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within the parentheses of a function | func example()

Go to solution Solved by Luke94,

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 i utilize functions often but have yet to add anything within the parentheses.

func example() ; <==


can someone politely walk me through "what happens within the parentheses?"
the help directory is somewhat confusing to me at times..


random script for example:

#Include <File.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>

$Debug = 0

Func EmptyFolder($FolderToDelete) ; <=== *here*
    $AllFiles =_FileListToArray($FolderToDelete, "*", 0)
    If $Debug Then MsgBox(0, "", $FolderToDelete)
    If IsArray($AllFiles) Then
        If $Debug Then
            _ArrayDisplay($AllFiles, $FolderToDelete)
        For $i = 1 To $AllFiles[0]
            FileDelete($FolderToDelete & "\" & $AllFiles[$i])
            DirRemove($FolderToDelete & "\" & $AllFiles[$i], 1)

EmptyFolder(@ScriptDir & "\Example")

is the variable being declared / read?


Have you read this?


The ByRef keyword indicates that the parameter should be treated as a reference to the original. By default the parameter is copied into a new variable but ByRef links the new variable to the original. Note that not only a named variable can be passed for a ByRef parameter - unnamed temporary variables, such as function return values, may be passed as ByRef parameters as well. However, a literal cannot be passed to a ByRef parameter. ByRef should be used when passing large amounts of data (such as the contents of a file) where copying all the data would impose a significant performance penalty. Another advantage is that passing a parameter ByRef when the function is intended to change the content of the parameter removes any requirement to Return the changed value as the original is directly affected.


8 minutes ago, Luke94 said:

Have you read this?



the help directory is somewhat confusing to me at times..

so, it is safe to say, "the information within the parentheses" is called ByRef?

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

No, the information within the parentheses (parameter) is passed by the user which is then copied into a new variable for use within the function - any changes made to the variable will be Local. See https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Best_coding_practices#Scopes_of_Variables

Declaring ByRef links the parameter to the original variable meaning any changes made to the variable within the function will be made to the original variable.

This feels like a bad example but have a look anyway:

Global $g_sText = 'iamkoshr' ; This is the variable we are passing to the functions

ConsoleWrite('Global Variable: ' & $g_sText & @CRLF) ; Here the output WILL be changed even though the parameter was changed within Function1
ConsoleWrite('Global Variable: ' & $g_sText & @CRLF) ; Here the output will NOT be changed because the ByRef keyword was used

Func Function1($sText)
    ConsoleWrite('Parameter: ' & $sText & @CRLF) ; Output the parameter passed by the user
    $sText = 'CHANGED!' ; Change the parameter

Func Function2(ByRef $sText)
    ConsoleWrite('Parameter: ' & $sText & @CRLF) ; Output the parameter passed by the user
    $sText = 'BYREF CHANGED!' ; Change the parameter


Edited by Luke94
#Include <File.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>

$Debug = 0

Func EmptyFolder($FolderToDelete) ; <=== *here* -- This parameter is then stored as a new variable and used with the function
    $AllFiles =_FileListToArray($FolderToDelete, "*", 0) ; Used here
    If $Debug Then MsgBox(0, "", $FolderToDelete) ; Used here
    If IsArray($AllFiles) Then
        If $Debug Then
            _ArrayDisplay($AllFiles, $FolderToDelete) ; Used here
        For $i = 1 To $AllFiles[0]
            FileDelete($FolderToDelete & "\" & $AllFiles[$i]) ; Used here
            DirRemove($FolderToDelete & "\" & $AllFiles[$i], 1) ; Used here

EmptyFolder(@ScriptDir & "\Example") ; Here you are calling the EmptyFolder function with the parameter @ScriptDir & "\Example"

; It's the same as doing:

; Global $sParam = @ScriptDir & "\Example"
; EmptyFolder($sParam)


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