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I am working on windows desktop automation in which two fingers scrolling option is requried to move objects on screen. The single horizontal mouse scrolling is not functioning while I do it manually. So, my question is, is there a way to do two fingers horizontal scrolling based on coordinates in autoIT? Kindly help.


Hi @Learnerr,

do you really talk about fingers on the screen? You have a touch screen with a program were two fingers are needed to move objects in that program, right? Or do you mean mouse actions or gestures? I have a try-and-error variant in mind (regarding the first option), but I have to rethink it before I would tell you nonsense 😅 .

Best regards

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Let me make it simple!!

I use two fingers in my touchpad to move objects horizontally in windows app. Is there a way to automate using autoIT?





Two fingers on a trackpad doesn't create 2 sets of coordinates that AutoIt can read/access as far as I know. I'm pretty sure that all of that multi-finger gesturing is handled by the trackpads drivers, and converts the gestures into events/messages for the OS to handle. I would imagine you'd need do some pretty advanced things to get any usable data from multi-point gesturing on a trackpad/screen. Something like https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/libfunctions/_WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx.htm



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