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Stuck in my project C# (Bodyfat)


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I'm stuck in this project, I need help figuring out how to write these formulas correctly in C# language and make the application run correctly, the idea of prject is to use Visual Studio to create an application where you will calculate a person’s lean body weight, fat mass, percent body fat, and ideal weight.

Women Thirty Years and Younger

hips + (.80 x thigh) – (2 x calf) – wrist = % body fat

Women over Thirty

hips + thigh – (2 x calf) – wrist = % body fat

Men Thirty Years and Younger

waist + (1/2 hips) – (3 x forearm) – wrist = % body fat

Men over Thirty

waist + (1/2 hips) – (2.7 x forearm) – wrist = % body fat


Lean Body Mass (pounds) ÷ 0.85 = correct weight to be 15% fat


Lean Body Mass (pounds) ÷ 0.78 = correct weight to be 22% fat

I have attached screenshot shows where I'm stuck please Help!




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HI @karam92,

can you provide your current state of the solution/project here via zip archive or external link for example?
It would also be helpful if you provide more information what exactly isn't working and how do you want to proceed 😉 .

Best regards

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