Funtime60 Posted February 2, 2022 Posted February 2, 2022 I have found that when setting a GUICtrlPic to blank with "" and then setting it back to the original image with a new File name it will mess with the size of the image ignoring GUICtrlSetPos both before and after setting the file to use. The pertinent lines are lines 182-186 towards the end of _SetStats(). (This tool should download a youtube thumbnail and display it. Further functionality is to be implemented). I plan to simply find a work around the issue, but felt I'd post here for others and am always open to solutions. Replicating Yourself: I have attached the needed custom include files and the main file. !IMPORTANT! If you download this it is likely that the script will attempt to download dependencies to the script directory; youtube-dl, ffmpeg, and ImageMagick if they are not already on your path. ImageMagick in can be particularly messy when it does this, as it will leave you with some 30~ loose files so I'd recommend doing this in a dedicated folder. 1. Run Main.au3 2. Press Select with the default URL input 3. It will operate normally and the thumbnail will load within 30 seconds then press cancel. 4. Press select again. The thumbnail will be re downloaded to a new file with a new name but will be incorrectly sized. The amount can vary between videos. 5. Since the incorrect sized image blocks clicks you will have to exit the window and relaunch Main.au3 6. Repeat steps 2-3 but then place a new URL in instead of the original and press select. This will load correctly. If you load the same URL twice in a row it will break, but inserting another URL in between loads will fix the issue. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include "IniMngr.au3" #include "DepMngr.au3" #include "ExtMngr.au3" #include "YTDL_Get.au3" #include "JSON_Helpers.au3" #include "WindowDef.au3" #include "TimeFormat.au3" #include "SizeFormat.au3" _IniMngr() #Region Globals Global $sYTID = "" Global $jVideoInfo = _JSONArray() Global $fIniFile = $__fIniFile Global $nSelFormatIndex = -1 Global $fThumb = "" Global $fDownload = "" Global $fPrevDir = "" Global $aLockState[3] = ["Before","Before","Before"] #EndRegion Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) _LockMngr(Default, True) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($gaExternal[1][1], "") While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $gaExternal[2][1];gSelect _LockMngr("Selecting During") $sYTID = _DecodeURL($gaExternal[1][1]) If $sYTID <> "" Then $fThumb = _YTDL_Get_Thmb($sYTID, $jVideoInfo) _SetStats($gaSelVidSts) _LockMngr("Selecting After") Else _LockMngr("Selecting Before") EndIf ;~ MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaExternal[2][0]) Case $gaSelVidSts[9][1];gDownload MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSelVidSts[9][0]) Case $gaSelVidSts[10][1];gCancel Global $sYTID = "" Global $jVideoInfo = _JSONArray() Global $fThumb = "" Global $fDownload = "" Global $fPrevDir = "" _Clear_Temp_Files() _LockMngr("Selecting Before|Downloading Before|Confirming Before") ;~ MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSelVidSts[10][0]) Case $gaTransitions[1][1];gActiveTrans MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[1][0]) Case $gaTransitions[2][1];gInActvTrans MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[2][0]) Case $gaTransitions[3][1];gFindJumpCuts_ MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[3][0]) Case $gaTransitions[4][1];gActivateTrans MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[4][0]) Case $gaTransitions[5][1];gDeActivtTrans MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[5][0]) Case $gaTransitions[6][1];gGenVideoLists MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaTransitions[6][0]) Case $gaSegments[1][1];gActiveSegs MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[1][0]) Case $gaSegments[2][1];gInActvSegs MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[2][0]) Case $gaSegments[3][1];gResetSegments MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[3][0]) Case $gaSegments[4][1];gActivateSegs MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[4][0]) Case $gaSegments[5][1];gDeActivtSegs MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[5][0]) Case $gaSegments[6][1];gExportLists MsgBox(0,"","$g"&$gaSegments[6][0]) Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _On_Exit() EndSwitch WEnd Func _SetStats(ByRef $gaArray) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[1][1], StringSplit($gaArray[1][3],"|",2)[0]&""&$sYTID) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[2][1], StringSplit($gaArray[2][3],"|",2)[0]&$jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("title", $jVideoInfo)][1]) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[3][1], StringSplit($gaArray[3][3],"|",2)[0]&_FormatDuration($jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("duration", $jVideoInfo)][1])) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[4][1], StringSplit($gaArray[4][3],"|",2)[0]&$jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("width", $jVideoInfo)][1]&" x "&$jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("height", $jVideoInfo)][1]) Local $aFormats = $jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("formats", $jVideoInfo)][1] Local $aAccepted[UBound($aFormats)] For $l = 0 To UBound($aFormats) - 1 Local $aTmp = $aFormats[$l] $aAccepted[$l] = Not (_JSONIsNull($aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("filesize", $aFormats[$l])][1]) Or _JSONIsNull($aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("height", $aFormats[$l])][1])) Next Local $aDimSizes[0][3] For $l = 0 To UBound($aFormats) - 1 If $aAccepted[$l] Then Local $aTmp = $aFormats[$l] Local $nHeight = Number($aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("height", $aFormats[$l])][1]) Local $nSize = Number($aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("filesize", $aFormats[$l])][1]) Local $nIndex = _JSON_Find_Key($nHeight, $aDimSizes, 0) If _JSONIsNull($nIndex) Then _ArrayAdd($aDimSizes, $nHeight&"|"&$nSize&"|"&$l) ElseIf $nSize < $aDimSizes[$nIndex][1] Then $aDimSizes[$nIndex][1] = Number($nSize) $aDimSizes[$nIndex][2] = $l EndIf EndIf Next Local $nLTmp = 0 While UBound($aDimSizes) > 1 And $nLTmp < UBound($aDimSizes) ConsoleWrite($aDimSizes[0][0]&@CRLF) If Number($aDimSizes[$nLTmp][0]) < 480 Then _ArrayDelete($aDimSizes, $nLTmp) Else $nLTmp += 1 EndIf WEnd Local $nMaxSize = IniRead($fIniFile, "General", "Max File Size", "52428800") Local $nCount = 0 Local $aMinOver = -1 Local $aMaxQUnder = -1 For $l = 0 To UBound($aDimSizes) - 1 If Number($aDimSizes[$l][1]) > Number($nMaxSize) Then $nCount += 1 If Number($aDimSizes[$l][1]) < Number($aMinOver) Or Number($aMinOver) < 0 Then $aMinOver = Number($aDimSizes[$l][1]) EndIf Else If Number($aDimSizes[$l][0]) > Number($aMaxQUnder) Then $aMaxQUnder = Number($aDimSizes[$l][0]) EndIf EndIf Next If $nCount < UBound($aDimSizes) Then $nLTmp = 0 While UBound($aDimSizes) > 1 And $nLTmp < UBound($aDimSizes) If Number($aDimSizes[$nLTmp][1]) > $nMaxSize Then _ArrayDelete($aDimSizes, $nLTmp) Else $nLTmp += 1 EndIf WEnd EndIf $nLTmp = 0 While UBound($aDimSizes) > 1 And $nLTmp < UBound($aDimSizes) If Number($aDimSizes[$nLTmp][0]) < $aMaxQUnder then _ArrayDelete($aDimSizes, $nLTmp) Else $nLTmp += 1 EndIf WEnd For $l = 0 To UBound($aFormats) - 1 $aAccepted[$l] = False Next For $l = 0 To UBound($aDimSizes) - 1 $aAccepted[$aDimSizes[$l][2]] = True Next $nSelFormatIndex = 0 While Not $aAccepted[$nSelFormatIndex] And $nSelFormatIndex < UBound($aAccepted) $nSelFormatIndex += 1 WEnd ConsoleWrite("SelIndex: "&$nSelFormatIndex&@CRLF) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aFormats[$nSelFormatIndex]) Local $aTmp = $aFormats[$nSelFormatIndex] GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[5][1], StringSplit($gaArray[5][3],"|",2)[0]&$aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("width", $aTmp)][1]&" x "&$aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("height", $aTmp)][1]) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[6][1], StringSplit($gaArray[6][3],"|",2)[0]&_FormatFileSize($aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("filesize", $aTmp)][1])) Local $aThumbnails = $jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("thumbnails", $jVideoInfo)][1] $aTmp = $aThumbnails[0] For $l = 1 To UBound($aThumbnails) If $jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("thumbnail", $jVideoInfo)][1] == $aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("url", $aTmp)][1] Then ExitLoop Else $aTmp = $aThumbnails[$l] EndIf Next Local $nWidth = $aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("width" , $aTmp)][1] Local $nHeight = $aTmp[_JSON_Find_Key("height", $aTmp)][1] Local $nRatio = $nWidth / $nHeight ConsoleWrite($nWidth&" x "&$nHeight&" : "&$nRatio&@CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($gaArray[7][1], StringSplit($gaArray[7][3],"|",2)[0]&$jVideoInfo[_JSON_Find_Key("thumbnail", $jVideoInfo)][1]) ConsoleWrite(180 * $nRatio&" x "&180&@CRLF) GUICtrlSetPos($gaArray[8][1], 16, 157, 180 * $nRatio, 180) GUICtrlSetImage($gaArray[8][1], $fThumb) GUICtrlSetPos($gaArray[8][1], 16, 157, 180 * $nRatio, 180) EndFunc Func _DecodeURL($gURL) Local $sURLID = StringRight(StringRegExpReplace(GUICtrlRead($gURL), "https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([_\-a-zA-Z0-9]{11}).*?(?:\n|$)", "$1"), 11) If StringLen($sURLID) <> 11 Or $sURLID <> StringRegExpReplace($sURLID, "([^_\-0-9a-zA-Z])", "") Then $sURLID = "" EndIf Return($sURLID) EndFunc Func _LockMngr($sSetState = Default, $bFirst = False) If $sSetState <> Default Then Local $aUpdates = StringSplit($sSetState, "|") For $l = 1 To $aUpdates[0] Local $aUpdate = StringSplit($aUpdates[$l], " ") If $aUpdate[0] == 2 Then Switch $aUpdate[1] Case "Selecting" $aLockState[0] = $aUpdate[2] Case "Downloading" $aLockState[1] = $aUpdate[2] Case "Confirming" $aLockState[2] = $aUpdate[2] EndSwitch EndIf Next EndIf For $l = 0 To UBound($gaIndex) - 1 Local $gaTmp = $gaIndex[$l] For $l2 = 0 To UBound($gaTmp) - 1 ;~ If $bFirst Then ;~ Assign("g"&$gaTmp[$l2][0], $gaTmp[$l2][1]) ;~ EndIf Local $aLocalLockState = StringSplit($gaTmp[$l2][2],"|") Local $nResetIndex = -1 Local $sLocalLock = "U" For $l3 = 1 To $aLocalLockState[0] Local $aSingleLocalLockState = StringSplit($aLocalLockState[$l3], " ", 2) Switch $aSingleLocalLockState[0] Case "Selecting" If $aSingleLocalLockState[1] == $aLockState[0] Then $nResetIndex = $l3 $sLocalLock = "S" ExitLoop EndIf Case "Downloading" If $aSingleLocalLockState[1] == $aLockState[1] Then $nResetIndex = $l3 $sLocalLock = "D" ExitLoop EndIf Case "Confirming" If $aSingleLocalLockState[1] == $aLockState[2] Then $nResetIndex = $l3 $sLocalLock = "C" ExitLoop EndIf EndSwitch Next ;~ ConsoleWrite($gaTmp[$l2][0]&@TAB&$sLocalLock&"L"&@CRLF) If $sLocalLock == "U" Then GUICtrlSetState($gaTmp[$l2][1], 64) Else GUICtrlSetState($gaTmp[$l2][1], 128) If $gaTmp[$l2][4] <> Default Then $nResetIndex = StringSplit($gaTmp[$l2][4],",")[$nResetIndex] If $nResetIndex > 0 Then Local $aResetVals = StringSplit($gaTmp[$l2][3],"|") If $gaTmp[$l2][5] == Default Then GUICtrlSetData($gaTmp[$l2][1], $aResetVals[$nResetIndex]) Else Execute(StringReplace(StringReplace($gaTmp[$l2][5],"$HANDLE$","$gaTmp[$l2][1]"),"$INPUT$",$aResetVals[$nResetIndex])) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next Next ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aLockState) EndFunc WindowDef.au3 ExtMngr.au3 JSON_Helpers.au3 YTDL_Get.au3 IniMngr.au3 DepMngr.au3 TimeFormat.au3 SizeFormat.au3 JSON_Translate.au3 JSON.au3 Main.au3
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