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Please someone put me out of my misery.

I want to use Webdriver UDF but I need the other required UDFs.

There are useful links to chat about them but I can't find any download link.

I am signed in


[JSON UDF](https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/148114-a-non-strict-json-udf-jsmn)

15 pages off comments suggestions but I can't see any to download it

similarly I need BinaryCall.UDF

The Autoit download pages shows lots of pretty scrollable icons but the search box only leads back to the appropriate forum page.

PLEASE what do you all know that I don't?


Thank you very much for the link Subz, although it seems I might do better following another route if a required sub is not available.


This is what I see at the bottom of the first post (where I expected to find a link)


No Link!


Thank you both very much for your super quick replies.


Yes I see that now, it was the fact it was from someone else not Ward that threw me.  I did follow that google link and after the obligatory wrestle with GitHub, I managed to download.


Yes now I have found the latest version I see it includes Binarycall and have the demo working.

Now I can get started on doing what I want to achieve!


Thanks again both of you, you cannot believe the frustration when you go round and round in circles being sent back to the same page and not finding what you know must be there.


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