KenKen Posted October 30, 2021 Posted October 30, 2021 Hi ! I try to do a mouse bounce on my screen like the famous dvd bounce screen but i don't understand how to do it. So if anyone made this script could they share it so i can learn how its was done ? Thanks in advance.
Gianni Posted October 30, 2021 Posted October 30, 2021 (edited) expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ; #include <WinAPISysWin.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") Global $hGUI, $iWidth, $iHeight example() Func example() Local $sFileImage = @TempDir & "\logo.png" Local $sImageURL = "" Local $x = 10, $y = 10, $xDirection = 3, $yDirection = 3, $aPos If Not FileExists($sFileImage) Then InetGet($sImageURL, $sFileImage) _SetImage($x, $y, $sFileImage) ; FileDelete($sFileImage) While 1 $aPos = WinGetPos($hGUI) $x = $aPos[0] $y = $aPos[1] If $x + $iWidth > @DesktopWidth Then $x = @DesktopWidth - $iWidth $xDirection *= -1 EndIf If $x < 0 Then $x = 0 $xDirection *= -1 EndIf If $y + $iHeight > @DesktopHeight Then $y = @DesktopHeight - $iHeight $yDirection *= -1 EndIf If $y < 0 Then $y = 0 $yDirection *= -1 EndIf $x += $xDirection $y += $yDirection WinMove($hGUI, '', $x, $y) Sleep(10) WEnd FileDelete($sFileImage) EndFunc ;==>example Func _SetImage($Left, $Top, $Picture, $iOpacity = 255) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hScrDC, $hMemDC, $hBitmap, $hOld, $pSize, $tSize, $pSource, $tSource, $pBlend, $tBlend Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($Picture) $iWidth = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) $iHeight = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) $hGUI = GUICreate('', $iWidth, $iHeight, $Left, $Top, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_LAYERED + $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW + $WS_EX_TOPMOST) Local $hLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) $hScrDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(0) $hMemDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hScrDC) $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hImage) $hOld = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hBitmap) $tSize = DllStructCreate($tagSIZE) $pSize = DllStructGetPtr($tSize) DllStructSetData($tSize, "X", $iWidth) DllStructSetData($tSize, "Y", $iHeight) $tSource = DllStructCreate($tagPOINT) $pSource = DllStructGetPtr($tSource) $tBlend = DllStructCreate($tagBLENDFUNCTION) $pBlend = DllStructGetPtr($tBlend) DllStructSetData($tBlend, "Alpha", $iOpacity) DllStructSetData($tBlend, "Format", 1) _WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow($hGUI, $hScrDC, 0, $pSize, $hMemDC, $pSource, 0, $pBlend, $ULW_ALPHA) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hScrDC) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hMemDC, $hOld) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hMemDC) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Return $hGUI EndFunc ;==>_SetImage Func _Exit() If WinActive("[ACTIVE]") = $hGUI Then Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Edited October 31, 2021 by Chimp removed FileDelete() Leendert-Jan 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
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