, I'm used to instantly reach its definition. But yes, this feature should be available.

Regards !

May the force be with you.

Open AutoIt Documentation within VS Code

37 minutes ago, ValentinM said:

thanks for your detailed explanations

You're welcome.

37 minutes ago, ValentinM said:

Even if this feature is very useful, I still think it shouldn't be the default behaviour (still in my opinion) as when I "Ctrl+Click" a variable, I'm used to instantly reach its definition.

Fair enough 🤝 . I believe both will be available. The CTRL+Click and the reference-peek functionality - which would made both of us happy 😀 .
Let's see what @genius257 can do.

Best regards

==> AutoIt related: 🔗 GitHub, 🔗 Discord Server


🌍 Au3Forums

🎲 AutoIt (en) Cheat Sheet

📊 AutoIt limits/defaults

💎 Code Katas: [...] (comming soon)

🎭 Collection of GitHub users with AutoIt projects

🐞 False-Positives

🔮 Me on GitHub

💬 Opinion about new forum sub category

📑 UDF wiki list

✂ VSCode-AutoItSnippets

📑 WebDriver FAQs

👨‍🏫 WebDriver Tutorial (coming soon)

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback @SOLVE-SMART and @ValentinM:)

Both reference-peek and goto reference, via CTRL+Click use the same output from my extension, and i don't think my extension can know the difference of request.

I am doing some refactoring currently to improve readability for the server/src/main.ts file, but will start to look into multiple declarations after.

I think i will make multiple declaration information the default, and i can make the previous implementation available via a setting ;)


The next couple of changes to the extension will be major internally. I plan to implement partial AST tree updates, to reduce CPU usage, when writing in a file. I found out how important this is, after working on my AutoIt parser in Autoit, where any change would take seconds to re-parse the entire file, making multiple changes stack, resulting in the extension being unresponsive.
With the parsing being faster I will be able to add implement a better way of keeping references to declarations for faster lookup. Basically everything will be much faster ;)


When the above have been implemented, i will start looking into static analysis, giving type hinting and allowing me to slowly add general error checking



I have also started the process to be verified as a publisher on the vscode marketplace, to try and get rid of the warning message users get when trying to install my extensions currently (something somewhat new to my knowledge).

Edited by genius257

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