t0nZ Posted December 28, 2021 Posted December 28, 2021 I was searching for a way to highlight zones (regions, provinces, counties, etc) on a map, and I don't need super precise maps so I wrote this script, based on picking up black and white maps (2 colors BW .png or .gif tested) and filling them with colors, writing down a sqlite database to associate zones with names (and other data as well), and reuse the map and the DB to display data, in my example reading a simple .txt file. It's all based on this thread and this other thread. So I have two modes: The Map "creation mode" : you provide a map image and you start to pick up colors, set "upper level" region/state, and by clicking on a region you fill it and you name it, and all the data are saved on a sqlite DB (auto-created) when you have the map image and a DB with the correct associations, you can switch the "mode" to "show" (as by .ini file) and the script tries to read a "datafile" showing the zone names listed in datafile. The code: expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Icone\mapFlooder.ico #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;MAP Flooder ;(C) NSC 2021 #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <_GOLLOG.au3> #include <SQLite.au3> #include <SQLite.dll.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> Opt("mousecoordmode", 2) Global $prgname = "MAP Flooder", $ver = "V.0.7", $Buttoncolor = "0xFF00FF", $MPini = @ScriptDir & "\MapFlooder.ini", $btest Global $dbfullpath, $dbtable, $dbFields, $mapfile, $FloodMode, $datafile Global $HDC, $hBrush, $hGraphics, $obj_orig Global $Pic1, $gui, $width, $height, $bColor, $realtimeCoords, $lastclickcoords, $inputSup, $zonecountNum,$labeltest #Region program Gollog(">>>>>> Start MAP Flooder " & $ver) ctrlini() Gui() SQLiteDBcreate() If $FloodMode = "createdb" Then Gollog("CreateDB Mode") DBFlooder() Else Gollog("Show MAP mode") MapShow("show") EndIf Close() #EndRegion program #Region funcS Func Gui() _GDIPlus_Startup() $Pic1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($mapfile) $width = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($Pic1) $height = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($Pic1) If $FloodMode = "createdb" Then $gui = GUICreate($prgname & " " & $ver, $width + 150, $height) $labelLoadedMap = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loaded Map", $width + 10, 5) $labelLoadedMap2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(_FileToFileName($mapfile), $width + 10, 25) $labeldim = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Width*Height", $width + 10, 45) $labeldim2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($width & " * " & $height, $width + 10, 65) $lastclickcoordslabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Last Click Coords", $width + 10, 100) $lastclickcoords = GUICtrlCreateLabel("xx - xx", $width + 10, 120, 180, 20) $realtimeCoordslabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Real Time Coords", $width + 10, 140) $realtimeCoords = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Real Time Coords", $width + 10, 160, 80, 20) $SuPzonelabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Supzone (region-state)", $width + 10, 200) $inputSup = GUICtrlCreateInput("sup", $width + 10, 220, 80, 20) $bColor = GUICtrlCreateButton($Buttoncolor, $width + 10, 250, 130, 30) GUICtrlSetBkColor($bColor, $Buttoncolor) $zonecountlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Done Zone Count:", $width + 10, 320, 100, 20) $zonecountNum = GUICtrlCreateLabel("x", $width + 10, 340, 100, 20) $btest = GUICtrlCreateButton("TEST MAP", $width + 10, 380, 130, 30) $labeltest = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $width + 10, 420, 130, 30) Else $gui = GUICreate($prgname & " " & $ver, $width, $height) EndIf GUISetState() $HDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($gui) $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($HDC) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphics, $Pic1, 0, 0, $width, $height) EndFunc ;==>Gui Func MapShow($showmode) ; reading a simple text file with zone names, searching for names in DB and fill the map using stored coordinates If $showmode = "show" Then Local $aLines = FileReadToArray($datafile) Local $iLineCount = @extended EndIf If $showmode = "test" Then $iLineCount = 1 If @error Then MsgBox(48, "MapFlooder", "There was an error reading the data file. @error: " & @error) ; Gollog("There was an error reading the data file. @error: " & @error) Close() Else Gollog("start filling zones") _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open($dbfullpath) ; open Database with zone definitions Local $hQuery, $aRow For $i = 0 To $iLineCount - 1 If $showmode = "show" Then _SQLite_Query(-1, "SELECT * FROM " & $dbtable & " where zone = '" & $aLines[$i] & "' ORDER BY zone ASC;", $hQuery) ; the query EndIf If $showmode = "test" Then _SQLite_Query(-1, "SELECT * FROM " & $dbtable & " ORDER BY zone ASC;", $hQuery) ; the query EndIf While _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, $aRow) = $SQLITE_OK $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $aRow[2]) ; fill color read from DB $obj_orig = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SelectObject", "int", $HDC, "int", $hBrush[0]) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "FloodFill", "int", $HDC, "int", $aRow[3], "int", $aRow[4], "int", 0x000000) If $showmode = "test" Then GUICtrlSetData($labeltest,$aRow[0]) Sleep(200) GUISetState() EndIf WEnd _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) Next _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() EndIf While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>MapShow Func DBFlooder() $zonecount = 0 While 1 $mp = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlSetData($realtimeCoords, $mp[0] & " - " & $mp[1]) $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop If $msg = $bColor Then colorP() If $msg = $btest Then MapShow("Test") If $mp[0] < $width And $mp[1] < $height And _IsPressed("01") And WinActive($gui) Then $mp = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlSetData($lastclickcoords, $mp[0] & " - " & $mp[1]) $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $Buttoncolor) ; fill color ok $obj_orig = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SelectObject", "int", $HDC, "int", $hBrush[0]) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "FloodFill", "int", $HDC, "int", $mp[0], "int", $mp[1], "int", 0x000000) Local $Zone = InputBox("Map Floode", "Zone ?") If $Zone = "" Or @error = 1 Then ; when manage wrong click, possibility to repeat ; set 'temp' color to highlight the 'wrong' click $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", 0x4ccfc6) ; fill color wrong $obj_orig = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SelectObject", "int", $HDC, "int", $hBrush[0]) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "FloodFill", "int", $HDC, "int", $mp[0], "int", $mp[1], "int", 0x000000) ; restore color $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $Buttoncolor) ; fill color ok $obj_orig = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SelectObject", "int", $HDC, "int", $hBrush[0]) Else _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open($dbfullpath) ; open Database Local $SupZone = GUICtrlRead($inputSup) Local $data = '"' & $Zone & '","' & $SupZone & '","' & $Buttoncolor & '",' & $mp[0] & "," & $mp[1] _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO " & $dbtable & "(" & $dbFields & ") VALUES (" & $data & ");") If @error = -1 Then GOLLOG("Error insert record") MsgBox(48, "Error", "insert record") EndIf $zonecount += 1 GUICtrlSetData($zonecountNum, $zonecount) _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>DBFlooder Func Close() Gollog("<<<<<<< closing...") _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($gui, $HDC) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>Close Func SQLiteDBcreate() ;complete path e filename If Not FileExists($dbfullpath) Then GOLLOG("perform SQLite DB creation") Local $dbfolder = _FileToFilePath($dbfullpath) ;Local $dbfile = _FileToFileName($dbfullpath) If Not FileExists($dbfolder) Then DirCreate($dbfolder) ; =====================>>>>> START SQL DLL _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open($dbfullpath) ; open Database ; creating first table If _SQLite_Exec(-1, "CREATE TABLE " & $dbtable & " (" & $dbFields & ");") = $SQLITE_OK Then GOLLOG("DB table - " & $dbtable & " - creation ok") Else GOLLOG("Error creating DB table : " & @error) EndIf _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() Else Gollog("DB already exist") EndIf EndFunc ;==>SQLiteDBcreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FileToFilePath ; Description ...: Returns a folder path from a FQPN (Fully Qualified Path Name) ; Syntax ........: _FileToFilePath($sPath) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - a string value. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToFilePath($sPath) Local $sReturn = StringLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1) - 1) Return ($sReturn) EndFunc ;==>_FileToFilePath ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FileToFileName ; Description ...: Returns a filename from a FQPN (Fully Qualified Path Name) ; Syntax ........: _FileToFileName($sPath[, $bIncludeExtension = True]) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - a string value. ; $bIncludeExtension - [optional] a boolean value. Default is True. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToFileName($sPath, $bIncludeExtension = True) Local $sReturn = StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1)) If $bIncludeExtension = False Then $sReturn = StringLeft($sReturn, StringInStr($sReturn, ".", 0, -1) - 1) Return ($sReturn) EndFunc ;==>_FileToFileName Func colorP() ; modified for BGR color GOLLOG("Color Picker") Local $color = _ChooseColor(2) If $color = -1 Then GOLLOG("no color selected") Else Local $sCr = Hex($color, 6) Local $RGB_Buttoncolor = '0x' & StringMid($sCr, 1, 2) & StringMid($sCr, 3, 2) & StringMid($sCr, 5, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($bColor, $RGB_Buttoncolor) ; BGR color $Buttoncolor = '0x' & StringMid($sCr, 5, 2) & StringMid($sCr, 3, 2) & StringMid($sCr, 1, 2) GUICtrlSetData($bColor, $Buttoncolor) GOLLOG("new color " & $Buttoncolor & " selected") EndIf EndFunc ;==>colorP Func ctrlini() ;ini read If FileExists($MPini) Then GOLLOG("found: " & $MPini) $mapfile = IniRead($MPini, "map", "mapfile", "") $datafile = IniRead($MPini, "map", "datafile", "") $dbfullpath = IniRead($MPini, "db", "dbfullpath", "") $dbtable = IniRead($MPini, "db", "dbtable", "") $dbFields = IniRead($MPini, "db", "dbfields", "") $FloodMode = IniRead($MPini, "mode", "mode", "") Else GOLLOG($MPini & " NOT found..") Close() EndIf EndFunc ;==>ctrlini #EndRegion funcS All the needed files plus some example (image maps and DBs) Link to all demo files To test, copy all in a single folder and adjust the mapflooder.ini, also you can add to you includes the _gollog.au3 (used for log, you can avoid it deleting all Gollog() lines)
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