Developers Jos Posted Monday at 03:33 PM Author Developers Posted Monday at 03:33 PM 5 minutes ago, donnyh13 said: Still not working, but my version is still off? It reflects the last modified date/time so it could be different when I have ran the installer myself after merging the changes into the Repository. I've checked the sources are the same. In case it doesn't work, then please enable the debugging and share the debug log with me. donnyh13 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 03:36 PM Posted Monday at 03:36 PM (edited) I edited my post, but since we are on a new page, here it is again: Quote !08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->! ===== Start AddMissingIncludes for ALL to current script C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Testing.au3 08:30:12 AutoItIndentFix->BeginEvents->OnStartup->### <<< AutoItIndentFix:OnStartup 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->BeginEvents->OnStartup->### <<< AutoItDynamicIncludes:OnStartup 08:30:12 AutoItIndentFix->BeginEvents->OnStartup->### <<< AutoItIndentFix:OnStartup 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->BeginEvents->OnStartup->### <<< AutoItDynamicIncludes:OnStartup -08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->reload_apis->->reloadproperties: >08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->>> All:0-46 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes-> => 0 2 -1 | _Word_Create 0 0 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes-> => 0 4 2 | MsgBox 4 0 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes-> -> 0 4 4 | $MB_OK 9 8 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes-> Add atSourceWords Word $MB_OK :9 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->### Start processing found words 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes-> -> $mb_ok 9 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->==> Initial VARIABLE FILE globalconst tableload: 3 08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->==> Initial VARIABLE STD globalconst tableload: 0 >08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->> Variable FILE: $mb_ok iFileName: Includename: Includepath: >08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->> Variable STD: $mb_ok igFileName: gIncludename: gIncludepath: -08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->- UDFs Processed:0 -08:30:12 AutoItDynamicIncludes->- Global Const Processed:1 > done, no includes to add.(v20252602 0537) Using Script: _Word_Create() MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "") With Debug enabled: debug.autoitdynamicincludes=Y debug.autoitautocomplete=y debug.autoitindentfix=y Edited Monday at 03:38 PM by donnyh13 LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 03:46 PM Posted Monday at 03:46 PM If it's working on your end, perhaps it's something on my end. Maybe I'll try playing with some stuff and see what's happening. Thanks for your help Jos. LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
Developers Jos Posted Monday at 03:50 PM Author Developers Posted Monday at 03:50 PM Looks like you aren't picking up all standard stuff you get 0 for the second line while I get: 15:52:49 AutoItDynamicIncludes->==> Initial VARIABLE FILE globalconst tableload: 226 15:52:49 AutoItDynamicIncludes->==> Initial VARIABLE STD globalconst tableload: 13673 You might want to get rid if those cache files so they will be rebuild. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 03:54 PM Posted Monday at 03:54 PM (edited) I deleted both the "AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE" and "\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE" folders and let the the installer re-fill it with files. This should have done it? Edit: Sorry, not just the lua folder, but all the Scite Folder. Edited Monday at 03:59 PM by donnyh13 LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 03:56 PM Posted Monday at 03:56 PM Here is my new, current User properties. expandcollapse popupimport au3.UserUdfs import au3.keywords.user.abbreviations ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## dynamic.include Directives and properties reference ## ----------------------------------------------------- #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include=y ;dynamic.include=y/n #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_whiletyping=y ;dynamic.include.whiletyping=y/n #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_recursive_check=n ;dynamic.include.recursive.check=n/y #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_use_local_cache=n ;dynamic.include.use.local.cache=n/y #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_version=prod ;dynamic.include.version=prod/beta #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_verboselevel=0 ;dynamic.include.verbose.level=0/1/2 #SciTE4AutoIt3_Dynamic_Include_Path= #SciTE4AutoIt3_AutoItDynamicIncludes_debug=n ;debug.autoitdynamicincludes=n/y #SciTE4AutoIt3_AutoItAutocomplete_debug=n ;debug.autoitautocomplet=n/y #SciTE4AutoIt3_AutoItGotoDefinition_debug=n ;debug.autoitgotodefinition=n/y #SciTE4AutoIt3_AutoItTools_debug=n ;debug.autoIttools=n/y ## ================================================ ## dynamic.include config ## ================================================ #> dynamic.include=y/n n=disabled y=will automatically build the func tables for coloring and autocomplete (requires restart SciTE!) dynamic.include=y #> whiletyping=y/n n=disabled y=will automatically add any required standard or USERincludefile for the current line, on the fly, when ) or enter ispressed !) dynamic.include.whiletyping=y #> use.local.cache=n/y n=disable y=Use cache file for local Include UDFs and VARs which could increase the speed when you have a lot of local includefiles which normally shouldn't be the case dynamic.include.use.local.cache=n #> version prod=Use AutoIt3 Production version beta=Use AutoIt3 Beta version #~ dynamic.include.version=prod #> recursive.check=n/y n=disable y=When you like to only add an Include when it isn't included through another #included file yet. dynamic.include.recursive.check=y # level of debug messages 0/1/2 0=disabled; 1= Warnings & Timing per Function; 2=1+Total timing #~ dynamic.include.verbose.level=0 #> Max number of includes files to read from the user directories in the list. This doesn't including the standard AutoIt3 includes. dynamic.max.includes=300 #> Max number total UDFs in the Userlist to handle by dynamic includes. This doesn't including the standard AutoIt3 includes-UDFs. dynamic.max.funcs=3000 #> Scriptlines longer that this value won't be looked at for Checking for required #Include statements. #~ dynamic.max.line.length=300 ## ================================================ ## Autocomplete and call tip settings ## ================================================ #~ autocomplete.au3.disable=0 autocomplete.au3.ignorecase=1 # Define minimum length before AutoComplete dropdown is shown- default=2 autocomplete.au3.min.length=2 # Include Abbrevs in AutoComplete dropdown (default=1/y) #~ autocomplete.au3.include_abbrevs=1 # Don't show AutoItComplete with these styles (Internal only in SciTE4AutoIt3) #~ autocomplete.ignore.styles.$(au3)=1;2;3;6;7;10;13 # Define which character will be added after Tab or Enter was entered and not on a Function/UDF: Can be \s \t \n for space;tab;newline #~ autocomplete.au3.on.enter=\n #~ # List of all AutoComplete API files used #~ api.$(au3)=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\au3.api;$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\au3.autoit3wrapper.api;$(SciteUserHome)\au3.std.dynamic.calltips.api;$(SciteUserHome)\au3.file.dynamic.calltips.api;$(SciteUserHome)\au3.usr.dynamic.calltips.api;$(SciteUserHome)\au3.user.calltips.api ## ================================================ ## Separate settings for debugging these Lua files ## ================================================ #> Enable debugging for these lua scripts: debug.autoitdynamicincludes=Y debug.autoitautocomplete=y # debug.autoitgotodefinition=n debug.autoitindentfix=y # debug.autoittools=n #> when debug.tofile is defined, log records will be send to the log in stead of OutputPane: debug.tofile= #~ debug.tofile=$(SciteUserHome)\SciTE_LUA_Scripts_Debug.err #~ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
Developers Jos Posted Monday at 03:57 PM Author Developers Posted Monday at 03:57 PM Yes, %localappdata%\AutoIt v3\SciTE contains the cache files: donnyh13 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 04:03 PM Posted Monday at 04:03 PM Both of my tbl files are currently empty. Quote return { -- Table: {1} { }, } LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
Developers Jos Posted Monday at 04:14 PM Author Developers Posted Monday at 04:14 PM That's what I expected as the log stated there were no Global variables. I would need the log that is generated at startup of SciTE as that is the time these files are build. We can take this offline (PM/EMail) when you want. donnyh13 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 04:25 PM Posted Monday at 04:25 PM (edited) Okay. What debugging should I turn on etc. and I would set the " debug.tofile=" correct? Edit: PM sent. Edited Monday at 04:43 PM by donnyh13 Jos 1 LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
Developers Jos Posted Monday at 06:39 PM Author Developers Posted Monday at 06:39 PM Uploaded an updated installer that contains the fix for dynamic includes not reading the standard includes correctly. Thank you for the support @donnyh13 donnyh13 and SOLVE-SMART 1 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
donnyh13 Posted Monday at 06:50 PM Posted Monday at 06:50 PM (edited) Thanks for your time and effort in developing and debugging the Scite tools Jos, Much appreciated! Edit: By the way, I look forward to this, if it's possible. 6 hours ago, Jos said: PS: I have it on my list to look at also scanning through the user includes as defined in the registry, Edited Monday at 08:55 PM by donnyh13 SOLVE-SMART 1 LibreOffice UDF ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice Spoiler "Life is chiefly made up, not of great sacrifices and wonderful achievements, but of little things. It is oftenest through the little things which seem so unworthy of notice that great good or evil is brought into our lives. It is through our failure to endure the tests that come to us in little things, that the habits are molded, the character misshaped; and when the greater tests come, they find us unready. Only by acting upon principle in the tests of daily life can we acquire power to stand firm and faithful in the most dangerous and most difficult positions."
Developers Jos Posted Tuesday at 07:40 PM Author Developers Posted Tuesday at 07:40 PM On 3/3/2025 at 7:50 PM, donnyh13 said: By the way, I look forward to this, if it's possible. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it and have some time to burn. 🙂 preview version: It scans for any potential Include files *.au3 file that contain a Func names with format _*.au3 and *Constants*.au3 files for Global Const $vars defined in these paths: @Scriptpath @Scriptpath\include @AutoIt3Dir\include Any defined private include directories in RegRead("HKCU\Software\AutoIt v3\Autoit", "Include") It takes a couple of seconds for me to read all include files for UDFs & Vars and then depending on the script size again a few seconds to check if any #include is required and found/known. Maybe some can try it to see how it performs on their systems. WildByDesign and SOLVE-SMART 2 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
mLipok Posted 3 hours ago Posted 3 hours ago On 3/4/2025 at 8:40 PM, Jos said: Maybe some can try it to see how it performs on their systems. I will check deeply next few days ... don't call the wolf out of the forest Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... * Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 * My contribution to others projects or UDF based on others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related: * How to use IE.au3 UDF with AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming" , be and \\//_. Anticipating Errors : "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
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