hawkair Posted November 9, 2022 Posted November 9, 2022 Hi I found a post with a very nice Reminder https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/39015-reminder-alert/ but the code was old and Functions have changed. I have very little experience of using these listview funnctions I tried to adjust to the new function calls and manage to make it run expandcollapse popup_ReminderProg () Func _ReminderProg () #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) Global $mainReminder GuiCreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor (0x6BC072) $mainReminder = GuiCtrlCreateListview("", 5, 5, 590, 445, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0xA6D9AA) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($mainReminder, 0, "Event", 316) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($mainReminder, 1, "Time", 100) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($mainReminder, 2, "Date", 100) $addreminder = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) $deletereminder = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) $exit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 505, 460, 80, 30) $addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") TrayCreateItem('') $show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") $exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $pastinfo = InireadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini") If IsArray($pastInfo) then For $a = 1 to $pastInfo[0] $info = InireadSection(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $pastinfo[$a]) If IsArray($info) and $info[0][0] <> 0 then For $b = 1 to $info[0][0] $temp = StringSplit($info[$b][1], ":") $pos = _InsertOrder($info[$b][0], $temp[1], $temp[2]) _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem ($mainReminder, $pastinfo[$a] & "|" & $info[$b][1] & "|" & $info[$b][0], $pos) Next Endif Next Endif GUIsetstate() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() $trayMsg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $exit Exit Case $msg = $deleteReminder _DeleteReminder() Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_HIDE) Case $trayMsg = $exitItem Exit Case $trayMsg = $addreminderItem or $msg = $addReminder _AddReminder() Case $trayMsg = $show WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_SHOW) Case Else If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($mainReminder) > 0 Then $splitInfo = Stringsplit(_GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($mainReminder, 0), "|") $splitDate = Stringsplit($splitInfo[3], "/") $splitTime = Stringsplit($splitInfo[2], ":") If Number($splitDate[3]) <= @YEAR and Number($splitDate[1]) <= @MON and Number($splitDate[2]) <= @MDAY and Number($splitTime[1]) <= @Hour and Number($splitTime[2]) <= @MIN then Msgbox(0, "Reminder alert", $splitInfo[1]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $splitInfo[1]) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($mainReminder, 0) Endif Endif EndSelect Wend EndFunc Func _Addreminder() $gui = GuiCreate("Add a reminder", 200, 280) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) $name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) $date = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $hour = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Minute:", 100, 223, 35, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $minute = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, "0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") $ok = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add Reminder", 10, 250, 180, 25) Guisetstate(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $ms = GuiGetMsg() If $ms = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then GuiDelete($gui) Return Endif If Bitand($ms = $ok, GuiCtrlRead($name) <> "", GuiCtrlRead($hour) <> "", GuiCtrlRead($minute) <> "") Then $date = Stringsplit(GuiCtrlRead($date), "/") If $date[2] < 10 then $date[2] = StringTrimLeft($date[2], 1) If $date[3] < 10 then $date[3] = StringTrimLeft($date[3], 1) ;~ $date = $date[2] & "/" & $date[3] & "/" & $date [1] $date = $date[3] & "/" & $date[2] & "/" & $date [1] $hour = GuiCtrlRead($hour) $minute = GuiCtrlRead($minute) If StringLen($minute) < 2 then $minute = _StringInsert($minute, "0", 0) Endif $pos = _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) $time = $hour & ":" & $minute _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem ($mainReminder, GuiCtrlRead($name) & "|" & $time & "|" & $date, $pos) If StringLen($hour) < 2 then _StringInsert($hour, "0", 0) Iniwrite(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", GuiCtrlRead($name), $date, $time) GuiDelete($gui) ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndFunc Func _DeleteReminder() $selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($mainReminder, 1) If $selected <> -1 then If IsArray($selected) then For $a = 1 to $selected[0] $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray ($mainReminder, $selected[$a]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) Next Else $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray ($mainReminder, $selected) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) Inidelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) Endif _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected ($mainReminder) Endif Endfunc Func _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) $temp = StringSplit($date, "/") Dim $checkInfo[5] = [Int($temp[3]), Int($temp[1]),Int($temp[2]),Int($hour),Int($minute)] If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($mainReminder) = 0 then Return -1 For $a = 0 to _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($mainReminder) $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray ($mainReminder, $a) If IsArray($temp) then $listDate = StringSplit($temp[3], "/") $listTime = StringSplit($temp[2], ":") Dim $listInfo[5] = [Int($listDate[3]),Int($listDate[1]),Int($listDate[2]),Int($listTime[1]),Int($listTime[2])] For $b = 1 to 5 If $checkInfo[$b] < $listInfo[$b] then Return $a If $checkInfo[$b] > $listInfo[$b] then $b += 5 Next Else Return -1 Endif Next Endfunc However it will insert and delete one reminder and then it crashes. I suspect that a nested listview should be used somewhere instead of a simple one but I dont know how it can be done. If done this program would be very usefull. Can anyone help?
AutoBert Posted November 10, 2022 Posted November 10, 2022 (edited) The link in your post is broken, but i found the thread: the listview udf has many script breaking changes since 2007. Quote  I think to write a new script is better and will make a relaunch of this idea soon. The script (origin with some MsgBox and arrayDisplays): expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) GUICreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) $main = GUICtrlCreateListView("", 5, 5, 590, 445, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($main, 0, "Event", "", 316) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($main, 1, "Time", "", 100) _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn($main, 2, "Date", "", 100) $addreminder = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) $deletereminder = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) $exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 505, 460, 80, 30) $addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") TrayCreateItem('') $show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") $exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $aPastinfo = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini") If IsArray($aPastinfo) Then For $a = 1 To $aPastinfo[0] $info = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $aPastinfo[$a]) If IsArray($info) And $info[0][0] <> 0 Then For $b = 1 To $info[0][0] $temp = StringSplit($info[$b][1], ":") $pos = _InsertOrder($info[$b][0], $temp[1], $temp[2]) _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem($main, $pos, $aPastinfo[$a] & "|" & $info[$b][1] & "|" & $info[$b][0]) Next EndIf Next EndIf GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() $trayMsg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $exit Exit Case $msg = $deletereminder _DeleteReminder() Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_HIDE) Case $trayMsg = $exitItem Exit Case $trayMsg = $addReminderItem Or $msg = $addreminder _Addreminder() Case $trayMsg = $show WinSetState('Reminder', '', @SW_SHOW) Case Else If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($main) > 0 Then $aSplitInfo = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($main, 0) ;======================== ;_ArrayDisplay($aSplitInfo) If $aSplitInfo[2] <> '' And $aSplitInfo[3] <> '' Then $splitDate = StringSplit($aSplitInfo[3], "/") $splitTime = StringSplit($aSplitInfo[2], ":") If Number($splitDate[3]) <= @YEAR And Number($splitDate[1]) <= @MON And Number($splitDate[2]) <= @MDAY And Number($splitTime[1]) <= @HOUR And Number($splitTime[2]) <= @MIN Then MsgBox(0, "Reminder alert", $aSplitInfo[1]) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $aSplitInfo[1]) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($main, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndSelect WEnd Func _Addreminder() $gui = GUICreate("Add a reminder", 200, 280) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) $name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) $date = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $hour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Minute:", 100, 223, 35, 25, $SS_RIGHT) $minute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") $ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Reminder", 10, 250, 180, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $ms = GUIGetMsg() If $ms = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then GUIDelete($gui) Return EndIf If BitAND($ms = $ok, GUICtrlRead($name) <> "", GUICtrlRead($hour) <> "", GUICtrlRead($minute) <> "") Then MsgBox(64, 'm. BitAnd','work',5,$gui) $date = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($date), "/") If $date[2] < 10 Then $date[2] = StringTrimLeft($date[2], 1) If $date[3] < 10 Then $date[3] = StringTrimLeft($date[3], 1) $date = $date[2] & "/" & $date[3] & "/" & $date[1] $hour = GUICtrlRead($hour) $minute = GUICtrlRead($minute) If StringLen($minute) < 2 Then $minute = _StringInsert($minute, "0", 0) EndIf $pos = _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) $time = $hour & ":" & $minute _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem($main, $pos, GUICtrlRead($name) & "|" & $time & "|" & $date) If StringLen($hour) < 2 Then _StringInsert($hour, "0", 0) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", GUICtrlRead($name), $date, $time) GUIDelete($gui) ExitLoop Else MsgBox(64, 'm. BitAnd',"didn't work",5,$gui) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Addreminder Func _DeleteReminder() $selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($main, 1) If $selected <> -1 Then If IsArray($selected) Then For $a = 1 To $selected[0] $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($main, $selected[$a]) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) Next Else $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($main, $selected) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1], $temp[3]) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\reminderinfo.ini", $temp[1]) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($main) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DeleteReminder Func _InsertOrder($date, $hour, $minute) ConsoleWrite($date & ' ' & $hour & ':' & $minute & @CRLF) $temp = StringSplit($date, "/") Dim $aCheckInfo[5] = [Int($temp[3]), Int($temp[1]), Int($temp[2]), Int($hour), Int($minute)] ; _ArrayDisplay($aCheckInfo, 'CheckInfo line 135') If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($main) = 0 Then Return -1 #cs For $a = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($main) $temp = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($main, $a) _ArrayDisplay($aCheckInfo, 'temp line 139') If IsArray($temp) Then $listDate = StringSplit($temp[3], "/") $listTime = StringSplit($temp[2], ":") Dim $listInfo[5] = [Int($listDate[3]), Int($listDate[1]), Int($listDate[2]), Int($listTime[1]), Int($listTime[2])] For $b = 1 To 5 If $aCheckInfo[$b] < $listInfo[$b] Then Return $a If $aCheckInfo[$b] > $listInfo[$b] Then $b += 5 Next Else Return -1 EndIf Next #ce EndFunc ;==>_InsertOrder  Edited November 10, 2022 by AutoBert
hawkair Posted November 13, 2022 Author Posted November 13, 2022 thanks Autobert. It would be nice if it worked I will try to examine the code every once in a while and try to figure it out But I am starting to wonder wether the initial code really worked.
AutoBert Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 (edited) 22 hours ago, hawkair said: But I am starting to wonder wether the initial code really worked. Maybe 2007. Here is a rewrited HOT Version: expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=n #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' Global $hMain = GUICreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval", 5, 5, 590, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 256) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 140) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) Global $idAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) Global $idDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) Global $idExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 505, 460, 80, 30) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idDelete, '_Delete') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idAdd, '_Add') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idExit, '_Exit') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenüberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 1) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) ;$addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") ;TrayCreateItem('') ;$show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") ;$exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest = 'is reached!' & @CRLF If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sQuest = 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ConsoleWrite('line 74: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[2] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[2] Then Return $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $aRemind[1] & $aRemind[2], $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then If $iRet <> $IDNO Then $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aRemind[1] & "|" & $dtNewDate & '|' & $aRemind[3] & '|' & $aRemind[4], $idLV) EndIf EndIf If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) ;to be checked EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 1) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To 3 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) Next EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _exit() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) Exit EndFunc ;==>_exit Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol Func _Add() Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $msg, $sRep = 'dayly|weekly|monthly|yearly', $dtEvenDate, $iHour, $iMinute, $iTime, $iVal $hRem = GUICreate("Add a reminder", 200, 320, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Minute:", 100, 223, 35, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Repeat:", 5, 253, 43, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 60, 250, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|dayly|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", "no") Local $idVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 150, 250, 50, 25, $ES_Number) Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 280, 180, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idBtnOK $dtEvenDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $iTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $sRep = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $iVal = GUICtrlRead($idVal) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) & "|" & $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime & '|' & $sRep & '|' & $iVal, $idLV) GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_Add Func _Delete() #cs must be checked #ce Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) _ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected) Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 5, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_Delete *) Hot means: most func's must be tested. But first check the concept. mfg (auto)Bert Edited November 14, 2022 by AutoBert
hawkair Posted November 14, 2022 Author Posted November 14, 2022 AutoBert. Great! A working version. You added a repeat function too! Thanks
AutoBert Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 (edited) On 11/14/2022 at 9:21 PM, hawkair said: You added a repeat function too! and therefor i needed some tests. After testing i changed/added some scriptlines, this is my newest version: expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=n #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global $g_bSortSense = False Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' ;Global $iMax = 0 ; wait for user all other Global $iMax = 15 ; sec timeout Global $hMain = GUICreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort", 5, 5, 590, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 200) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 140) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 4, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 5, 70) _GUICtrlListView_HideColumn($idLV, 6) Global $idAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) Global $idDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) Global $idExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 505, 460, 80, 30) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idDelete, '_Delete') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idAdd, '_Add') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idExit, '_Exit') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenüberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 6) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() _CheckRemind() While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'Line 73') Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ConsoleWrite('line 75: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[7] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then Return AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) $iDiff = _DateDiff('d', $dtNow, $aRemind[7]) ConsoleWrite('DtDiff: ' & $iDiff & @CRLF) ; Exit If $aRemind[6] <> "" And $iDiff < 0 And $iDiff >= $aRemind[6] * -1 Then $dtHidSort = StringTrimRight(_DateAdd('h', 4, $dtNow), 2) & '00' If $dtHidSort < $aRemind[2] Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '|' & $dtNow & @CRLF) $sTitle = 'Pre Warning (snooze)' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) $sQuest = 'Will be moved to ' & $dtHidSort & '!' ;MsgBox(0, 'Debug wait', '') EndIf Else $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sQuest = 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' EndIf $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle & ' ' & $aRemind[2], $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then If $iRet <> $IDNO Then If $sTitle = 'Pre Warning (snooze)' Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) Else $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '=>' & $dtNewDate & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $dtNewDate) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) ;$aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'line 107') EndIf EndIf Else If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind') ;to be checked EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item, $iCols, $sQuest, $sFlag, $sTitle = 'incompatible Data?', $iRet _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($idLV) ConsoleWrite($iCols & '|' & UBound($aLV, 2) & @CRLF) If $iCols <> UBound($aLV, 2) Then ;Return $sQuest = 'App has ' & $iCols & ' Cols, but DataFile has ' & UBound($aLV, 2) & ' Cols.' & @CRLF & @CRLF $sQuest &= 'Continue anyway?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle, $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDYES Then Exit EndIf _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 6) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($idLV) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV, 'Line 134 ') If UBound($aLV, 2) < $iCols Then $iCols = UBound($aLV, 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV, 1) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) Next EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _SaveLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SaveLV Func _exit() _SaveLV() ConsoleWrite(_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($idLV, 1) & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>_exit Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol Func _Add() Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $msg, $sRep = 'dayly|weekly|monthly|yearly', $sEvent, $dtEvenDate, $iHour, $iMinute, $iTime, $iVal, $iBD, $iPreWarn $hRem = GUICreate("Add a reminder", 200, 320, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, 245, 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|dayly|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", "no") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, 245, 75, 20) Local $idVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 70, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Birth Year', 120, 245, 75, 20) Local $idBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 120, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 170, 245, 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 170, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5", "0") Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 292, 180, 25) GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent $sEvent = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $sEvent = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $dtEvenDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $iTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $sRep = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $iVal = GUICtrlRead($idVal) $iBD = GUICtrlRead($idBD) $iPreWarn = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort" GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sEvent & "|" & $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime & '|' & $sRep & '|' & $iVal & '|' & $iBD & '|' & $iPreWarn & '|' & _DateAdd('d', $iPreWarn * -1, $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime), $idLV) GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_Add Func _Delete() Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 236') Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_Delete the messagebox "incompatible Data?" must be answered with Yes, but i suggest to save the datafile or to open it before in scite. Edit: The Prewarn Value are the days before the EventDate+Time is first reminded (and snoozed) in a 4 hour rythmn, therefor the _CheckRemind func is enhanced and in the testing state. Edited November 21, 2022 by AutoBert PreWarn inserted
hawkair Posted November 19, 2022 Author Posted November 19, 2022 @AutoBert You have started adding bells and whistles.This adds complexity to the code. Some points that I noticed: CheckRemider shoud return if (at the start) there is no reminder (ie If $aRemind[1] = "" Then Return) . The add reminder Form is scrambled Reminders are reached before the defined time. Also if I exit and restart the program todays reminders are reached. I like your code and learn new things by examining. Thanks
AutoBert Posted November 19, 2022 Posted November 19, 2022 (edited) On 11/19/2022 at 9:24 AM, hawkair said: The add reminder Form is scrambled Ups, a typo and sleeping while testing.  On 11/19/2022 at 9:24 AM, hawkair said: Reminders are reached before the defined time. Also if I exit and restart the program todays reminders are reached. I know that _CheckRemind() isn't perfect. Should be better now with new created Reminder or already existing Reminders after moved. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=n #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global $g_bSortSense = False Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' Global $iMax = 0 ; no timeout ;Global $iMax = 15 ; sec timeout Global $hMain = GUICreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort", 5, 5, 590, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 200) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 140) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 4, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 5, 70) _GUICtrlListView_HideColumn($idLV, 6) Global $idAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", 15, 460, 230, 30) Global $idDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", 260, 460, 230, 30) Global $idExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 505, 460, 80, 30) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idDelete, '_Delete') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idAdd, '_Add') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idExit, '_Exit') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenüberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 6) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() _CheckRemind() While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'Line 73') Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ConsoleWrite('line 75: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[7] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then Return AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) $iDiff = _DateDiff('d', $dtNow, $aRemind[7]) ConsoleWrite('DtDiff: ' & $iDiff & @CRLF) ; Exit If $aRemind[6] <> "" And $iDiff < 0 And $iDiff >= $aRemind[6] * -1 Then $dtHidSort = StringTrimRight(_DateAdd('h', 4, $dtNow), 2) & '00' If $dtHidSort < $aRemind[2] Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '|' & $dtNow & @CRLF) $sTitle = $aRemind[1] & ' Pre Warning (snooze)' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) $sQuest = 'Will be moved to ' & $dtHidSort & '!' EndIf Else $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) EndIf $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle & ' ' & $aRemind[2], $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then If $iRet <> $IDNO Then If StringInStr($sTitle, 'Pre Warning (snooze)') Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) Else $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '=>' & $dtNewDate & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $dtNewDate) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) EndIf EndIf Else If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind') ;to be checked EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item, $iCols, $sQuest, $sFlag, $sTitle = 'incompatible Data?', $iRet _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($idLV) ConsoleWrite($iCols & '|' & UBound($aLV, 2) & @CRLF) If $iCols <> UBound($aLV, 2) Then ;Return $sQuest = 'App has ' & $iCols & ' Cols, but DataFile has ' & UBound($aLV, 2) & ' Cols.' & @CRLF & @CRLF $sQuest &= 'Continue anyway?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle, $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDYES Then Exit EndIf _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 6) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($idLV) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV, 'Line 135 ') If UBound($aLV, 2) < $iCols Then $iCols = UBound($aLV, 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV, 1) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) Next EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _SaveLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SaveLV Func _exit() _SaveLV() ConsoleWrite(_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($idLV, 1) & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>_exit Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol Func _Add() Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $msg, $sRep = 'dayly|weekly|monthly|yearly', $sEvent, $dtEvenDate, $iHour, $iMinute, $iTime, $iVal, $iBD, $iPreWarn $hRem = GUICreate("Add a reminder", 200, 320, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, 245, 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|dayly|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", "no") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, 245, 75, 20) Local $idVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 70, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Birth Year', 120, 245, 75, 20) Local $idBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 120, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 170, 245, 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 170, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5", "0") Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 292, 180, 25) GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent $sEvent = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $sEvent = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $dtEvenDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $iTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $sRep = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $iVal = GUICtrlRead($idVal) $iBD = GUICtrlRead($idBD) $iPreWarn = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort" GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sEvent & "|" & $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime & '|' & $sRep & '|' & $iVal & '|' & $iBD & '|' & $iPreWarn & '|' & _DateAdd('d', $iPreWarn * -1, $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime), $idLV) GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_Add Func _Delete() Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 238') Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_Delete  Edited November 21, 2022 by AutoBert
hawkair Posted November 27, 2022 Author Posted November 27, 2022 (edited) @AutoBert I am sorry I didn't mean to sound judgemental. I am indeed greatful for the time and the effort you put into this. I added a line in checkRemind to take care of when the LV files are empty(ie there is no reminder) and now the program works like a charm. Whithout this line when i Started the program it repeatedly displayed the message "is reached....." and would not continue. The first lines of the amended CheckRemind Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue If $aRemind[1] = "" Then Return _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF Â Thanks AutoBert. Great Job!! Â Â Edited November 27, 2022 by hawkair a small correction was needed in the code
AutoBert Posted November 27, 2022 Posted November 27, 2022 4 hours ago, hawkair said: I saw what you did with the new function calls and now I should be able to do sth on my own. Good to read  4 hours ago, hawkair said: It will probably take some time though... Maybe with my newest source a little be easier: expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global $g_bSortSense = False Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' Global $iMax = 0 ; no timeout ;Global $iMax = 15 ; sec timeout Global $hMain = GUICreate("Reminder", 800, 500, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|BaseYear|PreWarn|HiddenSort|PreWarn Text", 5, 5, 790, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 180) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 140) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 4, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 5, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 6, 0) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 7, 200) Global $idBtnAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", 5, 460, 230, 30) Global $idBtnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", 245, 460, 230, 30) Global $idBtnEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Edit first selected reminder", 480, 460, 230, 30) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Global $idBtnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 715, 460, 80, 30) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnDelete, '_Delete') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnAdd, '_AddEdit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnEdit, '_AddEdit') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnExit, '_Exit') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenüberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 6) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() _CheckRemind() While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sTitle = $aRemind[1] $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONQUESTION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'Line 75') Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ;ConsoleWrite('line 77: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[7] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then Return AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) $iDiff = _DateDiff('d', $dtNow, $aRemind[7]) ;ConsoleWrite('DtDiff: ' & $iDiff & @CRLF) ; Exit If (Int($aRemind[6]) <> 0) And $iDiff < 0 And $iDiff >= $aRemind[6] * -1 Then $dtHidSort = StringTrimRight(_DateAdd('h', 4, $dtNow), 2) & '00' ;ConsoleWrite('snooze! ' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) If $dtHidSort <= $aRemind[2] Then ;ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '|' & $dtNow & @CRLF) $sTitle = $aRemind[1] & ' Pre Warning (snooze)' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) $sQuest = $aRemind[8] & @CRLF & 'Next Pre Warning moved to ' & $dtHidSort & '!' EndIf Else ;ConsoleWrite('normal' & @CRLF) $sTitle = $aRemind[1] If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF $sQuest = 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONQUESTION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sQuest &= 'Will be deleted!' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf EndIf $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle & ' ' & $aRemind[2], $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Or StringInStr($sTitle, 'Pre Warning (snooze)') Then ; If $iRet <> $IDNO Then If StringInStr($sTitle, 'Pre Warning (snooze)') Then ;ConsoleWrite('snooze!!' & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) ElseIf $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) ;ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '=>' & $dtNewDate & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) If $aRemind[4] < 0 Then $aRemind[4] = $aRemind[4] * -1 $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[4] * -1, $dtNewDate) ;ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) EndIf EndIf ; Else If Not (StringInStr($sTitle, 'Pre Warning (snooze)')) And $aRemind[3] = 'no' Then ;ConsoleWrite('delete: ' & _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, 0) & @CRLF & $sFlag & @CRLF & $sQuest & @CRLF) If $iRet <> $IDNO And $aRemind[2] <= $dtNow Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind') ;to be checked EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item, $iCols, $sQuest, $sFlag, $sTitle = 'incompatible Data?', $iRet _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($idLV) ;ConsoleWrite($iCols & '|' & UBound($aLV, 2) & @CRLF) If $iCols <> UBound($aLV, 2) Then ;Return $sQuest = 'App has ' & $iCols & ' Cols, but DataFile has ' & UBound($aLV, 2) & ' Cols.' & @CRLF & @CRLF $sQuest &= 'Continue anyway?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle, $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDYES Then Exit EndIf _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 6) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($idLV) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV, 'Line 150 ') If UBound($aLV, 2) < $iCols Then $iCols = UBound($aLV, 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV, 1) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) Next _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 6, 0) EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _SaveLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SaveLV Func _exit() _SaveLV() ;ConsoleWrite(_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($idLV, 1) & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>_exit #cs Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Einträge entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol #ce Func _AddEdit() Local $idFrom = @GUI_CtrlId, $sFrmTitle, $aSelected, $aRemind[9], $sLVItem Local $msg, $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime, $iHour, $iMinute Switch $idFrom Case $idBtnAdd $sFrmTitle = "Add a reminder" _DateTimeSplit(@YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' 08:00', $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime) Case $idBtnEdit $aSelected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) If $aSelected[0] = 0 Then Return $sFrmTitle = "Edit reminder" $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, $aSelected[1]) _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime) EndSwitch ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) $hRem = GUICreate($sFrmTitle, 200, 360, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($idInpEvent, 'The Reminder Name') Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($dtEventDate[1] & "/" & $dtEventDate[2] & "/" & $dtEventDate[3], 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, 245, 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|dayly|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", "no") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, 245, 75, 20) Local $idInpVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 70, 262, 35, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Base', 110, 245, 75, 20) Local $idInpBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 110, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 160, 245, 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 160, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5", "0") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pre Warning Text", 10, 295, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpPrewarn = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 310, 180, 20) Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 332, 180, 25) Switch $idFrom Case $idBtnEdit GUICtrlSetData($idInpEvent, $aRemind[1]) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, $dtEventTime[1]) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, $dtEventTime[2]) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, $aRemind[3]) GUICtrlSetData($idInpVal, $aRemind[4]) GUICtrlSetData($idInpBD, $aRemind[5]) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, $aRemind[6]) GUICtrlSetData($idInpPrewarn, $aRemind[8]) Case Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) EndSwitch GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hRem) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent $aRemind[1] = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $aRemind[1] = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $aRemind[1] = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) $dtEventDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $dtEventTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $aRemind[2] = $dtEventDate & ' ' & $dtEventTime $aRemind[3] = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $aRemind[4] = GUICtrlRead($idInpVal) $aRemind[5] = GUICtrlRead($idInpBD) $aRemind[6] = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) $aRemind[7] = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $aRemind[2]) $aRemind[8] = GUICtrlRead($idInpPrewarn) For $i = 1 To 8 $sLVItem &= $aRemind[$i] If $i < 8 Then $sLVItem &= '|' Next ;ConsoleWrite($sLVItem & @CRLF) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort|PreWarn Text" ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Switch $idFrom Case $idBtnAdd GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLVItem, $idLV) Case $idBtnEdit If GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLVItem, $idLV) > 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, $aSelected[1]) EndSwitch GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ;ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_AddEdit Func _Delete() Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 296') Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_Delete Â
hawkair Posted November 29, 2022 Author Posted November 29, 2022 The program is amazing! I am already using it for organizing and time management and at the same time I test and do additions to suit my needs I find it more suitable and practical than any free or paid alternative. And I had the same thought with you to add an Edit function. I also did some modifications in Checkremind but I didnt test the snooze function which you apparently did. I also renamed function Add to AddReminder, Delete to DeleteReminder etc because I carry all my code in one file and I already have functions with those names. Here is my code (When I have more time I will incorporate your additions and point out any bugs) expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=n #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce ;~ Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ;~ TraySetIcon(@ScriptDir & "\Icons\Timers\3507737-alarm-clock-iconoteka-on-time-timer_107670.ico") ;~ $nTrayIcon1 = _TrayIconCreate("Title", @ScriptName, 0) ;~ _TrayIconSetState() ; Show the tray icon ;~ $nTrayMenu1 = _TrayCreateContextMenu() ;This one must exist ;~ $Tray1 = _TrayCreateItem("Tray1) ;~ _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, @ScriptName, -1) ;~ $Tray2 = _TrayCreateItem("Tray2") ;~ _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, @ScriptName, -2) ;~ $addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") ;~ TrayCreateItem('') ;~ $show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") ;~ $exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") ;~ $trayMsg = TrayGetMsg() ;~ Case $trayMsg = $addReminderItem Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global $g_bSortSense = False Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' Global $iMax = 0 ; no timeout ;Global $iMax = 15 ; sec timeout Global $hMain = GUICreate("Reminder", 600, 500, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort", 5, 5, 590, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 200) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 140) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 4, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 5, 70) _GUICtrlListView_HideColumn($idLV, 6) Local $BtnInterval = 15, $BtnWid = 150 Global $idAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", $BtnInterval, 460, $BtnWid, 30) Global $idDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", $BtnInterval + ($BtnWid + $BtnInterval), 460, $BtnWid, 30) Global $idEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Edit selected reminder", $BtnInterval + 2 * ($BtnWid + $BtnInterval), 460, $BtnWid, 30) Global $idExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", $BtnInterval + 3 * ($BtnWid + $BtnInterval), 460, 80, 30) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_ExitReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idDelete, '_DeleteReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idAdd, '_AddReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idEdit, '_EditReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idExit, '_ExitReminder') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenuberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 6) ; Eintrage entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() _CheckRemind() While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Exit Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue If $aRemind[1] = "" Then Return ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'Line 73') Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ConsoleWrite('line 75: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[7] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then Return _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) $sQuest &= 'is reached!' & @CRLF If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) Else $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) EndIf AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) $iDiff = _DateDiff('d', $dtNow, $aRemind[7]) ConsoleWrite('DtDiff: ' & $iDiff & @CRLF) ; Exit If $aRemind[6] <> "" And $iDiff < 0 And $iDiff >= $aRemind[6] * -1 Then $dtHidSort = StringTrimRight(_DateAdd('h', 4, $dtNow), 2) & '00' If $dtHidSort < $aRemind[2] Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '|' & $dtNow & @CRLF) $sTitle = $aRemind[1] & ' Pre Warning (snooze)' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK) $sQuest = 'Will be moved to ' & $dtHidSort & '!' EndIf Else ;~ $sTitle &= $aRemind[1] $sTitle = $aRemind[1] ;~ $sQuest &= 'Move for ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sQuest = 'Repeat in ' & $aRemind[4] & ' * ' & StringTrimRight($aRemind[3], 2) & '(s) ?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) EndIf $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle & ' ' & $aRemind[2], $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $aRemind[3] <> 'no' Then;Repeated Reminder If $iRet <> $IDNO Then; Yes, do Repeat If StringInStr($sTitle, 'Pre Warning (snooze)') Then ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) Else $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[2] & '=>' & $dtNewDate & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $dtNewDate) ConsoleWrite($aRemind[7] & '=>' & $dtHidSort & @CRLF) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) EndIf Else; No do NOT Repeat _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) EndIf Else; NOT Repeated Reminder _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind') ;to be checked EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item, $iCols, $sQuest, $sFlag, $sTitle = 'incompatible Data?', $iRet _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($idLV) ConsoleWrite($iCols & '|' & UBound($aLV, 2) & @CRLF) If $iCols <> UBound($aLV, 2) Then ;Return $sQuest = 'App has ' & $iCols & ' Cols, but DataFile has ' & UBound($aLV, 2) & ' Cols.' & @CRLF & @CRLF $sQuest &= 'Continue anyway?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle, $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDYES Then Exit EndIf _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 6) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($idLV) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV, 'Line 135 ') If UBound($aLV, 2) < $iCols Then $iCols = UBound($aLV, 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV, 1) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) Next EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _SaveLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SaveLV Func _ExitReminder() _SaveLV() ConsoleWrite(_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($idLV, 1) & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>_ExitReminder Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Eintrage entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol Func _AddReminder() Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $msg, $sRep = 'dayly|weekly|monthly|yearly', $sEvent, $dtEvenDate, $iHour, $iMinute, $iTime, $iVal, $iBD, $iPreWarn $hRem = GUICreate("Add a reminder", 200, 320, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 180, 20) Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal(@YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo("08", 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo("00", 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, 245, 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|dayly|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", "no") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, 245, 75, 20) Local $idVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 70, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Birth Year', 120, 245, 75, 20) Local $idBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 120, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 170, 245, 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 170, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5", "0") Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 292, 180, 25) GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent $sEvent = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $sEvent = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $dtEvenDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $iTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $sRep = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $iVal = GUICtrlRead($idVal) $iBD = GUICtrlRead($idBD) $iPreWarn = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort" GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sEvent & "|" & $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime & '|' & $sRep & '|' & $iVal & '|' & $iBD & '|' & $iPreWarn & '|' & _DateAdd('d', $iPreWarn * -1, $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime), $idLV) GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_AddReminder Func _EditReminder() Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $tmp, $sDate, $aTime, $sQuest Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 238') If $aLV_Selected[0] = 0 Then Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Return MsgBox(262144, "No action", "nothing selected", 2) EndIf Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, $aLV_Selected[1]) ;~ _ArrayDisplay ($aRemind) $tmp = StringSplit($aRemind[2], " ", 2) $sDate = $tmp[0] $aTime = StringSplit($tmp[1], ":", 2) Local $msg, $sRep = 'daily|weekly|monthly|yearly', $sEvent, $dtEvenDate, $iHour, $iMinute, $iTime, $iVal, $iBD, $iPreWarn $hRem = GUICreate("Edit a reminder", 200, 320, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, 5, 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput($aRemind[1], 10, 25, 180, 20) Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($sDate, 10, 55, 180, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, 223, 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aTime[0], 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aTime[1], 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, 245, 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aRemind[3], 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|daily|weekly|Monthly|Yearly", $aRemind[3]) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, 245, 75, 20) Local $idVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit($aRemind[4], 70, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Birth Year', 120, 245, 75, 20) Local $idBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit($aRemind[5], 120, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 170, 245, 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aRemind[6], 170, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5", "0") Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, 292, 180, 25) GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent, $idDate, $idCboHour, $idCboMinute, $idCboRepeat, $idVal, $idBD, $idCboPreWarn $sEvent = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $sEvent = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $dtEvenDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $iTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $sRep = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $iVal = GUICtrlRead($idVal) $iBD = GUICtrlRead($idBD) $iPreWarn = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort" GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sEvent & "|" & $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime & '|' & $sRep & '|' & $iVal & '|' & $iBD & '|' & $iPreWarn & '|' & _DateAdd('d', $iPreWarn * -1, $dtEvenDate & ' ' & $iTime), $idLV) $sQuest = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[1]) Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Remove ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' original reminder?', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, $aLV_Selected[1]) GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_EditReminder Func _DeleteReminder() Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 238') Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_DeleteReminder Â
Skysnake Posted December 14, 2022 Posted December 14, 2022 (edited) Data file? Func _SeedLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile $sLV_AllItems = "A reminder|2023/12/26 23:55|no|1|1|1|2023/12/25 23:55|A warning" & @CRLF $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) MsgBox(0, 'Seed', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SeedLV Add this function where appropriate. I placed it directly after the If $iRet <> $IDYES Then I could help with the SQL implementation, but I need to see what you are working with at the moment S Edited December 14, 2022 by Skysnake Skysnake Why is the snake in the sky?
hawkair Posted December 16, 2022 Author Posted December 16, 2022 On 12/14/2022 at 4:26 PM, Skysnake said: Data file? Func _SeedLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile $sLV_AllItems = "A reminder|2023/12/26 23:55|no|1|1|1|2023/12/25 23:55|A warning" & @CRLF $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) MsgBox(0, 'Seed', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SeedLV Add this function where appropriate. I placed it directly after the If $iRet <> $IDYES Then I could help with the SQL implementation, but I need to see what you are working with at the moment S Hi at least in my version the program creates the datafile when you add the first reminder so so as far as I can see _SeedLV is not necessary The comment about SQL was Autobert's or from the initial code. At the moment I have aroud 40-50 Reminders and a text datafile presents no problem but it would be nice to see how it could be implemented. I want to say that it is still a work in progress, I am still experimenting, if I dont feel sth is absolutely necessary it stays on the shelves indefinetly. And last but not least I am a lousy coder so excuse the messy code: expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=autoBert #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=n #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/mo #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Math.au3> #cs Nice to have (when it's done): Change Txt-File saving to SQLite based saving Split in 2 Apps: 1 for Add Data 1 for Alarm from Reminder What's to do: Implement checking of DateTime for alarm Testing (maybe enhance) #ce #cs ;~ Sth I may add.. Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) $nTrayIcon1 = _TrayIconCreate("Title", @ScriptName, 0) _TrayIconSetState() ; Show the tray icon $nTrayMenu1 = _TrayCreateContextMenu() ;This one must exist $Tray1 = _TrayCreateItem("Tray1) _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, @ScriptName, -1) $Tray2 = _TrayCreateItem("Tray2") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, @ScriptName, -2) $addReminderItem = TrayCreateItem("Add reminder") TrayCreateItem('') $show = TrayCreateItem("Open Reminder...") $exitItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $trayMsg = TrayGetMsg() Case $trayMsg = $addReminderItem #CE ;/========Change History========/ ;Still a work in progress, So please Excuse the messy coding.. ;14/12/2022 modified checkremind. Instead of asking confirmation about everything, like should I repeat a repeated Reminder or should I delete a non-repeated one, ;I decided to use a gui that allows to either acknowlegde Alarm(Done) Remind Again at xx Days/Hours/Minutes, or Remove Alarm altogether regardless if repeated or not ;If I acknowledge then repeated tasks get repeated, non repeated get removed as initially intended without extra confirmation. ;Tweaked AddEdit a bit to compress code ;Added option to have named events like "EndoFHome" "EndOfWork"(These run at the times I leave home or work) in order to perform some tasks and then ;close the program so that the DataFile that I keep in Dropbox gets updated ;Other events may be "Shutdown", "LogOff". One may add whatever else is desirable ;Adding a new reminder proposes Current Time instead of 00:00 ;Started tweaking Gui/Control positions/dimensions which I define as variables so that it's easier to make small changes without drowning in numbers ;EditReminder asks if you want to remove original reminder. Answering no makes it work like CopyReminder Global $ProgTtitle = "Reminder" Global $WorkPC = "WorkPC", $HomePC = "HomePC" If WinExists($ProgTtitle, "E&xit") Then Exit WinActivate($ProgTtitle);Do not continue if program is already running- Just Activate it TraySetIcon(@ScriptDir & "\Icons\Timers\3507737-alarm-clock-iconoteka-on-time-timer_107670.ico") Global Const $sLV_SavePath = @ScriptDir & '\Reminder.LV.txt' Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Global $g_bSortSense = False Global $iMax = 0 ; no timeout ;Global $iMax = 15 ; sec timeout Global $GuiWid = 700, $GuiHeight = 700, $iBtns = 4, $aBtnStart[$iBtns], $BtnInterval = 15, $BtnBorder = 10, $BtnWid = Int(($GuiWid - 2 * $BtnBorder - $BtnInterval * $iBtns) / $iBtns), $BtnHeight = 30, $BtnLineY = $GuiHeight - $BtnHeight - $BtnBorder, $LVBorder = 5, $LVWid = $GuiWid - 2 * $LVBorder, $LVHeight = $GuiHeight - $BtnHeight - 2 * $BtnBorder Global $hMain = GUICreate($ProgTtitle, $GuiWid, $GuiHeight, -1, -1), $hRem GUISetBkColor(0x6BC072) ;~ Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|BaseYear|PreWarn|HiddenSort|PreWarn Text", 5, 5, 790, 445, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) Global $idLV = GUICtrlCreateListView("Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|BaseYear|PreWarn|HiddenSort|PreWarn Text", $LVBorder, $LVBorder, $LVWid, $LVHeight, BitOR($LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_REPORT), BitOR($LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xA6D9AA) ;~ GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idLV, '_SortByCol') _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 0, 220) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 1, 100) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 2, 80) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 4, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 5, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 6, 0) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 7, 200) $aBtnStart[0] = $BtnInterval For $i = 1 To $iBtns - 1 $aBtnStart[$i] = $aBtnStart[$i - 1] + $BtnWid + $BtnInterval Next Global $idBtnAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add a new reminder", $aBtnStart[0], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) Global $idBtnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete selected reminders", $aBtnStart[1], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) Global $idBtnEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Edit selected reminder", $aBtnStart[2], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) Global $idBtnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", $aBtnStart[3], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_ExitReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnDelete, '_DeleteReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnAdd, '_AddEditReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnEdit, '_AddEditReminder') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idBtnExit, '_ExitReminder') _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack($idLV) ; damit man das Listview (mit Klick auf die Spaltenuberschrift) sortieren kann _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, 6) ; Eintrage entsprechend sortieren _ReadLV() GUISetState() _CheckRemind() While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func _CheckRemind() Local $sQuest, $sFlag, $iRet, $iDiff, $aDate, $aTime, $dtNewDate, $dtHidSort, $sTitle Local $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, 0) ;Item 0 allways oldest in remindeing-queue If $aRemind[1] = "" Then Return ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind, 'Line 73') Local $dtNow = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) ConsoleWrite('line 75: ' & $dtNow & ' < ' & $aRemind[7] & ' Return? ' & ($dtNow < $aRemind[2]) & @CRLF) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) If $dtNow < $aRemind[7] Then Return _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $aDate, $aTime) Switch $aRemind[1] Case "EndofWork", "EndofHome";Two task to exit program when I close my PC when I leave Home or Office so it reads the Updated File from Dropbox when i start it at the other Location $dtNewDate = _DateAdd('d', 1, $aRemind[2]) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 6) _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() If @WDAY = 1 Or @WDAY = 7 Then Return;Sun/Sat WinClose("Lib:") If @ComputerName = $WorkPC And $aRemind[1] = "EndofWork" Then Exit MsgBox(262144, "Exiting", $aRemind[1] & $aRemind[2] & ">" & $dtNewDate, 2) If @ComputerName = $HomePC And $aRemind[1] = "EndofHome" Then Exit MsgBox(262144, "Exiting", $aRemind[1] & $aRemind[2] & ">" & $dtNewDate, 2) Return Case "Shutdown" Shutdown($SD_SHUTDOWN) Case "LogOff" Shutdown($SD_LOGOFF) EndSwitch Local $iDays, $iHours, $iMinutes Local $Border = 10, $MsgLen = StringLen($aRemind[1]), $GuiWid = _Max(_Min($MsgLen * 12, 1200), 250) Local $GuiHeight = 200, $iBtns = 3, $aBtnStart[$iBtns], $BtnInterval = 10, $BtnBorder = $Border, $BtnWid = Int(($GuiWid - 2 * $BtnBorder - $BtnInterval * $iBtns) / $iBtns), $BtnHeight = 25, $BtnLineY = $GuiHeight - $BtnHeight - $BtnBorder, $LVBorder = 5, $LVWid = $GuiWid - 2 * $LVBorder, $LVHeight = $GuiHeight - $BtnHeight - 2 * $BtnBorder Local $LabelWid3 = 30, $LabelWid = $GuiWid - 2 * $Border, $LblHeight = 25, $iLbls = 3, $aLblStart[$iLbls], $aCboStart[$iLbls], $LblInterval = 10, $LblBorder = $Border, $CboWid = 40 $aBtnStart[0] = $BtnInterval For $i = 1 To $iBtns - 1 $aBtnStart[$i] = $aBtnStart[$i - 1] + $BtnWid + $BtnInterval Next $aLblStart[0] = $Border $aCboStart[0] = $aLblStart[0] + $LabelWid3 + 2 For $i = 1 To $iLbls - 1 $aLblStart[$i] = $aLblStart[$i - 1] + $LabelWid3 + $CboWid + $LblInterval $aCboStart[$i] = $aLblStart[$i] + $LabelWid3 + 2 Next Local $aLabelTop = [5, 35, 70, 100, 130], $CboTop = $aLabelTop[4] - 2 Local $sFrmTitle = "Reminder Alert" Local $msg, $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime, $iHour, $iMinute _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) $hRem = GUICreate($sFrmTitle, $GuiWid, $GuiHeight, -1, -1, Default, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aRemind[1], $Border, $aLabelTop[0], $LabelWid, 25, $ES_center) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x2e2e2e) GUICtrlCreateLabel($aRemind[2], $Border, $aLabelTop[1], $LabelWid, 25, $ES_center) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x2e2e2e) ;~ Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($dtEventDate[1] & "/" & $dtEventDate[2] & "/" & $dtEventDate[3], 10, 55, 200, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Repeated:" & $aRemind[3] & ' ' & $aRemind[4], $Border, $aLabelTop[2], $LabelWid, $LblHeight, $ES_center) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Remind Again In:", $Border, $aLabelTop[3], $LabelWid, $LblHeight, $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Days:", $aLblStart[0], $aLabelTop[4], $LabelWid3, $LblHeight, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboDays = GUICtrlCreateCombo("00", $aCboStart[0], $CboTop, $CboWid, $LblHeight) GUICtrlSetData($idCboDays, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24") GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hours:", $aLblStart[1], $aLabelTop[4], $LabelWid3, $LblHeight, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHours = GUICtrlCreateCombo("00", $aCboStart[1], $CboTop, $CboWid, $LblHeight) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHours, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Mins:", $aLblStart[2], $aLabelTop[4], $LabelWid3, $LblHeight, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboMinutes = GUICtrlCreateCombo("00", $aCboStart[2], $CboTop, $CboWid, $LblHeight) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinutes, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60") Local $idBtnDone = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Done", $aBtnStart[0], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) Local $idBtnSnooze = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Snooze", $aBtnStart[1], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) Local $idBtnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Delete", $aBtnStart[2], $BtnLineY, $BtnWid, $BtnHeight) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hRem) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idBtnSnooze ;~ MsgBox (262144,"Exiting", "$idBtnSnooze") $iDays = GUICtrlRead($idCboDays) $iHours = GUICtrlRead($idCboHours) $iMinutes = GUICtrlRead($idCboMinutes) If $iDays < 0 Or $iHours < 0 Or $iMinutes < 0 Then ContinueLoop If $iDays = 0 And $iHours = 0 And $iMinutes = 0 Then ContinueLoop $dtHidSort = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & StringRight('00' & @HOUR, 2) & ':' & StringRight('00' & @MIN, 2) If $iDays > 0 Then $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $iDays, $dtHidSort) If $iHours > 0 Then $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('h', $iHours, $dtHidSort) If $iMinutes > 0 Then $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('n', $iMinutes, $dtHidSort) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) ExitLoop Case $idBtnDelete ;~ MsgBox (262144,"Exiting", "$idBtnDelete") _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) ExitLoop Case $idBtnDone, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;~ MsgBox (262144,$aRemind[1], $aRemind[2]) If $aRemind[3] = 'no' Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, 0) Else ;Intend to do: If event is daily with starting date 20/10/2022 and program has not run for some days of if i define an event with a past date then reminders will pop up for as many days until today ;Also intend to define repeated event LastDayOfMonth or FirstDayOf Month ;$FirstMonthDay=_DateAdd('m', 1, @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/01' ) ;$LastMonthDay=_DateAdd('d', -1, $FirstMonthDay ) ;$LastMonthDay=$FirstMonthDay with Prewarn 1 day ;$LastMonthDay=@YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & _DateDaysInMonth( @YEAR,@MON ) ;An Event with start 01/01/2020 and 2 months period will alert multiple times until Date reaches current day ;~ $iDiff = _DateDiff(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $dtNow, $aRemind[2]);Basic Periods(Y,M,d) past since initial Date ; $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), (Int($iDiff/$aRemind[4])+1)*$aRemind[4],$aRemind[2]);Repeats+1 ; $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), (Int(_DateDiff(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $dtNow, $aRemind[2])/$aRemind[4])+1)*$aRemind[4],$aRemind[2]);Repeats+1 ;~ $LastMonthDay = @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' + _DateDaysInMonth( @YEAR,@MON ) ;~ $LastMonthDay = @YEAR & '/01/31' ;~ $dtHidSort = @YEAR & '/' & @MON+1 & '/01' & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2] $dtNewDate = _DateAdd(StringLeft($aRemind[3], 1), $aRemind[4], $aDate[1] & '/' & $aDate[2] & '/' & $aDate[3] & ' ' & $aTime[1] & ':' & $aTime[2]) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtNewDate, 1) $dtHidSort = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $dtNewDate) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($idLV, 0, $dtHidSort, 6) EndIf ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hRem) GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_CheckRemind Func _ReadLV() Local $aLV, $sLV_Item, $iCols, $sQuest, $sFlag, $sTitle = 'incompatible Data?', $iRet _FileReadToArray($sLV_SavePath, $aLV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, '|') $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($idLV) ;~ ConsoleWrite($iCols & '|' & UBound($aLV, 2) & @CRLF) If $iCols <> UBound($aLV, 2) Then ;Return $sQuest = 'App has ' & $iCols & ' Cols, but DataFile has ' & UBound($aLV, 2) & ' Cols.' & @CRLF & @CRLF $sQuest &= 'Continue anyway?' $sFlag = BitOR($MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO) $iRet = MsgBox($sFlag, $sTitle, $sQuest, $iMax, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDYES Then Exit EndIf _ArraySort($aLV, 0, 0, 0, 6) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($idLV) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV, 'Line 135 ') If UBound($aLV, 2) < $iCols Then $iCols = UBound($aLV, 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aLV, 1) - 1 $sLV_Item = '' For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $sLV_Item &= $aLV[$i][$j] & '|' Next $sLV_Item = StringTrimRight($sLV_Item, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLV_Item, $idLV) GUICtrlSetTip($sLV_Item, $aLV[$i][1]) Next _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($idLV, 6, 0) EndFunc ;==>_ReadLV Func _SaveLV() Local $sLV_AllItems, $hFile For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($idLV) - 1 $sLV_AllItems &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $i) & @CRLF Next $sLV_AllItems = StringTrimRight($sLV_AllItems, 2) ; MsgBox(0, '', $sLV_AllItems) FileMove($sLV_SavePath, StringReplace($sLV_SavePath, '.txt', '.bak'), $FC_OVERWRITE) $hFile = FileOpen($sLV_SavePath, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile, $sLV_AllItems) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>_SaveLV Func _ExitReminder() _SaveLV() ConsoleWrite(_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($idLV, 1) & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>_ExitReminder Func _SortByCol() _GUICtrlListView_SortItems($idLV, GUICtrlGetState($idLV)) ; Eintrage entsprechend sortieren EndFunc ;==>_SortByCol Func _AddEditReminder() Local $idFrom = @GUI_CtrlId, $sFrmTitle, $aSelected, $aRemind[9], $sLVItem Local $msg, $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime, $iHour, $iMinute, $sQuest Local $aLabelLine = [180, 223, 245, 295], $BtnTop = 332, $BtnWidth = 200, $BtnHeight = 25 Switch $idFrom Case $idBtnAdd $sFrmTitle = "Add a reminder" ;~ $aRemind = StringSplit ("|" & @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' 08:00' & "|no|||0|2022/12/01 00:00|","|");name|2022/12/01 00:00|no|||0|2022/12/01 00:00| $aRemind = StringSplit("|" & @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "|no|||0|2022/12/01 00:00|", "|");name|2022/12/01 00:00|no|||0|2022/12/01 00:00| Case $idBtnEdit $aSelected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) If $aSelected[0] = 0 Then Return $sFrmTitle = "Edit reminder" $aRemind = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($idLV, $aSelected[1]) EndSwitch _DateTimeSplit($aRemind[2], $dtEventDate, $dtEventTime) ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) $hRem = GUICreate($sFrmTitle, 220, 360, -1, -1, Default, Default, $hMain) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reminder Name", 10, $aLabelLine[0], 180, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpEvent = GUICtrlCreateInput($aRemind[1], 10, 25, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($idInpEvent, 'The Reminder Name') Local $idDate = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($dtEventDate[1] & "/" & $dtEventDate[2] & "/" & $dtEventDate[3], 10, 55, 200, 160, $MCS_NOTODAY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Hour:", 5, $aLabelLine[1], 30, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboHour = GUICtrlCreateCombo($dtEventTime[1], 40, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboHour, "00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23") GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Minute:", 90, $aLabelLine[1], 40, 25, $SS_RIGHT) Local $idCboMinute = GUICtrlCreateCombo($dtEventTime[2], 140, 220, 40, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboMinute, "00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Repeat', 5, $aLabelLine[2], 60, 20) Local $idCboRepeat = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aRemind[3], 5, 262, 60, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboRepeat, "no|daily|weekly|Monthly|Yearly");, "no") GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Value', 70, $aLabelLine[2], 75, 20) Local $idInpVal = GUICtrlCreateEdit($aRemind[4], 70, 262, 35, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Base', 110, $aLabelLine[2], 75, 20) Local $idInpBD = GUICtrlCreateEdit($aRemind[5], 110, 262, 45, 25, $ES_Number) GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Pre Warn', 160, $aLabelLine[2], 75, 20) Local $idCboPreWarn = GUICtrlCreateCombo($aRemind[6], 160, 262, 30, 25) GUICtrlSetData($idCboPreWarn, "0|1|2|3|4|5");, "0") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pre Warning Text", 10, $aLabelLine[3], 200, 25, $ES_center) Local $idInpPrewarn = GUICtrlCreateInput($aRemind[8], 10, 310, 200, 20) Local $idBtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save Reminder", 10, $BtnTop, $BtnWidth, $BtnHeight) If $idFrom <> $idBtnEdit Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hRem) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $idInpEvent $aRemind[1] = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) If $aRemind[1] = '' Then GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($idBtnOK, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $idBtnOK $aRemind[1] = GUICtrlRead($idInpEvent) $dtEventDate = GUICtrlRead($idDate) $iHour = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboHour) $iMinute = '00' & GUICtrlRead($idCboMinute) $dtEventTime = StringRight($iHour, 2) & ":" & StringRight($iMinute, 2) $aRemind[2] = $dtEventDate & ' ' & $dtEventTime $aRemind[3] = GUICtrlRead($idCboRepeat) $aRemind[4] = GUICtrlRead($idInpVal) $aRemind[5] = GUICtrlRead($idInpBD) $aRemind[6] = Int(GUICtrlRead($idCboPreWarn)) $aRemind[7] = _DateAdd('d', $aRemind[6] * -1, $aRemind[2]) $aRemind[8] = GUICtrlRead($idInpPrewarn) For $i = 1 To 8 $sLVItem &= $aRemind[$i] If $i < 8 Then $sLVItem &= '|' Next ;ConsoleWrite($sLVItem & @CRLF) ;"Event|Date+Time|Repeated|Interval|Birthdate|PreWarn|HiddenSort|PreWarn Text" ;_ArrayDisplay($aRemind) Switch $idFrom Case $idBtnAdd GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLVItem, $idLV) Case $idBtnEdit GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLVItem, $idLV) $sQuest = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aSelected[1]) Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Remove ' & $aSelected[0] & ' original reminder?', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, $aSelected[1]) ;~ If GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sLVItem, $idLV) > 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($idLV, $aSelected[1]) EndSwitch GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hRem) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(BitOR(@SW_ENABLE, @SW_SHOW), $hMain) Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ;ConsoleWrite(Opt('GUIOnEventMode') & @CRLF) AdlibUnRegister('_CheckRemind') _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($idLV) _SaveLV() _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($idLV, $g_bSortSense, 6, False) ; Prevent sort direction toggling for next insertion _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($idLV) AdlibRegister('_CheckRemind', 15000) EndFunc ;==>_AddEditReminder Func _DeleteReminder() Local $aLV_Selected = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($idLV, True) ;_ArrayDisplay($aLV_Selected, 'Line 238') Local $sQuest For $i = 1 To $aLV_Selected[0] $sQuest &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($idLV, $aLV_Selected[$i]) If $i <> $aLV_Selected[0] Then $sQuest &= @CRLF Next Local $iRet = MsgBox(BitOR($MB_YESNO, $MB_ICONQUESTION), 'Delete ' & $aLV_Selected[0] & ' selected Items', $sQuest, 0, $hMain) If $iRet <> $IDNO Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($idLV) EndFunc ;==>_DeleteReminder Â
Skysnake Posted December 30, 2022 Posted December 30, 2022 (edited) I have been thinking about this project. It reflects many scripting skills not easily acquired. Perhaps this can be turned into a tutorial of sorts. It is functional, has a clear purpose and in itself may be useful to other users. PS Adding SQL / database capability will allow adding functionality such as contact details and pre-defining certain reminder types. Skysnake Edited January 2, 2023 by Skysnake Skysnake Why is the snake in the sky?
hawkair Posted January 2, 2023 Author Posted January 2, 2023 On 12/30/2022 at 6:01 PM, Skysnake said: I have been thinking about this project. It reflects many scripting skills not easily acquired. Perhaps this can be turned into a tutorial of sorts. It is functional, has a clear purpose and in itself may be useful to other users. PS Adding SQL / database capability will allow adding functionality such as contact details and pre-defining certain reminder types. Skynsnake I agree. I could never have done it without AutoBerts expertise on ListViews. Even though it covers my needs as is, I am open to ideas for improvement
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