AutoBert Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 (edited) As i didn't found a working solution fot RTF Files printing i created this Spoiler CUI program #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_x64=RTF_SHellExPrint.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** Global $sFile = "Test.rtf" Global $sPara = "" Global $sWorkDir = "" Global $sVerb = 'Print' Global $SW_Mode = @SW_HIDE Global $iTimeOut = 100 ;Time in sec to wait for File Global $sAllowed_Verbs = 'Open, Edit, Print' If ($CmdLine[0] >= 1 And $CmdLine[1] <> '') Then $sFile = String($CmdLine[1]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 2 And $CmdLine[2] <> '') Then $sPara = String($CmdLine[2]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 3 And $CmdLine[3] <> '') Then $sWorkDir = String($CmdLine[3]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 4 And $CmdLine[4] <> '') Then $sMode = String($CmdLine[4]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 5 And $CmdLine[5] <> '') Then $SW_Mode = $CmdLine[5] If ($CmdLine[0] >= 6 And $CmdLine[6] <> '') Then $iTimeOut = Int($CmdLine[6]) If Not StringInStr($sAllowed_Verbs, $sVerb) Then $sVerb = 'Open' Global $hDtStart = TimerInit(), $iDtWait While Not FileExists($sFile) Sleep(100) $iDtWait = TimerDiff($hDtStart) / 1000 If $iDtWait > $iTimeOut Then Exit -1 WEnd Global $iPid = ShellExecute($CmdLine[1], $sPara, $sWorkDir, $sVerb, $SW_Mode) ;MsgBox(64, 'PID ', $iPid, 5) Exit Int($iPid) It print the file with run in the Caller Main...exe: Func _PrintIt($sPath = $g_sSavePath) $g_Busy = True _ShowBusy() Local $sPrint = StringFormat('%s "" "Print" @SW_HIDE', $sPath) Local $iPid = Run('RTF_SHellExPrint.exe ' & $sPrint) ConsoleWrite('RTF_SHellExPrint.exe ' & $sPrint & ' Ret: ' & Int($iPid) & '|' & @error & @CRLF) :#cs not realy needed While ProcessExists($iPid) Sleep(100) WEnd #ce wait's for printjob end $g_Busy = False EndFunc ;==>_ and now i extended it for use of the Microsoft Print to PDF (autofilling the name): expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..\..\..\..\..\..\IconViewer\Icons\shell32_105.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_x64=RTF_SHellExPrint.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #include <Array.au3> Global $sFile = "Test.rtf" Global $sPara = "" Global $sMode Global $sWorkDir = "" Global $sVerb = 'Print' Global $SW_Mode = @SW_HIDE Global $iTimeOut = 100 ;Time in sec to wait for File Global $sAllowed_Verbs = 'Open, Edit, Print' If ($CmdLine[0] >= 1 And $CmdLine[1] <> '') Then $sFile = String($CmdLine[1]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 2 And $CmdLine[2] <> '') Then $sPara = String($CmdLine[2]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 3 And $CmdLine[3] <> '') Then $sWorkDir = String($CmdLine[3]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 4 And $CmdLine[4] <> '') Then $sMode = String($CmdLine[4]) If ($CmdLine[0] >= 5 And $CmdLine[5] <> '') Then $SW_Mode = $CmdLine[5] If ($CmdLine[0] >= 6 And $CmdLine[6] <> '') Then $iTimeOut = Int($CmdLine[6]) $sFile = StringReplace($sFile, '%20', ' ') If Not StringInStr($sAllowed_Verbs, $sVerb) Then $sVerb = 'Open' ;_ArrayDisplay($CmdLine) Global $hDtStart = TimerInit(), $iDtWait While Not FileExists($sFile) Sleep(100) $iDtWait = TimerDiff($hDtStart) / 1000 If $iDtWait > $iTimeOut Then Exit -1 WEnd Global $iPid, $hConv Global $sPDF Global $aPDF = StringSplit($sFile, '\', 1) ;_ArrayDisplay($aPDF) For $i = 1 To $aPDF[0] - 1 $sWorkDir &= $aPDF[$i] If $i < ($aPDF[0] - 1) Then $sWorkDir &= '\' Next ;#cs $iPid = ShellExecute($sFile, $sPara, $sWorkDir, $sVerb, $SW_Mode) ;Exit Int($iPid) If $sPara <> 'pdf' Then Exit Int($iPid) Else FileChangeDir($sWorkDir) $sPDF = StringReplace($aPDF[UBound($aPDF) - 1], '.rtf', '.pdf', -1) #cs ################################################### ### MsgBox(0, $sWorkDir, $sPDF) ### ### If FileExists($sPDF) Then FileDelete($sPDF) ### ################################################### #ce $hDtStart = TimerInit() Do ToolTip('Waiting PDF') $hConv = GetWinList() $iDtWait = TimerDiff($hDtStart) / 1000 If $iDtWait > $iTimeOut Then Exit -2 Until $hConv <> '' ;#cs WinWaitActive($hConv, '', '') Sleep(200) ControlSend($hConv, '', 1001, $sPDF) ControlSend($hConv, '', 1, '!s') WinWaitClose($hConv, '', 2) If WinWaitActive($hConv, 'Speichern unter bestätigen') Then ControlSend($hConv, '', $iTimeOut / 2, '!J') ;overwrite = Yes ;jetzt kommt ein 'DRUCKT Fenster, z.B. WordPad evtl. warten bis beendet Exit Int($iPid) EndIf Func GetWinList() Local $aWinList = WinList('Druckausgabe speichern unter') ;Display($aWinList) ConsoleWrite('done' & @CRLF) If $aWinList[0][0] > 0 Then Return $aWinList[1][1] EndFunc ;==>GetWinList ;#ce In the Caller only one Parameter must be changed: Func _PrintIt($sPath = $g_sSavePath) ;$g_Busy = True ;_ShowBusy() Local $sPrint = StringFormat('%s "PDF" "Print" @SW_HIDE', $sPath) ;inserted PDF as parameter Local $iPid = Run('RTF_SHellExPrint.exe ' & $sPrint) ConsoleWrite('RTF_SHellExPrint.exe ' & $sPrint & ' Ret: ' & Int($iPid) & '|' & @error & @CRLF) ;#cs not realy needed While ProcessExists($iPid) Sleep(100) WEnd ;#ce wait's for printjob end ;$g_Busy = False EndFunc ;==>_ The Microsoft PDF Printer must be installed and selected as standard-printer. It must be compiled to a normal exe. with prints to other printers are also possible . Just with "" as parameter. Edited February 22, 2023 by AutoBert Source edited
ptrex Posted February 14, 2023 Posted February 14, 2023 (edited) @AutoBert Maybe this can help ? expandcollapse popup#include-once #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 #Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel #Region RTF PRINTER Include# #include <WinAPIGdiDC.au3> #include <GuiRichEdit.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <SendMessage.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #EndRegion RTF PRINTER Include# #Region RTF PRINTER HEADER# ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: UDF for Printing RTF files ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: UDF for Printing RTF files ; Author(s) .....: mLipok, RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== #cs Title: UDF for Printing RTF files Filename: RTF_Printer.au3 Description: UDF for Printing RTF files Author: RoyGlanfield, mLipok Modified: Last Update: 2014/06/03 Requirements: AutoIt or higher Update History: =================================================== 2014/06/04 v0.1 First official version 2014/06/04 v0.2 * Global Variable renaming by adding $__ * extended $__API_RTF_Print * new function: _RTF_SetMargins($vMarginLeft = 1, $vMarginTop = 1, $vMarginRight = 1, $vMarginBottom = 1) * new function: _RTF_SetNumberOfCopies($iNumberOfCopies = 1) * added #Region RTF PRINTER initialization# * CleanUp * added #forceref * added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 2014/06/12 v0.3 * Global Variable Renaming add 'RTF' to variable names and added $__ to be sure that no one else used the name * Global Variable renaming $aPageInfo to $__aRTFPageInfo to be sure that no one else used the name * variable renaming $hInput* to $iCtrlInput* * in _RTF_PrintFile() new parameter $fAddIndex * Setting RTF_Printer Window Title * fix problem with printing more than 16 RTF files >> GUIDelete($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui]) * new internal function __RTF_AddLeadingZeros * added some more comments * #CE #EndRegion RTF PRINTER HEADER# #Region RTF PRINTER Constants# ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; $__<UDF>_CONSTANT_<NAME> Global Const $__PDtags = "align 1 ;DWORD lStructSize;" & _ "HWND hwndOwner;" & _ "handle hDevMode;" & _ "handle hDevNames;" & _ "handle hDC;" & _ "DWORD Flags;" & _ "WORD nFromPage;" & _ "WORD nToPage;" & _ "WORD nMinPage;" & _ "WORD nMaxPage;" & _ "WORD nCopies;" & _ "handle hInstance;" & _ "LPARAM lCustData;" & _ "ptr lpfnPrintHook;" & _ "ptr lpfnSetupHook;" & _ "ptr lpPrintTemplateName;" & _ "ptr lpSetupTemplateName;" & _ "handle hPrintTemplate;" & _ "handle hSetupTemplate" Global Enum _ $__hRTF_dcc, _ $__hRTF_Gui, $__hRichEditE, $__hRTF_RichEditPre, _ $__vRTFLaPgNw, $__vRTFLaPgTot, _ $__vRTFMarginTop, $__vRTFMarginLeft, $__vRTFMarginRight, $__vRTFMarginBottom, _ $__iRTFNumberOfCopies, _ $__API_RTF_Print_Count ; , $tDefaultPrinter, _ #EndRegion RTF PRINTER Constants# #Region RTF PRINTER Global Variables# Global $__API_RTF_Print[$__API_RTF_Print_Count] Global $__aRTFPageInfo[2]; $__aRTFPageInfo[0]= total num of pages $__aRTFPageInfo[1.....] = 1st char number of each page #EndRegion RTF PRINTER Global Variables# #Region RTF PRINTER initialization# _RTF_SetMargins() _RTF_SetNumberOfCopies() #EndRegion RTF PRINTER initialization# #Region RTF PRINTER CURRENT# ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _RTF_PrintFile ; Description ...: Print Selected File in the background or with custom window dialog ; Syntax ........: _RTF_PrintFile($sRTF_FileFullPath[, $sDocTitle = Default[, $fPrintNow = True[, $fAddIndex = False]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sRTF_FileFullPath - A string value. Full path to the RTF file to be printed ; $sDocTitle - [optional] A string value. Default is Default. If Default then $sDocTitle = FileName ; $fPrintNow - [optional] A boolean value. Default is True. If true then printing is running in the background. ; $fAddIndex - [optional] A boolean value. Default is False. If true then add Indexing to Document Name in spooler ; Return values .: None ; TODO ; Author ........: mLipok, RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RTF_PrintFile($sRTF_FileFullPath, $sDocTitle = Default, $fPrintNow = True, $fAddIndex = False) Static $__iRTF_Printer_Counter If $__iRTF_Printer_Counter = '' Then $__iRTF_Printer_Counter = 1 If Not FileExists($sRTF_FileFullPath) Then Return -1 ; setting DocTitle (document Name in spooler) - if Default then FileName If $sDocTitle = Default Then $sDocTitle = StringRegExp($sRTF_FileFullPath, '(?i).+\\(.+)', 3)[0] EndIf ; adding index (as prefix) to the DocTitle (document Name in spooler) If $fAddIndex Then $sDocTitle = __RTF_AddLeadingZeros(String($__iRTF_Printer_Counter), 5) & '_' & $sDocTitle EndIf Local $hPrintDc = '' #forceref $hPrintDc Local $__aRTFPageInfo[2]; $__aRTFPageInfo[0]= total num of pages $__aRTFPageInfo[1.....] = 1st char number of each page Local $iPageInPreview = 1 ; the Page Now on show in the preview ; Printer dialog tags Local $tDefaultPrinter = __GetDefaultPrinter() ; Setting RTF_Printer Window Title Local $sRTF_Printer_Title = 'Print RTF ---- ' & $tDefaultPrinter $sRTF_Printer_Title = '['& String($__iRTF_Printer_Counter) & '] ' & $sRTF_Printer_Title $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui] = GUICreate($sRTF_Printer_Title, 430, 580, -1, -1) ; Control whose contents is t be printed--------MUST be RichEdit. ; any size will do---- has no effect on the printed copy $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE] = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui], "", 10, 50, 400, 124, $ES_MULTILINE + $WS_VSCROLL) ;+ $ES_AUTOVSCROLL) ; 21000 push the preview control off the page ; to be resized and positioned after paper size and orientation has been chosen [print dialog or default] $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre] = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui], "", 21000, 10, 10, 10, $ES_MULTILINE) ;+ $ES_AUTOVSCROLL) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFLaPgNw] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 60, 180, 40, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel(" of ", 100, 180, 20, 20, $SS_Center) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFLaPgTot] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 120, 180, 40, 20, $SS_Left) Local $hButtonBack = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 160, 180, 50, 20) Local $hButtonNext = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next", 210, 180, 50, 20) Local $hButtonPrintNow = GUICtrlCreateButton("PrintNow", 280, 180, 100, 20) Local $EndPage = '' #forceref $EndPage GUICtrlCreateLabel('Margins-->', 0, 3, 50, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel(' cm--->', 0, 30, 40, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Left', 50, 3, 30, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Top', 80, 3, 40, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Right', 120, 3, 40, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Bottom', 160, 3, 40, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Copies', 230, 3, 40, 15) Local $iCtrlInputMarginLeft = GUICtrlCreateInput($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], 40, 18, 40, 30, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 4, 0) Local $iCtrlInputMarginTop = GUICtrlCreateInput($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], 80, 18, 40, 30, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 4, 0) Local $iCtrlInputMarginRight = GUICtrlCreateInput($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], 120, 18, 40, 30, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 4, 0) Local $iCtrlInputMarginBottom = GUICtrlCreateInput($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom], 160, 18, 40, 30, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 4, 0) Local $iCtrlInputNumberOfCopies = GUICtrlCreateInput($__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies], 230, 25, 40, 20) Local $hButtonPrint = GUICtrlCreateButton("Print", 280, 5, 55, 20) Local $hButtonPrintGeneral = GUICtrlCreateButton("General", 280, 25, 60, 20) Local $hButtonPrintSetup = GUICtrlCreateButton("Print Setup", 335, 5, 75, 20) Local $hButtonNoDialog = GUICtrlCreateButton("No dialog", 340, 25, 70, 20) _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $sRTF_FileFullPath) ; TrayTip('_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile',@error,4) ; for test only If $fPrintNow = False Then GUISetState() EndIf ; this does not work ---$r = _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetZoom($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], 1/2)-------------- ; Below works well---but does have to be reset after anything is streamed in------ ; OK--------$r = _SendMessage($h_RichEdit, $EM_SETZOOM, $tDefaultPrinterominator, $denominator) ; $r = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $EM_SETZOOM, 1000, 2333) ; must be integer -- "1000, 2333" not "1, 2.333" ; $r = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $EM_SETZOOM, 100, 200) ; eg 50% Local $r = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $EM_SETZOOM, 100, 300) ; eg 33.3333333333% #forceref $r ; $r = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], $EM_SETZOOM, 100, 500) ; eg 20% Local $z Local $iMsg If $fPrintNow Then ; NO DIALOG ; $__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputNumberOfCopies) ; not needed as only prints 1copy ; "No dialog" ---No choices ; prints 1 copy using the default printer's settings $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc] = __GetDC_PrinterNoDialog() If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then $z = __RTF_Preview($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) EndIf ; PRINT NOW ; "Print Setup" dialog ---choices ; number of copies ; portrait/landscape choice ; paper size If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then __RTF_Print($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $sDocTitle, $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) $__iRTF_Printer_Counter += 1 Else EndIf $hPrintDc = '' ; GUISetState() ; for test only ; Sleep(3000) ; for test only Else While 1 Sleep(10) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputMarginLeft) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputMarginTop) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputMarginRight) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputMarginBottom) $__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputNumberOfCopies) $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() Exit Case $iMsg = $hButtonNoDialog; "No dialog" ; $__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies] = GUICtrlRead($iCtrlInputNumberOfCopies) ; not needed as only prints 1copy ; "No dialog" ---No choices ; prints 1 copy ; using the default printer's settings $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc] = __GetDC_PrinterNoDialog() If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then $z = __RTF_Preview($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) MsgBox(4096, '', $z & ' pages sent to the preview.') EndIf Case $iMsg = $hButtonPrintSetup; "PrintSetup" ; "Print Setup" dialog ---choices ; number of copies ; portrait/landscape choice ; paper size $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc] = __GetDC_PrinterSetup($__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies]) ; OK-- If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then $z = __RTF_Preview($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) MsgBox(4096, '', $z & ' pages sent to the preview.') EndIf Case $iMsg = $hButtonPrint; "Print" ; "Print" ---choices-- ; number of copies ; Page range---All, from, to, Selection ; NO-- portrait/landscape choice $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc] = __GetDC_Printer($__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies]) ; OK--"Print" dialog If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then $z = __RTF_Preview($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) MsgBox(4096, '', $z & ' pages sent to the preview.') EndIf Case $iMsg = $hButtonPrintGeneral; "General" ; "General" ---choices-- ; number of copies ; Page range---All, Selection ; NO-- portrait/landscape choice----------- $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc] = __GetDC_PrinterGeneral($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies]) If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then $z = __RTF_Preview($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom]) MsgBox(4096, '', $z & ' pages sent to the preview.') EndIf Case $iMsg = $hButtonPrintNow; ; "Print Setup" dialog ---choices ; number of copies ; portrait/landscape choice ; paper size If IsPtr($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc]) = 1 Then MsgBox(4096, '', __RTF_Print($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_dcc], $__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], $sDocTitle, $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight], $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom])) Else EndIf $hPrintDc = '' Case $iMsg = $hButtonNext; If $iPageInPreview < $__aRTFPageInfo[0] Then $iPageInPreview += 1 __NextPage($iPageInPreview) EndIf Case $iMsg = $hButtonBack; If $iPageInPreview > 1 Then $iPageInPreview -= 1 __NextPage($iPageInPreview) EndIf EndSelect WEnd EndIf ; CleanUp If IsHWnd($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui]) Then GUIDelete($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_Gui]) EndFunc ;==>_RTF_PrintFile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _RTF_SetMargins ; Description ...: Set Margins size in cm [centimeters] ; Syntax ........: _RTF_SetMargins([$vMarginLeft = 1[, $vMarginTop = 1[, $vMarginRight = 1[, $vMarginBottom = 1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vMarginLeft - [optional] A variant value. Default is 1. ; $vMarginTop - [optional] A variant value. Default is 1. ; $vMarginRight - [optional] A variant value. Default is 1. ; $vMarginBottom - [optional] A variant value. Default is 1. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RTF_SetMargins($vMarginLeft = 1, $vMarginTop = 1, $vMarginRight = 1, $vMarginBottom = 1) $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginLeft] = $vMarginLeft ; initial minimum Left margin $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginTop] = $vMarginTop ; initial minimum Top margin $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginRight] = $vMarginRight ; initial minimum Right margin $__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFMarginBottom] = $vMarginBottom ; initial minimum Bottom margin EndFunc ;==>_RTF_SetMargins ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _RTF_SetNumberOfCopies ; Description ...: Set number of copies ; Syntax ........: _RTF_SetNumberOfCopies([$iNumberOfCopies = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iNumberOfCopies - [optional] An integer value. Default is 1. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RTF_SetNumberOfCopies($iNumberOfCopies = 1) $__API_RTF_Print[$__iRTFNumberOfCopies] = $iNumberOfCopies ; initial number of Copies to print EndFunc ;==>_RTF_SetNumberOfCopies #EndRegion RTF PRINTER CURRENT# #Region RTF PRINTER INTERNAL# ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __GetDC_PrinterSetup ; Description ...: Get the device context of a "PrinterSetup" Dialog box ; Syntax ........: __GetDC_PrinterSetup([$iCopies = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iCopies - [optional] An integer value. Default is 1. Number of copies to print. ; Return values .: Success: Device context ; Failure: 0 ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Has choices for -- portrait/landscape, printer, paper size ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetDC_PrinterSetup($iCopies = 1) Local $strcPD = DllStructCreate($__PDtags) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "lStructSize", DllStructGetSize($strcPD)) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "hwndOwner", $hwnd) ; ; Constants--$PD_RETURNDC = 0x100----$PD_PRINTSETUP = 0x40 DllStructSetData($strcPD, "Flags", 0x100 + 0x40) ; different flags open different dialogue boxes DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nCopies", $iCopies) ; set the number of copies ; DllStructSetData($strcPD,"nFromPage", 1) ; start from page # ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nToPage", 0xFFFF) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMinPage", 1) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMaxPage", 0xFFFF) Local $bRet = DllCall("Comdlg32.dll", "int", "PrintDlgW", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strcPD)) Local $hDC = 0 If $bRet[0] = True Then $hDC = DllStructGetData($strcPD, "hDC") EndIf $strcPD = '' Return $hDC EndFunc ;==>__GetDC_PrinterSetup ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __GetDC_Printer ; Description ...: Get the device context of a "Print" Dialog box ; Syntax ........: __GetDC_Printer([$iCopies = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iCopies - [optional] An integer value. Default is 1. Number of copies to print. ; Return values .: Success: Device context ; Failure: 0 ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Has choices for -- many, but no portrait/landscape ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetDC_Printer($iCopies = 1) Local $strcPD = DllStructCreate($__PDtags) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "lStructSize", DllStructGetSize($strcPD)) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "hwndOwner", $hwnd) ; ; Constant--$PD_RETURNDC = 0x100 DllStructSetData($strcPD, "Flags", 0x100) ; different flags open different dialogue boxes DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nCopies", $iCopies) ; set the number of copies DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nFromPage", 1) ; start from page # DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nToPage", 0xFFFF) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMinPage", 1) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMaxPage", 0xFFFF) Local $bRet = DllCall("Comdlg32.dll", "int", "PrintDlgW", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strcPD)) Local $hDC = 0 If $bRet[0] = True Then $hDC = DllStructGetData($strcPD, "hDC") EndIf $strcPD = '' Return $hDC EndFunc ;==>__GetDC_Printer ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __GetDC_PrinterNoDialog ; Description ...: Get the device context of the default printer ; Syntax ........: __GetDC_PrinterNoDialog() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success: Device context ; Failure: 0 ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Uses the default printers settings ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetDC_PrinterNoDialog() Local $strcPD = DllStructCreate($__PDtags) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "lStructSize", DllStructGetSize($strcPD)) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "hwndOwner", $hwnd) ; ; Const--RETURNDEFAULT = 0x400---RETURNDC = 0x100----PRINTSETUP = 0x40 DllStructSetData($strcPD, "Flags", 0x100 + 0x40 + 0x400) ; different flags open different dialogue boxes ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nCopies", $iCopies) ; only set this if a dialog is shown ; DllStructSetData($strcPD,"nFromPage", 1) ; start from page # ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nToPage", 0xFFFF) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMinPage", 1) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMaxPage", 0xFFFF) Local $bRet = DllCall("Comdlg32.dll", "int", "PrintDlgW", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strcPD)) Local $hDC = 0 If $bRet[0] = True Then $hDC = DllStructGetData($strcPD, "hDC") EndIf $strcPD = '' Return $hDC EndFunc ;==>__GetDC_PrinterNoDialog ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __GetDC_PrinterGeneral ; Description ...: Get the device context of a "PrinterSetup General tab" Dialog box ; Syntax ........: __GetDC_PrinterGeneral($hRichEditCtrl[, $iCopies = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $hRichEditCtrl - A handle value. Handle of the RichEdit control. ; $iCopies - [optional] An integer value. Default is 1. Number of copies to print. ; Return values .: Success: Device context ; Failure: 0 ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Has choices for -- many, but no portrait/landscape ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetDC_PrinterGeneral($hRichEditCtrl, $iCopies = 1) ; Printer Setup, general options---NO landscape! Local $strcPD = DllStructCreate($__PDtags) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "lStructSize", DllStructGetSize($strcPD)) DllStructSetData($strcPD, "hwndOwner", $hRichEditCtrl) ; ; Constant--$PD_RETURNDC = 0x100 DllStructSetData($strcPD, "Flags", 0x100) ; different flags open different dialogue boxes DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nCopies", $iCopies) ; set the number of copies ; DllStructSetData($strcPD,"nFromPage", 10) ; start from page # ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nToPage", 0xFFFF) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMinPage", 1) ; DllStructSetData($strcPD, "nMaxPage", 0xFFFF) Local $bRet = DllCall("Comdlg32.dll", "int", "PrintDlgW", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strcPD)) Local $hDC = 0 If $bRet[0] = True Then $hDC = DllStructGetData($strcPD, "hDC") EndIf $strcPD = '' Return $hDC EndFunc ;==>__GetDC_PrinterGeneral ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __GetDefaultPrinter ; Description ...: Get default printer dialog tags ; Syntax ........: __GetDefaultPrinter() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Printer dialog tags ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetDefaultPrinter() Local $tags1 = DllStructCreate("dword") DllCall("winspool.drv", "int", "GetDefaultPrinter", "str", '', "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tags1)) Local $tags2 = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tags1, 1) & "]") DllCall("winspool.drv", "int", "GetDefaultPrinter", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tags2), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tags1)) Return DllStructGetData($tags2, 1) EndFunc ;==>__GetDefaultPrinter ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __NextPage ; Description ...: Show selected page in preview ; Syntax ........: __NextPage($iPageNumber) ; Parameters ....: $iPageNumber - An integer value. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __NextPage($iPageNumber) ; stream into preview all up to the end of the page to show ; _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], 0, $__aRTFPageInfo[$iPageNumber + 1] - 1) ; '-1' because $__aRTFPageInfo[$iPageNumber+1] is the 1st char of next page _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE], 0, $__aRTFPageInfo[$iPageNumber + 1]) ; '-1' because $__aRTFPageInfo[$iPageNumber+1] is the 1st char of next page Local $stream = _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToVar($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRichEditE]) _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromVar($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], $stream) _GUICtrlRichEdit_HideSelection($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre]) ; now delete all before the page to show this way the font size etc. is continued, rather than reverting to the default. _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], 0, $__aRTFPageInfo[$iPageNumber]) _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], '') Local $r = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], $EM_SETZOOM, 100, 500) ; eg 20% #forceref $r GUICtrlSetData($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFLaPgNw], $iPageNumber) EndFunc ;==>__NextPage Func __RTF_AddLeadingZeros($iDigitToExpand, $iNumberOfDigits) Return StringRight("00000000000000000000000000000000000" & String($iDigitToExpand), $iNumberOfDigits) EndFunc ;==>__RTF_AddLeadingZeros ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __RTF_Preview ; Description ...: Show a "Print Preview" from RichEdit control ; Syntax ........: __RTF_Preview($hPrintDc, $hRichEditCtrl[, $LeftMinMrgn = 1[, $TopMinMrgn = 1[, $RightMinMrgn = 1[, $BottomMinMrgn = 1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hPrintDc - A handle value. Printer's device context. ; $hRichEditCtrl - A handle value. Handle of the RichEdit control. ; $LeftMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the left. ; $TopMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the top. ; $RightMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the Right. ; $BottomMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the Bottom. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Orientation, paper size, number of copies, and which printer are set when the Printer's device context is generated. ; Unexpected results may be caused by single line/paragaph orphin tags in the rtf. ; The Preview RichEdit Control is resized and zoomed 20% ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __RTF_Preview($hPrintDc, $hRichEditCtrl, $LeftMinMrgn = 1, $TopMinMrgn = 1, $RightMinMrgn = 1, $BottomMinMrgn = 1) ; convert the margins 0.1 inches to twips ; $TopMinMarg = $TopMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $LeftMinMarg = $LeftMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $PageMinMarg = $PageMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $BottomMinMarg = $BottomMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; convert the margins 1 cm to twips $TopMinMrgn = $TopMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567= ~1440 which 1 inch $LeftMinMrgn = $LeftMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch $RightMinMrgn = $RightMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch $BottomMinMrgn = $BottomMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch ; $hPrintDc ; Divice Context handle----------- ; dots per inch depends on the printer quality setting-------X and Y can be different! Local $dotInchX = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 88) ; Const LOGPIXELSX = 88 Local $dotInchY = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 90) ; Const LOGPIXELSY = 90 ; printer dots per inch ; get the printable area [Page] and paper area [Paper] Local $PageW = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 8) ; Const HORZRES= 8 Local $PageH = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 10) ; Const VERTRES = 10 Local $PaperW = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 110) ; Const PHYSICALWIDTH = 110 Local $PaperH = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 111) ; Const PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111 ; none printable margins Local $OffSetX = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 112) ; Const PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112 Local $OffSetY = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 113) ; Const PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113 Local $RightMrgn = $PaperW - $PageW - $OffSetX Local $BottomMrgn = $PaperH - $PageH - $OffSetY ; conversion factors to use later----------- Local $TwipsInchX = $dotInchX / 1440 ; convert dots to twips [per inch] Local $TwipsInchY = $dotInchY / 1440 ; convert dots to twips [per inch] ; convert all measurments to twips $OffSetX = $OffSetX / $TwipsInchX ; convert Left dots to twips $OffSetY = $OffSetY / $TwipsInchY ; convert Left dots to twips $PageW = $PageW / $TwipsInchX ; convert Right dots to twips $PageH = $PageH / $TwipsInchY ; convert Right dots to twips $PaperW = $PaperW / $TwipsInchX ; convert Paper Width dots to twips $PaperH = $PaperH / $TwipsInchY ; convert Paper Width dots to twips ; Set the margins and keep everything in the printable area Local $Left1 = $LeftMinMrgn - $OffSetX If $Left1 < 0 Then $Left1 = 0 ; dont print before printable area starts Local $Top1 = $TopMinMrgn - $OffSetY If $Top1 < 0 Then $Top1 = 0 ; dont print before printable area starts Local $Right1 = $RightMinMrgn - $RightMrgn If $Right1 < 0 Then $Right1 = 0 ; dont print after printable area ends ; $Right1 = $PaperW - $Right1 - $OffSetX $Right1 = $PageW - $Right1 ; $OffSetX+$Left1-$RightMrgn Local $Bottom1 = $BottomMinMrgn - $BottomMrgn If $Bottom1 < 0 Then $Bottom1 = 0 ; dont print after printable area ends $Bottom1 = $PageH - $Bottom1 Local $z = _SendMessage($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], $EM_SETTARGETDEVICE, $hPrintDc, $Right1 - $Left1) ; If $z = 0 Then Return 'Cant find RichEdit Control' If _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetTextLength($hRichEditCtrl) < 1 Then Return 'Nothing to Print.' ; must have a selection on the richEdit control--------------- _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) ; ok----select all Local $pgTags = "int Left1 ;int Top1 ;int Right1 ;int Bottom1 ;int Left2;int Top2;int Right2;int Bottom2;" Local $rgTags = "LONG cpMin;LONG cpMax" Local $dcHTags = "HANDLE hdc;HANDLE hdcTarget;" ; create a structure for the printed page Local $strcPg = DllStructCreate($dcHTags & $pgTags & $rgTags) DllStructSetData($strcPg, "hdc", $hPrintDc) ; printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Left1", $Left1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Right1", $Right1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Top1", $Top1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Bottom1", $Bottom1) ; twip--------printer ; next 7 lines seem to have, no effect or crash printer jobs queue---why??? ; "HANDLE hdc;" is the printer------- before conecting printer to rtf??? ; "HANDLE hdcTarget;" is the target RichEdit control that has the rtf ???? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"hdcTarget",$hPrintDc) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Left2",$Left1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Top2",$Top1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Right2",$Page1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; twip------richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Bottom2",$Bottom1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; twip-----richEdit scource??? ; get the pointer to all that will be printed??? {I think????????} Local $a = DllStructGetPtr($strcPg) + DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($dcHTags & $pgTags)) ; use this pointer----------- _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_EXGETSEL, 0, $a) ReDim $__aRTFPageInfo[2] $__aRTFPageInfo[1] = 1 $__aRTFPageInfo[0] = 0 ; the total number of pages Local $iPageInPreview = 1 ; the page number of the preview now showing #forceref $iPageInPreview ; find the last char of the document to be printed Local $cpMax = DllStructGetData($strcPg, "cpMax") ; set the 1st page start char----------- Local $cpMin = 0 Local $cpMin2 = -1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------- ; make a loop to format each printed page and exit when ; $cpMin reaches the $cpMax ; $cpMin is less than 0---{I have seen -1 but I forget when}--- ; ALSO-- ExitLoop if $cpMin = $cpMin 2---if it stops finding the start of next page While $cpMax > $cpMin And $cpMin > -1 ; get the 1st char of the next page, {but how does it work ???} $cpMin2 = $cpMin $cpMin = _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_FORMATRANGE, True, DllStructGetPtr($strcPg)) If $cpMin2 = $cpMin Then ExitLoop; get out of loop before more pages are added ; set the next page start char----------- DllStructSetData($strcPg, "cpMin", $cpMin) $__aRTFPageInfo[0] += 1 ; increment page the total page count ; update array --- for what to show in the preview _ArrayAdd($__aRTFPageInfo, $cpMin) ; start char-number of each page ; end the page and loop again for the next page until the end of document WEnd _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0) ; adjust the preview shape/size WinMove($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], '', 210 - $PaperW / 1440 * 96 / 5 / 2, 200, $PaperW / 1440 * 96 / 5 + 15, $PaperH / 1440 * 96 / 5 + 15) ; the printer starts printing at offsetX and offsetY but the preview windiw starts at 1 and 1 ; so add offsetX and offsetY to the page margins to the printer would use _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetRECT($__API_RTF_Print[$__hRTF_RichEditPre], ($Left1 + $OffSetX) / $dotInchX * 96 / 5, ($Top1 + $OffSetY) / $dotInchY * 96 / 5, 460, 500) __NextPage(1) GUICtrlSetData($__API_RTF_Print[$__vRTFLaPgTot], $__aRTFPageInfo[0]) Return $__aRTFPageInfo[0] EndFunc ;==>__RTF_Preview ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __RTF_Print ; Description ...: Print from RichEdit control ; Syntax ........: __RTF_Print($hPrintDc, $hRichEditCtrl, $sDocTitle[, $LeftMinMrgn = 1[, $TopMinMrgn = 1[, $RightMinMrgn = 1[, ; $BottomMinMrgn = 1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hPrintDc - A handle value. Printer's device context. ; $hRichEditCtrl - A handle value. Handle of the RichEdit control. ; $sDocTitle - An unknown value. Printer's job title. ; $LeftMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the left ; $TopMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the Top ; $RightMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the Right ; $BottomMinMrgn - [optional] An unknown value. Default is 1. Minimum margin on the Bottom ; Return values .: Success - 'Sent to the printer.' ; Failure - 'Printing aborted.' ; Author ........: RoyGlanfield ; Modified ......: mLipok ; Remarks .......: Orientation, paper size, number of copies, and which printer are set when the Printer's device context is generated. ; Unexpected results may be caused by single line/paragaph orphin tags in the rtf. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __RTF_Print($hPrintDc, $hRichEditCtrl, $sDocTitle, $LeftMinMrgn = 1, $TopMinMrgn = 1, $RightMinMrgn = 1, $BottomMinMrgn = 1) ; convert the margins 0.1 inches to twips ; $TopMinMarg = $TopMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $LeftMinMarg = $LeftMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $PageMinMarg = $PageMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; $BottomMinMarg = $BottomMinMarg * 144; eg 10*144 = 1440 which 1 inch ; convert the margins 1 cm to twips $TopMinMrgn = $TopMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567= ~1440 which 1 inch $LeftMinMrgn = $LeftMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch $RightMinMrgn = $RightMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch $BottomMinMrgn = $BottomMinMrgn * 567; eg 2.539cm * 567 = ~1440 which 1 inch ; $hPrintDc ; Divice Context handle----------- ; dots per inch depends on the printer quality setting-------X and Y can be different! Local $dotInchX = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 88) ; Const LOGPIXELSX = 88 Local $dotInchY = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 90) ; Const LOGPIXELSY = 90 ; printer dots per inch ; get the printable area [Page] and paper area [Paper] Local $PageW = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 8) ; Const HORZRES= 8 Local $PageH = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 10) ; Const VERTRES = 10 Local $PaperW = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 110) ; Const PHYSICALWIDTH = 110 Local $PaperH = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 111) ; Const PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111 ; none printable margins Local $OffSetX = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 112) ; Const PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112 Local $OffSetY = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDc, 113) ; Const PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113 Local $RightMrgn = $PaperW - $PageW - $OffSetX Local $BottomMrgn = $PaperH - $PageH - $OffSetY ; conversion factors to use later----------- Local $TwipsInchX = $dotInchX / 1440 ; convert dots to twips [per inch] Local $TwipsInchY = $dotInchY / 1440 ; convert dots to twips [per inch] ; convert all measurments to twips $OffSetX = $OffSetX / $TwipsInchX ; convert Left dots to twips $OffSetY = $OffSetY / $TwipsInchY ; convert Left dots to twips $PageW = $PageW / $TwipsInchX ; convert Right dots to twips $PageH = $PageH / $TwipsInchY ; convert Right dots to twips $PaperW = $PaperW / $TwipsInchX ; convert Paper Width dots to twips $PaperH = $PaperH / $TwipsInchY ; convert Paper Width dots to twips ; Set the margins and keep everything in the printable area Local $Left1 = $LeftMinMrgn - $OffSetX If $Left1 < 0 Then $Left1 = 0 ; dont print before printable area starts Local $Top1 = $TopMinMrgn - $OffSetY If $Top1 < 0 Then $Top1 = 0 ; dont print before printable area starts Local $Right1 = $RightMinMrgn - $RightMrgn If $Right1 < 0 Then $Right1 = 0 ; dont print after printable area ends ; $Right1 = $PaperW - $Right1 - $OffSetX $Right1 = $PageW - $Right1 ;+$Left1 ; $OffSetX Local $Bottom1 = $BottomMinMrgn - $BottomMrgn If $Bottom1 < 0 Then $Bottom1 = 0 ; dont print after printable area ends $Bottom1 = $PageH - $Bottom1 ;+$Top1 Local $z = _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_SETTARGETDEVICE, 0) ; 0=wrap----anything else is 1 char per page!!!!! If $z = 0 Then Return 'Cant find RichEdit Control' If _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetTextLength($hRichEditCtrl) < 1 Then Return 'Nothing to Print.' ; must have a selection on the richEdit control--------------- _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) ; ok----select all Local $pgTags = "int Left1 ;int Top1 ;int Right1 ;int Bottom1 ;int Left2;int Top2;int Right2;int Bottom2;" Local $rgTags = "LONG cpMin;LONG cpMax" Local $dcHTags = "HANDLE hdc;HANDLE hdcTarget;" ; create a structure for the printed page Local $strcPg = DllStructCreate($dcHTags & $pgTags & $rgTags) DllStructSetData($strcPg, "hdc", $hPrintDc) ; printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Left1", $Left1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Right1", $Right1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Top1", $Top1) ; twip--------printer DllStructSetData($strcPg, "Bottom1", $Bottom1) ; twip--------printer ; next 7 lines seem to have, no effect or crash printer jobs queue---why??? ; "HANDLE hdc;" is the printer------- before conecting printer to rtf??? ; "HANDLE hdcTarget;" is the target RichEdit control that has the rtf ???? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"hdcTarget",$hPrintDc) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Left2",$Left1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Top2",$Top1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Right2",$Page1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; twip------richEdit scource??? ; DllStructSetData($strcPg,"Bottom2",$Bottom1/$dotInchX*96/3) ; twip-----richEdit scource??? ; get the pointer to all that will be printed??? {I think????????} Local $a = DllStructGetPtr($strcPg) + DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($dcHTags & $pgTags)) ; use this pointer----------- _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_EXGETSEL, 0, $a) ; find the last char of the document to be printed Local $cpMax = DllStructGetData($strcPg, "cpMax") ; set the 1st page start char----------- Local $cpMin = 0 Local $cpMin2 = -1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------- ; create a Document structure for the print job title Local $strDocNm = DllStructCreate("char DocName[" & StringLen($sDocTitle & Chr(0)) & "]") DllStructSetData($strDocNm, "DocName", $sDocTitle & Chr(0)) Local $strDoc = DllStructCreate("int Size;ptr DocName;ptr Output;ptr Datatype;dword Type") DllStructSetData($strDoc, "Size", DllStructGetSize($strDoc)) ; insert the document name structure into the document structure DllStructSetData($strDoc, "DocName", DllStructGetPtr($strDocNm)) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "StartDoc", "hwnd", $hPrintDc, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strDoc)) ; ----------------------------------------------------------- ; make a loop to format each printed page and exit when ; $cpMin reaches the $cpMax ; $cpMin is less than 0---{I have seen -1 but I forget when}--- ; ALSO-- ExitLoop if $cpMin = $cpMin 2---if it stops finding the start of next page Local $StartPage, $EndPage #forceref $StartPage While $cpMax > $cpMin And $cpMin > -1 ; start a new page----------- $StartPage = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "StartPage", "HANDLE", $hPrintDc) ; increment page the count----------- ; if not done now it will exit the loop before counting the last page ; get the 1st char of the next page, {but how does it work ???} $cpMin2 = $cpMin $cpMin = _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_FORMATRANGE, True, DllStructGetPtr($strcPg)) ; ExitLoop when $cpMin = $cpMin 2---just in case it stops finding the start of next page If $cpMin2 = $cpMin Then ExitLoop; get out of loop before more pages are added ; set the next page start char----------- DllStructSetData($strcPg, "cpMin", $cpMin) ; this sends it to the printer $EndPage = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "EndPage", "HANDLE", $hPrintDc) ; end the page and loop again for the next page until the end of document WEnd _SendMessage($hRichEditCtrl, $EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0) If $EndPage[0] > 0 Then DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "EndDoc", "HANDLE", $hPrintDc) Return 'Sent to the printer.' Else DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "AbortDoc", "HANDLE", $hPrintDc) Return 'Printing aborted.' EndIf EndFunc ;==>__RTF_Print #EndRegion RTF PRINTER INTERNAL# Example Print RTF expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <RTF_Printer.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $sRTF_FileFullPath = @ScriptDir & "\Test.rtf" Local $sScriptContent = FileRead(@ScriptFullPath) For $i = 1 To 3 ; Create RTF Test File RTFExampleFile($sRTF_FileFullPath, 'Testing RTF_Printer.au3.' & @CRLF & 'Test #' & $i & @CRLF& @CRLF & $sScriptContent) ; Print RTF Test File _RTF_PrintFile($sRTF_FileFullPath, Default, True, True) Next ; CleanUp FileDelete($sRTF_FileFullPath) EndFunc ;==>Example Func RTFExampleFile($sRTF_FileFullPath, $sTextToRTF) Local $hGui, $hRichEdit, $iMsg ; make a temp Gui $hGui = GUICreate("Example (" & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & ")", 320, 350, -1, -1) ; create a RTF control $hRichEdit = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hGui, "This is a test.", 10, 10, 300, 220, _ BitOR($ES_MULTILINE, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL)) ; add text to RTF control _GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendText($hRichEdit, $sTextToRTF) ; Save to File FileDelete($sRTF_FileFullPath) _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile($hRichEdit, $sRTF_FileFullPath) ; CleanUp _GUICtrlRichEdit_Destroy($hRichEdit) ; needed unless script crashes GUIDelete($hGui) EndFunc ;==>RTFExampleFile Also you can ask @argumentum to update the PrintPreview UDF to the latest version of AutoIT ? I modified it for the version 3.3.14 ... Enjoy ! PrintPreview for Edited February 14, 2023 by ptrex Contributions :Firewall Log Analyzer for XP - Creating COM objects without a need of DLL's - UPnP support in AU3Crystal Reports Viewer - PDFCreator in AutoIT - Duplicate File FinderSQLite3 Database functionality - USB Monitoring - Reading Excel using SQLRun Au3 as a Windows Service - File Monitor - Embedded Flash PlayerDynamic Functions - Control Panel Applets - Digital Signing Code - Excel Grid In AutoIT - Constants for Special Folders in WindowsRead data from Any Windows Edit Control - SOAP and Web Services in AutoIT - Barcode Printing Using PS - AU3 on LightTD WebserverMS LogParser SQL Engine in AutoIT - ImageMagick Image Processing - Converter @ Dec - Hex - Bin -Email Address Encoder - MSI Editor - SNMP - MIB ProtocolFinancial Functions UDF - Set ACL Permissions - Syntax HighLighter for AU3ADOR.RecordSet approach - Real OCR - HTTP Disk - PDF Reader Personal Worldclock - MS Indexing Engine - Printing ControlsGuiListView - Navigation (break the 4000 Limit barrier) - Registration Free COM DLL Distribution - Update - WinRM SMART Analysis - COM Object Browser - Excel PivotTable Object - VLC Media Player - Windows LogOnOff Gui -Extract Data from Outlook to Word & Excel - Analyze Event ID 4226 - DotNet Compiler Wrapper - Powershell_COM - New
argumentum Posted February 14, 2023 Posted February 14, 2023 1 hour ago, ptrex said: Also you can ask @argumentum to update the PrintPreview UDF to the latest version of AutoIT ? hmmm, me work ?. Hmmm. Anyways, I just made available the file from I did not write a single line of code and actually never even got to use it. PS: got to run it and needs some rearranging of constants. @ptrex, since you brought it up, you are aware of it's state. If you have in hand an updated working copy I'll add the files to it ? [yes][no][maybe] Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
ptrex Posted February 14, 2023 Posted February 14, 2023 @argumentum I had added already a working copy in my post, (see attachment) 😉 Best test it ... Contributions :Firewall Log Analyzer for XP - Creating COM objects without a need of DLL's - UPnP support in AU3Crystal Reports Viewer - PDFCreator in AutoIT - Duplicate File FinderSQLite3 Database functionality - USB Monitoring - Reading Excel using SQLRun Au3 as a Windows Service - File Monitor - Embedded Flash PlayerDynamic Functions - Control Panel Applets - Digital Signing Code - Excel Grid In AutoIT - Constants for Special Folders in WindowsRead data from Any Windows Edit Control - SOAP and Web Services in AutoIT - Barcode Printing Using PS - AU3 on LightTD WebserverMS LogParser SQL Engine in AutoIT - ImageMagick Image Processing - Converter @ Dec - Hex - Bin -Email Address Encoder - MSI Editor - SNMP - MIB ProtocolFinancial Functions UDF - Set ACL Permissions - Syntax HighLighter for AU3ADOR.RecordSet approach - Real OCR - HTTP Disk - PDF Reader Personal Worldclock - MS Indexing Engine - Printing ControlsGuiListView - Navigation (break the 4000 Limit barrier) - Registration Free COM DLL Distribution - Update - WinRM SMART Analysis - COM Object Browser - Excel PivotTable Object - VLC Media Player - Windows LogOnOff Gui -Extract Data from Outlook to Word & Excel - Analyze Event ID 4226 - DotNet Compiler Wrapper - Powershell_COM - New
argumentum Posted February 15, 2023 Posted February 15, 2023 10 hours ago, ptrex said: Best test it ... The x64 on print would not show the print gui Neither x64 nor x86 have the print preview Since the original "shrink to gui" did not work or had x64 support. Test printed and failed. Printed nothing. Not the updated nor the original for v3.3.14.2 . The version did print as expected. These are my findings in "Win10 / 2004". I've never used this before other than hording files and post them back when needed. Good luck Jim ?, I mean, it needs to be upgraded from 3.3.8.x ( that works ), and not 3.3.14.x . Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
ptrex Posted February 15, 2023 Posted February 15, 2023 The modified version I attached works on my side ? Running version on Windows 10 Printing works fine as well argumentum 1 Contributions :Firewall Log Analyzer for XP - Creating COM objects without a need of DLL's - UPnP support in AU3Crystal Reports Viewer - PDFCreator in AutoIT - Duplicate File FinderSQLite3 Database functionality - USB Monitoring - Reading Excel using SQLRun Au3 as a Windows Service - File Monitor - Embedded Flash PlayerDynamic Functions - Control Panel Applets - Digital Signing Code - Excel Grid In AutoIT - Constants for Special Folders in WindowsRead data from Any Windows Edit Control - SOAP and Web Services in AutoIT - Barcode Printing Using PS - AU3 on LightTD WebserverMS LogParser SQL Engine in AutoIT - ImageMagick Image Processing - Converter @ Dec - Hex - Bin -Email Address Encoder - MSI Editor - SNMP - MIB ProtocolFinancial Functions UDF - Set ACL Permissions - Syntax HighLighter for AU3ADOR.RecordSet approach - Real OCR - HTTP Disk - PDF Reader Personal Worldclock - MS Indexing Engine - Printing ControlsGuiListView - Navigation (break the 4000 Limit barrier) - Registration Free COM DLL Distribution - Update - WinRM SMART Analysis - COM Object Browser - Excel PivotTable Object - VLC Media Player - Windows LogOnOff Gui -Extract Data from Outlook to Word & Excel - Analyze Event ID 4226 - DotNet Compiler Wrapper - Powershell_COM - New
argumentum Posted February 15, 2023 Posted February 15, 2023 ok, maybe my retro-portable setup is not all that good, but if it worked, it works. Already added to this UDF file repository. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Solution AutoBert Posted February 16, 2023 Author Solution Posted February 16, 2023 (edited) On 2/14/2023 at 1:50 PM, ptrex said: Maybe this can help ? My solution see #1 works for me, since 1 Hour also with PDF printing. Edited February 20, 2023 by AutoBert
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