markyrocks Posted January 25, 2022 Posted January 25, 2022 I've been playing around with this for a lil bit. Not necessary mulling over the actual solving of the problem but the reversing of a series of bits... like its got my ocd kicking in. I know that it has to be possible algorithmically using some combination of bitwise operations, that doesn't involve a loop.... loops are BAD!! BAD LOOP NO. I just can't wrap my brain around it. Anyways its just for fun. The point of this is to check to see if a series of bits are a palindrome. so if you only had 8 bits it would need to look like 0001 1000 etc. An earlier version I had them all being checked individually but i was trying to come up with something a little cleaner... If you got any ideas hit me up. Its not that big of a deal bc its just some random thing someone of fb was asking for help with. Like shouldn't I be able to make the computer just read it backwards? like wtf. change the encoding or something. void reversebyte(byte* p) { byte b = 0;; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(*p & (1 << i)){ b |= 1 << 7 - i; } } *p = b; } int main() { int a = 1; byte b[4]{}; while (a < 100000000) { *(int*)&b = a; reversebyte(&b[0]); reversebyte(&b[1]); if (b[0] == b[3] && b[1] == b[2]) { cout << "good result : a = " << a << "\n"; } a++; } } on the topic of reversing a series of bit. I can get it to work sometimes because of my bits are 0101 bitwise ~ is a good reverse which would be 1010 something like 1101 ~ is 0010 so no good. TheDcoder 1 Spoiler "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
Werty Posted January 25, 2022 Posted January 25, 2022 How about using a look-up table with all the 256 different bytes in an array representet as bits, would probably be faster also, as you wouldnt need to calculate anything. TheDcoder 1 Some guy's script + some other guy's script = my script!
markyrocks Posted January 25, 2022 Author Posted January 25, 2022 28 minutes ago, Werty said: How about using a look-up table with all the 256 different bytes in an array representet as bits, would probably be faster also, as you wouldnt need to calculate anything. Hmmmmm ... wouldn't even be 256 they'd only need to be a map of 128 that was reflective of whatever the mirror was. Not to mention that would scale up very well. I'm not usually a fan of the database type approach but being so small....ya I like it. Again this is just for fun but that's....wait I have something coming I think. An algorithm maybe looming.. I'll report back. Werty and TheDcoder 2 Spoiler "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
markyrocks Posted January 25, 2022 Author Posted January 25, 2022 (edited) So I been chewing this over on my lunch break and the last exchange got me thinking. The 128 number wasn't correct. The byte can easily be broken into 2 halves that each half only has 16 different combinations.... of those 16 four of them {0,6,9,15} already reflect themselves. So that leaves 6 mapped pairs?... This is the kinda efficiency I'm talking about. Yeah!! Let me get out my can of loop be gone. I still believe that there's an algorithm in here. I'm just zeroing in on it. 2 of the pairs can simply be flipped. So now we have 2 groups those that can be flipped and those that cant..... Edited January 25, 2022 by markyrocks Spoiler "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
funkey Posted January 26, 2022 Posted January 26, 2022 Bit Twiddling Hacks ( Programming today is a race between software engineers striving tobuild bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universetrying to produce bigger and better idiots.So far, the Universe is winning.
AndyG Posted January 27, 2022 Posted January 27, 2022 (edited) On 1/25/2022 at 6:16 AM, markyrocks said: that doesn't involve a loop.... loops are BAD!! In Assembler, "Loop unrolling" is (should be) very common to solve the "problem" with loops. So if you don´t want to use some of the Bit Twiddling Hacks mentioned by funkey, unroll your "bad" loop. Functions to reverse bits in Byte, Word, Dword Func _BitreverseByte($byte) ;reverses bits in the lower 8 bits of $byte Return BitOR( _ ;add all shifted bits together BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x01), -7), _ ;Bit 0 to bit 7 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x02), -5), _ ;Bit 1 to bit 6 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x04), -3), _ ;Bit 2 to bit 5 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x08), -1), _ ;Bit 3 to bit 4 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x10), 1), _ ;Bit 4 to bit 3 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x20), 3), _ ;Bit 5 to bit 2 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x40), 5), _ ;Bit 6 to bit 1 BitShift(BitAND($byte, 0x80), 7)) ;Bit 7 to bit 0 EndFunc ;==>_BitreverseByte Func _bitreverseWord($word) ;reverses bits in the lower 16 bits of $byte Return BitOR( _ _BitreverseByte(BitShift($word, 8)), _ ;reverses upper 8 bits and shift to lower 8 bits BitShift(_BitreverseByte($word), -8)) ;reverses lower 8 bits and shift to higher 8 Bits EndFunc ;==>_bitreverseWord Func _bitreverseDword($dword) Return BitOR( _ _BitreverseByte(BitShift($dword, 24)), _ ;reverses upper 8 bits and shift to lower 8 bits BitShift(_BitreverseByte(BitShift($dword, 16)), -8), _ ; BitShift(_BitreverseByte(BitShift($dword, 08)), -16), _ ; BitShift(_BitreverseByte(BitShift($dword, 00)), -24)) ;reverses lower 8 bits and shift to higher 8 Bits EndFunc ;==>_bitreverseDword But i think these functions are not relating to On 1/25/2022 at 6:16 AM, markyrocks said: The point of this is to check to see if a series of bits are a palindrome. For example 111, 101, 100111001, are palindromes which can not be calculated with functions having a restriction to the length of byte/word/dword. The question is, are leading zeroes (up to a given length of the whole "bitstring") also allowed, so that 001100 or 0111011101110 or 000010000 are palindromes too? If only palindromes are allowed with a leading 1, only odd numbers are in the value area . expandcollapse popupGlobal $a_[256], $b_[256], $c_[11111112] ;only to show the binarystring _DecToBin_Startup() ;only to show the binarystring For $i = 1 To 50050 step 2 If _isbitpalindrome($i) Then ConsoleWrite($i & " " & _DecToBin($i) & @CRLF) Next Func _isbitpalindrome($uint) ;returns 1 if uint is bitpalindrome Local $reversed = 0 Local $i = $uint While $i > 0 ;until all bits are shifted $reversed = BitOR(BitShift($reversed, -1), BitAND($i, 1)) ;shift LSB of $i into $reversed $i = BitShift($i, 1) ;next bit of $i WEnd Return ($reversed = $uint) ? 1 : 0 EndFunc ;==>_isbitpalindrome ;functions by mars ; Func _BinToDec($bin) Local $dec = 0, $array = StringSplit($bin, "") For $i = $array[0] To 1 Step -1 If $array[$i] = "1" Then $dec += 2 ^ ($array[0] - $i) Next Return $dec EndFunc ;==>_BinToDec ; <Func>--------------------------------------------------| ; Ermittelt eine Dualzahl (0101) aus einer Dezimalzahl | ; Die Dezimalzahl muss kleiner als 2^31 sein | ; --------------------------------------------------------| Func _DecToBin($d) Return $d < 256 ? $a_[$d] : $d < 65536 ? $a_[$d / 256] & $b_[BitAND($d, 255)] : $d < 16777216 ? $a_[$d / 65536] & $b_[BitAND($d / 256, 255)] & $b_[BitAND($d, 255)] : $a_[BitShift($d, 24)] & $b_[BitAND($d / 65536, 255)] & $b_[BitAND($d / 256, 255)] & $b_[BitAND($d, 255)] EndFunc ;==>_DecToBin ; <Func>--------------------------------------------------| ; Initialisiert die DecToBin UDF | ; --------------------------------------------------------| Func _DecToBin_Startup() Local $t = DllStructCreate('char[64]'), $p = _ DllStructGetPtr($t), $hDll = DllOpen('msvcrt.dll') For $i = 0 To 255 Step 1 DllCall($hDll, 'ptr:cdecl', '_i64toa', 'int64', _ $i, 'ptr', $p, 'int', 2) $a_[$i] = DllStructGetData($t, 1) $b_[$i] = StringRight('0000000' & $a_[$i], 8) $c_[$a_[$i]] = $i Next DllClose($hDll) EndFunc ;==>_DecToBin_Startup //EDIT got faster function _isbitpalindrome() and from the "old" one _reversebits() Func _isbitpalindrome($uint) ;returns 1 if uint is bitpalindrome Local $msb, $lsb For $msb = 31 To 0 Step -1 ;get position of msb from 31 to 0 If BitAND($uint, BitShift(1, -$msb)) Then ExitLoop Next While $lsb < $msb ;compare 2 bits If (BitAND($uint, BitShift(1, -$lsb)) ? 1 : 0) <> (BitAND($uint, BitShift(1, -$msb)) ? 1 : 0) Then Return 0 ;the 2 bits are not equal ;bits are equal, compare next 2 bits $lsb = $lsb + 1 ;bitposition $msb = $msb - 1 ;bitposition WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_isbitpalindrome Func _reversebits($uint) ;reverses the bits of a given uint Local $reversed = 0 While $uint > 0 ;until all bits are shifted $reversed = BitOR(BitShift($reversed, -1), BitAND($uint, 1)) ;shift LSB of $uint into $reversed $uint = BitShift($uint, 1) ;next bit of $uint WEnd Return $reversed EndFunc ;==>_reversebits Edited January 27, 2022 by AndyG
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