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I have not used Autoit for a while but a recent project required me to automate two scanners using 32 bits drivers. The C++ program could not access these directly as I am using a 64 bit compiler. So the simplest solution was to execute an external program that will interface with the scanners using Twain. The available programs did not give me the control I wanted so I searched for a library I could interface with in Autoit.

The library is called EZTwain Classic Library, http://www.eztwain.com/eztwain1.htm but it seems that you can not download the zip? but I have found an earlier version online.

I have converted about 80% of the available functions. The rest I did not see a need for. The Twain low level access "_EZTwain_CallMgr" and "_EZTwain_CallDS" functions are limited  :(

The Manufacturer's interface will show up when using function " _EZTwain_DeviceUserInterface($hWnd)" but it hangs when you ask to scan :(

Here is the simplest way to scan and save as a BMP file.

#include <twain_udf.au3>

$ezDebug = 1 ;obtain console debug messages

_EZTwain_Start() ;load Easy Twain Classic library

_EZTwain_LoadSourceManager() ;load source

;_EZTwain_DeviceSelect() ; use to open GUI to select Twain device

_EZTwain_DeviceOpen() ; open default Twain device

;_EZTwain_DeviceSetDPI(600) ;used to get image DPI

_EZTwain_DeviceAcquire_File("d:\test.bmp") ; Scan image and save as a BMP file

;$hDIB = _EZTwain_DeviceAcquire_DIB() ; Used to scan file and save in memory as DIB image

_EZTwain_Stop() ; Clean up and unload DLL


It is not fully tested.

EZTW32.dll eztwain_example.au3 twain_enum.au3 twain_struct.au3 twain_udf.au3


Had to fix small issues to UDF files to get some of the low level functions to work correctly. I only show the get operations here but you can also set using _EZTwain_SetCapValue function and $MSG_SET operation.


#include <twain_udf.au3>

$ezDebug = 1 ;obtain console debug messages

_EZTwain_Start() ;load Easy Twain Classic library

_EZTwain_LoadSourceManager() ;load source

_EZTwain_DeviceOpen() ; open default Twain device

; Using low level Capabilities get operation
$tTemp = DllStructCreate("word;")
$pTemp = DllStructGetPtr($tTemp)

ConsoleWrite("Bit Depth returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Bit Order returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Image Compression returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Pixel Flavor returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Pixel Type returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Planar chunky returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Supported Sizes returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Units returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Transfer Mechanism returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Device Duplex returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

$tTemp = DllStructCreate("long;")
$pTemp = DllStructGetPtr($tTemp)

ConsoleWrite("Physical Height returned value = " & _EZTwain_Fix32ToFloat(DllStructGetData($tTemp,1)) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Physical Width returned value = " & _EZTwain_Fix32ToFloat(DllStructGetData($tTemp,1)) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("X Resolution returned value = " & _EZTwain_Fix32ToFloat(DllStructGetData($tTemp,1)) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Y Resolution returned value = " & _EZTwain_Fix32ToFloat(DllStructGetData($tTemp,1)) & @CRLF)

$tTemp = DllStructCreate("boolean;")
$pTemp = DllStructGetPtr($tTemp)

ConsoleWrite("DEVICEONLINE returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Duplex enabled returned value = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp,1) & @CRLF)

; Examples of Operation Triplets to obtain twain device identity

$tTemp = DllStructCreate($tagTW_IDENTITY)
$pTemp = DllStructGetPtr($tTemp)

For $i = 0 To 12
   ConsoleWrite( $ezIdentity[$i] & " = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp, $i+1) & @CRLF)

For $i = 0 To 12
   ConsoleWrite( $ezIdentity[$i] & " = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp, $i+1) & @CRLF)

For $i = 0 To 12
   ConsoleWrite( $ezIdentity[$i] & " = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp, $i+1) & @CRLF)

For $i = 0 To 12
   ConsoleWrite( $ezIdentity[$i] & " = " & DllStructGetData($tTemp, $i+1) & @CRLF)

_EZTwain_Stop() ; Clean up and unload DLL



twain_enum.au3 twain_struct.au3 twain_udf.au3

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