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retrieving window info and test from non-browser app - (Moved)


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I'm trying to automate a repetitious task in a third party app, and neither the x86 or x64 Spy can see anything on the page except mouse motions..  The app includes multiple screens (that look like windows), and some links and buttons I need to press based on displayed text.  It's an SQL based app, so learning enough SQL to perform the task is more than I'm ready to tackle.

In the enclosed example, I need to click through the list of entries, and each entry offers different options on on subsequent screen.  I've got the script to the point where I can click through all the links and move between pages based solely on mouse coordinates, but I have to pause for human interaction after each click to respond to varying predictable questions with easy answers, typically clicking some boxes or clicking a button, where mouse coordinates aren't useful if I can't identify the questions.

Can someone point me at the functions that might help with this endeavor?


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Moved to the appropriate forum.

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Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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Using UIASpy  F1 and F2 results in the same instance/control name for everything in the list, with no sign of content.  If I could read all the content in a block, I could parse it, but I'll need to read the user guide a little more to see if there is more buried somewhere.

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I am running the app and UIASpy on the remote computer's desktop.  I am connected (at the moment) via RDP, but I don't think that should interfere.  I'll be at the office later to try it locally.

I'm guessing the app is opening a pseudo-window and using an SQL Query to create the table.  SQL may not obey the usual rules for windows/instances/controls.? Although the screen shot looks like multiple windows, you can't iconify or change the window order, so they aren't "real" windows.

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On win10 there is : 

On Win7 I used quite successfully MODI.document COM object (very easy to implement).

Ofc, Tesseract is an obvious option.

You can create your own specialized OCR script based on my Screen Scraping UDF (see signature).  I have done that twice very effectively.  When you know what you are looking for (number vs alphabetic) and the colors (foreground and background), it is not that hard believe me...

But my preferred solution (in your situation) would be to call directly the database with SQL statement.

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Unfortunately, UWPOCR (or the built in Windows software) doesn't parse underscores.  Single "_" gets converted to a " "(space) and a double "_" character (e.g. "__")  Is treated as a delimiter which scrambles my whole result.  Also, given the font size, it mis-recognizes some characters frequently ("D" and "O" in particular).  I've tried doing the _screencapture to capture a single line, and it won't recognize small areas for unknown reasons.

I've looked at the SQL approach, and given that my app has 1400 interwoven tables, it's not for the meek.

Edited by jimg
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I think you are giving up too easily.  There is always a solution, always.  But you need to stay positive.  Your reaction is quite negative atm.  Anyway, unless you start showing some code you made with specific examples of DB schema or precise image of what you have tried to automate so far, I am afraid our help will end here.

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I have no documentation of the SQL data, and there are no database diagrams (I assume those might be enlightening).  Decoding the 1400 primary tables to extract the appropriate entries and find the links to the files is beyond my capabilities to accomplish in just a few days. This is a 30gb database.  I'm a retired hardware guy, not a programmer.

The UWPOCR was very promising until I realized the OCR couldn't deal with underscores.  In a further twist, it won't recognize the phrase "XML" or "xml" either - it simply acts like they are not there.  Almost like it is hiding known filename extensions...

My screen copy produces "scrape.jpg" and the single line of code will not recognize it, as shown in "list.txt" .I've overlapped the file manager to show that it recognizes that part of the screen.

$list = _UWPOCR_GetText($imagefilepath1)

I've played with the area dimensions to include more or less space, eliminate the artifacts from the column separators, etc.


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Curiously, if I create the same data using Notepad, it translates fine.  I've enhanced the brightness/contrast, eliminated the alternate background colors etc. and the attached image just doesn't work (on several Win10 desktops).  Mystified.

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I've managed to solve my problem by using Tesseract on very small screen regions.  If I get all the table lines out of the image, Tesseract is quite good at recognition despite background color, etc.  Luckily, in my application, once I know the location of a cell in the table, the other cell locations are just math.  So I have a calibration function that allows the user to tweak coordinates using a sort of homebrew magnifier function.

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I'm not sure what MSAA mode is.  Not anywhere obvious.

The entire table lives in one Pane and I don't get any data as I move the cursor around the table.  

There's no export function, and the data is the result of an SQL query, which I don't have access to, since it's an proprietary EHR package.

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You are in the area of an application thats not easily recognizable and as such you have to google and read a lot. google for inspect.exe and you will find

But check also FAQ31 

Tell whats recognized with different spy tools.
If you give classnames of windows and tell whats getting highlighted and what not maybe someone can help further.

But at first sight it looks you will be stuck with OCR, bitblt functions and calculations.


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