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Posted (edited)


Added returning 0 and setting @Error to 2 when Driver is not installed (tested, fixed last one)

If you run into any problems with it tell me.


Edited by cdkid
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

Hi. I was playing with this UDF, and finally found sth like that.

With $var
While NOT .EOF
_ArrayInsert ( $aaa, $i, .Fields("name").value )
$i +=1 

I wanted to ask, if there is some other way to get an Array with elements from DB I asked for in query?

I can`t understand some of the syntax code here. What Does this .Fields.("name").value do? What is .MoveNext used for? I couldn`t find this in AutoIt manual, so i suppose it`s some code from ODBC.

ps. God bless You for that UDF :)


notice the "With $var", so .EOF is the same as $var.EOF, .Fields("name").value is the same as $var.Fields("name").value, etc.

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


.MoveNext reads the next raw from the MySQL query output (assuming your query gives many raws with data, not just one).

.Field("name").value, returns the value of the field "name" in your MySQL output.

If you want to have it more clear, download the MySQL Query Browser from www.mysql.org. Give in this program your queries manually and check the output of them on your screen.

You will then understand the logic of "raws" and "fields".

Posted (edited)

Yes, the query browser displays the results like this

COLUMN 1 would be $var.Fields(0)


COLUMN 'first_name' would be $var.Fields("first_name")

And then reading the next ROW would be $var.MoveNext

so let's say you have a table called names with two fields

first name & last name

and you have two records

it would look like this




To get all values from that you would do

$var = _Query($sql, "SELECT * FROM names")
With $var
While NOT .EOF; is equal to "Do this until we run out of records"
MsgBox(0,'',.Fields('first_name') & " - - - - " & .Fields("last_name"));Msgbox the first & last name of the first record
.MoveNext;Move to the next row

I hope this clears things up a bit.

The query browser (as erebus said) is extremely useful for working with ODBC/MySQL COM


Edited by cdkid
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

@cdkid: I managed to handle the COM errors with your tip in the 3rd post of this thread. However I was thinking, since the normal @error macros doesn't seem to work with the COM objects, why don't you remove them from your UDFs?

I think (since we can't use them) we will all save some 'execution' time at least with this.

Posted (edited)

$query = "SELECT id FROM `rooster` WHERE dag = '" & $dag & "' AND klas = '" & $klas &"' AND uur = '" & $uur & "' LIMIT 1"
$id = _Query($sql, $query)
MsgBox(0, "", $id )

This query returns 3 when i run it in phpMyadmin but when i run it here it returns 0@¬ and stuff like p©? .

Is this a known problem?

Edit: I worked my way around this but i still think this should be fixed.

Edited by Manadar
Posted (edited)

It is returning an object... try

$query = "SELECT id FROM `rooster` WHERE dag = '" & $dag & "' AND klas = '" & $klas &"' AND uur = '" & $uur & "' LIMIT 1"
$id = _Query($sql, $query)
With $id
While NOT .EOF
MsgBox(0, "", $id.Fields('id').Value) 

Please read the examples before you claim there is a bug in my code... :)


Edited by cdkid
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

Well, i dont know what's going on, but are you sure that it's set up as a MySQL Server?

AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

You're using SQL? or MySQL?

AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!

Absolutely, I'm using SQL 5.0 now, i used to run 4.1.9 i think and that worked fine. When i'm using netstat -a it says it's listening on port 3306 so i guess it's up and running.

I have MySql server 5.0.18 and everything runs fine. I suppose you have sth wrong with your odbc driver.
Posted (edited)

I'm running MySql server 5.0.17 . I'll try to get MySql server 5.0.18 up and running and then try again. If it doesn't i will redownload and reinstall ODBC driver's. I'll get back to you soon.

I installed 5.0.19 and it's working exactly as it is supposed to. I wrote a little SQL analyser, pretty nifty. I'll post it later i have homework now :)

Edited by Manadar

So much for homework lol... No includes, ready to compile and use wherever you like. :)

Global Const $ES_PASSWORD           = 32
Global Const $ES_AUTOVSCROLL        = 64
Global Const $ES_AUTOHSCROLL        = 128

$sDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}"
Local $v = StringMid($sDriver, 2, StringLen($sDriver) - 2)
Local $key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers", $val = RegRead($key, $v)
If @error or $val = "" Then
    $error = 1

Dim $error, $sql, $dontshow

$objErr = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc")

GUICreate("MySQL Analyser", 350, 205)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("User:", 10, 15)
$username=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 65, 10, 100, 25, 128) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", 10, 50)
$password=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 65, 45, 100, 25, 32)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server*:", 175, 15)
$server=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 230, 10, 100, 25, 128)

$logbox=GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 75, 330, 95, 64)

$vinkje=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Msgbox Errors", 10, 175)

$connect=GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 260, 175, 80, 25)

If $error = 1 Then
    GUICtrlSetData($logbox,@CRLF & "MySQL ODBC Driver 3.51 not installed!" & @CRLF & "Download from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/3.51.html", 1)
    GUICtrlSetData($logbox,"Welcome to MySQL Analyser" & @CRLF & "Be careful, this program will test on database 'fiets123'" & @CRLF & "Any data stored there will be lost" & @CRLF, 1)


While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

    If $msg = -3 Then Exit
    If $msg = $connect Then
        If GUICtrlRead($server) = "" Then
            GUICtrlSetData($logbox, "Server field is required" & @CRLF, 1)
            GUICtrlSetData($logbox, "Connecting.." & @CRLF, 1)
            $sql = _MySQLConnect(GUICtrlRead($username), GUICtrlRead($password), "", GUICtrlRead($server))
            If $error = "" Then
                GUICtrlSetData($logbox, "Starting queries" & @CRLF, 1)
                $dontshow = "1"
                _Query($sql, "CREATE DATABASE `fiets123`;")
                If $error = "1" Then
                    _Query($sql, "DROP DATABASE `fiets123` ")
                    $dontshow = ""
                    _Query($sql, "CREATE DATABASE `fiets123`;")
                $sql = _MySQLConnect(GUICtrlRead($username), GUICtrlRead($password), "fiets123", GUICtrlRead($server))
                GUICtrlSetData($logbox, "Unable to connect" & @CRLF, 1)
            $error = ""

Func Queries()
    _Query($sql, "CREATE TABLE `aapje321` (`id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`546` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,`aaan` VARCHAR( 243 ) NOT NULL ,`gekkie` VARCHAR( 111 ) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) );")
    _Query($sql, "INSERT INTO `aapje321` ( `id` , `546` , `aaan` , `gekkie` ) VALUES ('', 'gegeven1', 'gegeven2', 'gegeven3');")
    _Query($sql, "TRUNCATE TABLE `aapje321` ")
    _Query($sql, "DROP TABLE `aapje321` ")
    _Query($sql, "DROP DATABASE `fiets123` ")
    If $error = "" Then
        GUICtrlSetData($logbox, "All queries were performed succesfully" & @CRLF, 1)

Func _Query($oConnectionObj,$sQuery)
    if isobj($oConnectionobj) Then
        Return $oConnectionobj.execute($sQuery)
    if @error Then
        return 0

Func _MySQLConnect($sUsername, $sPassword, $sDatabase, $sServer, $sDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}")
    $ObjConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
    $Objconn.open("DRIVER=" & $sDriver & ";SERVER=" & $sServer & ";DATABASE=" & $sDatabase & ";UID=" & $sUsername & ";PWD=" & $sPassword & ";")
    if @error Then
        return 0
        return $objconn

func _MySQLEnd($oConnectionObj)
    if isobj($oConnectionObj) Then
    return 1
    return 0

Func MyErrFunc()
    If $dontshow = "" Then
        If GUICtrlRead($vinkje) = 1 Then
            Msgbox(0,"","COM Error"     & @CRLF                & @CRLF & _
                         "err.description is: " & $objErr.description   & @CRLF & _
                         "err.windescription is: " & $objErr.windescription & @CRLF & _
                         "err.number is: "       & $hexnum               & @CRLF & _
                         "err.source is: "       & $objErr.source _
            GUICtrlSetData($logbox, StringReplace($objErr.description, "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]", "[Error]") & @CRLF, 1)
            $error = "1"
            GUICtrlSetData($logbox, StringReplace($objErr.description, "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]", "[Error]") & @CRLF, 1)
            $error = "1"

Well it doesn`t work for me :)

When I test my localhost, it works fine, but after this when i try to test some fake adress it says that everything is ok :mellow:

Posted (edited)

Hi !

First of all, congratulation for this udf !

I have myself coded mysql function, but your look better, so i give it a try

but i have a probleme with your first exemple :

$sql = _MySQLConnect('root','','test','localhost')
$test = _CreateTable($sql, 'testtable', 'tt_id')
_AddRecord($sql, 'testtable', 'tt_id', 1)

$count = _CountRecords($sql,  'testtable', 'tt_id', 1)
;this executes the query "SELECT * FROM `testtable` WHERE `tt_id` = 1 then counts the records

it return me a msg box with this :


and autoit return this :

>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe "G:\Temp\autoit\test_mysql.au3"

G:\Temp\autoit\mysql.au3 (200) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.:

$oConnectionObj.execute ($str)

$oConnectionObj.execute ($str)^ ERROR

- I use WAMP5 (mysql)

- installed odbc driver with the provided link in your topic

- for test $sql (ligne 1 of your exemple) not return me a 0

- the table test exist in my database, like testtable, tt_id with value of 1 ( so the create function work well)

- if i run again the script with a another add record, this work well too ( have got 2 record in the base) but i got the same error :

G:\Temp\autoit\mysql.au3 (131) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.:

$oconnectionobj.execute ($query)

$oconnectionobj.execute ($query)^ ERROR

Thanks if you can help me

PS : if i run the script of Manadar ( 2 post before ) all working well without any error message

Edited by pinkfoyd

a "The requested action with this object has failed." Often pops up when the query itself is wrong, you might want to try running the same query in a phpMyAdmin environment. Or try to find the mistake in the query yourself if you have some knowledge of SQL.

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